How will they rule ??!

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There is nothing illegal for the Clinton Foundation accepting foreign donations. You all have been screaming about this, but it's idiotic. Foundations accept foreign donations all the time. Corporate, national, individual. All the time. No law broken. None. Perfectly ok. And the foundation doesn't pay the Clintons a penny.

Screaming about it doesn't change anything.

Do you know what ethics are? It may not be illegal (doubtful), but it's sure as hell unethical.
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People keep asking moe questions like he will suddenly stop being an insufferable DNC whore. He is essentially one of those mouthpieces you see in the 4 box screen on MSNBC ranting about whatever the de facto spin of the day is straight from the party. He went seamlessly from Bernie to HRC....shouting about oligarchs one day and defending them the next. There is no compass with the guy. Put money on the dresser and down he goes.
Do you know what ethics are? It may not be illegal (doubtful), but it's sure as hell unethical.

Because it's the Clintons or does that hold for all foundations.

And this forum has been screaming "illegal" since 1911. Did you all really mean to scream "unethical!"
People keep asking moe questions like he will suddenly stop being an insufferable DNC whore. He is essentially one of those mouthpieces you see in the 4 box screen on MSNBC ranting about whatever the de facto spin of the day is straight from the party. He went seamlessly from Bernie to HRC....shouting about oligarchs one day and defending them the next. There is no compass with the guy. Put money on the dresser and down he goes.

And a working girl has so much competition from the little tarts just giving it away.
Have at it, chums. This all smacks of the gibe, "Can dish it out but can't take it." This forum has seen worse against Clinton.

My understanding is that the statue was erected with the caption The Emperor's Clothes which is an old and honorable critique. Trump, after all, claimed that he was the only one who could save us. Once you take on the mantle of the nation's savior, you're fair game for all the ridicule the peasants can muster. He's a howlingly vain man and that comb over competes with Gene Keady's for the worst anyone has ever seen.

Look, it's a tacky, tasteless sculpture. The caption is the Emperor has no balls, as does the sculpture.
There would be an absolute shitstorm hissy fit from the left if this had been a sculpture of Hillary, shaming her body. You can take that to the bank.
pls don't hold me to lofty comedic standards like your sig or martin mull references

Was the Martin Mull reference the "folk music scare"? I love that joke.

The sig and avatar are from Alice in Wonderland. No, I don't hold anyone to that standard.
Because it's the Clintons or does that hold for all foundations.

And this forum has been screaming "illegal" since 1911. Did you all really mean to scream "unethical!"

I don't speak for anyone but myself. ANYONE that holds ANY elected or appointed office should NOT be taking donations from any government or business that represents another country.

It really shouldn't be that hard to understand why.
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Look, it's a tacky, tasteless sculpture. The caption is the Emperor has no balls, as does the sculpture.
There would be an absolute shitstorm hissy fit from the left if this had been a sculpture of Hillary, shaming her body. You can take that to the bank.

I thought the Emperor had no hands. After all the body shaming HRC has undergone, I think your all's current hissy fit is wonderful. Goose & gander. Turnabout is fair play. Etc.

Clinton has the usual concerns about her appearance but nothing quite as epic as Trump's. We don't need to search for surrogates to find examples of body-shaming. No the Lard Cheeto himself has indulged in those.
I don't speak for anyone but myself. ANYONE that holds ANY elected or appointed office should NOT be taking donations from any government or business that represents another country.

It really shouldn't be that hard to understand why.

I do understand. The Foundation doesn't hold an office.
Look, it's a tacky, tasteless sculpture. The caption is the Emperor has no balls, as does the sculpture.
There would be an absolute shitstorm hissy fit from the left if this had been a sculpture of Hillary, shaming her body. You can take that to the bank.

Remember the good old days when Rick Lazio couldn't even walk towards Hellary without being called sexist, and stores had to pull their Chia Obuma busts because they were racist... [eyeroll]
So the New York City parks and rec immediately took the statue down? This political correctness bs has got to stop. What is this? The USSR?
No, you clearly don't understand.

Again there is this thing called ethics, and there is also something called conflict of interest.

Doing favors for leaders, businesses in return for donations to the foundation...unethical and quite possibly illegal.

Quite possibly I'm the King of Roumania.
I don't speak for anyone but myself. ANYONE that holds ANY elected or appointed office should NOT be taking donations from any government or business that represents another country.

It really shouldn't be that hard to understand why.

What elected or appointed office does Bill Clinton hold?
Manafort steps down, as he should. Yet hillary moves onward and upward. The email leak would've ended any GOP candidates run; and maybe career.

But barely a blip on the radar for her, thanks to msm.
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Lewandowski then Manafort and now Bannon. Each one kookier and more controversial than the last.

But continue convincing yourselves that you're not getting trolled, Trumpers.

The Count of Monte Cristo has nothing on The Donald.
I thought the Emperor had no hands. After all the body shaming HRC has undergone, I think your all's current hissy fit is wonderful. Goose & gander. Turnabout is fair play. Etc.

Clinton has the usual concerns about her appearance but nothing quite as epic as Trump's. We don't need to search for surrogates to find examples of body-shaming. No the Lard Cheeto himself has indulged in those.

No one is having a hissy fit Moe, simply pointing out the double standard.

If there were several statues of Hillary with her tits sagging down to her knees, the media would be screaming sexist from the hilltops. There would be a campaign to remove them, and Trump would somehow be the culprit.
Bill Clinton, of course, can work for whomever he wants. He has no "favors."

HRC hasn't been SoS in years and there's only the donation to Haiti from Algeria on her mark from then. Algeria is one of our greatest allies in the region.

And, of course, there's the fact that the foundation doesn't pay the Clintons a dime.

None but his speaking fees doubled with his wife as SOS. Just a coincidence?
I thought conservatives believed that the market determines what people are paid?

Below is from Forbes Magazine in 2008.

The Most Expensive Speeches

By the measure of history, a list of the greatest speakers includes names like Lincoln, King and Churchill.

But measure with cash, and other names, like Trump, Blair and Reagan, rise to the top. Their fame, charisma and rock-star appeal has enabled them to pull in more than $250,000 per speech, and propelled them to the top of our list of the most expensive speeches.

An examination of the highest speaking fees ever paid puts Donald Trump Donald Trump on top with the staggering $1.5 million the Learning Annex paid him for each speech he delivered at the company’s real estate “wealth expos” in 2006 and 2007, more than was earned from addresses by former U.S. President Ronald Reagan and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
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I thought conservatives believed that the market determines what people are paid?

Below is from Forbes Magazine in 2008.

The Most Expensive Speeches

By the measure of history, a list of the greatest speakers includes names like Lincoln, King and Churchill.

But measure with cash, and other names, like Trump, Blair and Reagan, rise to the top. Their fame, charisma and rock-star appeal has enabled them to pull in more than $250,000 per speech, and propelled them to the top of our list of the most expensive speeches.

An examination of the highest speaking fees ever paid puts Donald Trump Donald Trump on top with the staggering $1.5 million the Learning Annex paid him for each speech he delivered at the company’s real estate “wealth expos” in 2006 and 2007, more than was earned from addresses by former U.S. President Ronald Reagan and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
Their wife's weren't Secretary of State.
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No one is having a hissy fit Moe, simply pointing out the double standard.

If there were several statues of Hillary with her tits sagging down to her knees, the media would be screaming sexist from the hilltops. There would be a campaign to remove them, and Trump would somehow be the culprit.
There's a double standard when it comes to men's and women's bodies? Say it ain't so.