How will they rule ??!

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Already have taken over. We are getting closer to a socialist/communist government much to the happiness of some on here. They will not like it so much after it happens and they have no say. We are close to it now with having no real vote since it is being fixed in Hillary's favor.

You're right, whatever happened to united we Stand?
The leftists are all about divide and conquer.
Divide by race, divide by education, divide by religion, and we're standing by and letting it happen. We are slowly losing our independence.
I hope the BLM'ers don't start griping when they have to walk 20 miles to get a gallon of milk.
Given their history, they will not only piss and moan about their self imposed lack of access to milk, they will blame the white man for what they have done to themselves. Again. BLM is a blight upon their own people. God praise them.
Yeah, it is not like flooding has ever happened in the past. Ice shelves have never melted either or gotten bigger in the other pole at the same time. This is the first time ever. You tell them killa

We haven't seen any change in the polar ice caps quite like this since the Great Flood.
Trust in Hillary!

Clinton Foundation Fun Facts: Smorgasbord Edition

How much money has the Clinton Foundation raised globally? Ortel says it’s a “$100 billion criminal conspiracy” and goes on to say, “I think it is a disgrace. To put that number into perspective, depending on how you look at the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme, that was either $40 billion to $60 billion. This is $100 billion, and maybe more.”

How much Clinton Foundation money actually makes it to charitable causes? Ortel says, “It’s impossible to tell from the filings. You are supposed to tell from the filings, and it’s impossible to tell. One of the biggest expenses in the recent period in the Clinton Foundation is for pharmaceuticals for supposedly fighting HIV Aids. If this were a well-run charity, you would provide a detailed breakdown of what pharmaceuticals by type and at what price. There is none of that disclosure. You don’t know if that pharmaceutical number is completely made up or not. You have no way of telling, and the auditors have never done their work. This is why I say this is a text book case study in global charity fraud. It needs to be exposed as such.”

How did this so-called charity get so far off track? Ortel explains, “When you look at any foundation, and the Clinton Foundation in particular, you have to check and see what its authorized tax exempt purposes are. Because this entity raises money from the public continuously... they have to be very specific. Their authorized tax exempt purpose, stated in their application dated 23 December 2007, was just supposed to be Presidential archival research facility in Little Rock. They never have been authorized as far as I can tell from the public filings... they have never been authorized to fight HIV Aids, fight climate change, convene meetings in New York and set up these various initiatives. None of them has been validly authorized, which means they have been raising money with materially false and misleading public filings. They have been doing it using the mail, using the Internet and using telephones, all of which is a federal crime.

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@Willy4UK , my man…I'll tell you one thing. Forget about the presidential race for a minute. The Haiti scam part of the Clinton Foundation shenanigans makes me sick to my stomach. Absolutely sick. It's beyond shameful. It's inhumane. And they give no effs. None. They STILL exploit the situation. They still tout Haiti as one of their greatest achievements.

Read that entire article i just linked. Or at least scroll down to the Haiti part. And that just scratches the surface of the Haiti deal.
Yeah they somehow got all the scientists to agree, destroyed coral reefs, made it flood, put huge magnifying glasses on ice shelves all over the world, yeah that's it! You got em man!

They even got the scientists at Exxon to -- get this -- fake evidence for the same conclusion (and this is the beauty part) and then hide it for 30 years so that it would be released during legal discovery. How brilliant is that???! Oil company scientists are part of the conspiracy! Thirty years on! Oh, you got to admire that. That's the greatest long con ever.
@Willy4UK , my man…I'll tell you one thing. Forget about the presidential race for a minute. The Haiti scam part of the Clinton Foundation shenanigans makes me sick to my stomach. Absolutely sick. It's beyond shameful. It's inhumane. And they give no effs. None. They STILL exploit the situation. They still tout Haiti as one of their greatest achievements.

Read that entire article i just linked. Or at least scroll down to the Haiti part. And that just scratches the surface of the Haiti deal.

man. That's pretty sick. All that money, all those promises. None fulfilled.

What a sham of a family.
That suggest both melting. This time one is growing.

Well, no. Sea ice around Antarctica has grown slightly But the ice on the continent is dropping dramatically. (Gravity studies) A recent paper by James Hansen (et alia) examine the ocean's and the continent's response to increased melt and ocean warming.

Paleo-climate data indicates that when the Antarctic continent ice melts it melts at an exponential rate. Not a linear rate. Hansen offers a possible mechanism for this. It's important because paleo-climate data shows that Antarctica has melted before and much quicker than current models predict. The paper examines what is happening already below the surface -- the under-ice topography of Antarctica is complex and sea water penetrates under the sea ice far from the edge of the ocean. To hollow out the ice from underneath rather than from the edges inward.

One of the important things about the paper is to note that the current target of 2C is not a safe one. The current prediction for sea level rise by most ice melt models is less than that in the paelo-record despite the concurrent forcings of past melts being less than what we're currently experiencing. Is it reasonable to expect that ice would melt faster in cooler temps?

I quote:

Our study germinated a decade ago. Hansen (2005, 2007) argued that the modest 21st century sea level rise projected by IPCC (2001), less than a meter, was inconsistent with presumed climate forcings, which were larger than paleoclimate forcings associated with sea level rise of many meters. His argument about the potential rate of sea level rise was necessarily heuristic, because ice sheet models are at an early stage of development, depending sensitively on many processes that are poorly understood. This uncertainty is illustrated by Pollard et al. (2015), who found that addition of hydro-fracturing and cliff failure into their ice sheet model increased simulated sea level rise from 2 to 17 m, in response to only 2 ◦C ocean warming and accelerated the time for substantial change from several centuries to several decades

:end quote

A rise of 17m in the span of decades would swamp the capacity of governments to respond.
Yeah they somehow got all the scientists to agree, destroyed coral reefs, made it flood, put huge magnifying glasses on ice shelves all over the world, yeah that's it! You got em man!
All of that has been happening for billions of years. And you idiots say the right are anti science.
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You're right, whatever happened to united we Stand?
The leftists are all about divide and conquer.
Divide by race, divide by education, divide by religion, and we're standing by and letting it happen. We are slowly losing our independence.

How? What can't you do today that you couldn't do 100 years ago?
Yeah, it is not like flooding has ever happened in the past. Ice shelves have never melted either or gotten bigger in the other pole at the same time. This is the first time ever. You tell them killa

I'm unclear about what your're argument means. Do you think AGW is supposed create novel kinds of weather?

People die all the time. That doesn't mean there aren't murders.
They even got the scientists at Exxon to -- get this -- fake evidence for the same conclusion (and this is the beauty part) and then hide it for 30 years so that it would be released during legal discovery. How brilliant is that???! Oil company scientists are part of the conspiracy! Thirty years on! Oh, you got to admire that. That's the greatest long con ever.

It's not about the data Moe, it's about the conclusion.
It's like George Will says. The best survey -- according to him, can't recall which one - indicates 84% of scientists believe in AGW. So, query: are the 16% of scientists who don't "anti-science"?
Buy American made Levi's, expect my children's future to have more oppurtunity than mine.
Are you trying to say that isn't what's happening in our country?

The tax structure since Reagan has helped create huge shifts in wealth. Worldwide this is happening. "Neo-liberal economics" is what they call it now and it's orthodox everywhere. The result: a huge savings glut. Money is just piling up and the rich don't invest. The middle class has less money to buy things so why should the rich create factories? "Trickle down" didn't happen. It was a lie.

Go ahead. Ask the crowd here what they think the solution should be. I bet it's a variation of Tax Cuts for the Rich Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different solution.
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It's like George Will says. The best survey -- according to him, can't recall which one - indicates 84% of scientists believe in AGW. So, query: are the 16% of scientists who don't "anti-science"?

Yah, George Will. He'd know, wouldn't he? He's a real boffin, he is.
The tax structure since Reagan has helped create huge shifts in wealth. Worldwide this is happening. "Neo-liberal economics" is what they call it now and it's orthodox everywhere. The result: a huge savings glut. Money is just piling up and the rich don't invest. The middle class has less money to buy things so why should the rich create factories? "Trickle down" didn't happen. It was a lie.

Go ahead. Ask the crowd here what they think the solution should be. I bet it's a variation of Tax Cuts for the Rich Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different solution.

I know you have a hard time separating the two but tax cuts for corporations is different than for the rich.

Also the rich, i.e. Donald Trump, are smart enough to not have bi weekly income and figure out how to beat taxes almost completely. And don't think for a second just because the Clintons show their taxes that they weren't prepared for that to not be a hang up on their candidacy. Everything she does is calculated and scripted.

What trump wants to do is take away the 45% area of taxation but also eliminate loopholes like hiding money off shores.
The Exxon scientists reached the same conclusion: we're causing the planet to warm.

Why would Exxon care? Seriously, we aren't using less oil. In fact the US is pumping more oil now than ever, throw in Natural Gas and they are loving the fall of coal.
Follow the money Moe
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The tax structure since Reagan has helped create huge shifts in wealth. Worldwide this is happening. "Neo-liberal economics" is what they call it now and it's orthodox everywhere. The result: a huge savings glut. Money is just piling up and the rich don't invest. The middle class has less money to buy things so why should the rich create factories? "Trickle down" didn't happen. It was a lie.

Go ahead. Ask the crowd here what they think the solution should be. I bet it's a variation of Tax Cuts for the Rich Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different solution.

Reagan caused this worldwide? You're wrong Moe, globalization is causing it.

We can argue this all day, and quite frankly I don't care about the rest of the world. I care about the US, and international free trade has opened the door, it won't be given back.

Hillary will continue to do more of the same, without question. In fact she tells us that in get campaign ad. The companies that leave will pay an exit tax, with that she'll invest the largest infrastructure build up since WW II?
Read that very carefully.
First of all its BS, the companies aren't leaving, only the plants. Second, how many would have to leave to fund that?
Merkel telling German companies to hire refugees. haha

What a dumb bitch.

So German companies hire non-speaking Germans to work for their companies but those refugees can't speak a lick of German.

Tell you what exactly is going to happen. German companies will hire these terrorist refugees and then will subsidize their pay from the German tax payers.

Not only hire these awful animals, but then they will rape and terrorize women and gays of Germany. While working their German job.
Merkel telling German companies to hire refugees. haha

What a dumb bitch.

So German companies hire non-speaking Germans to work for their companies but those refugees can't speak a lick of German.

Tell you what exactly is going to happen. German companies will hire these terrorist refugees and then will subsidize their pay from the German tax payers.

Not only hire these awful animals, but then they will rape and terrorize women and gays of Germany. While working their German job.

She's trying to make up for past German atrocities from the Nazi era. She is swinging the pendulum too far in the opposite direction.
The US is doing the same thing trying atone for slavery.
It's part of the human condition, we fail to realize the past can't be changed.

What the west is doing now is only going to lead to blood shed and hate.
I know you have a hard time separating the two but tax cuts for corporations is different than for the rich.

Also the rich, i.e. Donald Trump, are smart enough to not have bi weekly income and figure out how to beat taxes almost completely. And don't think for a second just because the Clintons show their taxes that they weren't prepared for that to not be a hang up on their candidacy. Everything she does is calculated and scripted.

What trump wants to do is take away the 45% area of taxation but also eliminate loopholes like hiding money off shores.

It doesn't matter. Corporations are sitting on cash, too.Apple had to be sue to even pay a farking dividend.
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