How will they rule ??!

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I sat there for 10 seconds and watched Obama blow through a little over $1 million dollars.

Also nice to see Obama up 121% on federal spending today! Woo hoo! Go Obama GO!!!!!!

I was looking at the US National Debt Clock yesterday and my 8 year old said, "Daddy, why are ALL of the red clocks moving twice as fast as ALL of the green clocks?"

I told her it was GW Bush's fault.
They're sitting on cash rather than investing in producing a product.

The point is this: the neo-liberal story about the economy is false.


So tax them until they have no cash to sit on?

Did you ever think about maybe just maybe they keep that cash for Hillary to come and speak?

Or maybe because it's sitting in some foreign country in order to avoid American taxes?

Or possibly, they don't trust your stupid liberal leaders and and refuse to get bent over?

I have cash stored away too! From working and manging my funds and leaving under my means so that one day I can retire and or send my kids to school.......might as well send the govt to come get that so some lazy ass dope dealer in the hood can not work while shooting our cops!

Liberals suck! I swear I wish this country would divide so they would die off or migrate to some other socialist BS country.
I know they are paying dividends but once again, you try to change the argument. You made the claim that Apple was sued and forced to pay dividends. That is not true.

You're right The threat of a suit was in the press and the new dividend. I'd assumed the suit had succeeded. Thanks for the correction.

So tax them until they have no cash to sit on?

Did you ever think about maybe just maybe they keep that cash for Hillary to come and speak?

Or maybe because it's sitting in some foreign country in order to avoid American taxes?

Or possibly, they don't trust your stupid liberal leaders and and refuse to get bent over?

I have cash stored away too! From working and manging my funds and leaving under my means so that one day I can retire and or send my kids to school.......might as well send the govt to come get that so some lazy ass dope dealer in the hood can not work while shooting our cops!

Liberals suck! I swear I wish this country would divide so they would die off or migrate to some other socialist BS country.

Good luck
Why am I not shocked that the Clintons have their hands in on Zika?

Just like Haiti. The Clinton foundation is trying to find a way to make money off a tragedy.
1/4 in Puerto Rico are supposed to have Zika by the end of 2016.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Rockefeller foundation helped the Clinton Foundation to exploit that patent. For shit sakes, there is a patent on this virus and a heavy democrat funded foundation has the rights to it.

The US National Debt Clock keeps on ticking…ticking…ticking…into the future...
What exactly do you expect to happen to that clock when Trump slashes taxes on the rich and institutes more trickle down madness that has destroyed every country it has ever touched?

You want to do something about the clock then let's reinstate the Eisenhower era tax rates. That would be a fantastic start if you were serious about doing something or even cared about the issue legitimately... which you don't.
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I sat there for 10 seconds and watched Obama blow through a little over $1 million dollars.

Also nice to see Obama up 121% on federal spending today! Woo hoo! Go Obama GO!!!!!!

As I've mentioned maybe once before, Congress controls the purse strings. And the GOP controls Congress. (Yes, it's true. I know: shocking, isn't it.)
As I've mentioned maybe once before, Congress controls the purse strings. And the GOP controls Congress. (Yes, it's true. I know: shocking, isn't it.)
Then Democrats shouldn't rip Bushs spending then since Congress controls the purse strings right?

You're so full of shit. I guarantee you were one of the leftists complaining about Bushs spending while failing to blame Obama for any of his spending. You're one of the worst partisan hacks I have ever came across.
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He may claim to be the first black president....but don't push it Bill. Ain't nobody gonna buy this lie....
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As I've mentioned maybe once before, Congress controls the purse strings. And the GOP controls Congress. (Yes, it's true. I know: shocking, isn't it.)

Oh really now. I didn't know our spending problems all started under a GOP controlled Congress. Considering that the GOP has only controlled Congress for a total of 9 years since 1980. (and dem control goes back even further).

So I guess in the 9 years of GOP controlled congress is responsible for $20 trillion in debt.
Obvious from this chart from the Wall Steet Journal the the deficit clearly is Obama's fault. I mean, just look at the trends from what he was handed to where we were at of April 2015:


Put that chart into perspective. That huge increase in the deficit in 2009 was the result of nearly $1 Trillion in stimulus spending. That spending took place mostly over three years. The reason for the uptrend since 2012 is that Congress didn't pass more stimulus and so the budget deficit improved from Obama's first years. Here is a better chart to show that debt has ballooned under Obama. Hope & Change = Huge Debt

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More from the WSJ:

WASHINGTON, Aug 15 (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump should fix his stumbling White House campaign by Labor Day or step down, The Wall Street Journal said on Monday in a sharply worded warning from a leading conservative voice.

"Mr. Trump has alienated his party and he isn't running a competent campaign," the newspaper said in an editorial.

The Journal said Trump mistakenly believes his rowdy rallies will morph into votes and he can get away with relying on social media instead of spending money to compete in battleground states.

Adding to Trump's woes this week was a report in The New York Times that the name of his campaign manager, Paul Manafort, was on secret ledgers showing cash payments of more than $12 million from a Ukrainian political party with close ties to Russia. There was no evidence Manafort took the payments.

Manafort denied any impropriety in a statement on Monday. "I have never received a single 'off-the-books cash payment' as falsely 'reported' by The New York Times, nor have I ever done work for the governments of Ukraine or Russia," he said.

The report came as Trump prepared to give a foreign policy speech on Monday. The Clinton campaign said it was evidence of "more troubling connections between Donald Trump's team and pro-Kremlin elements in Ukraine."

So tax them until they have no cash to sit on?

Did you ever think about maybe just maybe they keep that cash for Hillary to come and speak?

Or maybe because it's sitting in some foreign country in order to avoid American taxes?

Or possibly, they don't trust your stupid liberal leaders and and refuse to get bent over?

I have cash stored away too! From working and manging my funds and leaving under my means so that one day I can retire and or send my kids to school.......might as well send the govt to come get that so some lazy ass dope dealer in the hood can not work while shooting our cops!

Liberals suck! I swear I wish this country would divide so they would die off or migrate to some other socialist BS country.

Amen to that.
Then Democrats shouldn't rip Bushs spending then since Congress controls the purse strings right?

You're so full of shit. I guarantee you were one of the leftists complaining about Bushs spending while failing to blame Obama for any of his spending. You're one of the worst partisan hacks I have ever came across.

So, no rebuttal.
NBC polling already has Hillary beyond 270. Can you say "LANDSLIDE" on the way:


LMAO looking at Georgia... and I am predicting right now that Trump loses Utah. How humiliating and humbling for the Republicans to go out with a whimper in the last presidential election they actually had a chance to win.
It's clear the GOP needs to find a way to Gerymander the Electoral College to better suit it's demographic. There has been talk of changing the way California and New York allocate their electoral votes. If the GOP can collect just 35% of electoral votes in those large states it will be enough to swing the White House to Republicans on a more permanent basis.
Trump's "foreign policy speech" is just tired old recycled Putin talking points about the US creating ISIS.

Totally lying about being against the Iraq war when he is on video supporting it. Seriously, when does a person finally disqualify themselves from serving? What more can the Republican party do to destroy the United States? They give us Quayle, they tried to give us Sarah Palin, and now they've lowered the bar even further? How insane and flawed a people can these Republicans be to keep sending these unqualified dangerous people out as a representative of their party? What, fundamentally, is wrong with them? And we never even mentioned Michelle Bachman. They're like a nuthouse.

Now Trump is up there saying we should have kept the oil in Iraq? This is a MAJOR claim of Putins and the middle eastern terrorists states is that the US is only interested in exploiting middle eastern oil reserves and now IDIOTICALLY we have the Republican nominee up on stage affirming that should be our intention? That literally is insane to do.
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Oh really now. I didn't know our spending problems all started under a GOP controlled Congress. Considering that the GOP has only controlled Congress for a total of 9 years since 1980. (and dem control goes back even further).

So I guess in the 9 years of GOP controlled congress is responsible for $20 trillion in debt.

Republicans have used the filllibuter in record numbers. And have had control since 2010.

Sorry. They didn't want Obama to have any signature programs. You can't have it both ways. The ACA back in March 2010 was the last major legislation Obama was able to get passed. 6 years ago.