How will they rule ??!

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Bernie bought his third home this week. Vacation home on Lake Champlain. Wished I could afford a lake home. Oh well.

I did not endorse Hillary.
No doubt he soldout and got payed. No sweat off of her back, the money came from the Clinton Foundation. Give to it and get favors in return that pay bigger dividends.
I'm sure he will vote for Hillary and have no clue she is just fine with a 58% unemployment rate for his age group.

Get rich or die trying, bruh!
You are assuming this is not another contrived trolling expedition. On the same page he brags about the pandering to hispanics by the DNC leading to Texas turning blue.
I like that Q's head is spinning and he has no idea which side is up. My work has been very influential and effective on him. He is very susceptible to my techniques and guards against them warily... even fearfully. Paranoia seeping in making him freeze. Unsure of his next moves. These are all hallmarks of successful propaganda and thus absolute proof I am continuing to succeed effectively. I must report this new information back through my chain of command immediately.

Nice. Meanwhile, here's a Newsflash from the "Hits Keep Coming" Department.

Bill Clinton netted $1.6 million from for-profit colleges.

Begin usual rhetoric from resident apologists in 5... 4... 3...
I like that Q's head is spinning and he has no idea which side is up. My work has been very influential and effective on him. He is very susceptible to my techniques and guards against them warily... even fearfully. Paranoia seeping in making him freeze. Unsure of his next moves. These are all hallmarks of successful propaganda and thus absolute proof I am continuing to succeed effectively. I must report this new information back through my chain of command immediately.
You sound like Napoleon Dynamite discussing his nunchuck skills. Lol
Everything that you guys post about Bill or Hillary or Obama, DT has done on an even more massive scale. Bill made money off of colleges? DT ran a scam as university to bilk millions out of people. Obama's pastor said GD America? Big deal, DT says the military sucks and America sucks too. Not to mention backing guys like Putin, Hitler and Kim Jong OMFG. Not to mention practically begging his supporters to take out Hillary and threaten voters of 'certain areas'. Real American that guy.

The BLM rant once again proves how the right blames entire minority groups for one person or persons actions, which is the definition of bigotry and racism.

Why care about people making money, thought you all were capitalists?
Everything that you guys post about Bill or Hillary or Obama, DT has done on an even more massive scale. Bill made money off of colleges? DT ran a scam as university to bilk millions out of people. Obama's pastor said GD America? Big deal, DT says the military sucks and America sucks too. Not to mention backing guys like Putin, Hitler and Kim Jong OMFG. Not to mention practically begging his supporters to take out Hillary and threaten voters of 'certain areas'. Real American that guy.

The BLM rant once again proves how the right blames entire minority groups for one person or persons actions, which is the definition of bigotry and racism.

Why care about people making money, thought you all were capitalists?

Greatest post ever. The right is tied to both Hitler and Putin. Very fair assessment.

Clinton and Bernie are just being capitalist, something they rail against daily.

Oops I left out racist as well.

I am an anti capitalist communist Nazi racist. And killing Hildabeast is anti-woman...this post has it all.
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You sound like Napoleon Dynamite discussing his nunchuck skills. Lol


Z also likes drawing pics of the liger. It's pretty much his favorite animal.

Someone needs to channel their best funkycat photoshop skills and photoshop a pic of Napoleon Dynamite wearing his "Vote For Pedro" shirt…and change the "Pedro" to "Hillary".

Pretty sure this pic actually is Z. So use that one if it shows up.


Z also likes drawing pics of the liger. It's pretty much his favorite animal.

Someone needs to channel their best funkycat photoshop skills and photoshop a pic of Napoleon Dynamite wearing his "Vote For Pedro" shirt…and change the "Pedro" to "Hillary".

Pretty sure this pic actually is Z. So use that one if it shows up.

Trust in Hillary!

SOS Hillary Clinton Fun Fact #83 / Clinton Foundation Fun Fact #497

: Rajiv K. Fernando's quid pro quo with Hillary Clinton

Moral of the story: With Hillary Clinton as the SOS…if you donate enough money to the Clinton Foundation & to the Dems you too can get placed on the International Security Advisory Board (ISAB) and have access to highly sensitive, top secret security info…qualifications be damned.

A prolific fundraiser for Democratic candidates and contributor to the Clinton Foundation, who later traveled with Bill Clinton on a trip to Africa, Rajiv K. Fernando’s only known qualification for a seat on the International Security Advisory Board (ISAB) was his technological know-how. The Chicago securities trader, who specialized in electronic investing, sat alongside an august collection of nuclear scientists, former cabinet secretaries and members of Congress to advise Hillary Clinton on the use of tactical nuclear weapons and on other crucial arms control issues.

The appointment qualified Fernando for one of the highest levels of top secret access, the emails show. Among those with whom Fernando served on the International Security Advisory Board was David A. Kay, the former head of the Iraq Survey Group and United Nations Chief Weapons Inspector; Lt. Gen. Brent Scowcroft, a former National Security Advisor to two presidents; two former congressmen; and former Sen. Chuck Robb. William Perry, the former Secretary of Defense, chaired the panel.

Soooooo…with no actual relevant qualifications how did he get on the advisory board?

“The true answer is simply that S staff (Cheryl Mills) added him,” wrote Wade Boese, who was Chief of Staff for the Office of the Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, in an email to Mannina, the press aide. “Raj was not on the list sent to S; he was added at their insistence.”

Trust in Hillary!

ABC News first reported Mr. Fernando’s role on Friday. The network said it approached him at the 2012 Democrat Convention about his appointment and was told by security that reporters would be “arrested” for approaching him.

The new emails show Clinton’s chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, played a key role in appointing the Chicago securities trader.

“The true answer is that [Secretary Clinton] staff [Cheryl Mills] added him. … Rai [sic] was not on the list sent to [Secretary Clinton]; he was added at their insistence,” an email reads.

Emails also show that Mrs. Mills told staff to “stall” for 24 hours when ABC first started asking questions about the appointment in 2011. Mr. Fernando submitted a resignation the very next day.
Trust in Hillary!

The 2011 emails reveal that the State Department knew it had a problem on its hands. “We must protect the Secretary’s and Under Secretary’s name,” the press aide warned. Ms. Mills, the messages say, asked staff to “stall” the news organization. Damage control came in the form of Mr. Fernando’s quick resignation, on grounds of “additional time needed to devote to his business.” Uh huh.

News organizations have also noted that Mr. Fernando is missing from the State Department website listing former ISAB members. So the department has also scrubbed the national record of actual facts. Much as it deliberately cut a portion from the video of an uncomfortable press briefing, or as the administration attempted to censor the transcript of the Orlando shooter’s 911 call.

Trust in Hillary!

Clinton Foundation Fun Fact #56

James Grimaldi, a Pulitzer-Prize-winning reporter, extensively covered the Clinton Foundation and the U.S. government for The Wall Street Journal. In a 2015 piece, Grimaldi and reporter Rebecca Ballhaus showed how donations to the Clinton Foundation increased after Clinton’s involvement in a Wall Street tax-evasion case.

“A whistleblower had come forward, an American who was helping UBS find Americans who wanted to dodge taxes in Switzerland, literally recruiting them to open accounts in Switzerland that would be then hidden from the Internal Revenue Service,” Grimaldi said on a Democracy Now! interview on Friday. Grimaldi continues:

The government, IRS and DOJ, wanted 50,000 accounts that they knew about in which Americans were hiding taxes—hiding their income in the UBS Swiss bank accounts so they wouldn’t be taxed. In the end, UBS did not want to provide those names, because there was a law in Switzerland that said they couldn’t reveal that kind of confidential information. In the end, they only gave about 5,000 of those 50,000 names. And we saw the donations from UBS to the Clinton Foundation increase from a little under $60,000 to $600,000, plus they participated in a $30 million inner-city loan program and then hired Bill Clinton to do speeches around the country for $1.5 million.

Going back to Moe and all his climate change graphs. I watched a video that Penn Gillette sent out a petition to be signed at environmental rallies to stop a chemical that's growing all over the earth. He did this to prove all these people are morons. The petition was to stop the spread of dihydrogen monoxide. Which is also known as h2o. Lol.

I looked further into it. There's also all these sites warning us about it. With graphs and charts.

Also, turns out, it's used often as a test for gullibility, scientific illiteracy, and exaggeration can produce fear.
Man made Climate Change is a myth. It is a "crisis" created by governments, an opiate for the masses similar to organized religion.
Yeah they somehow got all the scientists to agree, destroyed coral reefs, made it flood, put huge magnifying glasses on ice shelves all over the world, yeah that's it! You got em man!
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Dyson is a racist given a platform by Harvard University to spew his hate. Al Sharpton is another one. Corniel West is even worse and also adds the element of mental instability. Don't brand Democrats with these idiots as we didn't nominate them for President like you idiots did Trump.

I stopped watching the evening studio shows on MSNBC when they gave Sharpton a show. I don't agree with hate mongering as at some point after the election we have to actually govern. I do not support these racist idiots and I want that perfectly clear.

Obviously you do. If you didn't, not a single D would get your vote as they clearly pander to these racist idiots. Invite em to the white house, the DNC. I'm sure ol killers has promised a few things to blm and the other race baiting imbeciles.
Government is slowly taking place of religion as the nations savior, the cure of all ourills.
Already have taken over. We are getting closer to a socialist/communist government much to the happiness of some on here. They will not like it so much after it happens and they have no say. We are close to it now with having no real vote since it is being fixed in Hillary's favor.
[QUOTE"cardkilla, post: 4975031, member: 14032"]Yeah they somehow got all the scientists to agree, destroyed coral reefs, made it flood, put huge magnifying glasses on ice shelves all over the world, yeah that's it! You got em man![/QUOTE]

Yeah, it is not like flooding has ever happened in the past. Ice shelves have never melted either or gotten bigger in the other pole at the same time. This is the first time ever. You tell them killa
If only the libs strategized better..

It started off as global warming..that got debunked

So they changed to global cooling...and that got messed up...

So they just call it ol fashioned climate change.. sets a wide parameter there.
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