How will they rule ??!

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I've said repeatedly and often that BLM should be declared a terrorist organization. They advocate violence to achieve their political ambitions which now include black reparations which means there is now a financial incentive for their criminal activity if the Facebook and Google support weren't already enough.

This should be a bi-partisan position. Nobody should be making excuses for these thugs as it is going to continue to escalate and take even more lives if it doesn't stop.

Declare them a terrorist organization then go after their leadership and their money. That's how you shut groups like this down. That's how they went after the KKK and it was very effective.
Dyson is a racist given a platform by Harvard University to spew his hate. Al Sharpton is another one. Corniel West is even worse and also adds the element of mental instability. Don't brand Democrats with these idiots as we didn't nominate them for President like you idiots did Trump.

I stopped watching the evening studio shows on MSNBC when they gave Sharpton a show. I don't agree with hate mongering as at some point after the election we have to actually govern. I do not support these racist idiots and I want that perfectly clear.
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The thing that makes American different has been our ability to blend in different folks from all over the world into one stew and allow them all to sink or swim based on merit. We are descending into the same tribal squalor that has ruined the rest of the world.

Nobody should support divisive racial gamesmanship for political gain. You can't put that back in the bottle.

We are stoking the fires of religious and racial extremism on the right and the left. No good will come of that. We shouldn't be lending platforms and ears to the idiots peddling this nonsense.

Trump is forcing much of this to a head. It is critical he be shut down as soon as possible as the damage he is doing and has done is going to take years to heal. He took that shining city on a hill and turned it into a seedy back alley parlor game. At least on the Democratic side we haven't allowed anyone like that to succeed in our political primaries even though as I said we certainly have our share on the periphery looking to make a fast buck off hate so we're not immune from it, either.
Since Hillary is going to win, these conversations have become stale. What do people think the Republican party will become after this election? The electorate is no longer going to favor a Republican president.

If the Republican party in its current form survives, when do you think we will see a Republican president?
Hispanics alone will soon make Texas a Democratic state in presidential elections so that ends the Republican party right there on a national stage.

I think they have to become a libertarian/blue collar party. The entire thing with Republicans is by design they are too small to succeed as their whole thing is cutting taxes on the rich and corporate interests and looking out for the wealthy. So they are forced to try and use wedge social issues to lump in gullible southerners to vote against their own financial interests in order to support rich people. That model has worked for them historically but it is no longer viable. They were a patchwork of duped puppets being taken advantage of by monied interests so it will be interesting to see how they repackage themselves as something new even though their essential mission to protect a rich ruling class will never change.
Depends on the democrat candidate and how bad things swing during Hillary, if she in fact wins.

There is no doubt Repubs needed to change from established successful old white dudes out of touch with the majority. However, if votes continue to be imported, there is a chance once people shine enough light on minority employment rates, % on welfare still, how illegal immigrants are taking jobs that legal minorities could have etc etc etc then maybe they would stand a chance.

Trump honestly would win if he could just avoid polarizing comments trying to stir people up. If he understand those he is trying to rile up are showing up anyway because they can't stand the ideas of Obama/Hillary.

He has had plenty of opportunity with gays, blacks, and Muslims to show he isn't what they say.........and he misses every time.
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Trump isn't forcing to a head Z, Trump is the result of years of the Dems using race as a dividing factor.
It's like blaming the Dr for the amputation of a foot, never mind the patient had neglected their diabetes for years.

Hell, the Dems are still doing, but now it's by education. As if somehow one person's opinion is worth than another's, simply because they went to school.

As for BLM, just ignore them, stop covering them in the media and they'll go away. Wait until we have accurate info on a police shooting before running with it, the media doesn't have any problem doing that with politicians they support. A politician and police officer are both public servants.
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But please, let's not pretend Trumps flaws make Hillary a good option.......she is simply the ONLY OTHER option.
Since Hillary is going to win, these conversations have become stale. What do people think the Republican party will become after this election? The electorate is no longer going to favor a Republican president.

If the Republican party in its current form survives, when do you think we will see a Republican president?

If the Republican party in its current form survives, when do you think we will see a Republican president?
When somewhat sensible Dems stop being cowardly bitches that would rather "win" a shitty govt/country than be adults. Exhibit A...Pelosi and Reid are still congressional leaders. Real answer, maybe never seeing that the above won't happen and the media enables it.
Since Hillary is going to win, these conversations have become stale. What do people think the Republican party will become after this election? The electorate is no longer going to favor a Republican president.

If the Republican party in its current form survives, when do you think we will see a Republican president?

When you run out of everybody else's money.
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Since Hillary is going to win, these conversations have become stale. What do people think the Republican party will become after this election? The electorate is no longer going to favor a Republican president.

If the Republican party in its current form survives, when do you think we will see a Republican president?

Are you guys trying to convince yourselves Hillary is going to win? You'd think after Brexit you wouldn't come on here making bold statements like that.
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Hispanics alone will soon make Texas a Democratic state in presidential elections so that ends the Republican party right there on a national stage.

I think they have to become a libertarian/blue collar party. The entire thing with Republicans is by design they are too small to succeed as their whole thing is cutting taxes on the rich and corporate interests and looking out for the wealthy. So they are forced to try and use wedge social issues to lump in gullible southerners to vote against their own financial interests in order to support rich people. That model has worked for them historically but it is no longer viable. They were a patchwork of duped puppets being taken advantage of by monied interests so it will be interesting to see how they repackage themselves as something new even though their essential mission to protect a rich ruling class will never change.

Through illegal immigration.
As for BLM, just ignore them, stop covering them in the media and they'll go away. Wait until we have accurate info on a police shooting before running with it, the media doesn't have any problem doing that with politicians they support. A politician and police officer are both public servants.
Ignoring them is no longer an option. They are funded and have now added black reparations to their manifesto. If you're poor and suddenly have this huge carrot dangling in front of you then you are going to grab at it. They will use that to further their violence across the country.

Declare them a terrorist organization and shut them down. Leadership, money, everything. Need to take it all away from them. Shame Google and Facebook for supporting them as well.
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Hispanics alone will soon make Texas a Democratic state in presidential elections so that ends the Republican party right there on a national stage.

I think they have to become a libertarian/blue collar party. The entire thing with Republicans is by design they are too small to succeed as their whole thing is cutting taxes on the rich and corporate interests and looking out for the wealthy. So they are forced to try and use wedge social issues to lump in gullible southerners to vote against their own financial interests in order to support rich people. That model has worked for them historically but it is no longer viable. They were a patchwork of duped puppets being taken advantage of by monied interests so it will be interesting to see how they repackage themselves as something new even though their essential mission to protect a rich ruling class will never change.

Z, becoming libertarian / blue collar is exactly what Trump is doing. It's why the Reps in power don't want him to win, it will make them obsolete.
You said yourself on here, Hillary is going to lose the rust belt for the Dems.
You're a smart guy, you can see the issues we have.
Ignoring them is no longer an option. They are funded and have now added black reparations to their manifesto. If you're poor and suddenly have this huge carrot dangling in front of you then you are going to grab at it. They will use that to further their violence across the country.

Declare them a terrorist organization and shut them down. Leadership, money, everything. Need to take it all away from them. Shame Google and Facebook for supporting them as well.

It doesn't spread because of money, it spreads because it's plastered across the news.
If the Feds drop the hammer on them it will have the wrong effect. That is what its leaders want, BLM will explode.
Just ignore it, it'll die on the vine.
Z, becoming libertarian / blue collar is exactly what Trump is doing. It's why the Reps in power don't want him to win, it will make them obsolete.
You said yourself on here, Hillary is going to lose the rust belt for the Dems.
You're a smart guy, you can see the issues we have.
Not just me, Bernie Sanders was incensed that Trump was making such inroads into the Rust Belt states potentially losing them for a generation for Democrats were Trump to win and actually bring jobs to those regions.

Thankfully Trump is defeated and that is no longer a concern of mine in losing that region. Pennsylvania was the key and that has broken decisively back to the Dems as Trump imploded.

If Trump were the least bit disciplined he would have won this election easily, but he is so woefully incompetent as a candidate he is going to get landslided and effectively end what is now the current modern day Republican party. They are done and Trump is their swan song.
Hillary is going to lose the rust belt for the Dems.
Doubtful, the power of voting blocs in cities like Philly, Cleveland, Detroit, Milwaukee, etc via race baiting and social media more than counter the advantage in other parts of those states. That is the whole political goal of Organization for Action. Added to wholesale immigration and you have a path to electoral undefeatable power.
It doesn't spread because of money, it spreads because it's plastered across the news.
If the Feds drop the hammer on them it will have the wrong effect. That is what its leaders want, BLM will explode.
Just ignore it, it'll die on the vine.
Money is always the key in expanding a flawed cause. It takes money to spread a false narrative like the insane Trayvon Martin lie. The truth doesn't need money to spread it but as BLM is a completely flawed false narrative that is ridiculous from its inception it can only be successful and propagate if it finds a financial backing and as you say the media propagates it.

The feds cannot go after the media to shut BLM down and even attempting to insinuate that could cause a massive publicity disaster. The most effective means is the KKK blueprint. Money and leadership. Cut their head off and bankrupt them then they go away.
Not just me, Bernie Sanders was incensed that Trump was making such inroads into the Rust Belt states potentially losing them for a generation for Democrats were Trump to win and actually bring jobs to those regions.

Thankfully Trump is defeated and that is no longer a concern of mine in losing that region. Pennsylvania was the key and that has broken decisively back to the Dems as Trump imploded.

If Trump were the least bit disciplined he would have won this election easily, but he is so woefully incompetent as a candidate he is going to get landslided and effectively end what is now the current modern day Republican party. They are done and Trump is their swan song.

I wouldn't bet on it Z.

As far as this any other republican would've won easily, it's garbage.
If Cruz were the nominee, the media would be hammering abortion, transgender bathrooms, religion. Trump took that off the table, so what the media is left with is fine combing his rally's for any shred of something.
They don't do that to Hillary, we have no idea what she's saying.
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Money is always the key in expanding a flawed cause. It takes money to spread a false narrative like the insane Trayvon Martin lie. The truth doesn't need money to spread it but as BLM is a completely flawed false narrative that is ridiculous from its inception it can only be successful and propagate if it finds a financial backing and as you say the media propagates it.

The feds cannot go after the media to shut BLM down and even attempting to insinuate that could cause a massive publicity disaster. The most effective means is the KKK blueprint. Money and leadership. Cut their head off and bankrupt them then they go away.

Well, that isn't going to happen in today's climate.
Trump is forcing much of this to a head. It is critical he be shut down as soon as possible as the damage he is doing and has done is going to take years to heal. He took that shining city on a hill and turned it into a seedy back alley parlor game. At least on the Democratic side we haven't allowed anyone like that to succeed in our political primaries even though as I said we certainly have our share on the periphery looking to make a fast buck off hate so we're not immune from it, either.

What? Trump has done nothing like that. Idiots have acted like idiots because of the idea of Donald Trump. You're looking a gift horse in the mouth. DT is trying to help this country, HRC wants to continue to exploit it.

Have you forgotten where O'bama attended church for 20 years?
I don't recall anyone in this thread said ALL democrats say it. I could be wrong but you'll have to show me.

And now you want to change the argument. Now that is a typical way dems argue.

Your side is racist.

To which I asked "What does 'racist' mean?" That's how my part in the thread began. That's why I've been called worse than the KKK. (But that was Willy and alllowances are made for Willy) And a liar (multiple times).

Serious question: why is so little effort made here to be civil. William F. Buckley hosted Huey Newton (!) on his show and civility was maintained.
Bernie bought his third home this week. Vacation home on Lake Champlain. Wished I could afford a lake home. Oh well.

In the movie Cold Comfort Farm, there's a vicar who flies is own plane. He's asked if he thinks a vicar should fly a plane, and he responds, "I think everyone should". I imagine Sanders wishes you could afford a vacation home, too.
WTF? I think I'm racist? My family and friends? Bernie Sanders is racist? Bill Clinton? Joe Biden? Tom Hanks? Keith Richards? Bonnie Raitt? The Pope? I've never heard anyone say that blacks can't be racist. You've just made stuff up.

Serious question: why is so little effort made here to be civil. William F. Buckley hosted Huey Newton (!) on his show and civility was maintained.

You could start by admitting you were incorrect.
You could start by admitting you were incorrect.

I said above that people had found the quotes -- which satisfied my curiosity. And what I'd said was that I'd never heard it said.

The making stuff up referred to the insinuation that my side believed that all whites are racist. Hence the long list of obvious non-racists. Quote mining can strip context from words.
Ignoring them is no longer an option. They are funded and have now added black reparations to their manifesto. If you're poor and suddenly have this huge carrot dangling in front of you then you are going to grab at it. They will use that to further their violence across the country.

Declare them a terrorist organization and shut them down. Leadership, money, everything. Need to take it all away from them. Shame Google and Facebook for supporting them as well.

This is the smartest post i have ever seen Z post. And that covers the entirety of Z's massive syndicate of multiple user names that spans the wide world of the interwebz.

Nicely said, Z. [thumb2][thumb2]
Trump had a rally yesterday of 12000 people. Media ignores it.

They also ignore the fact that Hillary can barely get 100-200 people to her rallies. Gee, I wonder why?
And that covers the entirety of Z's massive syndicate of multiple user names that spans the wide world of the interwebz.
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This is the smartest post i have ever seen Z post. And that covers the entirety of Z's massive syndicate of multiple user names that spans the wide world of the interwebz.

Nicely said, Z. [thumb2][thumb2]
You are assuming this is not another contrived trolling expedition. On the same page he brags about the pandering to hispanics by the DNC leading to Texas turning blue.
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