How will they rule ??!

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[roll] The Trump bashing by CNN got so bad that they are now being beat in ratings by MSNBC. Hilarious.
They weren't believed a committee of Republicans and Democrats. HRC wasn't on the committee, and Republicans had everything to gain by believing the soldiers. They didn't.

I see a pattern all right.

republicans did believe them. Most common sense Americans believe them. Demorats are the party in power, so who has the reason to lie?

You support wall street, anti american filth, and corruption. Most of what you say is discredited on the spot.
Just looked at Hillarys economic policy..summed up: more taxes, more regulations, more subsidies, more giveaways....more everything except economic growth.
republicans did believe them. Most common sense Americans believe them. Demorats are the party in power, so who has the reason to lie?

You support wall street, anti american filth, and corruption. Most of what you say is discredited on the spot.

Peace, guy.
i chose to believe soldiers with no reason to lie. watch them and tell me they're not genuine. everything they're saying is accurate. it follows the same pattern of hillary being a liar and doing her duty by political means.
Those soldiers were 600 miles from Beghazi when the attack occurred. They were told by their CO to stay where they were as wounded were being brought to them and protection was needed where they were. It was that COs decision to keep them there.
You "choose to believe" because you don't want to admit to being duped. Think what you want but the facts aren't on your side.
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Dahood, you wouldn't know facts if they hit you in the face. Stick to racial demagoguery, it's all you know.

This is all I need. It's long, but accurate by the SOLDIERS on the ground. They are FORMER military, such as Rangers that you're attempting to discredit as "security" and such. They are telling the truth.

Video my ass, the woman is a liar, and you follow it.
Agree with this, anyone who has ever been in the military knows that you cannot and will not go against the your commanders or the government leaders while serving. You are told not to do this or you could suffer punishment. Some people are so gullible it's pathetic.
Who was it that took over Iraq after Obama and Killery withdrew from it?

You do know that ISIS existed many years before Obama came to power. Back when he was a junior member of the Illinois legislature.

Maybe you don't. You apparently believe ISIS controls Iraq.
Those soldiers were 600 miles from Beghazi when the attack occurred. They were told by their CO to stay where they were as wounded were being brought to them and protection was needed where they were. It was that COs decision to keep them there.
You "choose to believe" because you don't want to admit to being duped. Think what you want but the facts aren't on your side.
Current government facts are not facts. They are lies to push an agenda.
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I don't think you know what a fact is. I bet you hate it when the Government uses facts and "data" and stuff like that. Must be annoying to be confronted with something that does not exist simply because you believe in it.

Like science, for example. If you pray hard enough then maybe a magical being will intervene in your life out of all the billions of people on the planet and give you a new car to drive to work because you really need one and all your friends are praying for you.

But increased greenhouse gases in our atmosphere are warming the planet? Bullshit.
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You do know that ISIS existed many years before Obama came to power. Back when he was a junior member of the Illinois legislature.

Maybe you don't. You apparently believe ISIS controls Iraq.
Never mind Trump had this to say in 2007:

“You know how they get out? They get out,” Trump said to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “That’s how they get out. Declare victory and leave, because I’ll tell you, this country is just going to get further bogged down. They’re in a civil war over there, Wolf. There’s nothing that we’re going to be able to do with a civil war. They are in a major civil war.”

And then next year:

“First, I’d get out of Iraq right now,” Trump said to British GQ in a 2008 interview. “And by the way, I am the greatest hawk who ever lived, a far greater hawk even than Bush. I am the most militant military human being who ever lived. I’d rebuild our military arsenal, and make sure we had the finest weapons in the world. Because countries such as Russia have no respect for us, they laugh at us. Look at what happened in Georgia, a place we were supposed to be protecting.


On at least once occasion in early 2011, Trump even said he supported a speedy U.S. withdrawal from the country. Asked by CNN's Piers Morgan in a February 2011 interview what he would do about U.S. troops in Iraq, Trump said he would “get them out real fast.”


In June 2014, Trump even echoed one of Obama's key defenses of his decision to exit Iraq: that the U.S. left at Baghdad's insistence. "Iraq told us to get out, Iraq is now falling, and Iraq now wants us to come back!" Trump tweeted as ISIL rampaged across the country.
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Never mind Trump had this to say in 2007:

“You know how they get out? They get out,” Trump said to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “That’s how they get out. Declare victory and leave, because I’ll tell you, this country is just going to get further bogged down. They’re in a civil war over there, Wolf. There’s nothing that we’re going to be able to do with a civil war. They are in a major civil war.”

And then next year:

“First, I’d get out of Iraq right now,” Trump said to British GQ in a 2008 interview. “And by the way, I am the greatest hawk who ever lived, a far greater hawk even than Bush. I am the most militant military human being who ever lived. I’d rebuild our military arsenal, and make sure we had the finest weapons in the world. Because countries such as Russia have no respect for us, they laugh at us. Look at what happened in Georgia, a place we were supposed to be protecting.


On at least once occasion in early 2011, Trump even said he supported a speedy U.S. withdrawal from the country. Asked by CNN's Piers Morgan in a February 2011 interview what he would do about U.S. troops in Iraq, Trump said he would “get them out real fast.”


In June 2014, Trump even echoed one of Obama's key defenses of his decision to exit Iraq: that the U.S. left at Baghdad's insistence. "Iraq told us to get out, Iraq is now falling, and Iraq now wants us to come back!" Trump tweeted as ISIL rampaged across the country.
Perfect example of how much BS the DT spews and his followers ignore all of the things he's said before he became a politician.
Trump would be Trump if he weren't steering the news cycle towards something stupid, and away from legitimate negative HRC stories.
It is interesting that the news continues to talk about things that DT continues to bring up. I mean why can't the media IGNORE all the stupid crap he says and does. Why can't they let a story die that he continues to fan the flames on? In the past if a presidential candidate accuses the current President of being a terrorist(oh wait no one has done that before) news channels simply ignored it. *rollseyes*
and yet Trump is only down 3 and 5 in the polls today respectively. within the margin of error, so basically a dead heat. Come to Jesus moment needed right.
The story is most likely a lie. Politico reported a come to Jesus meeting with Trump a few weeks ago and turned out it was a made up story. Media is in overdrive to destroy Trump.
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and yet Trump is only down 3 and 5 in the polls today respectively. within the margin of error, so basically a dead heat. Come to Jesus moment needed right.

Read it....they "quote" a handful of unnamed sources and then waste words till they get a real quote at the very end and the tone changes....

"Written by" three writers, btw....LMAO

Idk what kind of junk that is, but it reads exactly Ike they're hoping you don't make it to the end of the article where their one real quote is. That strategy will work even better on twitter, Fb, if anybody gives a F about Trump having a meeting.

Meanwhile.....Bill just finished serving as chairman of a sharia law school company thingy that operates all over the globe. Kaizer was kind enough to link this article written by one person with many facts and quotes.
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Trust in Hillary!

She & Bill & the Clinton Foundation Saved Haiti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Incredible. How can anyone vote for her. Beyond me.

More good news for Dems....prolly another surge coming soon.

More votes on the way

The story is most likely a lie. Politico reported a come to Jesus meeting with Trump a few weeks ago and turned out it was a made up story. Media is in overdrive to destroy Trump.

"What one person says" was the source. Could've been any person. Doesn't even allege the person who said it has any knowledge.