How will they rule ??!

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When you say America is unsafe, yet violent crime is at all time low, facts dont back you up.
When you say Climate Change doesnt exist, facts dont back you up.
When you say Trump isnt a bigot, facts dont back you up.
Whether it is factual opinion or magical is still opinion. Here is a few factual opinions though on what you said:

Crime is at a low, but on the rise in the 50 major cities. I don't think it is just crime that people are referencing when they say America is dangerous. It is more of the atmosphere. How long has it been since it has seemed to have been such a divide in our country? Black vs White. Rich vs Poor. Cops vs Blacks. ISIS. This day it seems like we are one instance away from complete chaos and one moment away from another horrible terrorist attack. That is what I mean when I state that the country is more dangerous today than it was 8 years ago. Can't speak for Phatty though.

Climate change does exist and there is proof. There is NOT proof however that it is effecting the world in the drastic measue that many liberal left wing scientist claim to get government intervention. There IS proof however that a large group of scientists were scamming the world giving false information to push their agenda. Even NASA has gotten in on it....

Trump may be a tid bit of a bigot, but not as huge as you and the media portray. The Justice Department did sue him for the reasons you stated. I am honestly unsure of the outcome you know? I can sue anyone for discriminating against me for any reason...doesn't mean it is the truth or that I will win. The judge deal....meh. He said the dude may be biased because Trump has taken such a hard stance on Mexico and the judge having a relation to the people may affect his judgement. He didn't say he couldn't do his job BECAUSE he was Mexican...just that he may be biased. Was Clinton a racist bigot when she referred to all young black men as "super predators"?

The FACT is that both sides are going to make up their own assumptions based on what they believe to be their own factual information. Doesn't make your side any more right than another's side...except to you lol. I enjoy political discussion, but some of the 100% BS that is slung on this site by a select few has become tiresome with the constant pissing matches and "you're a you're the liar" and "I've got I've got sources". I believe that is the few's goal tire people of the talk, so they will become disengaged and uninterested.

Peace out cub scout! I'm out like SHOUT!
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Michelle is not an ex US Senator and SOS... if she has political aspirations they better start at the Senate or Hillary needs to find a defense related job for her because there is no way she can run for PoUS without something substantial. Dems don't run Trumps, Quayles, and Palins. We have more respect for our country than that.
No you just run someone like crooked Hillary.
No, I just want you to use facts when you make a claim. For example, if you say HRC is the most corrupt political candidate ever, you are saying she is more corrupt evil than Hitler or Stalin. Hitler and Stalin killed millions of people, started world wars, etc. Now when you say HRC>Hitler, facts dont support your argument.

When you say America is unsafe, yet violent crime is at all time low, facts dont back you up.
When you say Climate Change doesnt exist, facts dont back you up.
When you say Trump isnt a bigot, facts dont back you up.

This is what is meant by you argue like a child. Adults use facts. If I think Trump is a bigot, I reference the many times where he made disparaging claims such as a judge being biased because he is Mexican, the DOJ suing Trump twice for not renting to blacks, or pulling his casino employees from the floor for being black, or says no other black will be president for generations, or saying Mexico was only sending rapists, or a complete ban on religion, etc. One could make a strong argument that Trump is a bigot.

Your retort, is nuh uh.

See the difference? One opinion is weighted in facts, the other is weighted in magical thinking.

So when you and your ilk make claims like the DOJ is a disgrace over Baltimore findings, as a normal functioning adult, I expect you have facts that support your conclusions of such a claim. Almost always, you do not.

If you look at Kaizer Sosay when I ask him a question, he backs his responses up with detailed facts. I asked him about an article he linked, he then backed it up with thoughtful and fact full responses. Why? Because he isnt a dumbass. We dont agree on some issues, but I will listen to what he has to say (and in fact hes changed my mind on a few things) because he backs up his opinions with facts.

You, do not.

LEK, in his defense he said most corrupt, being a homicidal maniac, hellbent on world dominance isn't the same as saying Hillary is the most corrupt candidate ever.

You're right, there's no way to know, but you're parsing his words a bit. A better worded response would've been that she's the most corrupt presidential candidate, I don't know if she is or not, but she's in the conversation.
This GEMS stuff is fascinating.

Scholarly folks, break this vague stuff down for me?

The foundation for the curriculum is a blend of an international program of studies and GEMS Education's core values—Global Citizenship, The Pursuit of Excellence, Leadership through Innovation and Growing by Learning. Their international curriculum is a benchmarked college preparatory course of study proven around the world.[3]

This is the sharia law school. Money they make directly funds jihad, in accordance with their sharia finance laws. This is the worldly progressive cause our country largely supports.

30k a year to go to sharia school, btw.
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Man, holy shit. I never thought of that.

You could see that the way they featured her at the dnc.

I always thought the grand plan was for hilldawg to name some dem hispanic as her VP & then he would run in 8 years after she was done. perfect race baiting by that side, 1st black as pres, then 1st women, then 1st latino.

Michelle can't run for Pres with only 1st lady on her resume, she's got to get a job as senator or gov somewhere first

Michelle is not an ex US Senator and SOS... if she has political aspirations they better start at the Senate or Hillary needs to find a defense related job for her because there is no way she can run for PoUS without something substantial. Dems don't run Trumps, Quayles, and Palins. We have more respect for our country than that.

Hillary was only an ex first lady for a time. THEN she ran for Senate. I think that's Michelle's next move, run for Senate. Then just vote present like her husband. Finish it off with a good dose of msm paving the way for you.

Organizing for Action has been in place for years and large donors have been given access to the WH in return.

Interesting. Didn't know
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Im not saying you are wrong, but the only research I could find showed that ISIS beginnings started around 2006, where the 12 of ISIS leaders were Sharia and held at Camp Bucca. Basically, the vacuum left by Saddam being ousted. That being said, sounds like it was just a few people, and not a big terror organization.

It wasnt until 2009/2010, that they moved out of Iraq, and then 2013 with the Syrian Freedom fighters, so the up rise does occur under Obama's watch. Now, its silly to say Obama caused it, and obviously, its being said to troll, but there is enough evidence there to back it.
The true beginning of ISIS is the disastrous 2003 decision to disband the Iraqi army. I've already talked about this on here several times. The bulk of ISIS leadership directly comes from former Iraqi military officers.

Aside from Reagan dropping the Mujahideen cold in 1988 and GHW Bush failing to recognize the danger of spurning OSBL's desire for Arabs to be the ones to expel Saddam from Kuwait, the Bush administrations horrible decision to disband the Iraqi army in 2003 is the worst most impactful decision a US president has ever made in middle eastern affairs.

I recommend folks read up on these matters. It is all out there. The transformation of the Mujahideen into Al Qaeda is easily to follow. OSBL was screaming from the rooftops that Saddam was going to invade Kuwait and he was begging the Saudi family to allow his Arab army to do something about it. It's all publicly documented if you can google. Instead the Saudi's opted to allow the United States to put troops on holy land. Probably something the Saudi's calculated as an unforgivable insult. Bush bit and the rest is history.

Here are just a couple quick links that back up everything I am talking about:

How disbanding the Iraqi army created ISIS:

OSBL after the Afghanistan war:
While all the academies under GEMS Education focus on academic excellence, they are also dedicated to the concept of "Ad Vitam Paramus" - "preparing for life." GWA, Chicago will encourage independent learning, empowering students to take on personal responsibility and will look to develop a student's character, talents, skills, creativity, values, entrepreneurship and leadership. The school will support parents by reinforcing basic human values such as honesty, kindness, generosity, courage, freedom, equality and respect, all reflected in a defined learner profile.


Again, 1/8th of taxes fund jihad.
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Traveling on vacation the past couple of weeks and an interesting observation: Only a few months left before the presidential election and virtually no candidate signs in yards and/or bumper stickers. Multiple states, multiple vacation area parking lots with cars from a fairly diverse geographic area---and almost nothing.

Either people just don't care anymore or they are embarrassed to proclaim their support of their candidate.
Interesting. Didn't know
In private meetings and phone calls, Mr. Obama’s aides have made clear that the new organization will rely heavily on a small number of deep-pocketed donors, not unlike the “super PACs” whose influence on political campaigns Mr. Obama once deplored.
At least half of the group’s budget will come from a select group of donors who will each contribute or raise $500,000 or more, according to donors and strategists involved in the effort.
Unlike a presidential campaign, Organizing for Action has been set up as a tax-exempt “social welfare group.” That means it is not bound by federal contribution limits, laws that bar White House officials from soliciting contributions, or the stringent reporting requirements for campaigns. In their place, the new group will self-regulate.
Giving or raising $500,000 or more puts donors on a national advisory board for Mr. Obama’s group and the privilege of attending quarterly meetings with the president, along with other meetings at the White House. Moreover, the new cash demands on Mr. Obama’s top donors and bundlers come as many of them are angling for appointments to administration jobs or ambassadorships.
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Whether it is factual opinion or magical is still opinion. Here is a few factual opinions though on what you said:

Crime is at a low, but on the rise in the 50 major cities. I don't think it is just crime that people are referencing when they say America is dangerous. It is more of the atmosphere. How long has it been since it has seemed to have been such a divide in our country? Black vs White. Rich vs Poor. Cops vs Blacks. ISIS. This day it seems like we are one instance away from complete chaos and one moment away from another horrible terrorist attack. That is what I mean when I state that the country is more dangerous today than it was 8 years ago. Can't speak for Phatty though.

Climate change does exist and there is proof. There is NOT proof however that it is effecting the world in the drastic measue that many liberal left wing scientist claim to get government intervention. There IS proof however that a large group of scientists were scamming the world giving false information to push their agenda. Even NASA has gotten in on it....

Trump may be a tid bit of a bigot, but not as huge as you and the media portray. The Justice Department did sue him for the reasons you stated. I am honestly unsure of the outcome you know? I can sue anyone for discriminating against me for any reason...doesn't mean it is the truth or that I will win. The judge deal....meh. He said the dude may be biased because Trump has taken such a hard stance on Mexico and the judge having a relation to the people may affect his judgement. He didn't say he couldn't do his job BECAUSE he was Mexican...just that he may be biased. Was Clinton a racist bigot when she referred to all young black men as "super predators"?

The FACT is that both sides are going to make up their own assumptions based on what they believe to be their own factual information. Doesn't make your side any more right than another's side...except to you lol. I enjoy political discussion, but some of the 100% BS that is slung on this site by a select few has become tiresome with the constant pissing matches and "you're a you're the liar" and "I've got I've got sources". I believe that is the few's goal tire people of the talk, so they will become disengaged and uninterested.

Peace out cub scout! I'm out like SHOUT!
Good post. Thank you.
Traveling on vacation the past couple of weeks and an interesting observation: Only a few months left before the presidential election and virtually no candidate signs in yards and/or bumper stickers. Multiple states, multiple vacation area parking lots with cars from a fairly diverse geographic area---and almost nothing.

Either people just don't care anymore or they are embarrassed to proclaim their support of their candidate.
Trump has almost zero field offices or ground game.
This GEMS stuff is fascinating.

Scholarly folks, break this vague stuff down for me?

The foundation for the curriculum is a blend of an international program of studies and GEMS Education's core values—Global Citizenship, The Pursuit of Excellence, Leadership through Innovation and Growing by Learning. Their international curriculum is a benchmarked college preparatory course of study proven around the world.[3]

This is the sharia law school. Money they make directly funds jihad, in accordance with their sharia finance laws. This is the worldly progressive cause our country largely supports.

30k a year to go to sharia school, btw.
We did break it down a few pages ago.
The Varkey GEMS Foundation is the philanthropic arm of GEMS Education with the aim of impacting 100 underprivileged children for every child enrolled in a GEMS Education school. The Honorary Chair of the Foundation is former US President, Bill Clinton. GEMS Education has offices in Singapore, theUnited Kingdom, Europe, the United States of America, India, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kenya and theUnited Arab Emirates.


Bill chairman of everything.

This is how they do it. Like Qwes just posted. For the kids! For the social welfare of the community!!! FOR OUR RICH WORLD PHILANTHROPISTS!!!
Are you slamming someone for being nice now?

I wasn't basing that off someone's quote, I was basing that off of her actual performance, because we all saw it.

Did she or did she not have a hand in both entering Iraq, which was proven to be the wrong choice, and leaving Iraq too soon? One of those two things or both helped bring about the rise of ISIS.

Spin it however you like, but she makes decisions on what the polls say is popular at the time, that isn't a leader.

I have no idea what you're talking about? For being nice?

Clinton was a Senator. Bush gave Congress lies instead of information. Based on Bush's lies, she approved military force. When the falseness became apparent, she withdrew her support. It's not difficult.
Do you not understand that the media pounced on it, so now if they say he didn't, it actually came about because of the invasion. It looks bad on Hillary either way, Bush isn't running for President, Trump stated right in the middle of a republican debate he was against it, and Hillary voted for it.
You said the vote was based on faulty intel, well plenty of other Dems voted against, why didn't she? Because the public was for it at the time.

I showed a clip of Trump saying he supported it. Full stop.
Traveling on vacation the past couple of weeks and an interesting observation: Only a few months left before the presidential election and virtually no candidate signs in yards and/or bumper stickers. Multiple states, multiple vacation area parking lots with cars from a fairly diverse geographic area---and almost nothing.

Either people just don't care anymore or they are embarrassed to proclaim their support of their candidate.
That's why that first big Hillary ad against Trump with the children watching TV was so devastating (probably by accident). The political talking heads blasted it but I said it was brilliant because it identified fundamentally that we all are ashamed of Donald Trump. Not that he is just a bad example to children but that as a man and as a President the thought of him representing us is shameful. That's also why you don't see the bumper stickers. Shame.
:okay::cool2: so zcrow breaks down the radical violence in the ME to be the fault of every GOP POTUS since 1980 and the 16 years of Dem rule is completely blameless. Tidy, as usual. Also dumb.
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The true beginning of ISIS is the disastrous 2003 decision to disband the Iraqi army. I've already talked about this on here several times. The bulk of ISIS leadership directly comes from former Iraqi military officers.

Aside from Reagan dropping the Mujahideen cold in 1988 and GHW Bush failing to recognize the danger of spurning OSBL's desire for Arabs to be the ones to expel Saddam from Kuwait, the Bush administrations horrible decision to disband the Iraqi army in 2003 is the worst most impactful decision a US president has ever made in middle eastern affairs.

I recommend folks read up on these matters. It is all out there. The transformation of the Mujahideen into Al Qaeda is easily to follow. OSBL was screaming from the rooftops that Saddam was going to invade Kuwait and he was begging the Saudi family to allow his Arab army to do something about it. It's all publicly documented if you can google. Instead the Saudi's opted to allow the United States to put troops on holy land. Probably something the Saudi's calculated as an unforgivable insult. Bush bit and the rest is history.

Here are just a couple quick links that back up everything I am talking about:

How disbanding the Iraqi army created ISIS:

OSBL after the Afghanistan war:

So you're saying Bin Laden wanted us to continue to help in Afghanistan, but not help in Iraq? Bull

They didn't want any Western nation in the Middle East, we just helped them remove the Soviets. They were emboldened by that victory.

Iraq invades Kuwait, Saudi Arabia feared they were next and asked the UN to help. A worldwide coalition was formed and drove him out.

ISIS formed in 2013, doesn't matter who was in it. When Obama pulled the US forces out of Iraq against leadership advice, ISIS saw an opening. If the US had stayed that never would've happened, and you know it.
Throw in that we probably armed them while they were fighting Assad, and you have a cluster f*ck of a middle eastern policy.
The Varkey GEMS Foundation is the philanthropic arm of GEMS Education with the aim of impacting 100 underprivileged children for every child enrolled in a GEMS Education school. The Honorary Chair of the Foundation is former US President, Bill Clinton. GEMS Education has offices in Singapore, theUnited Kingdom, Europe, the United States of America, India, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kenya and theUnited Arab Emirates.


Bill chairman of everything.

This is how they do it. Like Qwes just posted. For the kids! For the social welfare of the community!!! FOR OUR RICH WORLD PHILANTHROPISTS!!!
If Big Dawg thought he could get away with it, he would be over in Iraq having his way with the Yazidi girls as well.
The true beginning of ISIS is the disastrous 2003 decision to disband the Iraqi army. I've already talked about this on here several times. The bulk of ISIS leadership directly comes from former Iraqi military officers.

Aside from Reagan dropping the Mujahideen cold in 1988 and GHW Bush failing to recognize the danger of spurning OSBL's desire for Arabs to be the ones to expel Saddam from Kuwait, the Bush administrations horrible decision to disband the Iraqi army in 2003 is the worst most impactful decision a US president has ever made in middle eastern affairs.

I recommend folks read up on these matters. It is all out there. The transformation of the Mujahideen into Al Qaeda is easily to follow. OSBL was screaming from the rooftops that Saddam was going to invade Kuwait and he was begging the Saudi family to allow his Arab army to do something about it. It's all publicly documented if you can google. Instead the Saudi's opted to allow the United States to put troops on holy land. Probably something the Saudi's calculated as an unforgivable insult. Bush bit and the rest is history.

Here are just a couple quick links that back up everything I am talking about:

How disbanding the Iraqi army created ISIS:

OSBL after the Afghanistan war:
I am a little confused, I read the time article, and it seems to be talking about how disbanding the Iraqi army created a power vacuum for ISIS to rise, i.e. setting the table, but it doesnt address the actual foundation. I get the causal link, but as I said, the article just laid out the ideas of how any organization could rise to power, not specifically ISIS. But I could be missing something.

Also, the other link, was more about Osama rather than ISIS.

I dont have an agenda either way, I just like free exchange of info.
:okay::cool2: so zcrow breaks down the radical violence in the ME to be the fault of every GOP POTUS since 1980 and the 16 years of Dem rule is completely blameless. Tidy, as usual. Also dumb.
That's because provably and demonstrably it is the fault of every GOP POTUS since 1980. It is easily provable if you are capable of absorbing data and then in turn making sense of it. I am better at that than anyone.
It's most hilarious to me that this world class phenomenal leader of world education (who directly funds the murders of non Muslims) only exists on fn bum ass Chicago. Get real. They seemed to have skipped numerous cities for some reason. Shit, only 2 schools in the Western Hemisphere are right there in Chicago....tho, I've only read about one on lakeshore east.

And it all happens quickly under Bill's lead (2014), and I have to assume Obama is involved as worldly global education is the #1 and only thing Michelle talks about and, of course, Chicago, the modern day utopia that Obama helped create and won a Nobel prize for.


Y'all can't even laugh at this stuff?​
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[laughing] Aren't you the guy that keeps asking people for respectable, reliable links to back stuff up? And you provide us a link to wikifreakingpedia? [laughing]

Most people say it way too often and it is rarely true…but i literally laughed out loud when i read that post.

I shall henceforth refer to you as MoeWiki. Congrats.

Hell, it's rare to see you guys provide any links.

And, hey, funny names! I hear Betty Sue has a crush on Lloyd.
The US has been either directly or indirectly funding terrorism/jihad/whateveryouwanttocallit for decades. This shit goes back to Ike.


I am mildly amused at both sides arguing in this thread over which side of the isle and which administration has effed up the Middle East.

The correct answer is, of course: ALL OF THE ABOVE
I have no idea what you're talking about? For being nice?

Clinton was a Senator. Bush gave Congress lies instead of information. Based on Bush's lies, she approved military force. When the falseness became apparent, she withdrew her support. It's not difficult.

Well there you have it, she supported and then she didn't, and it's all Bush's fault.My point remains, she had her hand in both outcomes, and was wrong in both instances.
Who's fault was her bad decision when withdrawing?

Why didn't she see through it? There were many Dems that did.
Here's the truth, Bush didn't lie. I guarantee if the public support hadn't eroded she never would've changed her stance, but it did, and she's a pack follower. So Bush lied became the charge to cover their asses.
I am a little confused, I read the time article, and it seems to be talking about how disbanding the Iraqi army created a power vacuum for ISIS to rise, i.e. setting the table, but it doesnt address the actual foundation. I get the causal link, but as I said, the article just laid out the ideas of how any organization could rise to power, not specifically ISIS. But I could be missing something.

Also, the other link, was more about Osama rather than ISIS.

I dont have an agenda either way, I just like free exchange of info.
Ex Iraqi officers founded ISIS because they were unemployed with no means of supporting their families anymore. They created a resistance and killed many US soldiers until another idiotic idea came along (this time from Petraeus which is why US soldiers called him "betray us") to pay them off to not kill US soldiers (known as the infamous "enemies to friends" program). Then when that gravy train expired they went on to become full blown what is now known as ISIS.

The causal link is a helluva lot of unemployed expert fighters created by Bush disbanding the 3rd largest Army on earth with nowhere to go or nothing to do other than take advantage of unprecedented instability in the most volatile region on earth.

That is cataclysmic incompetence to put that many unemployed fighters into the very void you are questioning. If you cannot see how that is the direct causal element in the creation of ISIS then I cannot help you.
Hillary Clinton has been a public servant, and I say that loosely, for 12 of the last 16 years. A very visible member of the Senate, and the SOS. Yet she was so awful at both that she cannot run on her accomplishments. There is a trail of public corruption in every stop along the way. Not just hearsay, but actual paper trails.
Ex Iraqi officers founded ISIS because they were unemployed with no means of supporting their families anymore. They created a resistance and killed many US soldiers until another idiotic idea came along (this time from Petraeus which is why US soldiers called him "betray us") to pay them off to not kill US soldiers (known as the infamous "enemies to friends" program). Then when that gravy train expired they went on to become full blow what is now known as ISIS.

The casual link is a helluva lot of unemployed expert fighters created by Bush disbanding the 3rd largest Army on earth with nowhere to go or nothing to do other than take advantage of unprecedented instability in the most volatile region on earth.

That is cataclysmic incompetence to put that many unemployed fighters into the very void you are questioning. If you cannot see how that is the direct casual element in the creation of ISIS then I cannot help you.
Thanks. I wasnt saying I disagreed with you, but it just seems like you can pinpoint that even further if need be. I am not arguing with you, just wanted clarification, because all other info states they started in small rooms in mid 2000s, but not until 2013 did we see the big monster that is ISIS.

It could be like saying Hitler gained power due to Kaiser Wilhelm going into exile. Just a thought.
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The MSM doesn't care about the corruption. They actually think the greater good is to make sure HRC gets elected. Journalism.
That's why that first big Hillary ad against Trump with the children watching TV was so devastating (probably by accident). The political talking heads blasted it but I said it was brilliant because it identified fundamentally that we all are ashamed of Donald Trump. Not that he is just a bad example to children but that as a man and as a President the thought of him representing us is shameful. That's also why you don't see the bumper stickers. Shame.
Alright let's try this again. The guy said that he saw NO POLITICAL SIGNS or BUMPERSTICKERS. He did not say he saw no TRUMP signs and stickers. You go out of your way to ignore parts of posts that don't fit your agenda. So now can you address why that there are also no Hillary signs or stickers? Let me guess: People are so ashamed of Trump and they know he has 0% chance of winning, so they are saving their money and efforts that go into buying signs and stickers, so that they can donate it to the wonderful Clinton Foundation in order to help starving children in Africa and to clean up the Flint water crisis as the Lordess Almighty Hillary has so graciously directed them to do. God Bless her soul.....I mean....She bless her own soul...right?

Nailed it or what?
Ex Iraqi officers founded ISIS because they were unemployed with no means of supporting their families anymore. They created a resistance and killed many US soldiers until another idiotic idea came along (this time from Petraeus which is why US soldiers called him "betray us") to pay them off to not kill US soldiers (known as the infamous "enemies to friends" program). Then when that gravy train expired they went on to become full blown what is now known as ISIS.

The causal link is a helluva lot of unemployed expert fighters created by Bush disbanding the 3rd largest Army on earth with nowhere to go or nothing to do other than take advantage of unprecedented instability in the most volatile region on earth.

That is cataclysmic incompetence to put that many unemployed fighters into the very void you are questioning. If you cannot see how that is the direct causal element in the creation of ISIS then I cannot help you.

Soldiers didn't call him betray us, it was the left.

I know it's hard for you Z, but try to be honest.

ISIS formed in 2013, fact. That was 8 years after the Iraqi army was disbanded. fact
We supported them in Syria. fact
We left Iraq against military advice.fact
ISIS quickly over ran the unprepared Iraqi army. fact
Obama drug his feet in response to this "JV team". fact
ISIS is still in control of large portions of Iraq and Syria. fact
Hell, it's rare to see you guys provide any links.

And, hey, funny names! I hear Betty Sue has a crush on Lloyd.

Dear MoeWiki,

It is damn near impossible to find a disparaging link from a main stream media source against Hillary. Or when it IS a MSM source they gloss over the disparaging Hillary stuff and sometimes in the same article still throw a jab at Trump…to take the focus away from Hillary's stuff. That is truth. You have to put some work in to find good, reliable stuff against Hillary. Which is crazy because there is a treasure trove of compulsive lying, corruption, and general all around shadiness surrounding her, Bill, and the Clinton foundation for the last 40+ years. And then, when something reliable is found you usually tear it down because it isn't a main stream media source. Well, duh.

You, on the other hand, have the entirety of all of the main stream media from which to grab a link to a disparaging article/video about Trump. Your job is easy. And yet you provide us a link to wikipedia. smh

The media bias is so brazen it is laughable. No one can argue that point.

Your Wildcat Friend,
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Alright let's try this again. The guy said that he saw NO POLITICAL SIGNS or BUMPERSTICKERS. He did not say he saw no TRUMP signs and stickers. You go out of your way to ignore parts of posts that don't fit your agenda. So now can you address why that there are also no Hillary signs or stickers? Let me guess: People are so ashamed of Trump and they know he has 0% chance of winning, so they are saving their money and efforts that go into buying signs and stickers, so that they can donate it to the wonderful Clinton Foundation in order to help starving children in Africa and to clean up the Flint water crisis as the Lordess Almighty Hillary has so graciously directed them to do. God Bless her soul.....I mean....She bless her own soul...right?

Nailed it or what?
Simple. There are no Hillary bumper stickers because why should people waste money on promoting the fact that they are sane? Trump is a tar baby and people are revolted even from having to wade into the mire he has created. People have turned away from the ugliness and frankly don't want their car windows broken out by his insane frothing at the mouth supporters.