How will they rule ??!

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Read it....they "quote" a handful of unnamed sources and then waste words till they get a real quote at the very end and the tone changes....

"Written by" three writers, btw....LMAO

Idk what kind of junk that is, but it reads exactly Ike they're hoping you don't make it to the end of the article where their one real quote is. That strategy will work even better on twitter, Fb, if anybody gives a F about Trump having a meeting.

Meanwhile.....Bill just finished serving as chairman of a sharia law school company thingy that operates all over the globe. Kaizer was kind enough to link this article written by one person with many facts and quotes.

it's just whatever sells right. i mean, it's great reality tv. depending on who you are rooting for, it's good guy vs a villain. and you don't know who is going to win. so you might celebrate or you might be pissed and riot. but it is damn good ratings. and that is America after all.

i mean Hilldawg might think she has this thing won at the 11th hour then Trump could come and do this:

and it never gets old.
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Yea that's the person that was holding public office then. You know who had Intel on the situation on the ground, and made a decision on what she thought would benefit her overall goal.
As for Trump, he was for congress giving Bush the authority to invade Iraq, however he thought Bush was acting too hastily and needed more UN support.
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Yea that's the person that was holding public office then. You know who had Intel on the situation on the ground, and made a decision on what she thought would benefit her overall goal.
As for Trump, he was for congress giving Bush the authority to invade Iraq, however he thought Bush was acting too hastily and needed more UN support.

Your question asked who supported both actions. Was I wrong? The Youtube clip I posted earlier today says I was right.

HRC was in the senate and relied on the intel provided by W. Did you know that W was lying?
Man, somebody tell me more about this GEMS company that operates many sharia law schools in the mjddle east, mainly, as well as 2 schools in Chicago.

Why are Clinton's involved with this? What other politicians are?

Why are the Clintons involved with GEM? You're joking right? There are exactly 5.6 million reasons why they are involved...

Not only has Clinton taken $5.6 million from GEMS, he even served as honorary chairman of GEMS Education.

The Clintons have not yet released their tax returns from 2015, so it is uncertain whether they have received money from GEMS since 2014, and if so, how much. But, in 2014, the last year that tax records were released, Clinton took in $2.1 million. In 2012, Clinton was paid $1.25 million and $1.75 million in 2013 by GEMS.

In addition to direct payments to Clinton, GEMS has given between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation, and was an official sponsor of the 2013 and 2014 Clinton Global Initiative.

The CEO of GEMS, Sunny Varkey, is a native of India, and his Varkey Foundation chipped in an additional $250,000 to $500,000 to the foundation.

You really aren't this dumb are you? Trump has only said a billion times that he was against the Iraq war.

The correct answer is Hillary.

Not Trump? Then who was it in the Youtube clip that I posted who said he supported it?

(Trump, of course, says lots and lots of things. Often contradictory. Hence the humorously titled video I posted.)
Your question asked who supported both actions. Was I wrong? The Youtube clip I posted earlier today says I was right.

HRC was in the senate and relied on the intel provided by W. Did you know that W was lying?

Haha, you just couldn't make out the n't in wasn't lol.
Again, she was responsible for making the wrong decision twice while in public office that had terrible consequences, Trump was just a private citizen.
Fact of the matter is Hillary can't stand on her public service as a reason to be President, bad choice after bad choice.
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You better tell Gergen quickly, he just embarrassed himself in a CNN article, while you're quoting Wikipedia.

Peter Bergen. Not David Gergen. Other sources use the 1999 date as well.
Google: When was ISIS founded?

Meanwhile you're kvetching about the date after Trump insisted that Obama "literally" founded it.
Haha, you just couldn't make out the n't in wasn't lol.
Again, she was responsible for making the wrong decision twice while in public office that had terrible consequences, Trump was just a private citizen.
Fact of the matter is Hillary can't stand on her public service as a reason to be President, bad choice after bad choice.

Really? You know who absolutely praised HRC's tenure as SoS? (Sure you do.) Donald Trump.

(Are we having fun yet?)
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Wow...if true this could be huge. Dailycaller is pretty credible so I'm inclined to believe it.

You really aren't this dumb are you? Trump has only said a billion times that he was against the Iraq war.

The correct answer is Hillary.
Trump has been for and against everything. To deny that is pure ignorance.
He has said that HRC was a great SoS. He was against a minimum wage hike, now he is for a $10 minimum wage. He said he was "very pro-choice", now says he's "very pro-life". He said he was for going into Iraq, now he says he was against it. After Obama was elected he said that we should "just leave" Iraq because it was a civil war and that we shouldn't be involved.
It is obvious that what Trump says, no matter how many times he contradicts himself, how many times he just blatantly lies or makes foolish comments is of no consequence to you.
Trump has been for and against everything. To deny that is pure ignorance.
He has said that HRC was a great SoS. He was against a minimum wage hike, now he is for a $10 minimum wage. He said he was "very pro-choice", now says he's "very pro-life". He said he was for going into Iraq, now he says he was against it. After Obama was elected he said that we should "just leave" Iraq because it was a civil war and that we shouldn't be involved.
It is obvious that what Trump says, no matter how many times he contradicts himself, how many times he just blatantly lies or makes foolish comments is of no consequence to you.

Watch trumps interview with Oprah in the late 80s. Says the same things about trade etc that he says now.

Clinton says something different based on every audience she talks to
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Lollll Bill was an honorary chairman of the sharia law school system from 2011-2014.

What what ????

Pretty obvious Trump has said F it. He is going to continue doing what won him the primary. I have felt the whole time that he has some real dirt on Clinton that he is just waiting to have "leaked". He knows something that most do not.

He is saying what so many people really believe. The question becomes does Hillary have enough damage on her by Nov that many folks simply do not come out to vote for her?

He is too smart and successful to not have a method to his madness right now. Not sure I would say some of the things he says, but the fact is Obama and Hillary created ISIS with their reckless foreign policies and getting out of Iraq too soon. Its the way he phrased it is how the media is going to attack him.
Trump appeared on the Hugh Hewitt Show yesterday. Based on comments from the interview, one can see he plays his own media manipulation. From Austin Bay via Glenn Reynolds:
Good interview and worth reading. Note the exchange about Trump’s choice of words. Trump said that Obama founded ISIS and Hillary was the co-founder. Hewitt said he understood Trump’s point but Obama and Hillary “lost the peace” and created power vacuums which ISIS filled. They “didn’t create ISIS.” Hewitt encouraged Trump to use other language.

DT: But they wouldn’t talk about your language, and they do talk about my language, right?
HH: Well, good point. Good point…
Trump drives the headlines. I get it. His style is totally unconventional, even bordering on insanity. I like it. The big question is what has he got up his sleeve which can win this thing?

Shaking my head.
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Really? You know who absolutely praised HRC's tenure as SoS? (Sure you do.) Donald Trump.

(Are we having fun yet?)

Are you slamming someone for being nice now?

I wasn't basing that off someone's quote, I was basing that off of her actual performance, because we all saw it.

Did she or did she not have a hand in both entering Iraq, which was proven to be the wrong choice, and leaving Iraq too soon? One of those two things or both helped bring about the rise of ISIS.

Spin it however you like, but she makes decisions on what the polls say is popular at the time, that isn't a leader.
Trump has been for and against everything. To deny that is pure ignorance.
He has said that HRC was a great SoS. He was against a minimum wage hike, now he is for a $10 minimum wage. He said he was "very pro-choice", now says he's "very pro-life". He said he was for going into Iraq, now he says he was against it. After Obama was elected he said that we should "just leave" Iraq because it was a civil war and that we shouldn't be involved.
It is obvious that what Trump says, no matter how many times he contradicts himself, how many times he just blatantly lies or makes foolish comments is of no consequence to you.

He said he was for Iraq with a strong coalition, which is what the Dems wanted at the time.
To be honest no one knows how he felt about it pre-invasion, his first comment on it was a year after the invasion.
Why is Clinton claiming repeal of the estate tax would save Trump $4 billion? I thought he was broke?

Is she a liar?
Peter Bergen. Not David Gergen. Other sources use the 1999 date as well.
Google: When was ISIS founded?

Meanwhile you're kvetching about the date after Trump insisted that Obama "literally" founded it.

Do you not understand that the media pounced on it, so now if they say he didn't, it actually came about because of the invasion. It looks bad on Hillary either way, Bush isn't running for President, Trump stated right in the middle of a republican debate he was against it, and Hillary voted for it.
You said the vote was based on faulty intel, well plenty of other Dems voted against, why didn't she? Because the public was for it at the time.
If Hillary is ISIS's American contact and funder. I'm worried that she will sell them or help them steal nuclear weapons. If she does, which she is capable of, I could see the first Islamic terrorist attack involving nuclear weapons on American soil.

Once it happens, she still won't use the terms of "Islam extremists".

Man, this bad for America. Like game over bad.
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So Moe was a Sanders supporter and is now HRC's biggest defender/cheerleader. Very whorish.
The big question is what has he got up his sleeve which can win this thing?
No, the question from the beginning is if he really wants too. His comments yesterday on how a loss only means he goes on a nice vacation back to his wonderful life doesnt dispel that.

Just doing this as a lark, an ego trip. Actually winning & having to do the job for 4 years might be a drag. hence the rumor he promised Kasich to be Pres in all but name only, and Pence's statements on his increased responsibility as VP including judicial picks & foreign policy.

if since May, or hell since his convention he would have just focused on economy, trade, immigration, terrorism, & her being crooked hillary he would be the one up 5-7 points. but this is his ride & he is doing it the way he wants damn the consequences.
A bank found something concerning/suspicious about one of its members and notified FBI. That led to discovering the suspicious person was a Clinton foundation donor. At the time, they could not agree to investigate the Clinton's so they investigated one of the Clinton Foundations board members.

^ that was from the report on the new investigation screwduke just linked. I wonder what they found initially with the investigation of the board member, Terry McKauliffe.

The most shocking thing about this is the fact they this info is out. Some people have massively F'd up. I think it's part arrogance on the Clinton's behalf. I mean, for Bill to be so connected to terrorists and not even try to hide it, serve on the board, etc. is wild. Of course, he'll never have to explain that anywhere, to anybody.

Like ATX said, Trunp is driving the media. He can't make them openly campaign for him, or not like Hillary more, but at least he's out there, buzzing around, and just so hapoens fn bombs are being dropped on Clinton Foundation and another investigation is under way - this one conducted by more outside FBI presence.

And Bill and Hillary can't speak or defend themselves. They are in hiding. It's the total Trump show.

They can absolute drop a bomb on Trmp last minute and dominate the media right before the election and I'll assume that's what will happen or these old dying F's are toast.

And the media talks about the Trunp campagn doing nothing. Well, they don't really hae to. The Clinton campaign/foundation is the one under attack. They have been hiding under a rock....probabaly jet setting all over the world gettin their shit together.

If Hillary is ISIS's American contact and funder. I'm worried that she will sell them or help them steal nuclear weapons. If she does, which she is capable of, I could see the first Islamic terrorist attack involving nuclear weapons on American soil.

Once it happens, she still won't use the terms of "Islam extremists".

Man, this bad for America. Like game over bad.

It does kind of seem this is out of our hands. This many powerful people/countries all working for one greater/corrupt goal.

We are so fn stupid. Clinton foundation should have ended when he got his d sucked, when he was too big for his britches, and everybody knew it. We didn't check him so he got a green light to f the world and make billions...and get his gd wife elected.

And clintons are old and lame af. Just imagine what the young cats who learned from them are up to.
You do know that ISIS existed many years before Obama came to power. Back when he was a junior member of the Illinois legislature.

Maybe you don't. You apparently believe ISIS controls Iraq.
Im not saying you are wrong, but the only research I could find showed that ISIS beginnings started around 2006, where the 12 of ISIS leaders were Sharia and held at Camp Bucca. Basically, the vacuum left by Saddam being ousted. That being said, sounds like it was just a few people, and not a big terror organization.

It wasnt until 2009/2010, that they moved out of Iraq, and then 2013 with the Syrian Freedom fighters, so the up rise does occur under Obama's watch. Now, its silly to say Obama caused it, and obviously, its being said to troll, but there is enough evidence there to back it.

You seem to give yourself an orgasm at the slightest misspelled word, an extra period, or any other insignificant bullshit that you look for. I would say I didn't even realize I misspelled "politician" or that I must have added an extra period, but what's the use? I would also add, I couldn't give a rats ass what your opinions of my take are. I know the internet makes you feel important, so if thats what you need, have at it.

I was directing that statement at American political figures. And yes, I think she's near the top of the list of most corrupt. If she had an R beside her name, your type would destroy her. Mitt Romney didnt have half the baggage, and I could only imagine the shit you thought of him.

Carry on LEK.
I dont care about extra periods really, or misspelled words. I would just like you to back up the statement that HRC is the worst political candidate in history. That is it.

Also, I voted for Romney, I liked his health care in Mass. I dont care about Dems vs Reps. I care about people making informed decisions. So please back up the statement HRC is the worst political candidate in history, as you originally stated.

I will wait.
" doh you mispelled misspelled you dolt! I might have been the heavy bag in school but here I am a google machine! I can be the guy I've always wanted to be! Look at me! I've got 1,000 proxy moxy servers and 500 flux capacitors! I am the champion now! Mommy was wrong about me! - LEK

No, I am the fact person. Use facts. You dont. Pretty simple.

Show a link to prove someone is more corrupt than hillary.

Thats what he typically replies with. Show a link to prove your opinion lol.

The ONLY argument ive had with him is that he wantes me to show links to prove someone elses claim that the left is the true racists. I didn't even make the original argument. But like above, he lashed out and got his feelings hurt and wrote a 10 paragraph response to the wrong person. Show links/facts to prove your opinion. Lol, its an opinion, genius.

Now, its just funny seeing how enraged he gets when people dont agree with everything he says at his socializing Hotspot.

Here ill save you time:
Youre a dumbass. People cant even hold fair arguments anymore. I get it, you argue with anger. Im smarter than you. Show a link.

Just copy/paste that and it will save you hours each day. Youre welcome.
No, I just want you to use facts when you make a claim. For example, if you say HRC is the most corrupt political candidate ever, you are saying she is more corrupt evil than Hitler or Stalin. Hitler and Stalin killed millions of people, started world wars, etc. Now when you say HRC>Hitler, facts dont support your argument.

When you say America is unsafe, yet violent crime is at all time low, facts dont back you up.
When you say Climate Change doesnt exist, facts dont back you up.
When you say Trump isnt a bigot, facts dont back you up.

This is what is meant by you argue like a child. Adults use facts. If I think Trump is a bigot, I reference the many times where he made disparaging claims such as a judge being biased because he is Mexican, the DOJ suing Trump twice for not renting to blacks, or pulling his casino employees from the floor for being black, or says no other black will be president for generations, or saying Mexico was only sending rapists, or a complete ban on religion, etc. One could make a strong argument that Trump is a bigot.

Your retort, is nuh uh.

See the difference? One opinion is weighted in facts, the other is weighted in magical thinking.

So when you and your ilk make claims like the DOJ is a disgrace over Baltimore findings, as a normal functioning adult, I expect you have facts that support your conclusions of such a claim. Almost always, you do not.

If you look at Kaizer Sosay when I ask him a question, he backs his responses up with detailed facts. I asked him about an article he linked, he then backed it up with thoughtful and fact full responses. Why? Because he isnt a dumbass. We dont agree on some issues, but I will listen to what he has to say (and in fact hes changed my mind on a few things) because he backs up his opinions with facts.

You, do not.
You better tell Gergen quickly, he just embarrassed himself in a CNN article, while you're quoting Wikipedia.
Haha! I have Moe ignored because his posts lowers everyone's IQ, but that is funny right there. I knew he was dumb, but quoting Wikipedia? He probably just googled whatever he was trying to play "smarter than you" with and clicked the first link he found. What a loser.
I always thought the grand plan was for hilldawg to name some dem hispanic as her VP & then he would run in 8 years after she was done. perfect race baiting by that side, 1st black as pres, then 1st women, then 1st latino.

Michelle can't run for Pres with only 1st lady on her resume, she's got to get a job as senator or gov somewhere first
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this week has been epic.

trump says obama is the founder of ISIS, spends two days saying it all over.
trump supporters totally believe and do everything in their power to make the case that obama is actually the founder of ISIS
trump tweets out it was just sarcasm....blames the media.

i feel bad for trump supporters, i really do. they dont get how badly they are being trolled.
And legit facts and evidence came out directly linking the biggest name in politics to literal jihad...1/8 of taxes goes towards slaughtering humans in the name of Allah, or whatever....autocorrect caps Allah, but it doesn't cap god, btw.

That's why trump is tooting his "Obama made ISIS" which is all over the news as planned...and y'all know facts are optional with the news. You just need to plant that seed, hope some viewer googles and does down the rabbit hole. Voila. Dem's support ISIS for business reasons. That's a fact.

It's a fact R's do too, guarantee it, we just need some emails or something showing it. This shit is way bigger than one prominent family.
Translation: the obamas. Michelle is already revving up for the run in 8 years. They'll create a foundation too soon, since it's been such a boon for the clintons
Michelle is not an ex US Senator and SOS... if she has political aspirations they better start at the Senate or Hillary needs to find a defense related job for her because there is no way she can run for PoUS without something substantial. Dems don't run Trumps, Quayles, and Palins. We have more respect for our country than that.
Now, its silly to say Obama caused it, and obviously, its being said to troll, but there is enough evidence there to back it.
BO completely ignored the recommendations of his leaders, Gates and Panetta, over those years regarding strategy in Syria and Iraq. Same timeframe he called them JV. How egregious does he have to screw up before something can pinned on him?