How will they rule ??!

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You don't seem to understand, what you are currently choosing to do is jump out the 10th floor window with the unflinching devotion to man made climate change Moe.
If anyone questions that they're called science deniers or some other ridiculous name.

It's not that we don't trust science it's that we UNDERSTAND it's an ever learning process, especially something as complex as climate, which is naturally ever changing.

Which is ludicrous. Science warns us that our behavior is dangerous and we should alter what we're doing. We do that all the time in the form of insurance, driving cautiously, abstaining from taking certain drugs, not poking animals with sticks, etc.

I assume you have car insurance, fire insurance, health insurance, don't take large doses of opiates, don't drive 100 mph, and don't poke badgers with a stick. If science is an ever learning process, why are you so cautious?
My whole issue with global warming (or whatever they've decided it is now). First, emerging markets and places like China that are hitting their own forms of industrial revolution do not care....we all share the same atmosphere. 2. If liberals care so much, even tho for whatever reason to care they need the government to tell them, have all of them given up their gas guzzlers and moved to solar homes, etc....of course not.
3. So if we are in danger because of climate change...then what, you expect the government to make competent decisions, spend adequately where things need to be spent, and not focus on things and ignore others because it gives them political hain, money, or whatever aligns with their personal interest? I dont... even if they tell me it's a fact something is happening I don't want to provide any of my own money to the government to fix a problem. If they want it fixed or it needs to be...that sounds like an opportunity for the private sector.
Z played Call of Duty once. Now he thinks hes a military member.

That is pretty pathetic. As i have said before, the irony of all the juvenile name calling Z does on here...he is very similar in that regard to Trump. But juvenile Z could never see such wonderful irony.
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Heres why I do not buy the Trump is a Hillary mole stuff.

Trumps ego is massive, I just don't see him being ok with someone using him to where he and his family are trashed in front of the entire world endlessly and to be remembered as a loser if he loses. No way, Trumps ego is way too big for that.

Not to mention, and I only say this half jokingly, but we probably would have saw Hints at Trump being a mole in all of these emails being leaked out of the DNC.
"ego" and "self respect" are different things. the man has already hosted a lame celebrity reality show. He's going to make tens of millions due to this circus.
"ego" and "self respect" are different things. the man has already hosted a lame celebrity reality show. He's going to make tens of millions due to this circus.

I don't buy that Trump is mole either. All we've proven so far is that he could knock down 16 GOP candidates like bowling pins, but has run into the whole DNC/MSM machine and it's bigger than he thought.

Dude wants the WH to stroke his ego, but life will go on if he doesn't win.
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The Seth Rich murder is going to break this wide open. There was no robbery and it seems to be a direct hit. This is one of the staffers for the DNC that was leaking information to Wiki leaks.

The democrat machine is the most evil, corrupt, and dangerous political entity in American history. Everyone surrounding the Clintons better be extremely careful. For those voting for her, or against trump, save the moderate talk for the fools.

It's getting way more traction than I ever thought it would. Especially considering Assange didn't actually confirm he was a source
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Which is ludicrous. Science warns us that our behavior is dangerous and we should alter what we're doing. We do that all the time in the form of insurance, driving cautiously, abstaining from taking certain drugs, not poking animals with sticks, etc.

I assume you have car insurance, fire insurance, health insurance, don't take large doses of opiates, don't drive 100 mph, and don't poke badgers with a stick. If science is an ever learning process, why are you so cautious?

Did you just credit science for home, health and fire insurance, informing us that drugs are bad for us, and that an animal will in fact bite you if you irritate it?

We're done here Moe
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My whole issue with global warming (or whatever they've decided it is now). First, emerging markets and places like China that are hitting their own forms of industrial revolution do not care....we all share the same atmosphere. 2. If liberals care so much, even tho for whatever reason to care they need the government to tell them, have all of them given up their gas guzzlers and moved to solar homes, etc....of course not.
3. So if we are in danger because of climate change...then what, you expect the government to make competent decisions, spend adequately where things need to be spent, and not focus on things and ignore others because it gives them political hain, money, or whatever aligns with their personal interest? I dont... even if they tell me it's a fact something is happening I don't want to provide any of my own money to the government to fix a problem. If they want it fixed or it needs to be...that sounds like an opportunity for the private sector.

Did you look at the CO2/temp graph I posted? Really look at it? Look at how quickly temps can change from one state to the next. People think of the climate like a mountain or something. But it isn't. It's like a top. The amount of energy necessary to start melting glaciers -- a mile thick in places -- is insignificant. A little more sunlight in the Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. It's balanced out by a little less energy later in the year so that the sum of excess energy in the atmosphere over the course of a year is 0. Just the timely application of a little sunlight. And then, boom. In a geological instant, temps swing 12 degrees and the glaciers melt. The most recent occurrence of that was around 14000 years ago. There were between 1 and 10,000,000 people in the world then, and we're at around 7.5 billion of us now. We're already pretty daggers-drawn over a half million refugees. Think about the political unrest with the resultant misery and constriction of freedom that will bring.

And it isn't for lack of notice. Scientists are screaming about it. Sometimes we look at the past and note how stupidly people in the past failed to react to self-evident danger. The run up to WW1 is the classic example. The rise of Nazism. We would do better. How stupid they were. Well, apparently no. We're just as stupid. Just as inert. Just as reluctant to face our problems.
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"ego" and "self respect" are different things. the man has already hosted a lame celebrity reality show. He's going to make tens of millions due to this circus.

Hey now, that show was awesome.

Esmeralda was the shit
My latest creation:

Fan out, minions. Plaster it across Facebook.
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just texted my buddy (who works in a GOP gubernatorial administration) about the Fairfield campaign event. "Connecticut? And on a weekend?? Is that a battleground now or are they just that stupid?"
Politico reports that more than 70 prominent Republicans — including several former GOP senators and congressmen — have written a letter begging RNC chairman Reince Priebus to pull the plug on Trump’s campaign and instead spend all their resources protecting down-ballot Republican senators and representatives.

“We believe that Donald Trump’s divisiveness, recklessness, incompetence, and record-breaking unpopularity risk turning this election into a Democratic landslide,” reads the letter, which was signed by big names such as former Sen. Gordon Humphrey and former Rep. Chris Shays. “Only the immediate shift of all available RNC resources to vulnerable Senate and House races will prevent the GOP from drowning with a Trump-emblazoned anchor around its neck.”

As if that weren’t enough, Republican strategist Matt Mackowiak on Thursday posted an epic tweetstorm describing the abject panic that has set in among Republicans, who now fear that they’ll suffer massive down-ballot losses if Trump stays on his current course.

“OK, this shit’s not funny anymore,” he began. “Trump is threatening elected GOPers at all levels in places that haven’t been competitive in decades… We are looking at an extinction-level event.”
Republicans should be ashamed for selecting a candidate so vile it's going to allow one of the most corrupt politicians to walk into the White House unopposed. I believe she'll do an ok job as president but I still can't stand her.

The old cardkilla was much more liberal than the current version. Extreme left/right have taken over both parties and we're left with terrible choices to run this great country. I'm leaning Gary Johnson as a sane alternative. Hoping he can slide into the debates.

Not just a reflection of the GOP, but the country as a whole. American voters are no longer capable, or at least willing to elect candidates that serve the overall interests of our country.
"ego" and "self respect" are different things. the man has already hosted a lame celebrity reality show. He's going to make tens of millions due to this circus.

Trump being a mole is a ridiculous position to take. Up there with 911 conspiracy theorist.

The man doesn't need the Clintons or the connections. He's already got what he needs to pursue whatever gains he would make by being a wolf in sheep clothing.
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Trump being a mole is a ridiculous position to take. Up there with 911 conspiracy theorist.
only slightly more ridiculous than a Republican, who's currently down in every swing state (except maybe Iowa), campaigning on a weekend in touching Connecticut.
The man doesn't need the Clintons or the connections. He's already got what he needs to pursue whatever gains he would make by being a wolf in sheep clothing.
Trump needs to go begging to the Russians for financing for a reason. He's leveraged out the ass and absent the boon of this campaign he was probably headed towards bankruptcy... again. Those tax returns are being guarded for 3 reasons:

1) He's not nearly as rich as he claims.
2) He's reduced to begging Russian billionaires for cash because no American bank will touch him.
3) His charitable donations are practically non-existent.

I bet he laughs his ass off at how lucky he got to stumble into the Republican rubes that are lining his pockets. Talk about a gold mine.
And oh yeah, LEK..even though i wasnt the one who used the term sycophant... please inform us how @the nail at the foul line was incorrect in his usage of the term?

Since you clearly have trouble remembering. Its in the olympics thread.

Can you imagine how bad being a Lek sycophant is? Lek is Scut Farkas to throughblue as Grover Dill. Lek types in a coon skin hat.
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only slightly more ridiculous than a Republican, who's currently down in every swing state (except maybe Iowa), campaigning on a weekend in touching Connecticut.

The swing states are close and theres a long way to go. I think Trump believes more states are in play than most people think. If we've learned anything lately, it's that all of these polls are bogus. A pollster on cnn said recently that most of all of these polls are using projections from former election turnout. namely 2008 and 2012. 66% of AA turned out for Obama because he's black. That's just one example to show how off those polls probably are.
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Trump needs to go begging to the Russians for financing for a reason. He's leveraged out the ass and absent the boon of this campaign he was probably headed towards bankruptcy... again. Those tax returns are being guarded for 3 reasons:

1) He's not nearly as rich as he claims.
2) He's reduced to begging Russian billionaires for cash because no American bank will touch him.
3) His charitable donations are practically non-existent.

I bet he laughs his ass off at how lucky he got to stumble into the Republican rubes that are lining his pockets. Talk about a gold mine.

your troll doesn't work as well on me. I'd quote someone else.
Look, weve heard all of this before. Why is trump saying this, doing that, going here, not going there, etc. All we've heard from the start is he can't win the primary, the general, and he's politically retarded. All while he's the nominee and his method has worked so far.

It's a waiting game to see. But if you're actually paying attention to the polls, you're going to make a mistake. These polls are skewed.
That HuffPo article asking why in the hell is Trump in Connecticut is a good read. Excerpt:

Why The Hell Is Donald Trump Campaigning In Democratic Connecticut?

A Cincinnati Enquirer report published Thursday added to the list of organizational failures. The paper revealed the Trump campaign had no infrastructure in Ohio’s Hamilton County, a key county in a crucial swing state.

“Everyone needs to stop being surprised that the Trump campaign lacks any semblance of a strategy, competent staff or a game plan to succeed,” said GOP consultant and Never Trump member Rory Cooper. “Republicans are going to miss so many opportunities to build as a party in battlegrounds this year because our nominee couldn’t care less about it and he has the same strategic acumen as a piece of burnt toast.”

Got to be a mole. No way around it. You have no idea how much pleasure this brings to me.

Look, weve heard all of this before. Why is trump saying, this, doing that, going here, not going there, etc. All we've heard from the start is he can't win the primary, the general, and he's politically retarded. All while he's the nominee and his method has worked so far.

It's a waiting game to see. But if you're actually paying attention to the polls, you're going to make a mistake. These polls are skewed.
why the **** would Trump need to win Connecticut? If he's able to win there, he's already won plenty of states to get to 270.

the answer is either:
(a) because he refuses to listen to his campaign strategists
(b) because he doesn't care about winning anymore

there's no other option. He's either a moron or he doesn't want to win.
Jamo, he's there to line his pockets in Fairfield. This is a good old fashioned money-grab. That's why he isn't spending money on staff or advertising. He's taking the GOP rubes for a ride and I love it. Every minute of it.

I love that he tells them he is financing himself. What a load. He's billing HUGE amounts to his businesses. Loans, if you will. After he loses he is going to line his pockets and head off to Russia to start his TV channel. Wait and see. This is yet another textbook Trump scam and boy did he find the motherload in these Republican RUBES.
why the **** would Trump need to win Connecticut? If he's able to win there, he's already won plenty of states to get to 270.

the answer is either:
(a) because he refuses to listen to his campaign strategists
(b) because he doesn't care about winning anymore

there's no other option. He's either a moron or he doesn't want to win.

There is also a financial incentive to go to certain places. I'm no expert on his campaign, but believing theres some super duper secret conspiracy that no one has uncovered to this point is insane. Like I said, it borderlines 911 conspiracy theorist. If that was happening it would have already been uncovered by the never trumpers.
Major Hurricane described as Cat 3.
Kind of like minor surgery, huh?
If it destroys your home it doesn't really matter how it was categorized, does it?

Cuba alone has experienced four major hurricane landfalls in the last eight years. It's good to be lucky and for the most part that is what we have been.
Kind of like minor surgery, huh?
If it destroys your home it doesn't really matter how it was categorized, does it?

Cuba alone has experienced four major hurricane landfalls in the last eight years. It's good to be lucky and for the most part that is what we have been.

Kind of like Benghazi. If it was your child that dies because Clinton gave a stand down order for political gain, would it matter to you that it was only a "minor" terrorist attack overseas?

I love how you people can think one way for certain topics and completely change it on others.
Me speculating on how a deal between Clinton and Trump went down to make him a mole:

1) There are legs to the Trump University scandal and Trump needs that to go away. The charges interestingly enough are out of New York where the Clintons certainly have the power to kill it, or worst case scenario pardon him.
2) Agree to look the other way on what Trump does with the hundreds of millions he'll walk away from this campaign with. A very sizable chunk of it being billed to Trump owned businesses.
3) The Clintons have done much business with Russia via the Clinton foundation. A deal could be worked out for the Clintons to use their influence to get Trump the funding for his TV station from Russia with the help of the Clintons in exchange for the Mole to do his thing.

Brother, all i did was spend 5 seconds to search for Khan supporting Shari'ah law. Someone said it was only right wing nut jobs making that up. 5 second google search and i found that he has written many papers supporting it.

Es todo.
The claim was that he supported Shari'ah law over the Constitution. He supports Muslims using the Quran as a moral guide just a Christians use the Bible as a moral guide, not as an instrument to write law. Pretty big distinction there.
So Trump is actually broke, going bankrupt, and is in jeopardy of going to prison over Trump University so he devised a super secret meeting with the Clintons and came up with this brilliant strategy to get Hillary elected and in return allow him to make profits off of the campaign and avoid jail. Are the Golf courses, Trump Tower, and the Hotels across the Globe really just imaginary fairy tales and figments of the imagination?

(besides the troll) some of you need to seriously take a nap.
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The claim was that he supported Shari'ah law over the Constitution. He supports Muslims using the Quran as a moral guide just a Christians use the Bible as a moral guide, not as an instrument to write law. Pretty big distinction there.

Bull. millions of muslims believe in sharia over the American constitution. The polls prove it, his writings didn't discourage it, and when average muslims are asked which they prefer, an overwhelming sample says sharia.

There is a huge difference in the bible and the Quran. You are warped.