How will they rule ??!

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"Cringestock" made me giggle. Good reminder that these people still can't meme, have no real sense of humor, and produce nothing of value
Normally I would call you an idiot along about now. Call it habit. But I'm drunk enough to agree with you, I think.

Can anyone point to a provision in the Constitution that applies to national emergencies? How about pandemics in general?

I think the dem might be right here. If the governments job is to protect us, then wouldn't it make sense that they give out guidelines to help us? Like it or not, this is a war. Fight like you care, or die like you don't.

This entire situation hasn't affected me as much as some. Sure, I've been eating part of the maids lunch everyday and I've asked my driver to bring his own toilet paper, but other than a couple of adjustments I've been fine with SIP.
"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States;"

In Whiskey rebellion of 1794, a 13K militia army was sent to suppress.
As to the reason why the U.S. went from having a 70-90% tax rate on the highest earners to sub 40%, I have no idea for the change. I just know it happened around the time RR was in office, i.e. Trickle Down Economics. I'm sure more money in the coffers of the rich is the reasoning but that'll be an uninformed opinion of mine.

I will say up until the 70s/early 80s minimum wage increased along with productivity and since then while productivity has skyrocketed, the minimum wage in terms of purchasing power has remained the same. If it had kept increasing with productivity you would likely have a minimum wage around 20/hour, i.e. enough for there to be a solid middle class.
That's one opinion. Another is to eliminate min wage & seal the borders from illegal alien invasion.
On the one hand I really do want some people to start challenging these restrictions in court. On the other hand, I’m incredibly nervous about things making it to the Supreme Court with this amount of public importance and media coverage. Cannot trust Roberts after he flipped on Obamacare due to the media pressure.
The minimum wage has never been enough to be considered middle class, I'm not sure where that is being taught, but it's ignorant.

The lower middle class was hit the hardest because millions of manufacturing jobs were shipped out of the country.
Sure they were - thanks to DA globalist pols who listened to the likes of Apple, etc. and thought it was great. The "We Are the World" people that f-ed this country over.
When will things be safe enough for the world to get back to normal? Do we have to wait for zero deaths in a day?

And going forward, what level of “crisis” is going to be needed to imprison all Americans in their homes and shutter businesses indefinitely?

There's no telling. This is so bad for many reasons, and not one of them involves this stupid virus that's as dangerous as the flu.
When will things be safe enough for the world to get back to normal? Do we have to wait for zero deaths in a day?

And going forward, what level of “crisis” is going to be needed to imprison all Americans in their homes and shutter businesses indefinitely?

This is the key. Government power should always be limited and clearly defined. Right now it's anything but.

Want to resist? Ok. They'll just summarily have you quarantined (no matter the symptoms ie the Nelson county man) or summarily strip you of your liquor and food license (ie the bar in Cincinnati) or threaten to summarily cancel your cosmetology license if you think you might want to protest.

All without due process and all for the safety of others.
Democrats are programed that their party leadership is never wrong and must be obeyed at all times under all circumstances. That is why they are called Yellow Dogs. They do not think, they wait to be spoon fed then they carry out the party orders. It is part of being a Democrat
Yellow Dog doesn't fit with the rest. YD's are about extinct if not so.
If Andy tries to stop me from having my pool opened and heater fixed mid April, I’m going to be super pissed. Not going to stand for that.
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If we can imprison people who are showing symptoms of COVID-19 in their homes, can we also imprison people who haven’t been vaccinated? Flu? HIV positive? What other diseases are scary enough that Andy Beshear can imprison someone for coughing?
Difference is there are known& available treatments for flu & HIV isn't transmitted by standing close (but not that close) to someone. This thing is different in those respects today.
Cosby is correct.
Since there will be no vaccine for a while, these restrictions could go on for a long time. Hopefully deaths will subside and we can get some sense of normalcy in May.

I was being half facetious, I know BC's schtick. He's clearly in a bad mood this morning :)

Maybe POTUS can get a repair man out to fix his pool heater before the 4/30 date he set yesterday.
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Cosby, did Air Raid hijack your account this morning?

Nope, just sticking to my principles.

We’re basically in post 9/11 on steroids at this point. Except we haven’t even passed new laws for this bullshit, just governors and the president doing whatever the hell they want. Nancy had 1400 pages of bullshit ready to fire off at the first opportunity, just like the PATRIOT Act was ready and waiting for a good time to push it through.

If I was a country without a central bank, I’d be shaking in my boots right now looking for some “COVID-19 curing” missiles.
Nope, just sticking to my principles.

We’re basically in post 9/11 on steroids at this point. Except we haven’t even passed new laws for this bullshit, just governors and the president doing whatever the hell they want. Nancy had 1400 pages of bullshit ready to fire off at the first opportunity, just like the PATRIOT Act was ready and waiting for a good time to push it through.

If I was a country without a central bank, I’d be shaking in my boots right now looking for some “COVID-19 curing” missiles.

I don't have a pool but have some good friends who have one - you're welcome to join us for a dip and a dram anytime.
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Nope, just sticking to my principles.

We’re basically in post 9/11 on steroids at this point. Except we haven’t even passed new laws for this bullshit, just governors and the president doing whatever the hell they want. Nancy had 1400 pages of bullshit ready to fire off at the first opportunity, just like the PATRIOT Act was ready and waiting for a good time to push it through.

If I was a country without a central bank, I’d be shaking in my boots right now looking for some “COVID-19 curing” missiles.

If we follow the same steps after 9/11 we’ll all be eating guano soup in 10 years.
Also, aside from the government actions during this “crisis”, and our media’s general irresponsible parroting of any orange man bad headlines, the media’s willingness to push Chinese propaganda is quite alarming.

“Media” including the “news” outlets, Twitter, Reddit, etc. to the extent the platforms are manipulating what people see.
Also, aside from the government actions during this “crisis”, and our media’s general irresponsible parroting of any orange man bad headlines, the media’s willingness to push Chinese propaganda is quite alarming.

“Media” including the “news” outlets, Twitter, Reddit, etc. to the extent the platforms are manipulating what people see.
Pointing out that CV came from people eating bat soup in Wuhan is racist, but orange man bad all the time and does nothing right is perfectly a ok.
People are dying but at least Trump is pulling down good ratings. That’s the important thing here.
You may have jokingly hit on the most important stat of this entire crisis.

Need Trump to come out ahead on his handling of keep power away from the Lunacratic party this November.

Until people go to prison (or get executed) for the blatant spying - and eventual coup attempt - of the POTUS, the lunacrats don’t deserve to be anywhere near the White House.
You may have jokingly hit on the most important stat of this entire crisis.

Need Trump to come out ahead on his handling of keep power away from the Lunacratic party this November.

Until people go to prison (or get executed) for the blatant spying - and eventual coup attempt - of the POTUS, the lunacrats don’t deserve to be anywhere near the White House.

I agree that Biden would be a disaster, and outside of his megalomaniacal tendencies I’ve been a fan of Trump. I think parroting ratings right now is ****ing idiotic.
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If we can imprison people who are showing symptoms of COVID-19 in their homes, can we also imprison people who haven’t been vaccinated? Flu? HIV positive? What other diseases are scary enough that Andy Beshear can imprison someone for coughing?
Severe allergies. Lock em up!
I agree that Biden would be a disaster, and outside of his megalomaniacal tendencies I’ve been a fan of Trump. I think parroting ratings right now is ****ing idiotic.

In all fairness to Trump,and I may be wrong, but I think he stated that in response to other media outlets that are refusing to broadcast the daily press briefings.
If we can imprison people who are showing symptoms of COVID-19 in their homes, can we also imprison people who haven’t been vaccinated? Flu? HIV positive? What other diseases are scary enough that Andy Beshear can imprison someone for coughing?
And...can we imprison dumb people? That would help a lot of things (say...election day)