How will they rule ??!

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Be nice if a law passed saying any future outbreaks from China (because that is where they tend to always come from) US automatically shuts its borders down from all international travel. Cannot come into the states until a proven test is available and all travelers must pass the test before heading to the USA. We cannot afford to have this happen again. Of course, no way it ever passes because of the PC culture we live in now.
Be nice if a law passed saying any future outbreaks from China (because that is where they tend to always come from) US automatically shuts its borders down from all international travel. Cannot come into the states until a proven test is available and all travelers must pass the test before heading to the USA. We cannot afford to have this happen again. Of course, no way it ever passes because of the PC culture we live in now.

So an American citizen that is in Tokyo on business is barred from entering the country?
I really hope chloroquine is proven to be the miracle drug for CV so the lefties on here end up drinking fish tank cleaner.

Still perplexes me that the idiots on the left found it reasonable that someone would drink fish tank cleaner after Trump said a prescription drug shows promise.

Just want to reiterate it takes an astonishing level of stupidity to drink fish tank cleaner, but an off the charts level of stupidity to blame the person who said a prescription drug was showing promise.
Trump has blood on his hands.

If he had not talked this up, the libs would not of decided to be on the opposite side. These drugs would have been green-lighted sooner with fewer deaths growing exponentially.

FDA issues emergency authorization of anti-malaria drug for coronavirus care

The Food and Drug Administration on Sunday issued an emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, decades-old malaria drugs championed by President Donald Trump for coronavirus treatment despite scant evidence.

The agency allowed for the drugs to be "donated to the Strategic National Stockpile to be distributed and prescribed by doctors to hospitalized teen and adult patients with COVID-19, as appropriate, when a clinical trial is not available or feasible," HHS said in a statement, announcing that Sandoz donated 30 million doses of hydroxychloroquine to the stockpile and Bayer donated 1 million doses of chloroquine.
The minimum wage has never been enough to be considered middle class, I'm not sure where that is being taught, but it's ignorant.

The lower middle class was hit the hardest because millions of manufacturing jobs were shipped out of the country.

Hey, you are correct in saying it has never been enough to be at the middle class, but that's not what I stated. I was saying if it kept increasing with productivity as it had in the past it would be around 20/hour or $41,600/year. For a household that would be over $83,200/year which is substantially more than the current median household income in the United States.
The minimum wage has never been enough to be considered middle class, I'm not sure where that is being taught, but it's ignorant.

The lower middle class was hit the hardest because millions of manufacturing jobs were shipped out of the country.

Hey, you are correct in saying it has never been enough to be at the middle class, but that's not what I stated. I was saying if it kept increasing with productivity as it had in the past it would be around 20/hour or $41,600/year. For a household that would be over $83,200/year which is substantially more than the current median household income in the United States.
Hey, you are correct in saying it has never been enough to be at the middle class, but that's not what I stated. I was saying if it kept increasing with productivity as it had in the past it would be around 20/hour or $41,600/year. For a household that would be over $83,200/year which is substantially more than the current median household income in the United States.

Hey, you are incorrect in assuming that minimum wage should be pegged to increasing productivity or that the median wage would remain the same with the same purchasing power were you to pay the guy flipping burgers more.

He's flipping the same burgers now that he was then. There's a finite number of burgers to be eaten. His purchasing power, depending on how you look at it and if you bother to really take into account everything or not, is much greater now than it was then. He enjoys a significantly higher quality of life now than he did then, but the burgers flipped are the same.

In no world does he earn 20 dollars, while the 5 dollar super sized value meal doesn't go to 10 dollars to compensate. This ends up hurting him more than it helps, but your empathy is not with him, it's to yourself... and you fail to understand basic economic principles that increases in cost of production are always passed on to the person who has to purchase the product, who is also the consumer of other products. Many restaurants, who already operate on exceedingly thin margins, may or may not be sustainable or survive this crisis at is, which brings your fantasy 20 dollar minimum wage down to zero for even more people when you increase the cost to have a meal out on the town thereby decreasing its demand.
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Hey, you are correct in saying it has never been enough to be at the middle class, but that's not what I stated. I was saying if it kept increasing with productivity as it had in the past it would be around 20/hour or $41,600/year. For a household that would be over $83,200/year which is substantially more than the current median household income in the United States.

When did it ever increase due to productivity? Minimum wage jobs are entry level jobs, they aren't career paths. What happened prior to about 25 years ago was kids would take these jobs, and then either move to a manufacturing job or tradecraft, or go on to higher education. We severely limited the number manufacturing opportunities, so that left people in service industry jobs.

People relying on minimum wage jobs is a symptom of that, artificially raising minimum wage while looking good in a stump speech, would simply eliminate the number of people receiving that amount. The cure is reinvigorating our manufacturing base that our govt incentivized to leave.
For weeks there were Massie reelection signs up all around our area. Had to go out today & didn't see a one.
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Looks like lefties are succeeding in further disruption to supply lines. I warned about this a few days ago.

Now they're inciting and organizing strikes within Amazon, instacart for sure. And I have personal knowledge they are doing with other crucial supply chain logistical operations.

What vile people.

If this is a state of emergency, so much to the effect I am locked indoors all day, businesses closed by govt, etc; then it seems to me these efforts equate to treason and should be punished.
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Trump formed a GD Coronavirus task force on January 29 while Nancy jacked around with f*cking impeachment pins.

Where's that loudmouthed SOB who fact checked me yesterday? Why the hell are you not fact-checking this loon? I'll hang up and listen.
It's funny how you don't realize you're making my point for me.
Let's try this again.

Spoken like a little boy playing with his hero dolls.
It's time to save as much as you can and start thinking about where else in the world you wanna live. Cash out your 401 k before it's worthless. This isn't a free country anymore and it's soon not gonna be safe anymore. 4 Christians were arrested in Greensboro yesterday for praying outside a so called essential abortion clinic
Doctors treating covid patients are taking it as a prophylactic, which is why I think (speculate) they aren't saying that they work. If they did, there would be a run on the drugs and everyone and their mother would be buying them up to store just in case, just to take day to day to prevent the pneumonia that is killing covid patients.
Doctors treating covid patients are taking it as a prophylactic, which is why I think (speculate) they aren't saying that they work. If they did, there would be a run on the drugs and everyone and their mother would be buying them up to store just in case, just to take day to day to prevent the pneumonia that is killing covid patients.

From what I heard, it’s a little too late to prevent everyone from buying up all the available chloroquine.
Trump has blood on his hands.

If he had not talked this up, the libs would not of decided to be on the opposite side. These drugs would have been green-lighted sooner with fewer deaths growing exponentially.

FDA issues emergency authorization of anti-malaria drug for coronavirus care

The Food and Drug Administration on Sunday issued an emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, decades-old malaria drugs championed by President Donald Trump for coronavirus treatment despite scant evidence.

The agency allowed for the drugs to be "donated to the Strategic National Stockpile to be distributed and prescribed by doctors to hospitalized teen and adult patients with COVID-19, as appropriate, when a clinical trial is not available or feasible," HHS said in a statement, announcing that Sandoz donated 30 million doses of hydroxychloroquine to the stockpile and Bayer donated 1 million doses of chloroquine.
Love how all the headlines say ‘malaria drug’. They just can’t bring themselves to name the drug in the headlines. Just can’t do it. ****wits.
Yeah, because we have a severe outbreak of malaria here.
What’s your point. i thought you were telling vhcat70 that it is not a preventive medicine? i saw a dr on tv over the wknd who said he’s taking it while working with patients, as a preventive against covid.