How will they rule ??!

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Well let me ask you that we've gone down this slippery slope into ussr territory how exactly do you think we're gonna get back? Especially in these blue states where the governors wanna do everything they can to keep things shut down. It's not just gonna magically happen. The virus is irrelevant to the way that they've seized power that they don't have
How are you so ignorant?

Your homework assignment is to study the National Emergency Powers Act.
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There has to be a detachment from China after this. Somehow, someway.

We should send them a bill for every penny lost. Or consider our debt to them paid. If they refuse, we should just nuke them. That nation continues to play with fire and we're lucky it's only been super colds they keep turning far.

If they do cancel our debt or pay us, any company wanting to manufacture anything there should be summarily laughed at. Any medical company should be disallowed to make any patented medicine or medical apparatus there.

Hope this is true regarding projected peak.

I hope but skeptical. All these governors are following the CDC recommendation. Every week starting two weeks ago, they say "next week we should know where we stand".

Let's hope. My fear is that it will peak in the hot stops today and then new hot spots will get it later. I have a buddy in Austin that has taken me to Zilker Park in Austin a few times and he was there today and said it was a joke.....all the volleyball courts full of shirtless millennials and big groups of people all over the park acting like it was the 4th of July. He said it was embarrassing. He took his dog there expecting it to be empty late in the afternoon.

That's what's so mind numbing about the isolation. Only about half the people are doing it. If only half of them are doing it then is it even flattening the curve?

An individual went out of his way in Mercer county to get a test. It was positive, then he refused to isolate or tell us who he was around (contact tracing).

I don't get being an a$$hole about it. But at the same time I think we're well beyond trying to trace anything. And we're all locked inside more or less so it's irrelevant imo
How are you so ignorant?

Your homework assignment is to study the National Emergency Powers Act.

The government does not have the right to tell some people hey you can earn a living and others tough shit you have to close.

Civil War is inevitable at this point. The political stunts have gone too far. The left and the right hate each other so viciously that it can't be repaired.

And this isn’t the 1860’s with states, uniforms and war strategy. This is a real civil war: neighbor vs neighbor, co-worker vs co-worker you name it communists vs patriots for all the marbles. When bloods running in the streets you can look back and have a small chuckle about social distancing at least
Some smart one's and some selfish a-holes, apparently.

It's happening everywhere and it is a shame. It's one thing to live in fear and shelter up for the next 2+ months, but people need to be sensible. Lots of people have been outside all week in my neighborhood and I have talked to many of them, but I am somewhat trying to keep my distance. Saw a driveway party last night with 20+ people in a guys driveway drinking beer. Not the smartest move IMO
The government does not have the right to tell some people hey you can earn a living and others tough shit you have to close.

Civil War is inevitable at this point. The political stunts have gone too far. The left and the right hate each other so viciously that it can't be repaired.

And this isn’t the 1860’s with states, uniforms and war strategy. This is a real civil war: neighbor vs neighbor, co-worker vs co-worker you name it communists vs patriots for all the marbles. When bloods running in the streets you can look back and have a small chuckle about social distancing at least

Will CA secede first? Will that be the start of it?
Also, what happened to your prediction of no more than 1500 deaths? Whoops, I forgot the coroners are fudging the numbers and hospitals are empty. My bad
Will CA secede first? Will that be the start of it?
Also, what happened to your prediction of no more than 1500 deaths? Whoops, I forgot the coroners are fudging the numbers and hospitals are empty. My bad
Here are some numbers that are not fudged- 264 deaths in the U.S. on March 29 per Worldinfometers- barely over half of the number from yesterday. And for the first time in over a week, an actual decrease in the number of new cases from the previous day. While the numbers of today may be more likely an outlier than a reflection of an actual peak, they're hardly an example of the "exponential" numbers that the doom prophets cite to project a total world dead total of something 70 trillion.
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I'm 99% sure you're just a parody account (at least I hope so).

Yes all the reports from hospital staff of having crazy nights (I have multiple family members that are nurses, guess they're in on it) are fake and the death numbers are faked by coroners. It's one giant conspiracy by all the politicians in the entire world, all the doctors and nurses in the entire world and all of the media to enact communism in the US... Crazy how all of them got together and planned this out without anyone finding out.
And yet every day life gets more fascistic. Businesses are closed some of them won't come back. Prisons are being emptied criminals released among us. What are they making room for could it be those who dare to violate these absurd guidelines. Already people are calling the authorities on their neighbors like it's the Khmer Rouge. Of course homeless and illegal aliens are welcome to wander abiding citizens having to present their papers to show they're essential they can be on the roads. We're two steps from making Jews wear the star of David
That's like the third time you've mentioned the Khmer Rouge in as many days. I think you watched one documentary and now think you're the Foremost Authority on the History of the World.
The government does not have the right to tell some people hey you can earn a living and others tough shit you have to close.

Civil War is inevitable at this point. The political stunts have gone too far. The left and the right hate each other so viciously that it can't be repaired.

And this isn’t the 1860’s with states, uniforms and war strategy. This is a real civil war: neighbor vs neighbor, co-worker vs co-worker you name it communists vs patriots for all the marbles. When bloods running in the streets you can look back and have a small chuckle about social distancing at least
Actually during a National Emergency they have the right and the duty to do what it takes to protect the people.
I guess you’re calling Trump a communist because it his NEA declaration that has enabled all of this.
I guess you really are THAT ignorant.
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There are so many people who are peeved this virus has interrupted their lives. LOL Talk about entitled! LOL They think it is a conspiracy against them. It's rather funny to go back a month on this board and read the posts about China's secret bio-weapon and such. Those same posters still think they should be taken seriously.
Actually during a National Emergency they have the right and the duty to do what it takes to protect the people.
I guess you’re calling Trump a communist because it his NEA declaration that has enabled all of this.
I guess you really are THAT ignorant.

Normally I would call you an idiot along about now. Call it habit. But I'm drunk enough to agree with you, I think.

Can anyone point to a provision in the Constitution that applies to national emergencies? How about pandemics in general?

I think the dem might be right here. If the governments job is to protect us, then wouldn't it make sense that they give out guidelines to help us? Like it or not, this is a war. Fight like you care, or die like you don't.

This entire situation hasn't affected me as much as some. Sure, I've been eating part of the maids lunch everyday and I've asked my driver to bring his own toilet paper, but other than a couple of adjustments I've been fine with SIP.
Agree with some/lot of what you say, but while Europe isn't sh!thole, it continues to fall behind in world growth due to too many restrictions & too much spending on social programs. That spending badly suppress initiative. If capitalism excelled there, the likes of Amazon/Microsoft/Apple would exist somewhere there. The biggest taxing states here have the worst problems with housing the poor, the highest income stratification, so lack of taxes isn't the problem. Too much regulation is. If 70%+ income tax rate on the wealthy is so great, why don't we have them?

As to the reason why the U.S. went from having a 70-90% tax rate on the highest earners to sub 40%, I have no idea for the change. I just know it happened around the time RR was in office, i.e. Trickle Down Economics. I'm sure more money in the coffers of the rich is the reasoning but that'll be an uninformed opinion of mine.

I will say up until the 70s/early 80s minimum wage increased along with productivity and since then while productivity has skyrocketed, the minimum wage in terms of purchasing power has remained the same. If it had kept increasing with productivity you would likely have a minimum wage around 20/hour, i.e. enough for there to be a solid middle class.
I’ve seen multiple posts from lefties along the lines of, “muh well I guess you’re criticizing Trump...”

Yeah, no shit. I’ve said it all along, Trump is a big spending NY liberal Democrat. I’m willing to compromise so long as he keeps my taxes low and puts America first.

I just find it funny how many lefties think you have to support every single thing a politician does for the sake of the team.
I’ve seen multiple posts from lefties along the lines of, “muh well I guess you’re criticizing Trump...”

Yeah, no shit. I’ve said it all along, Trump is a big spending NY liberal Democrat. I’m willing to compromise so long as he keeps my taxes low and puts America first.

I just find it funny how many lefties think you have to support every single thing a politician does for the sake of the team.
Trump formed a GD Coronavirus task force on January 29 while Nancy jacked around with f*cking impeachment pins.

Where's that loudmouthed SOB who fact checked me yesterday? Why the hell are you not fact-checking this loon? I'll hang up and listen.
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Trump formed a GD Coronavirus task force on January 29 while Nancy jacked around with f*ucking impeachment pins.

Where's that loudmouthed SOB who fact checked me yesterday? Why the hell are you not fact-checking this loon? I'll hang up and listen.

Playing devils advocate, maybe the fact checker has the loon you’re talking to on ignore like the majority of people who don’t feel like seeing a bunch of unclever pictures with words clogging up pages.
As to the reason why the U.S. went from having a 70-90% tax rate on the highest earners to sub 40%, I have no idea for the change. I just know it happened around the time RR was in office, i.e. Trickle Down Economics. I'm sure more money in the coffers of the rich is the reasoning but that'll be an uninformed opinion of mine.

I will say up until the 70s/early 80s minimum wage increased along with productivity and since then while productivity has skyrocketed, the minimum wage in terms of purchasing power has remained the same. If it had kept increasing with productivity you would likely have a minimum wage around 20/hour, i.e. enough for there to be a solid middle class.

The minimum wage has never been enough to be considered middle class, I'm not sure where that is being taught, but it's ignorant.

The lower middle class was hit the hardest because millions of manufacturing jobs were shipped out of the country.
The minimum wage has never been enough to be considered middle class, I'm not sure where that is being taught, but it's ignorant.

The lower middle class was hit the hardest because millions of manufacturing jobs were shipped out of the country.

The amount of people working for minimum wage outside of high school and college students is incredibly small. No, you can’t raise a family on minimum wage. You also can’t afford school, but that’s also thanks to lefty intervention in the markets.
As to the reason why the U.S. went from having a 70-90% tax rate on the highest earners to sub 40%, I have no idea for the change. I just know it happened around the time RR was in office, i.e. Trickle Down Economics. I'm sure more money in the coffers of the rich is the reasoning but that'll be an uninformed opinion of mine.

All your opinions thus far are uninformed.

I will say up until the 70s/early 80s minimum wage increased along with productivity and since then while productivity has skyrocketed, the minimum wage in terms of purchasing power has remained the same. If it had kept increasing with productivity you would likely have a minimum wage around 20/hour, i.e. enough for there to be a solid middle class.

It's a natural consequence of womens' liberation. When you all of the sudden double the work force, but keep demand the same, the inevitable result will be an overall halving of income. You double supply but keep demand the same, with the benefit being "doubled" productivity.

Instead of the husband going out to earn a living for the entire family, both parents go out to earn in income, but they still only need one house, one refrigerator, one TV, one couch, one master bed, etc.

Anything a socialist or democrat socialist or whatever you want to consider yourself proposes to help the poor or middle class in all actuality only hurts it. Your only benefit is misery loves company; there's much less people to be jealous of because you're all in the same boat more or less, which is precisely what happens in Europe. You are paid 30% less for the same work you do, taxed 50% more, and everything costs 20% more such that their stronger broader middle class is significantly poorer than ours. And they still have their rich coffers investments dispersed providing jobs/liquidity too, difference is they weren't made by some kid who figured out the operating system your computer uses, designed/invented the phone in your pocket, or in an attempt to totally revolutionize the automobile industry to such a degree he can punt a car into space for hobby. All that benefits you, but unfortunately does nothing to ease your jealous misery that no one wants to pay you millions of dollars to sell yoga pants.

Your anger should be directed at the teachers/professors/those around you who taught you how to think so poorly, not the evil rich or some guy on the internet who posts a meme of ridiculous statements indistinguishable from verifiable ones.
This is why education is so important. So, saying the Corona virus originated in China is not racist, that is factual, saying the virus is Chinese is racist because you are attaching a very negative attribution to an entire race of people. It is a virus not a human nor a human characteristic, it would infect and has infected people of any race. Giving the virus a cultural or national identity is not only ignorant of what you are talking about it is racist. That is simply a racist misunderstanding of nearly everything about the virus.

Actually during a National Emergency they have the right and the duty to do what it takes to protect the people.
I guess you’re calling Trump a communist because it his NEA declaration that has enabled all of this.
I guess you really are THAT ignorant.

Mostly true but the authority is not unlimited. Although in this case I think they are justified in nearly all action because they're relying on cdc advice.

The fact they're given iffy info is a different issue.

However the uneven application and enforcement is where the meat is and that's certainly going on to an extent
I’ve seen multiple posts from lefties along the lines of, “muh well I guess you’re criticizing Trump...”

Yeah, no shit. I’ve said it all along, Trump is a big spending NY liberal Democrat. I’m willing to compromise so long as he keeps my taxes low and puts America first.

I just find it funny how many lefties think you have to support every single thing a politician does for the sake of the team.
Democrats are programed that their party leadership is never wrong and must be obeyed at all times under all circumstances. That is why they are called Yellow Dogs. They do not think, they wait to be spoon fed then they carry out the party orders. It is part of being a Democrat
Wife said the hospital was slow with Covid cases but is now starting to see the numbers increase. She became skeptical about what the media was saying since it was not showing up at the hospital but she is now starting to see that the peak starting to show its head. She thinks Trump is right saying it will happen within the next 2 weeks.

BTW, some of the stories she tells me about infected people just shows how stupid and irresponsible people are. Had one patient show up who has it. Got it because she went to a baby shower where everyone knew the expecting mother tested positive for it.
Wife said the hospital was slow with Covid cases but is now starting to see the numbers increase. She became skeptical about what the media was saying since it was not showing up at the hospital but she is now starting to see that the peak starting to show its head. She thinks Trump is right saying it will happen within the next 2 weeks.

BTW, some of the stories she tells me about infected people just shows how stupid and irresponsible people are. Had one patient show up who has it. Got it because she went to a baby shower where everyone knew the expecting mother tested positive for it.

I think it's pretty clear that the SIP has helped - if everyone was just going on about their lives as normal things would almost certainly be much worse. Good job by governors who got in front of it, and by the POTUS for recommending another 30 days of vigilance.
There are so many people who are peeved this virus has interrupted their lives. LOL Talk about entitled! LOL They think it is a conspiracy against them. It's rather funny to go back a month on this board and read the posts about China's secret bio-weapon and such. Those same posters still think they should be taken seriously.
Let's try this again.