How will they rule ??!

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Pornography has been a boogeyman of conservatives for literally millennia. Feminists did not create anti-pornography sentiment in the 20th century. You are a moron.
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The rationale is the citizens have the right to be represented. Illegals have no such right to representation thus are not to be considered.

Their rights dictate they should be tossed out on their head. Hopefully they will.
? Where does that rationale come from though? Is what I asked. The Constitution directly contradicts you.
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I never knew what came of this until Jack Posobiec brought this up with Tucker earlier this week. Remember the 'Draw Muhammad' contest back in 2015 with Pamela Geller where the two Muslims tried to kill everyone?

'Tear up Texas,' undercover FBI agent told Islamic State shooter before Garland attack

An undercover FBI agent claimed to be the Islamic State's "eyes" when they attacked a Mohammed-mocking cartoon contest, and had even goaded one of the shooters, according to federal court records.

The feds also paid $132K to an informant to keep pushing the shooter and further radicalizing him and record the conversations. The FBI asset is actually sitting in the car behind them, knowing they're going to the event to shoot up and then flees the scene.

Our feds are coaching and funding this shit.
The Church is absolutely Israel.

Nope. "The Church" did not exist prior to the 4th century AD. If anyone believes that there were no true branches before that time, they are following a different teacher.

You are correct that the door is open for anyone to return and especially those to whom the revelation was first given. They are the branches cast off to be prepared FOR the fire, but they can be re-grafted. They just have to accept the Lamb and stop sinning.

I am not correct. The word is correct. All of it. Not just the parts that agree with a dogma. I fixed some things that were easier corrected than retyped.

One of the consistent types running throughout the OT is the older brother losing his inheritance and persecuting the younger brother who receives it instead. Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and his broretype.

One of MANY types used to illustrate that God isn't limited by human means. He establishes who He establishes by their heart and not their birth order. The arrogant are set aside for the humble. Those who would take the crown for themselves, for those who set aside their life so that others might have a share In it.

The criteria is the same as it ever has been and will be. Just as Ruth and Rahab were grafted into the ancestry of David, so too have gentiles always been able to attach themselves to God through the promise of His son, The Lamb, by choosing His ways, and not following the traditions of mankind.

Not all descended of Israel are Israel, just as not all in the Church will be acknowledged before his Father by Jesus. The arrogance of believing someone else is cut off you to be grafted in is the sane as Israel's arrogance in believing the occupants of the land were cut off FOR them.

God was very specific that the previous occupants were cast out because of their disobedience. In fact, that's why Abraham to whom the promise was made couldn't take possession right away. Their chosen corruption wasn't yet complete. The new tenant does not "replace" the old tenant on the old lease. The lease agreement is specific to each tenant, even if the terms are exactly the same as before.

We should never be so arrogant as to think someone was broken off FOR US. That is the essence of the replacement doctrine. It is putting new wine into old wineskins, just as is accepting the Lamb but going right back to sinning as if nothing changed but your outer garments.

It's like saying the person broken off because of their choices can't be grafted back in at the same spot because you've taken it. The parable of the prodigal son tells us otherwise. We need look at the whole word to understand the difference.

Not trying to be a jerk. I just don't want things being misrepresented.
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Exactly. His post was based on his interpretation. The lefts interpretation of the constitution is always wrong and skewed. Look at the first amendment, 2nd amendment, abortion issues etc...
As I already posted, there are no other interpretations. That line in the Constitution is extremely specific.
I admit I didn't know them well, but I was stationed with some Aussies in Viet Nam. I am totally shocked at how liberal Australia has become.

It's wild. Blows me away to think about it. Got to talk to a guy that still lives there but also has a place here in the states (Aussie citizen). He's stunned into near grief. Doesn't know where to live now that this country looks like it's going the same direction.
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This is what I just don't understand about these people who claim to be Democrats who are moderate and good Christian family men like BBBlazing and others on here. Their is literally a moderate democrat running as an independent who's not lockstep in with the Globalist destruction of America agenda, that they can easily champion and pull the trigger for. But like sooooo many they consider it a wasted vote. Well if all the people that thought it was a wasted vote would actually vote for the guy, then maybe he would surprise everyone. Being of the mindset that we only have two options is what's got us into this gnarly predicament. And no, I'm not in the RFK, jr. camp. I won't be voting for him either, but it's not because I think it's a wasted vote. I voted for Perot back in the day and if another independent came along that I could get behind I'd vote that way again.
I think you give BBBLazing to much credit for being moderate. From what I've seen, he's got the brain f**k of an anointed liberal.
I never knew what came of this until Jack Posobiec brought this up with Tucker earlier this week. Remember the 'Draw Muhammad' contest back in 2015 with Pamela Geller where the two Muslims tried to kill everyone?

'Tear up Texas,' undercover FBI agent told Islamic State shooter before Garland attack

An undercover FBI agent claimed to be the Islamic State's "eyes" when they attacked a Mohammed-mocking cartoon contest, and had even goaded one of the shooters, according to federal court records.

The feds also paid $132K to an informant to keep pushing the shooter and further radicalizing him and record the conversations. The FBI asset is actually sitting in the car behind them, knowing they're going to the event to shoot up and then flees the scene.

Our feds are coaching and funding this shit.
Hillary and Obama CREATED ISIS.
So you're saying the Voters Dion described as being disenchanted with Trump and looking for an alternative want someone they can control?

If you're talking about the Oligarchy that runs the Biden/Harris admin, then yeah, I understand that, my point in reference to Dion's post was that RFK was there all along to be that alternative for disenchanted voters.
I understand you think that, he’s antivax though. He was never an alternative as the Democratic electorate hates him.
Nope. "The Church" did not exist prior to the 4th century AD. If anyone believes that there were no true branches before that time, they are following a different teacher.
This is just factually incorrect. An idea never posited until the modern era. Here you have Ignatius of Antioch (who knew and learned from St John) writing around the year 110:

“See that ye all follow the bishop, even as Jesus Christ does the Father, and the presbytery as ye would the apostles; and reverence the deacons, as being the institution of God. Let no man do anything connected with the Church without the bishop. […] Wherever the bishop shall appear, there let the multitude [of the people] also be; even as, wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church. […] Whatsoever [the bishop] shall approve of, that is also pleasing to God, so that everything that is done may be secure and valid.”

There are an almost limitless supply of other pre-Constantine references to "the Church" and meaning it explicitly in the way in which I am referring to the Church. I mean, Our Lord himself creates the Church by ordaining the Apostles and placing Peter over them. "Feed my sheep." "What you bind on Earth is bound in Heaven...". etc.

It's like saying the person broken off because of their choices can't be grafted back in at the same spot because you've taken it.

Perhaps we're talking past each other to a certain extent. I am not saying Jews can never be accepted into the Church or that they lost salvation simply by once being Jews. You are correct in that we are all grafted into the vine and should claim no special privilege for having been grated on. And I definitely do not suppose that anyone being grafted in "takes the spot" of someone else.

What I am saying is that rejecting Christ, which Jews must do or else they are no longer Jews, means that you cannot be grafted on. That is the absolute bare minimum for being seen as a good servant of Our Lord. Again, they can be grafted on at any moment by abandoning Talmudic Judaism and accepting authentic Christian teaching. I am not claiming they are cast out and can never return. But they actually have to accept Our Lord for that return to happen. As of now, that is not the case and probably won't be until the end, if you accept that interpretation of Revelation.

To head off the old covenant still being in place argument, I must ask how a Jew today can ever faithfully uphold the covenant without a Temple? Why would God allow the Temple to be destroyed if he expected the Jews to still faithfully follow the Mosaic Law? Isn't it much more reasonable to see the destruction of the Temple (and it's never having been rebuilt for 2000 years) as a sign from God that the old covenant can no longer be fulfilled by humans. The only way is through Our Lord Jesus Christ
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What's different?
The fact that the American Commander-in-Chief cannot get through a simple television broadcast without appearing to be cognitively impair.

Political BS aside, it is absurd that Kamala is not in charge right now. Situations like this are exactly what VPs are for.
This is what I just don't understand about these people who claim to be Democrats who are moderate and good Christian family men like BBBlazing and others on here. Their is literally a moderate democrat running as an independent who's not lockstep in with the Globalist destruction of America agenda, that they can easily champion and pull the trigger for. But like sooooo many they consider it a wasted vote. Well if all the people that thought it was a wasted vote would actually vote for the guy, then maybe he would surprise everyone. Being of the mindset that we only have two options is what's got us into this gnarly predicament. And no, I'm not in the RFK, jr. camp. I won't be voting for him either, but it's not because I think it's a wasted vote. I voted for Perot back in the day and if another independent came along that I could get behind I'd vote that way again.
And you’d throw your vote away again. Did Perot win? Can any third party presidential candidate?
? Where does that rationale come from though? Is what I asked. As long the Constitution directly contradicts you.
Do you also think that is rational to expect EVERY single one of those representatives to uphold their oath to the Constitution and see that the very laws that they have written are enforced? Thereby securing our border and immediately deporting every single one that broke our laws the moment they entered this country illegally and many have broken other laws (including rape and murder) since.
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False. It does not say Non citizens.
It very specifically does. It’s a specific list of which statuses qualify: “…whole number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.” It specifies Citizens in literally the paragraph before that one. If they had meant citizen, they would have said citizen. They very specifically didn’t. As even shown directly by them going on to specifically exclude certain noncitizens(untaxed Indians) who were part of that included noncitizen group.
It very specifically does. It’s a specific list of which statuses qualify: “…whole number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.” It specifies Citizens in literally the paragraph before that one. If they had meant citizen, they would have said citizen. They very specifically didn’t. As even shown directly by them going on to specifically exclude certain noncitizens(untaxed Indians) who were part of that included noncitizen group.

While it’s entertaining to watch Dion repeatedly cite a provision of the Constitution that was replaced by the 14th Amendment, I’ll go ahead and point out the provisions Dion is citing were replaced with the 14th Amendment.
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