How will they rule ??!

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You can’t argue with CRO. He makes a lot of good points but he’s never wrong in his own mind. Overall I think he’s actually close to the center or maybe even a “classic liberal” but he takes the far right side of everything.
Nobody on this forum is "far right". Check the definition. I'm sure you'll disagree because you always do. Far right is extreme, think skin heads. Many on here with the exception of a few are conservative right. Big difference.
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Lexington is shutting down parks, golf courses and other outdoor activities. What a clown show.

We’re still just getting started, bro! Democrats intend to make this show last at least a few months, and nothing will stop them.

I knew some extreme shit would happen before the election, but I could have never dreamed this up.
Nobody on this forum is "far right". Check the definition. I'm sure you'll disagree because you always do. Far right is extreme, think skin heads. Most on here with the exception of a few are conservative right. Big difference.
I mean I’m a monarchist/corporatist/paleo conservative
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Lexington is shutting down parks, golf courses and other outdoor activities. What a clown show.

We’re still just getting started, bro! Democrats intend to make this show last at least a few months, and nothing will stop them.

I knew some extreme shit would happen before the election, but I could have never dreamed this up.

It's hilarious. The police drive around monitoring for social gatherings. Can you imagine if they were this vigilant regarding the murder and crime?

I'm curious how much longer people will go for this nonsense. It'll be nice weather today. It's pretty obvious these pols have a taste of extreme power and they like it
Lexington is shutting down parks, golf courses and other outdoor activities. What a clown show.

We’re still just getting started, bro! Democrats intend to make this show last at least a few months, and nothing will stop them.

I knew some extreme shit would happen before the election, but I could have never dreamed this up.
My wife just got her “essential worker” certificate. It’s happening boys.
Love hearing politicians talk about “our grandchildren” having to pay for this massive bill. Funny thing though, I have heard the same crap my entire life so I am confused on which generation will actually pay the debt down. Washington is incapable of balancing a budget and spending/printing money like Monopoly money.
Love hearing politicians talk about “our grandchildren” having to pay for this massive bill. Funny thing though, I have heard the same crap my entire life so I am confused on which generation will actually pay the debt down. Washington is incapable of balancing a budget and spending/printing money like Monopoly money.

We're beyond the point of no return on deficits etc. It's ridiculous but is what it is.

My main concern is the shutdown of the entire country and the precedent it sets. Now if it's a bad flu season do we just shut it all down for a month? Two?

What's the standard now for shutting everything down (other than which party is in the Whitehouse)? Because rest assured we will see this again. Actions this extreme, now unchecked, are sure to show themselves again.
We're beyond the point of no return on deficits etc. It's ridiculous but is what it is.

My main concern is the shutdown of the entire country and the precedent it sets. Now if it's a bad flu season do we just shut it all down for a month? Two?

What's the standard now for shutting everything down (other than which party is in the Whitehouse)? Because rest assured we will see this again. Actions this extreme, now unchecked, are sure to show themselves again.

we are throwing away too many of our liberties and it's gotta stop people have got to stand up and be counted against this tyranny
You can’t argue with CRO. He makes a lot of good points but he’s never wrong in his own mind. Overall I think he’s actually close to the center or maybe even a “classic liberal” but he takes the far right side of everything.

One can certainly argue with me, and I want" to be proven wrong if you can, but the arguments I typically end up having here are something like the last two I had where one person is flat out fabricating something like totally misrepresenting a quote to achieve an end, or the person is in a totally untenable position because they are making a profoundly obtuse and absurd propostion like economic decline is good for your health.

What fascinates me as an aside really is that those things are wrong, should be anyway, in everybody's mind but people like them and the person that liked your post won't abandon demonstrably wrong ideas.

And I said radical left for a reason; I'm sloppy with the structure of my posts, not the words used. There is a certain amount of partisanship line in the sand, my way or the highway nonsense that's baked into the cake and unavoidable. There's always room for finger pointing there, but for heaven's sake one party almost tried to thrust a verifiable communist upon us.

When I take a stance against the ignorant, seductive ideas of the far left, it's inevitable I would find some common ground with the far right side of everything. But I am not a conservative, which means I necessarily don't agree with the right side of everything, but what good does it do me to come here and argue the merits of an Obama phone (which I supported) during times like these?
It's hilarious. The police drive around monitoring for social gatherings. Can you imagine if they were this vigilant regarding the murder and crime?

I'm curious how much longer people will go for this nonsense. It'll be nice weather today. It's pretty obvious these pols have a taste of extreme power and they like it

The police are doing that in Lexington? Nuts.

Just read a tweet about NYC releasing a career criminal who’s currently in Rikers for stabbing his girlfriend to death. 30 of his prison pals were also released during this purge.
Nobody on this forum is "far right". Check the definition. I'm sure you'll disagree because you always do. Far right is extreme, think skin heads. Many on here with the exception of a few are conservative right. Big difference.

This is also a very good point and expounds on the crux of my argument.

The left, far left in particular, wants to associate you (mainstream right) with those racists and hard-line ideas as a means to an end, deliberate misrepresentation of your position to sow discord for political expediency.

We need to be better than that.
The police are doing that in Lexington? Nuts.

Just read a tweet about NYC releasing a career criminal who’s currently in Rikers for stabbing his girlfriend to death. 30 of his prison pals were also released during this purge.
And the same people who release a murderer into society are the same people who would like for you and I to hand over our weapons. Those people
Lexington is shutting down parks, golf courses and other outdoor activities. What a clown show.

We’re still just getting started, bro! Democrats intend to make this show last at least a few months, and nothing will stop them.

I knew some extreme shit would happen before the election, but I could have never dreamed this up.
Even crazier: Trump still has a good shot at winning in November 2020
At first I thought you were going to have a valid, logical point. Then you wrote "selfish partisan environment the radical left has created." With an attitude like that, NOTHING will ever change. I follow a few other message boards and one of them is the liberal version of the Paddock. They continually sh!t on everything Trump has ever done and no matter what he does (even if it might be good), it is the wrong move. The same can be said for this site 95% of the time. Occasionally, there are some conservative posters who open their eyes a bit and see that some of the actions of liberal politicians have merit. But it seems to happen rarely as this site is a sh!t fest on anything liberal.

I agree with your last sentence that we should be better and we need to be better but if people continue to have the mentality that the other side is always the one to blame, nothing will ever change. Newsflash: there are a lot of politicians on both sides that absolutely suck

Politicians on the left suck 100% of the time. Politicians on the right, about 85% of the time. Problem is the left and media never utter a single word of criticism about the left.
Until there's a push for a mail in election which seems like the next thing we're gonna have to fight against
Mail in election is where the stand has to be made. Period. Same with digital or text in or any other nonsense. We’d lose the country forever. No hyperbole.

At worst, R votes will get “lost in the mail” and Biden magically wins.

At best, R votes will literally get lost in the mail and Biden magically wins.
I mean, Democrats are trotting out Joe Biden. I still can’t believe it. They know they have to do something. Shut the economy down. Idk.

Yes I think Covid-19 is real. Just zero question is being used by the left not just as a power grab of biblical proportions but also as a “surefire” way of running Trump and the Dow (Trumps calming card) straight off of Everest.

^ problem with that is timing tho......Americans do not like being caged up and they DEF won’t accept no football (not trying to be funny).....this *will* get up and running in time for the election either by them “allowing” it or organically, I don’t give a f*** which way but rest assured it will.
yup gotta distract from the real story.

It's pretty hilarious the hate for CNN when everyone here watches the biggest lying news organization of them all - FoxNews

Sports shut down. Right to assemble conveniently discouraged or even revoked. Travel being limited; state deciding who is "essential" thereby deciding who can make a living and who can't. All sorts of leisure activities bars restaurants etc closing down. Of course they say it's all temporary but offer no timetable for reversing this damage. At what point are people gonna realize that this is not about a virus and it's an assault on your freedom. What do they have to start hauling people to the gulag for folks to wake up?

three weeks ago when all sports was getting shut down like dominoes I said this whole thing sticks and we are heading down a slippery slope well where are we now? These governors are one day just gonna give back the power that they've granted themselves ?
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Since a few of you guys are almost as cynical and paranoid as I am what's your plan if things get really bad here as in a communist dystopia? Fight? Try and leave?
No, I don’t think it’s really that dramatic, sorry if I sounded that way. I just think regular Americans including regular folks Democrats will put up with this shit very long before they turn on on leadership and demand to get things going as there aren’t going to be flatbed trucks of body bags running around. This is going to be about the shutdown before long and not the virus.

And by turn on I don’t mean murder for the record.

Just saying we aren’t going to accept this for long nor are the police and NG and army going to come in take over......those folks are “us” too, really.

This goes for regular Ds too (not leadership of course)....Joe factory worker wants to work. Kenzie-Anne who owns a Pilates joint and is a D because she feels really bad for black people (but has no contact with them) wants to get back to Pilates or whatever. Black people.....well, they aren’t staying in anyways and don’t give a shit about social distancing in the slightest. Oh, and again they like trump more than you think (although they do like Biden as well)

Just saying, we aren’t going to take it for that long. And football. They aren’t taking football.
I’ve known Andy for a long time. He is extremely earnest and passionate about his viewpoints. When he is locked in on something, he stays super locked in for the duration. He is tailor made for this crisis because of that laser like focus. Hopefully he continues down the right path. He’s done fantastic so far.

So basically we're not getting out of our homes until Daddy Andy believes it's safe for us to do so
Lexington is shutting down parks, golf courses and other outdoor activities. What a clown show.

We’re still just getting started, bro! Democrats intend to make this show last at least a few months, and nothing will stop them.

I knew some extreme shit would happen before the election, but I could have never dreamed this up.

Have they closed the gun shops using the "non-essential" tag yet
So basically we're not getting out of our homes until Daddy Andy believes it's safe for us to do so
Not answering for ‘73 but....and preface I’m an evil MAGA supporter.....I really don’t think it’s Andy “doing this” but the collective group think has really one wants the be the one guy or one entity that stays open and one person gets sick or dies which will cute in theory is *not* how America operates.
So basically we're not getting out of our homes until Daddy Andy believes it's safe for us to do so

I'm still waiting for some reporter, any reporter, to ask him about the Nelson county man he ordered quarantined against his will.

Of course not only did the man turn out to not have it. He didn't even have enough of the symptoms to get tested.

Can you imagine a gop Pol getting that kind of pass?
I think you're gonna need some people maybe even a lot of people to defy these ridiculous orders. The government doesn't relinquish power very easily
They will. They are already. And to be clear, by defy I don’t mean violently. Just by **** it, come arrest me.

No joke, this is a scared white people point of contention. Clutching pearls and hanging on every press conference. It’s pathetic.

My business is in the West End and most of my employees are black. While I know I have never walked in their shoes my team is like family to me and I have a pretty front row seat to how things operate in the WE and have for 18 years. So as I drive around daily and see the parks full, front porches full, Autozone on 22nd & Broadway parking lot full of guys fixing cars.....I have faith that people aren’t going to shut in forever.

I’ve been (fortunately) so busy at work I really can’t keep up with the daily changes and I laughed when my wife told me Andy had “shut down the parks” lols someone forgot to tell the West End. Ohhhh but they’re going to take the nets down????? That’ll show them!!!!1!1

Sorry for the rash of responses, have (fortunately) not had time to post in a while.
Sports shut down. Right to assemble conveniently discouraged or even revoked. Travel being limited; state deciding who is "essential" thereby deciding who can make a living and who can't. All sorts of leisure activities bars restaurants etc closing down. Of course they say it's all temporary but offer no timetable for reversing this damage. At what point are people gonna realize that this is not about a virus and it's an assault on your freedom. What do they have to start hauling people to the gulag for folks to wake up?

three weeks ago when all sports was getting shut down like dominoes I said this whole thing sticks and we are heading down a slippery slope well where are we now? These governors are one day just gonna give back the power that they've granted themselves ?
Makes you start to wonder the real reason for them to be emptying out the jails and prisons. Who are they making room for?
I sincerely hope I am mistaken but I think we have a massive fight on our hands. At very least we do politically. Will it escalate into a pushback beyond that onto our roads and businesses? Who knows I hope not
I don’t disagree. I’m probably closer to you than I sound. I just think it’s incredibly important to be clear that I don’t mean civil war....when someone suggests that kind of shit they get rightfully marginalized....that is not going to happen.

It can’t happen, really. The armed forces and police i the US are infinitely more aligned with regular people than they are the elites.....and the elites are aware of that or would be made aware of that with the quickness.
I don’t disagree. I’m probably closer to you than I sound. I just think it’s incredibly important to be clear that I don’t mean civil war....when someone suggests that kind of shit they get rightfully marginalized....that is not going to happen.

It can’t happen, really. The armed forces and police i the US are infinitely more aligned with regular people than they are the elites.....and the elites are aware of that or would be made aware of that with the quickness.

right I think most police realize a lot of this stuff is insane and they're gonna try not to bother regular folks going about their business. They don't want interaction either a lot of them
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