How will they rule ??!

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Obviously, this was a hit job by the Communist Chinese, the Marxist Democrats, & the anti-American fake news propagandist media to take down President Trump. Nothing less. In 2009 we had the Obama Swine Flu in which 12,469 people died. All the sports teams played. No businesses were shut down. No one was ordered to stay home by fascist fear mongering Governors. Compare that to this asinine response to the Chinese Wuhan. The speed in which the Democrats 1400 page wish list of pork appeared raises many questions.
Questions about the pork must not be brought up.
Just ask ky’s rep. thomas massie. he was vilified from the potus on down for protesting how the bill was rushed through without a constitutional vote being required.
Now none of the house members have their votes on record.
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Questions about the pork must not be brought up.
Just as ky’s rep. thomas massie. he was vilified from the potus on down for protesting how the bill was rushed through without a constitutional vote being required.
Now none of the house members have their votes on record.

We should just assume it was unanimous in both houses of congress. None of the democrats should be safe and frankly a lot of the gop uniparty rino grifters ought to be gone too
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I hate this. She has/had the best legs in TV news.


That’s just a damn shame. She is awesome. She should start her own video podcast but make sure her legs are visible the entire time. Viewers would flock.
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Check out this article from Courier Journal:

Louisville mayor: 'Hundreds' gathered on Broadway despite social-distancing rules

Just got this [laughing]......I know what tf I’m talking about on this, believe me. And Greg Fischer/Nerd Andy aren’t going to/can’t do a thing about it.
Guessing that was a very diverse and multi-cultural group of people of all races and all walks of life in that crowd?
Has he been "principled" before or is this opportunistic grandstanding. If he has been consistent then ok, but if not this probably was not him finding religion.
He's always principled but getting in the way of help when he knows it's futile is harmful & idiotic. I've had it. Give me a Conserv with realism.
friends in the healthcare field have said it is slow because not taking outpatient stuff. Have laid off people but expecting it to turn when COVID-19 hits Indiana full force

Exactly. This isn't some permanent business decision. This was temporarily offloading a portion of their payroll onto taxpayers for the very short term.

Combined with the fact we were supposed to be overrun two weeks ago, then last week, and now this week - it seems like the signal from those with boots on the ground suggests otherwise
You may not leave your house until a government official comes and takes your temperature rectally you gonna go along with that you sheeple out there? How far you gonna go with this madness?

Im curious what would you like me to do to show my resilience to this so I wont be one of these "sheeple"?

Dude everything is closed where I live, what is the point of me going out if absolutely everything is closed. Should I go hang out at the Target parking lot?

Is my dad supposed to just go into work and get fired? Are small businesses supposed to just open up shop and get fined and permanently closed down?

I live in California and Ive been experiencing the SIP for a few weeks now and get to experience it for what looks to be quite a bit more time. No one I know is happy about it, I know many people going above and beyond trying to get work exemptions to still be able to work.

But your over the top crap is annoying to read sometimes.
I’m personally a BIG FAN of putting tRump in front of a microphone for a daily briefing. There is no censor switch between his tiny brain and his huge mouth. As long as the daily tRump briefings keep happening, no one on the other side needs any creativity at all with coming up with campaign material to use against him, just keep the cameras rolling and he’s providing the material himself. Especially when you have his MD expert standing behind him facepalming at some of his remarks. It’s golden. His thin skin, inability to remotely accept responsibility for anything perceived as wrong, and unfiltered ego show through at every briefing. Again, I’m a BIG FAN and hope he continues to want to hang himself daily.
You should check the polls, commie. Trump above-water first time in his Presidency, 60% approval of his handling of the Chinese virus.

You should also thank him for the early travel bans while the media, Crooked H, Dementia Joe, and I'm guessing idiots like you were calling him racist and xenophobic.

Stick to Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell.
Im curious what would you like me to do to show my resilience to this so I wont be one of these "sheeple"?

Dude everything is closed where I live, what is the point of me going out if absolutely everything is closed. Should I go hang out at the Target parking lot?

Is my dad supposed to just go into work and get fired? Are small businesses supposed to just open up shop and get fined and permanently closed down?

I live in California and Ive been experiencing the SIP for a few weeks now and get to experience it for what looks to be quite a bit more time. No one I know is happy about it, I know many people going above and beyond trying to get work exemptions to still be able to work.

But your over the top crap is annoying to read sometimes.

yeah you're right maybe I am my point is just how much liberty are you willing to give up and at what point are these states doing more harm than good. I mean if the economy is in the toilet that'll negatively affect healthcare too. You might think I'm over the top but these kind of restrictions are too
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yeah you're right maybe I am my point is just how much liberty are you willing to give up and at what point are these states doing more harm than good. I mean if the economy is in the toilet that'll negatively affect healthcare too. You might think I'm over the top but these kind of restrictions are too

What Im saying is I dont personally know anyone that is happy with the SIP. Again I know hardcore liberals who are doing everything they can to get exemptions to work. A buddy of mine owns a wine bar down in downtown Monterey and knows even if he can get an exemption to open up it wont matter because there wont be any foot traffic. Im lucky because everything I do is remote, so the only issue I've had are outside funds I had coming in have currently stopped.

But this idea that lots of people are just fine with this and are just sheeple following along with no issue is such a dumb way to paint this picture. I assume you're in Kentucky, do you have a small business that is not considered essential? And if so are you going to be a sheeple and shut down, or are you going to risk major fines, utilities getting shut off and without a doubt your business folding?
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What Im saying is I dont personally know anyone that is happy with the SIP. Again I know hardcore liberals who are doing everything they can to get exemptions to work. A buddy of mine owns a wine bar down in downtown Monterey and knows even if he can get an exemption to open up it wont matter because there wont be any foot traffic. Im lucky because everything I do is remote, so the only issue I've had are outside funds I had coming in have currently stopped.

But this idea that lots of people are just fine with this and are just sheeple following along with no issue is such a dumb way to paint this picture. I assume you're in Kentucky, do you have a small business that is not considered essential? And if so are you going to be a sheeple and shut down, or are you going to risk major fines, utilities getting shut off and without a doubt your folding?

no I'm in nj. I have two jobs that are essential work at ups and at a small liquor store. I just don't agree with telling some people they can make a living and others they can't. At some point people will have to open though or risk being shut down either way
Duke, I’m in South Bay and this SIP is driving me insane. I’m driving around as much as I can. I ride my bike. I hang out with my kids and watch movies. But the lack of social interactions combined with restrictive freedoms, on top of the economic’s a system overload. Monday will be 2 weeks. I can’t imagine another 30 days.
Im curious what would you like me to do to show my resilience to this so I wont be one of these "sheeple"?

Dude everything is closed where I live, what is the point of me going out if absolutely everything is closed. Should I go hang out at the Target parking lot?

Didn't even get past this. I don't know why but I started laughing hysterically. Guess stir crazy.
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no I'm in nj. I have two jobs that are essential work at ups and at a small liquor store. I just don't agree with telling some people they can make a living and others they can't. At some point people will have to open though or risk being shut down either way

Ya and neither does anyone who owns a small business or living paycheck to paycheck. Again no one I know (the vast majority of leftist) are happy with this. My buddy is not happy that his wine bar has been forced to close. My father isn't happy that he was 1 year away from retiring but now is going to have to stay on another year because they can't finish building his ROV and wont be able to launch it in time and will have to wait till next year.

I honestly dont know if you're just trolling or just completely missing the boat on this or what. But if you think hardcore liberals in liberal states like California are perfectly fine with what's going on, dude you need to open your eyes or find another way to get your news, because you're dead wrong.
He's always principled but getting in the way of help when he knows it's futile is harmful & idiotic. I've had it. Give me a Conserv with realism.
I have no idea about him but if he is always that way then I would say he is doing what people elected him have expected him to do and re-elected him based on his principles. Kind of like Rand Paul. He takes stands that are often unpopular and are pie in the sky but is doing it to bring attention to issues. I like Rand Paul but there are times he makes me scratch my head.
Duke, I’m in South Bay and this SIP is driving me insane. I’m driving around as much as I can. I ride my bike. I hang out with my kids and watch movies. But the lack of social interactions combined with restrictive freedoms, on top of the economic’s a system overload. Monday will be 2 weeks. I can’t imagine another 30 days.

Monterey here, right here with you. Central California was basically one of the first places to get the SIP, Monterey County got it I think 3 days after Santa Clara. Im a homebody but even Im starting to go nuts. Luckly the weather has been crap, if it would have been in the mid 70s and sunny, I would've gone crazy right now. Im 5 miles from the beach, I would go crazy if it was warm and I couldn't even go to the beach (assuming it was sunny and a crowded beach like always).
yeah you're right maybe I am my point is just how much liberty are you willing to give up and at what point are these states doing more harm than good. I mean if the economy is in the toilet that'll negatively affect healthcare too. You might think I'm over the top but these kind of restrictions are too
I do think the longer it goes, the more likely there will be a spark for civil disobedience.
The day before the SIP I took my kids down the PCH. Told them this might be the last time for awhile. Went hiking. Drove 17 mile. Stopped at several beaches. We had a great day.

Seems so long ago.
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no I'm in nj. I have two jobs that are essential work at ups and at a small liquor store. I just don't agree with telling some people they can make a living and others they can't. At some point people will have to open though or risk being shut down either way
You must have never read the history of hoof and mouth disease. You come off as such a ignorant person I am starting to think you are not actually a real person.
I’m personally a BIG FAN of putting tRump in front of a microphone for a daily briefing. There is no censor switch between his tiny brain and his huge mouth. As long as the daily tRump briefings keep happening, no one on the other side needs any creativity at all with coming up with campaign material to use against him, just keep the cameras rolling and he’s providing the material himself. Especially when you have his MD expert standing behind him facepalming at some of his remarks. It’s golden. His thin skin, inability to remotely accept responsibility for anything perceived as wrong, and unfiltered ego show through at every briefing. Again, I’m a BIG FAN and hope he continues to want to hang himself daily.

so what is your opinion of Dementia Joe in front of a mic? Do you think it’s a net positive when he forgets where he is, what day it is, what day an election is, forgets what years he was Vice President, forgets what office he is running for, challenges voters to push ups and fights, calls them fat and full of shit and liars(so I’ll see your thin skin and raise you a hair trigger temper that would get his ass kicked on the regular if he was on the street), and literally makes up shit constantly from his past?

And all of this is off the top of my head, by the way, I’m sure there is more that I am forgetting.
I do think the longer it goes, the more likely there will be a spark for civil disobedience.

I agree and that is why I think we see Trump and even people like Cuomo talking about how we need to start finding ways to open up these businesses again.

Because I think right now you have a lot of people taking it in the chin and are willing (not happy about it) to close up for a couple weeks and get reimbursed for it if it meant overall helping to slow the virus.

But you go on too long and people will begin to start to push back and I think you will see the thought process of, Im willing to take it on the chin and get hurt a little to help out my community's health, but Im not going to be willing to throw away my life's work for it.

I presume within a couple weeks the SIP will be just for older people and people with underlying conditions and everyone else will be able to go back to work.
Trump considering ordering lock down of NYC and nj. Honestly I think it's warranted. Their numbers vs level of preparedness are staggering.

Mostly thanks to the morons in charge who shuddered 20+ hospitals in the last few years due to spending issues and their wokeness wanting everyone to continue hugging and shaking hands.

Should have ordered the shutdown of every major coastal and port city back in December. When the first rumblings of something going on in China started up.

No travel in, no travel out
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Duke, I’m in South Bay and this SIP is driving me insane. I’m driving around as much as I can. I ride my bike. I hang out with my kids and watch movies. But the lack of social interactions combined with restrictive freedoms, on top of the economic’s a system overload. Monday will be 2 weeks. I can’t imagine another 30 days.
There's more & more room in jails.
What Im saying is I dont personally know anyone that is happy with the SIP. Again I know hardcore liberals who are doing everything they can to get exemptions to work. A buddy of mine owns a wine bar down in downtown Monterey and knows even if he can get an exemption to open up it wont matter because there wont be any foot traffic. Im lucky because everything I do is remote, so the only issue I've had are outside funds I had coming in have currently stopped.

But this idea that lots of people are just fine with this and are just sheeple following along with no issue is such a dumb way to paint this picture. I assume you're in Kentucky, do you have a small business that is not considered essential? And if so are you going to be a sheeple and shut down, or are you going to risk major fines, utilities getting shut off and without a doubt your folding?

Yeah so it's fascism in the false name of public safety whether you agree with it or not. Your governor newsom and many others gave themselves power that they don't have and it's biting them in the ass. If a bunch of liberals too realize how insane it is then good for them they're waking up. I'm not even making it a political thing some republican governors are doing it too it's the wrong way to go about this
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Has he been "principled" before or is this opportunistic grandstanding. If he has been consistent then ok, but if not this probably was not him finding religion.

My friends in the healthcare field have said it is slow because not taking outpatient stuff. Have laid off people but expecting it to turn when COVID-19 hits Indiana full force.

Yes. Wife works at a hospital. They cut back her hours and are laying people off. She might lose her job. No patients. The VA in the area is down as well only 6 patients.
Has he been "principled" before or is this opportunistic grandstanding. If he has been consistent then ok, but if not this probably was not him finding religion.

My friends in the healthcare field have said it is slow because not taking outpatient stuff. Have laid off people but expecting it to turn when COVID-19 hits Indiana full force.

Maybe this should have been a separate post and not a reply, but I liked what fishercatfan said and just hit the reply.
Somewhat long, but last post for a while.

FACT: He has been principled before. This was not grandstanding. He does not represent my district, but I've known about Thomas Massie for some time.

To me it doesn't matter whether or not someone(yes me included) agrees with his votes or not (on this or any other matter) we should respect anyone who truly stands up for their convictions.

For anyone who wants to call Massie out for grandstanding (Trump included), prove it. When someone is grandstanding they are doing it for their benefit. This was political suicide for Massie. You're going to have a hard time making the case that it was grandstanding or that Massie didn't know that it would kill his political career.

536 individuals in positions of power inside of Washington DC had an opportunity, make that duty, to in good conscience cast a vote on what I personally think was a piece of trash legislation. Was Thomas Massie the only that felt the way that he did? Not according to what I've heard.

He was the only one though that had enough backbone to stand up for his convictions. We live in a society now that not only wants to be able to rewrite history, we want to create history in the presence that those living in the future will be unable to look back to see just who actually voted for this monstrosity. Action without accountability is what we have.

Right or wrong, at least Massie took a stance. Now he will live with it and sadly be punished for it. If there were any others who had the same convictions and failed to stand up, they too will have to live with that. I personally would rather be in Massie's shoes in that situation.

Many on here (myself included) has probably made the statement that I wish we had people in DC with some integrity and backbone. Now someone actually displays those characteristics and they are crucified.

I believe I too will probably be attacked(woohoo on a message board, big deal I know) for stating my support for what Massie did and also for the statement that I'm about to make. I have been a staunch supporter of Trump, (still best President in my lifetime imo) but I was so disgusted by his need to join the ranks of John Kerry in the attack on Massie and even stating he should be thrown out, that Trump will not get my vote in November. I definitely won't be voting for a democrat either and I am confident that Trump will win KY regardless.

I am truly disappointed in where we are as a nation. There is a bad virus, other than Covid-19, that has overcome our country.
I think I've had enough of it all for awhile.

I'm not going to go back and forth with anyone over these comments, but I'll continue to read the board today and maybe tomorrow and give the one's who wish to attack me their opportunity.(except the few who are on ignore, I guess I won't see your posts) I said my peace and I'll let them do the same.

Everyone stay safe and may we get life back to some semblance of normalcy soon.