How will they rule ??!

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Yeah, a couple of things he could have left unsaid in that briefing. but most times when he speaks there are things he could have left unsaid. but being that way seems to have served him well so far.
Understand, but he needs Michigan in 2020, just don’t think that does anything to help his stature there and it sure the heck isn’t Presidential. JMHO
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Not answering for ‘73 but....and preface I’m an evil MAGA supporter.....I really don’t think it’s Andy “doing this” but the collective group think has really one wants the be the one guy or one entity that stays open and one person gets sick or dies which will cute in theory is *not* how America operates.
I said this three weeks ago when all sports were being cancelled. This pandemic is showing just how powerful both herd mentality and media messaging is, and it's terrifying.
Not answering for ‘73 but....and preface I’m an evil MAGA supporter.....I really don’t think it’s Andy “doing this” but the collective group think has really one wants the be the one guy or one entity that stays open and one person gets sick or dies which will cute in theory is *not* how America operates.

This is what doesn’t make sense about people tripping over their dicks to rush to congratulate Beshear on the job he’s doing. He’s doing exactly what most other governors are doing. Literally just waiting to see what Dewine does, then doing the same thing right after.

Show me a governor who isn’t just following the group think and is managing things differently and I’ll be impressed.

I don’t see anyone fawning over Dewine, and rightfully so. Coincidentally, there’s one huge difference between Beshear and Dewine - the letter next to their names. Neither should be praised for these government overreaches.
This is what doesn’t make sense about people tripping over their dicks to rush to congratulate Beshear on the job he’s doing. He’s doing exactly what most other governors are doing. Literally just waiting to see what Dewine does, then doing the same thing right after.

Show me a governor who isn’t just following the group think and is managing things differently and I’ll be impressed.

I don’t see anyone fawning over Dewine, and rightfully so. Coincidentally, there’s one huge difference between Beshear and Dewine - the letter next to their names. Neither should be praised for these government overreaches.
Beshear has been in lockstep with dewine thus far.
Understand, but he needs Michigan in 2020, just don’t think that does anything to help his stature there and it sure the heck isn’t Presidential. JMHO
I’m personally a BIG FAN of putting tRump in front of a microphone for a daily briefing. There is no censor switch between his tiny brain and his huge mouth. As long as the daily tRump briefings keep happening, no one on the other side needs any creativity at all with coming up with campaign material to use against him, just keep the cameras rolling and he’s providing the material himself. Especially when you have his MD expert standing behind him facepalming at some of his remarks. It’s golden. His thin skin, inability to remotely accept responsibility for anything perceived as wrong, and unfiltered ego show through at every briefing. Again, I’m a BIG FAN and hope he continues to want to hang himself daily.
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This is what doesn’t make sense about people tripping over their dicks to rush to congratulate Beshear on the job he’s doing. He’s doing exactly what most other governors are doing. Literally just waiting to see what Dewine does, then doing the same thing right after.

Show me a governor who isn’t just following the group think and is managing things differently and I’ll be impressed.

I don’t see anyone fawning over Dewine, and rightfully so. Coincidentally, there’s one huge difference between Beshear and Dewine - the letter next to their names. Neither should be praised for these government overreaches.

It's literally an AB test to find which governor can follow the script the best.
It's literally an AB test to find which governor can follow the script the best.

Democrat governors are gonna do their very best to keep things closed as long as they possibly can? What can trump do about it I guess we'll see. The timing of this just stinks. Right after a failed impeachment and primary for them. There's like a dozen things that make no sense
Remember when I posted wondering how this lock in would effect mental health and suicides?

Knoxville had 9 suicides in the last 48 hours which is about the time they started the lock down.

They have 3 total covid related deaths.

Of course I don't expect they were all related to the lock in but I think it's more than reasonable to suspect a third of them were. Which means the net result is zero, except we have a devastated economy.

Also now that we are in save every life mode - how do we address this? The death rate is already worse than something they're shutting the state down over. Where's the line?
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Remember when I posted wondering how this lock in would effect mental health and suicides?

Tennessee had 9 suicides in the last 48 hours which is about the time they started the lock down.

They have 3 total covid related deaths.

Of course I don't expect they were all related to the lock in but I think it's more than reasonable to suspect a third of them were. Which means the net result is zero, except we have a devastated economy.

Also now that we are in save every life mode - how do we address this? The death rate is already worse than something they're shutting the state down over. Where's the line?
Holy crap! Those suicides were in the Knoxville area. All 9. 60 miles from Middlesboro. I wonder about the associated demographics?
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Obviously, this was a hit job by the Communist Chinese, the Marxist Democrats, & the anti-American fake news propagandist media to take down President Trump. Nothing less. In 2009 we had the Obama Swine Flu in which 12,469 people died. All the sports teams played. No businesses were shut down. No one was ordered to stay home by fascist fear mongering Governors. Compare that to this asinine response to the Chinese Wuhan. The speed in which the Democrats 1400 page wish list of pork appeared raises many questions.
I hate this. She has/had the best legs in TV news.


Holy crap! Those suicides were in the Knoxville area. All 9. 60 miles from Middlesboro. I wonder about the associated demographics?

Knoxville went on lockdown monday. Tennessee as a state is not on a stay at home order.

I find it interesting the mayor was shocked with the statistics and openly wondered now if this drastic action was actually the right course. That's shocking because it tells you none of these leaders or experts considered the mental health fallout when ordering these lockdowns
It's incredible how many people have just accepted the kind of tyranny that has gone on and continues I just don't get it. Maybe they don't want a free country? I'm really concerned today and I didn't sleep good last night

Most people just say oh it's temporary well how do you know ? Has there ever been a time in history where there was a temporary hold on liberty and it didn't lead to something much worse
Even crazier: Trump still has a good shot at winning in November 2020
I can only speak for where I live but if the election was held today he would get over 60% of the vote. Now if Biden is allowed to campaign that may jump to 75%. But I can not imagine the Democrats would ever take the chance of Biden campaigning every day until November. That would kill him by Labor Day

So you know Dems want this to continue even though Trump is gaining more and more popularity as each day passes. His no nonsense and blunt language is what the doctor ordered.
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I can only speak for where I live but if the election was held today he would get over 60% of the vote. Now if Biden is allowed to campaign that may jump to 75%. But I can not imagine the Democrats would ever take the chance of Biden campaigning every day until November. That would kill him by Labor Day

So you know Dems want this to continue even though Trump is gaining more and more popularity as each day passes. His no nonsense and blunt language is what the doctor ordered.

the concern right now isn't the election it's how does he get businesses open again
Not answering for ‘73 but....and preface I’m an evil MAGA supporter.....I really don’t think it’s Andy “doing this” but the collective group think has really one wants the be the one guy or one entity that stays open and one person gets sick or dies which will cute in theory is *not* how America operates.

Very concerning because what politician/governor will have the balls to call all of this off - none of them most likely because of the reasons you cite. Gonna take a major celebrity(most likely a sports star) to say enough is enough and call for a return to normalcy to get the ball rolling in the other direction
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I’m personally a BIG FAN of putting tRump in front of a microphone for a daily briefing. There is no censor switch between his tiny brain and his huge mouth. As long as the daily tRump briefings keep happening, no one on the other side needs any creativity at all with coming up with campaign material to use against him, just keep the cameras rolling and he’s providing the material himself. Especially when you have his MD expert standing behind him facepalming at some of his remarks. It’s golden. His thin skin, inability to remotely accept responsibility for anything perceived as wrong, and unfiltered ego show through at every briefing. Again, I’m a BIG FAN and hope he continues to want to hang himself daily.
Trump approval up 16% for handling the Corona virus, the media is down 11% for the way they are reporting on it. Keep your head buried.
Knoxville went on lockdown monday. Tennessee as a state is not on a stay at home order.

I find it interesting the mayor was shocked with the statistics and openly wondered now if this drastic action was actually the right course. That's shocking because it tells you none of these leaders or experts considered the mental health fallout when ordering these lockdowns
Totally agree. President Trump may not have been totally wrong when he stated we might see 1,000s of suicides because of a lockdown. He might have exaggerated a bit, which is normal, but he also understands the mental health big picture.

COVID-19 will have far-reaching effects, and not just deaths resulting from direct exposure.
I’m personally a BIG FAN of putting tRump in front of a microphone for a daily briefing. There is no censor switch between his tiny brain and his huge mouth. As long as the daily tRump briefings keep happening, no one on the other side needs any creativity at all with coming up with campaign material to use against him, just keep the cameras rolling and he’s providing the material himself. Especially when you have his MD expert standing behind him facepalming at some of his remarks. It’s golden. His thin skin, inability to remotely accept responsibility for anything perceived as wrong, and unfiltered ego show through at every briefing. Again, I’m a BIG FAN and hope he continues to want to hang himself daily.

I can only speak for where I live but if the election was held today he would get over 60% of the vote. Now if Biden is allowed to campaign that may jump to 75%. But I can not imagine the Democrats would ever take the chance of Biden campaigning every day until November. That would kill him by Labor Day

So you know Dems want this to continue even though Trump is gaining more and more popularity as each day passes. His no nonsense and blunt language is what the doctor ordered.
I personally know 5 people who voted for Hillary..who to varying degrees didn't like Trump...who now think he has done, and is doing a good job and who are openly talking about voting for him. All since this began...looking back at how good the economy was..and HOW it's getting wrecked.
Totally agree. President Trump may not have been totally wrong when he stated we might see 1,000s of suicides because of a lockdown. He might have exaggerated a bit, which is normal, but he also understands the mental health big picture.

COVID-19 will have far-reaching effects, and not just deaths resulting from direct exposure.

Add in addiction related issues and deaths from announced lack of police presence and the net loss of coronavirus life is much less than the already paltry mortality rate.

Not worth self imploding our entire nation
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Trump considering ordering lock down of NYC and nj. Honestly I think it's warranted. Their numbers vs level of preparedness are staggering.

Mostly thanks to the morons in charge who shuddered 20+ hospitals in the last few years due to spending issues and their wokeness wanting everyone to continue hugging and shaking hands.
I personally know 5 people who voted for Hillary..who to varying degrees didn't like Trump...who now think he has done, and is doing a good job and who are openly talking about voting for him. All since this began...looking back at how good the economy was..and HOW it's getting wrecked.
I take you don't live in SF, east LA, South Chicago, Portland, Seattle, or Manhattan.
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Totally agree. President Trump may not have been totally wrong when he stated we might see 1,000s of suicides because of a lockdown. He might have exaggerated a bit, which is normal, but he also understands the mental health big picture.

COVID-19 will have far-reaching effects, and not just deaths resulting from direct exposure.
Depends how effective a vaccine and herd immunity are developed.
I've been getting tired of his act the last two terms. Done voting for him. Has a challenger in Pub primary this time.
Has he been "principled" before or is this opportunistic grandstanding. If he has been consistent then ok, but if not this probably was not him finding religion.
If you think hospitals are slow right now, then more power to you.
My friends in the healthcare field have said it is slow because not taking outpatient stuff. Have laid off people but expecting it to turn when COVID-19 hits Indiana full force.
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Got a nice emergency alert this morning on my phone.

"shelter in place still under order. Do not leave residence unless for essentials"

I guess my dad was told not to expect to return to work till June. A guy that I pay to work part time remotely says his full time job is shut down also till June.
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I’m personally a BIG FAN of putting tRump in front of a microphone for a daily briefing. There is no censor switch between his tiny brain and his huge mouth. As long as the daily tRump briefings keep happening, no one on the other side needs any creativity at all with coming up with campaign material to use against him, just keep the cameras rolling and he’s providing the material himself. Especially when you have his MD expert standing behind him facepalming at some of his remarks. It’s golden. His thin skin, inability to remotely accept responsibility for anything perceived as wrong, and unfiltered ego show through at every briefing. Again, I’m a BIG FAN and hope he continues to want to hang himself daily.
Obviously DT has you bent over and emotionally reamed. And when considering the disastrous consequences following each and every time uncle Joe speaks, absence of accountability indeed, your rant is not only hilarious it is just hypocritical and poorly thought through. When November gets here, the only Rump you'll be able to concentrate on is yours, when that buried deep feeling goes well beyond your lower cavities and up between your ears.
You may not leave your house until a government official comes and takes your temperature rectally you gonna go along with that you sheeple out there? How far you gonna go with this madness?