How will they rule ??!

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It's been 30 years or so since I've lived back in KY. Honest question: what are Governor Beshear's good and bad points? Please tell. Again, I have absolutely no idea one way or another. TIA.

I'll defer to someone else on his politics. To be quite honest, for me it boiled down to not being able to handle one more second of Matt Bevin attacking teachers, being a phony, etc. He tried to be like Trump but didn't get anything done and even Trump thought he was a whacko.

In his handling of coronavirus he just comes across as very sincere and compassionate while being transparent. He is consistent in his messaging and stern when needed. He doesn't flop around all over the place and change his tune, just matter of fact and wants what is best for all.

Getting a little tired of Andy. He wanted to call out TN today for having more cases, well they have conducted 1 test for every 400 people in the state of TN, while KY is at 1 for every 900. So while they have 4 times as many cases they also have conducted close to 4 times as many tests and all this while apparently keeping more businesses open and people employed.

Ultimately he is going to be judged by the recovery, not the shutdown. I better start hearing about plans to reopen some things soon.
Getting a little tired of Andy. He wanted to call out TN today for having more cases, well they have conducted 1 test for every 400 people in the state of TN, while KY is at 1 for every 900. So while they have 4 times as many cases they also have conducted close to 4 times as many tests and all this while apparently keeping more businesses open and people employed.

Ultimately he is going to be judged by the recovery, not the shutdown. I better start hearing about plans to reopen some things soon.

This. Which is why it's so stupid that he's bashing Tennessee and no one asks the first question.
I'm actually hopeful this crisis is finally the catalyst where we as a country can move beyond this sort of nonsense, selfish partisan environment the radical left has created.

But old habits die hard.

We should be better than this, need to be better than this.

At first I thought you were going to have a valid, logical point. Then you wrote "selfish partisan environment the radical left has created." With an attitude like that, NOTHING will ever change. I follow a few other message boards and one of them is the liberal version of the Paddock. They continually sh!t on everything Trump has ever done and no matter what he does (even if it might be good), it is the wrong move. The same can be said for this site 95% of the time. Occasionally, there are some conservative posters who open their eyes a bit and see that some of the actions of liberal politicians have merit. But it seems to happen rarely as this site is a sh!t fest on anything liberal.

I agree with your last sentence that we should be better and we need to be better but if people continue to have the mentality that the other side is always the one to blame, nothing will ever change. Newsflash: there are a lot of politicians on both sides that absolutely suck
At first I thought you were going to have a valid, logical point. Then you wrote "selfish partisan environment the radical left has created." With an attitude like that, NOTHING will ever change. I follow a few other message boards and one of them is the liberal version of the Paddock. They continually sh!t on everything Trump has ever done and no matter what he does (even if it might be good), it is the wrong move. The same can be said for this site 95% of the time. Occasionally, there are some conservative posters who open their eyes a bit and see that some of the actions of liberal politicians have merit. But it seems to happen rarely as this site is a sh!t fest on anything liberal.

I agree with your last sentence that we should be better and we need to be better but if people continue to have the mentality that the other side is always the one to blame, nothing will ever change. Newsflash: there are a lot of politicians on both sides that absolutely suck

no one would disagree with you. The GOP senators that suck are really soft left wingers though
At first I thought you were going to have a valid, logical point. Then you wrote "selfish partisan environment the radical left has created." With an attitude like that, NOTHING will ever change. I follow a few other message boards and one of them is the liberal version of the Paddock. They continually sh!t on everything Trump has ever done and no matter what he does (even if it might be good), it is the wrong move. The same can be said for this site 95% of the time. Occasionally, there are some conservative posters who open their eyes a bit and see that some of the actions of liberal politicians have merit. But it seems to happen rarely as this site is a sh!t fest on anything liberal.

I agree with your last sentence that we should be better and we need to be better but if people continue to have the mentality that the other side is always the one to blame, nothing will ever change. Newsflash: there are a lot of politicians on both sides that absolutely suck

That's not a newsflash to me, but I am thoroughly convinced that this current political climate we find ourselves in lays almost entirely at the feet of the radical left.

I can make a thorough, rational case to substantiate that claim, in fact I could probably talk about it forever. The left needs to take their trash out if we are to get anywhere as a country.

And that is from someone who has voted left more than right, and still holds plenty of views that would be considered left of center. This, oh well there is blame on both sides is largely malarkey because (to make a long story short) the right, at the very least, has not abandoned fundamental American values nor do they fail to denounce their fringe when they misbehave... heck that happened today. It happens all the time.

The far-right has only ever gotten weaker, while the far-left stronger. And that's great you visit a left forum where the same analogous statements may be made, that doesn't mean that I too am not thoroughly acquainted with their ideas, ideals and their stances on issues nor does it make them of equal merit.
I’ve known Andy for a long time. He is extremely earnest and passionate about his viewpoints. When he is locked in on something, he stays super locked in for the duration. He is tailor made for this crisis because of that laser like focus. Hopefully he continues down the right path. He’s done fantastic so far.
Getting a little tired of Andy. He wanted to call out TN today for having more cases, well they have conducted 1 test for every 400 people in the state of TN, while KY is at 1 for every 900. So while they have 4 times as many cases they also have conducted close to 4 times as many tests and all this while apparently keeping more businesses open and people employed.

Ultimately he is going to be judged by the recovery, not the shutdown. I better start hearing about plans to reopen some things soon.

Unfortunately I think you're right although he should get zero credit for any bounce back. You can't give the arsonist credit for putting out the fire
At first I thought you were going to have a valid, logical point. Then you wrote "selfish partisan environment the radical left has created." With an attitude like that, NOTHING will ever change. I follow a few other message boards and one of them is the liberal version of the Paddock. They continually sh!t on everything Trump has ever done and no matter what he does (even if it might be good), it is the wrong move. The same can be said for this site 95% of the time. Occasionally, there are some conservative posters who open their eyes a bit and see that some of the actions of liberal politicians have merit. But it seems to happen rarely as this site is a sh!t fest on anything liberal.

I agree with your last sentence that we should be better and we need to be better but if people continue to have the mentality that the other side is always the one to blame, nothing will ever change. Newsflash: there are a lot of politicians on both sides that absolutely suck
Good post and I agree that both sides suck very badly, but you have to understand the frustration that conservatives have with the left. It’s a great country and both liberals and conservatives have shaped it. Should we listen to both sides yes, but for me, the right seems to care about America more because we don’t want it to go the way of Europe. We are the USA, not perfect, but pretty dang good, why fundamentally change it?
I see there is a major condom shortage. Great.

I guess this is the point where Idiocracy really hits terminal velocity
Can’t wait till this time next year when we have a ton of coronababies. Or Coronials as another poster called them a while back.

Although with the abortions being considered essential, then maybe not. Do those aborted babies get tacked onto the virus death count? I mean they are indirectly related aren’t they?
Major media outlets are considering delaying broadcasts of trumps daily briefings so they can be fact checked first. So I think things are about to get far worse unfortunately. What would you do if media outlets took this measure?
Cause heaven forbid Trump try to point out anything positive or give people hope. As soon as things start going Trumps way they change the rules.
It was already here by then. Regardless of what few measures were taken he continued to minimize the problem thus allowing it to spread more easily.
You don't state when "then" was, but in mid Jan the WHO is telling the world it's not transmitted person to person yet somehow Trump is supposed to know it's a bigger problem because it is & tell NY officials to stop telling people to kiss each other in the streets. Just WTF was Trump supposed to have done when?
That's not a newsflash to me, but I am thoroughly convinced that this current political climate we find ourselves in lays almost entirely at the feet of the radical left.

I can make a thorough, rational case to substantiate that claim, in fact I could probably talk about it forever. The left needs to take their trash out if we are to get anywhere as a country.

And that is from someone who has voted left more than right, and still holds plenty of views that would be considered left of center. This, oh well there is blame on both sides is largely malarkey because (to make a long story short) the right, at the very least, has not abandoned fundamental American values nor do they fail to denounce their fringe when they misbehave... heck that happened today. It happens all the time.

The far-right has only ever gotten weaker, while the far-left stronger. And that's great you visit a left forum where the same analogous statements may be made, that doesn't mean that I too am not thoroughly acquainted with their ideas, ideals and their stances on issues nor does it make them of equal merit.

I can put more creedence to why the "right" never engages like they should. They are tending a lot more to their families versus tending to a cause. Their family is their cause. What has been watered down are the morals of "family". Even families question what those morals are at times solely due to the constant barrage of perversion. It never stops.

I am now and have always been; "Do what you want behind your door." That used to be good enough for the left but there is money and power in upheaval....some found that out and are capitalizing on it. That and Demosocialcommunism......(I will stop for now.)
Good post and I agree that both sides suck very badly, but you have to understand the frustration that conservatives have with the left. It’s a great country and both liberals and conservatives have shaped it. Should we listen to both sides yes, but for me, the right seems to care about America more because we don’t want it to go the way of Europe. We are the USA, not perfect, but pretty dang good, why fundamentally change it?

You fully contradict yourself.
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And scores more after. Even hospitals and medical groups.

Nothing better than punting over the payroll of non-essential workers to the taxpayers
So there's no devious relationship between the bill's timing & people being laid off - some before, some after.
You can’t argue with CRO. He makes a lot of good points but he’s never wrong in his own mind. Overall I think he’s actually close to the center or maybe even a “classic liberal” but he takes the far right side of everything.
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I can put more creedence to why the "right" never engages like they should. They are tending a lot more to their families versus tending to a cause. Their family is their cause. What has been watered down are the morals of "family". Even families question what those morals are at times solely due to the constant barrage of perversion. It never stops.

I am now and have always been; "Do what you want behind your door." That used to be good enough for the left but there is money and power in upheaval....some found that out and are capitalizing on it. That and Demosocialcommunism......(I will stop for now.)
You're FUBAR
Good post and I agree that both sides suck very badly, but you have to understand the frustration that conservatives have with the left. It’s a great country and both liberals and conservatives have shaped it. Should we listen to both sides yes, but for me, the right seems to care about America more because we don’t want it to go the way of Europe. We are the USA, not perfect, but pretty dang good, why fundamentally change it?
Ask a native American about that. You're FUBAR
In his signing statement Trump says he will ignore all the oversight provisions added to make sure the 2 trillion isn't just whisked away into a black hole. MAGA!