How will they rule ??!

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Every liberal in America taking this money is owned by Trump

Well, I'm not receiving a stimulus check, so I guess they sort of did.

Not really. A lot of us aren’t getting checks under the drafts I’ve seen. Phasing out categories of people based on income levels is much different than carving out specific individuals.

And you’re probably going to get a check. You’re just going to need to send it back in April.
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The current bill says Pelosi wants

Ah yes, early voting will save us from covid19

Same day voter registration


But we can't have Voter ID, right?

Early- and same day-voting will go hand-in-hand with the ballot harvesting. Will make it a lot easier to stuff the ballot box with fake votes, and prevents oversight attempts to make sure it was authentic... 'cause that'd be "VoTerz SsupppReshun!!!1!"
  • Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer secured a condition in the government's $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package that would bar President Donald Trump's businesses from receiving money.
  • Under the proviso, businesses owned by members of Congress, Vice President Mike Pence, and top members of the executive branch would also be excluded from the bailout.
  • Trump owns a string of high-end hotels and golf resorts, several of which have been shuttered during the pandemic.
  • The aid package, agreed on by the White House and the Senate early Wednesday, would provide assistance to Americans and businesses struggling during a sharp economic downturn.
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Have you seen the bill? I can’t find it anywhere.

All I saw was the "good" parts that effected individuals and small business.

I'm sure they'll quietly release the rest at some point when they hope no one is looking. Can't wait to see who gets 50 million for blueberry farm research this time around.

Also can't wait to see what election stealing nonsense they put in. Can't imagine same day registration will matter since states govern election process. Unless they just completely took over the entire process as well....
I actually thought ok there has to be more to this than meets the eye. So I went to see the actual order and the release by his office. His rationale was to stop hoarding of drugs????

Now admittedly I am accepting something at face value and that is those drugs are only available via a prescription? Assuming that is true they are only available by prescription, then how the hell could someone hoard these drugs. This order is 100% illogical at best and politically motivated evil at worst.
If this bill really went from 250 pages to 1250, or something like that, Trump needs to explain the amount of BS that was added... tell America that we have to scrap it, due to that... and do it piecemeal starting with help for the average citizen.

This idea that we have to get it all done in one shot (law/bill) and right this second, does not work.

They just can’t stop... not even during a pandemic.
Someone needs to tell her. The first responders, police, firefighters, EMS, the truck drivers, factory workers, you know, the supply chain folks, are disproportionately male.
This shit affects everyone who is out there in the midst of it all. No one class, gende or race of people is any more exposed to the risks than another.
Someone needs to tell her. The first responders, police, firefighters, EMS, the truck drivers, factory workers, you know, the supply chain folks, are disproportionately male.
This shit affects everyone who is out there in the midst of it all. No one class, gende or race of people is any more exposed to the risks than another.
You could tell her, but she’d just call you a white cis male sexist pig.
Not the full bill, but I've seen various articles mentioning highlights of it. Of course, they could be stretching the truth about what's included so I guess I should limit my optimism.
First you have to look at the source of the article then you can gauge the level of truth or biased spin being placed on it.
  • Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer secured a condition in the government's $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package that would bar President Donald Trump's businesses from receiving money.
  • Under the proviso, businesses owned by members of Congress, Vice President Mike Pence, and top members of the executive branch would also be excluded from the bailout.
  • Trump owns a string of high-end hotels and golf resorts, several of which have been shuttered during the pandemic.
  • The aid package, agreed on by the White House and the Senate early Wednesday, would provide assistance to Americans and businesses struggling during a sharp economic downturn.

Far more palatable than DACA amnesty, insane environmental restrictions, and pork.
India barred export of the medications, basically means they know they work.

if you get a slight cough or other symptoms, you go and get one of the newly developing quick tests. if positive, you take the drugs and never develop pneumonia and you don’t die.

that’s what’s gonna happen and no doomsayer will be right.. imho tea leaf reading sure, but just watch.

this is another reason why the models running on insufficient and limited data can’t be trusted to be as predictive as their creators or others want them to seem, they can’t account for this which would drastically reduce the amount of hospitalizations