How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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LeviBootyLover is the coronavirus of
Looks the Dems did a good job of cutting down on the stock buybacks and making sure Trump can't profit from the loans. And it shouldn't matter, right? The economy as a whole is more important than a single guys profits.

I mean, I'm sure there'll be some grey area he can exploit, but on the surface it looks pretty decent.
Looks the Dems did a good job of cutting down on the stock buybacks and making sure Trump can't profit from the loans. And it shouldn't matter, right? The economy as a whole is more important than a single guys profits.

I mean, I'm sure there'll be some grey area he can exploit, but on the surface it looks pretty decent.

Have you seen the bill? I can’t find it anywhere.
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Right? I have a theory I bet you'd agree with. If you made everyone a millionaire just by giving it to them, in 10 years, the number of millionaires we have in this country would be about the same as it is right now. Meaning, if people don't earn their money and make smart decisions to acquire it, they will just blow it and end up broke again. Or dead.
Antonie Walker
My favorite part of American politics is how the Senate posted a 250 page bill, the House countered with a 1400 page bill, and now we’re going to probably see an 1000 page bill 5 minutes before they vote on it and pass it which will include obscene amounts of pork that weren’t included in the senates version that actually passed the smell test as trying to address the current economic crisis.

Anything more than 250 pages is a travesty.

When this thing finally passes i’m afraid most of us are going to be sadly disappointed with all the dems dream sheet bs that will be attached to it.
Demonrats always get their way, thanks to repubs.

Looks like Dr. Evil is at it again. We can only hope he gets coronavirus but then again the guy did say he was down with the devil so he probably has immunity.

Bloomberg also laid off his campaign workers, who were promised pay through November either way his campaign went.

Love how “evil corporations” catch flak just for existing, but a single individual worth more than most corporations gets a pass.
When this thing finally passes i’m afraid most of us are going to be sadly disappointed with all the dems dream sheet bs that will be attached to it.
Demonrats always get their way, thanks to repubs.
Agree. Anyone thinking Pelosi is going to cave will be disappointed. She does not cave, why should she. What she does is fill the bill up with so much ridiculous junk it would take a team of forensic accountants going through it to ID it all. Then she agrees to take a few things out and the GOP agrees. She has the media on her side and all she has to do is accuse the GOP of being against the "workers" and being racist and they cave. Not Pelosi. She rules the roost and has no one to answer to. Remember she represents San Francisco and her job is safe.

Schumer is already taking credit for the bill and is calling the Senate bill a Democrat bill. LOL Pelosi is smiling.
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Demonrats always get their way, thanks to repubs.
Just told my dad this very thing last night. Republicans always cave to Dems. It doesn’t matter who has more leverage.

Republicans are like the parent of a spoiled brat who throws tantrums whenever they don’t get their way, but rather than stand firm they give in just so the kid will shut up.
Looks the Dems did a good job of cutting down on the stock buybacks and making sure Trump can't profit from the loans. And it shouldn't matter, right? The economy as a whole is more important than a single guys profits.

I mean, I'm sure there'll be some grey area he can exploit, but on the surface it looks pretty decent.
Curious if they feel that way about the Pelosi family and their holdings in Samoa or Maxine Waters and her familiy's holdings in a financial institution this time?
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Looks the Dems did a good job of cutting down on the stock buybacks and making sure Trump can't profit from the loans. And it shouldn't matter, right? The economy as a whole is more important than a single guys profits.

I mean, I'm sure there'll be some grey area he can exploit, but on the surface it looks pretty decent.
The current bill says Pelosi wants airlines to spend on carbon offsets, not workers
She wants 300,000,000 spent on the corporation for public broadcasting

500,000 for museums

35,000,000 for the jfk performing arts

Ah yes, early voting will save us from covid19

Same day voter registration

Law to look up greenhouse emissions of the flights you buy

Seems the D's are focused on all the important stuff. Feelings!
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Not the full bill, but I've seen various articles mentioning highlights of it. Of course, they could be stretching the truth about what's included so I guess I should limit my optimism.

I guess I’m just curious how the legislature carving out one American’s businesses while providing relief to every other business in that industry is viewed as a good thing. I’m interested to see what Congress is actually doing in the bill to harm certain Americans.

What if they just carved out wildcatcorner?
When this thing finally passes i’m afraid most of us are going to be sadly disappointed with all the dems dream sheet bs that will be attached to it.
Demonrats always get their way, thanks to repubs.

Thanks to the Big Media that works for the Lib-Dums, any R's that simply said -hold on for a second, I'd like to read it before voting- would be cast as money-grubbing monsters who are murdering the middle class... and trans-peoplez!!!1!11!!

If there's anything about "ballot-harvesting" voting procedures in this mess, the USA is done, finished, over. Lib-Dums could only get away with so much cheating (look what I found in the trunk of my car, a box of 10,000 ballots!) and vote-manufacturing... but this would blow the door wide open for them.
This from a republican friend of mine:

People focus on the Senate relief bill, believing that it is the answer to our current financial situation because it proposes: (1) a one-time $1,200 payment; and (2) an extra month of unemployment. This is Short Term Relief, not intended to help you over the next several months. Where does most of the money go?

Over the next year, the United States will almost certainly go through a depression. Economists at Goldman Sachs currently expect the U.S. economy to shrink by an unprecedented 24% next quarter. They’re optimists compared to Morgan Stanley, which expects a 30% drop, and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard, who predicted a 50% decline.
Even the best response from our government cannot prevent some form of catastrophe. But what Congress does next could mean the difference between millions of families muddling through and millions of families being bankrupted and evicted. Swift, serious action is needed to support ordinary people through the coming disaster, and to get American medical infrastructure up to speed ― manufacturing the supplies we are already running short on and training the personnel who are already overworked.
But one thing is extremely clear: Large American corporations are not in immediate jeopardy. Despite the recent stock market crash, they are not currently experiencing a financial crisis ― they are still able to obtain loans - at extraordinary low rates - to continue operations. Furthermore, with the Federal Reserve’s announcement on Monday that it would be providing unprecedented, direct support to both small business and large corporations, the central bank ensured that firms can get access to government-backed loans with no strings attached.
The Fed has never done anything like this. Usually the Fed supports banks, not manufacturers, airlines, hotels and retailers. But the American central bank recognized the scope of this crisis and acted accordingly.
Given the Fed’s support, there does not appear to be a reason for the corporate bailout legislation that Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) are pursuing. It offers too little help to the people who need it most, and significant, large benefits to the very wealthy. Republican leaders are demanding $500 billion to distribute as Mnuchin in his discretion, with no disclosure for six months, no curbs on executive compensation, no limits on shareholder giveaways, no requirements to retain workers, and no meaningful oversight mechanisms. The public would receive no share in the upside to its investment. If companies on public support go bust, the public will suffer the losses. Note that conservative members of Congress are seeking ways to reduce social security. This may provide the argument - we will not be able to afford social security with the huge debt we are undertaking. There is no upside - if the wealthy corporations prosper, the public will not even get an interest payment.
The terms of the Senate plan are substantially worse than those included in the 2008 bank bailout bill. That bill enhanced the value of corporate officers and stockholders - but not ordinary Americans, who suffered greatly, for example, many thousands of homes were foreclosed. From the 2008 bill, we at least got to know where the money went. In this Senate bill, its proponents want a blank check, to be kept secret for six months.
Yes, the federal government will need to support businesses large and small through the coming months, if not years. But the Fed is already doing that. Congress has no business supporting significant benefits for for the super-rich. Only about one-fifth of American households own $25,000 or more in stock. The government could help ordinary people much more easily by just cutting them monthly checks over the coming years. A pandemic should not be a pretext to shovel money at rich people.
The opposition is holding the line on corporate giveaways. They should continue to do so. The current Senate proposal includes little benefit for ordinary people ― expanding the duration of unemployment benefits for people who lose their jobs by an extra month, plus a one-time $1,200 check for individuals. The Fed has already given corporate America its relief. Congress needs to work for working families.
Bernake: much closer to a major snowstorm’ than the Great Depression

Phew that's a relief. Every event shutdown globally for 6 months, everyone in the world staying home, you know, basically a snowstorm... subprime contained.
I guess I’m just curious how the legislature carving out one American’s businesses while providing relief to every other business in that industry is viewed as a good thing. I’m interested to see what Congress is actually doing in the bill to harm certain Americans.

What if they just carved out wildcatcorner?

Well, I'm not receiving a stimulus check, so I guess they sort of did.
Bill or no bill there's gonna have to be a massive rebellion against these radical left wing disaster policies

Believe it when I see it.
If the things the dems were proposing are still in that bill, shame on the R's. and I hope Trump refuses to sign it. Don't cave to the evil. We need line item veto.

Edited: removed a post of blubo's that I was going to reply to earlier that I didn't know was included in this post

Bloomberg also laid off his campaign workers, who were promised pay through November either way his campaign went.

Love how “evil corporations” catch flak just for existing, but a single individual worth more than most corporations gets a pass.

Agree with ya. We have to many of these billionaire bastards in the world today. They're hell bent on reshaping the world to suit there pompous asses.
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