How will they rule ??!

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He was basically railing yesterday for the CDC to send him ALL the ventilators that they have in stock. CDC allotted them 400 of the 17K they have. I'm sure the CDC is ready to send more as events warrant, but New York is not the only state that may need them, and once a ventilator goes out the door it will be hard to get it back. So if we give them all to NY and tomorrow other state's numbers go through the roof and those other states need more ventilators, they are screwed.

CDC is helping and ready to help more, but help yourself, NY. Cuomo basically acting like a little b!tch because he cannot hoard ventilators for his constituents.

Yep, you repeated what I said in more detail. We see it the same way. DEMS will probably anoint him "the next warm body" and trot him out there, lol.

Right now millionaires and billionaires are mobilizing their businesses to do and make things they're not designed for.

Many are donating their own personal time, money and resources to help those in need all across the nation.

While libs stomp around, pout, count beans and try to secure funding for other countries and non essential items.
A few days ago, Italy posted a 2-day decline in new cases, but I haven't seen any updates. Maybe it went back up.

But they are still the best barometer IMO. What happens there, you can kind of expect here. Yes, we are larger and yes we have some very densely populated cities.. but we also seem to have taken action a bit quicker than Italy initially did.
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There are like 40 types of businesses that are exempt. It's basically the same as it was before.

The point being for such drastic measures, it should be such an emergency of nearly inconceivable circumstances.

Yet here it doesn't take effect until tomorrow end of day. And it's 160 cases. If it was 5000 and the order was to take effect immediately, I'd see things differently. But actual emergencies don't warrant delayed action.

Imagine going to the ER with a stroke or heart attack. Think they'd tell you to come back tomorrow at 4? No. Because that's not how actual emergencies are handled.

This is not what government was intended for.

A few days ago, Italy posted a 2-day decline in new cases, but I haven't seen any updates. Maybe it went back up.

But they are still the best barometer IMO. What happens there, you can kind of expect here. Yes, we are larger and yes we have some very densely populated cities.. but we also seem to have taken action a bit quicker than Italy initially did.

Good call hadn't heard about them in awhile. But I know Spains cases now soooooaaaar, which I think is a hilarious way to describe it
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The point being for such drastic measures, it should be such an emergency of nearly inconceivable circumstances.

Yet here it doesn't take effect until tomorrow end of day. And it's 160 cases. If it was 5000 and the order was to take effect immediately, I'd see things differently. But actual emergencies don't warrant delayed action.

Imagine going to the ER with a stroke or heart attack. Think they'd tell you to come back tomorrow at 4? No. Because that's not how actual emergencies are handled.

This is not what government was intended for.

Good call hadn't heard about them in awhile. But I know Spains cases now soooooaaaar, which I think is a hilarious way to describe it

Ha that got a good chuckle out of me when I said it out loud.

Honestly, no news is good news. China is still going back to work, but the problem with that dumpster fire of a government: can you trust anything they say?

That's why I've been keeping tabs on Italy. It's a 1st world, civilized country that's been transparent. They got hit with this in kind of the same way we did.. something were better for us, some things worse.

I saw like 10-14 days ago there were reports Italy was already leveling off, with growth percentages dwindling.. And then like 2 days ago it was confirmed that cases also began to decline. Seems to me like Italy is on the tail end of the spread. Now, that doesnt mean we stop the Quarantining.. but it does mean it should be over sooner.. none of this "Until Summer" stuff we have been hearing.

Granted, part of that is me being optomistic, I guess. But the numbers look good.
Everything that comes out of Washington and I still find it hard to believe the House would give themselves raises that are bigger than a lot of Americans make in a single year. Just unfathomable. That cannot be true.

Also, sure enough we already have lefty posters trying to deflect.
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They've grown arrogant in how successful they've been totally misleading people like our resident leftists who buy their nonsense hook, line andsinker.
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I cannot bring myself to believe the raises are true.

But if I was president, and the House/Congress sent me a bill giving themselves $25k raises during this crisis, I would veto it and tell them not to send me another one. No more bills. They’re finished. If that’s the people we have in office, I would just let nature take its course and hope the federal government collapsed.
Most of them make $174,000. Nancy Makes $225,000. That's a 14% raise for the more destitute of them. Over 10% for Nancy. For what they've done in the last 4 years, they should give at least half their money back!
I almost think it's political suicide by the house. The American people will not be happy to see this. Just not a smart move. The Liberals just threw a pick 6, and they're down by 10 with 4 minutes to go..

It should be political suicide for everyone who votes for it. We simply don't have any good choices. Dems are the worst, but spineless R's are right behind them. Even before it is signed we'll get to listen to both tell us how hard they worked and came together to help the American people. Our forefathers would be puking in their graves if possible.
I cannot bring myself to believe the raises are true.

But if I was president, and the House/Congress sent me a bill giving themselves $25k raises during this crisis, I would veto it and tell them not to send me another one. No more bills. They’re finished. If that’s the people we have in office, I would just let nature take its course and hope the federal government collapsed.

He should line item it out. Force them to sue.