How will they rule ??!

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Those docs are all paid off by Big Chloroquine.

The left act like Trump pulled this med right out of his orange ass. They won’t take it until Madcow gives the all clear.

We are not the only country interested in this therapy. Two weeks ago before the shit hit the fan here I was reading about South Korea using it.

Lots of other countries moving in that direction now. We are supposed to believe that big pharma is donating kachillions of doses around the world because Trump wrote a script?

On one hand you tell us Trump is mocked around the world, but then Trump is also influencing countries to rush out to get meds.

Some of you ****ers are ****ed.
I usually lurk this thread, but this post is too stupid to not comment on.

Do you want TN and IN to have the same crisis as NY? What you just said is exactly how that happens. It may not happen as fast, but it would happen.

Are you okay with people dying in the midwest? What you just said is exactly how that happens.

NY is aggressively testing because their gov is on top of it. This virus is already across the entire country. Just wait another two weeks once the all the people the dumb spring breakers infected start to need hospitalization.

This isn't an east or west coast or FL problem. That ship has already sailed. You get lax on restrictions anywhere now, and you can kiss any of the good those restrictions did in the first place goodbye.

Think before you post, man.
So how long do we stay locked up, and how long are people supposed to go without work? Asking for a friend.
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Another idiot here. So you would accept one of your family members dying if it meant your 401k didn't take a hit? Seriously?

I wouldn't. These aren't just numbers. These are actual people with family and friends who now have to grieve their loved ones. The greatest generation is rolling over in their graves.
782 people have died. MILLIONS of people have lost their jobs and don't know how they are going to feed their families or pay their rent. How well is shelter in place going to work when people have no homes to shelter in?
However long it takes. We are just at the beginning of this in the U.S. I would say at least until the end of April. The economy will recover.
No the economy won't just recover. And I guarantee that those who think like you won't be satisfied lifting restrictions in
We're at the beginning of this pandemic. You can't compare the two until we're through this one.

This would be like me judging an entire game by the first 5 minutes. Oh wait, the game threads are full of that type of talk.

Look, man, we won't know if either of us is right or wrong for many months. I just err on the side of not losing lives unnecessarily.
And we err on the side of not wrecking the greatest economy in the history of mankind, and the thought that millions of people losing their jobs will cause more deaths than this virus. We care about lives just as much as you do.
Not sure many Demosocialcommunists have that much sense or they wouldn't be Demosocialcommunists. (They really have to sell their unfounded belief system to their base.) I state that seriously. It is as if they ignore how truly awful their candidates are but use the media hype to uplift them into something any sane person can see they are not.

Too many have passed through the Demosocialcommunist gauntlet of candidates with nothing more than moxy to gain their status. The moxy is only having more moxy than their competition, not that they are excelling...
It's impossible to be embarrassed when you lack self awareness. The agenda is all that matters.
Ten trillion! That would increase our debt by almost 50%.

At this point, let’s just print 360 gazillion dollars and give each family a billion and see what happens.
Right? I have a theory I bet you'd agree with. If you made everyone a millionaire just by giving it to them, in 10 years, the number of millionaires we have in this country would be about the same as it is right now. Meaning, if people don't earn their money and make smart decisions to acquire it, they will just blow it and end up broke again. Or dead.
In other words...look at 2008-2016, then look at of these is unlike the other. One was filled with corruptness and drove our country into what many perceived as an unrecoverable hell (inc. the ringmaster himself re *magic wand* needed)

Then you take the next era, that, up until a month ago, was filled with prosperity and more living the American Dream than ever before, despite the efforts of the vile holdovers from the prior term, who would rather slither around in pond scum than have an American citizen achieve success. It is refreshing to know that this will again be the norm once this virus runs its course, and we have 4 more years of success awaiting.

You're a troll of the worst sort...and your misery index must off the charts.

Before I post a retort to your statement above, I'd like to say that while we all share differing political views & opinions, we all have one thing in common, and that is the love of Kentucky basketball. I grew up a UK fan and graduated from Kentucky in 2010 with a degree in Business Administration & Finance.

Unlike Levibooty, who has posted some stuff that I technically agree with, I cannot agree with the way he's presenting his argument. Saying something is true without positing evidence is just as bad as people on the right (or left) posting stuff as if it's 100% factual.

Let's dive into the 2008-2016 era that you, Cole854, say was an "unrecoverable hell" and 2017 to present period, which was "filled with prosperity" that is until the virus came.

Now I won't be like many people on the left who blame DT for the downturn in the markets. Sure, I think he could've acted sooner, but the market crash was going to happen regardless of who was in the office. I'm not going to place the blame on DT for the market falling from 29,500 to 20,700 points. Actually, let's pretend the market is still at 29,500.

Stock Market - DJIA

When Trump took office, the market was at 19,827, and 3 years later, it sat around 29,500, for a whopping 14% rate of return/year. To put that into perspective, the average returns since the Great Depression range from 7-10ish percent depending on which market index you use.

When Obama took office, the market was already in a downward spiral, a crash that started in October 2007 and would become known as the Great Recession. When Obama took office, the market was around 8,077 and continued to fall for the next six weeks or so to 6,500 in March 2009. This was the start of the bull market that lasted from March 2009 to March 2020. Essentially, we were in a bull run for all but six weeks of Obama's tenure. Three years into 44's tenure, the market was around 12,600 points, equating to a 16% return/year. After four years in office, the market was about 13,895 or 14.5%/year over the first 4 years. During his 8 years in office, the DJIA roughly returned 11.9%, going from 8,077 points to 19,827 points.

Now, I am only using these numbers because it's what DT likes to tout when touting the economy, saying the previous administration had numbers that couldn't touch what has occurred over the past three years.

Do I believe the president has any substantial impact on the market as a whole? Normally, I'd have to say they do not; however, I'm just attempting to us the arguments DT uses as a means to fight against it.

One could argue that DT was just continuing where the market left off once Obama left. Another person could say that 44's numbers were good only because he started from the bottom. While I can see both sides, I tend to lean towards the administration of 44, actually pulling us out of the Great Recession.

We can infer this by looking at two things that Trump likes to point out, and that is the stock market performance, jobs created, and unemployment.

Unemployment Rate

When the DJIA hit its peak before the market started to crash in Oct 2007, the unemployment rate was equal to 4.7%. When 44 took over, it was 7.8%, and when he left it was back to 4.7%. Yes, the first four years of his tenure didn't change much with regards to this number, going from 7.8 to 8.3, but the Great Recession wasn't your typical recessionary period.

2000 to Present


When DT took over, the unemployment rate was 4.7% (see above), and as of February 2020, it sits at 3.5%. Again, one could argue that this is just a continuation of the previous administration, but I'd give the current administration some credit at least.

If you want to mess around with the graph above, please click the link below.

Job Creation

Job creation is another topic that is frequently discussed by Trump and his administration. They tout that they're bringing back jobs to the U.S. and creating more jobs than we've seen ever before. But again, this is not true.

Utilizing the link below and making your range from 2009 to 2020, one can see the number of jobs created each month. To make this information useful, I'd recommend downloading the .xlsx file and doing a summation of the number of jobs created each year and then sorting the number of jobs created by year from highest to lowest.

2009 is by far the worse year on this data set, with over 5 million jobs lost. However, a rational person would see that we were in the Great Recession, and that's not something one can get out of overnight.

Now, if you take the past 11 calendar years and order them, you'll see that DT is only in the top 5 in terms of jobs created in a year, just a single time. 5 of the top 6 were all under Obama.

2014 - 3 million jobs
2015 - 2.72 million
2016 - 2.345 million
2018 - 2.314 million
2013 - 2.301 million
2012 - 2.176 million
2019 - 2.133 million
2017 - 2.109 million
2011 - 2.074 million
2010 - 1.034 million
2009 - (5.051 million)

From looking at these numbers, one can see as to why the unemployment rate basically remained the same over 44's first term but fell drastically over his second term. Yes, the market kicked ass during the entire eight years, but most of that wealth went to the wealthy of this country, just like what has happened over the past three years.

I used the link below, which is also where Trump and his administration get their job numbers. Again I recommend viewing all three links and messing around with the data to see that I'm posting what is reflected in the data.

In closing, while I'm not really a fan of 45, I can give his administration some credit for the markets from 2017 through the end of 2019. But to say that we were in hell before 2017 is completely foolish, especially when the numbers presented show otherwise. While I do my best to visit news sites of differing leanings, from Fox to MSNBC, I believe we all have to stop investing so much time into the news as all that does is promote fear of the other side and just fear in general. I do my best to avoid the news on television as it can be a dangerous thing for our minds to absorb.

With that being said, I hope everyone can start having a friendly discourse with one another and not resort to unwarranted and/or immature attacks.

Go Cats!

Ten trillion! That would increase our debt by almost 50%.

At this point, let’s just print 360 gazillion dollars and give each family a billion and see what happens.
American citizens and illegals only. You legal aliens have no rights.
They are way ahead of you:

Tlaib proposes minting two $1 trillion platinum coins to finance monthly coronavirus debit cards

Rep. Rashida Tlaib has proposed sending everyone in the United States $1,000 per month to counter the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic.

The Michigan Democrat's plan would be financed by having the Federal Reserve create new money on behalf of the Treasury. To skirt the federal debt limit, the U.S. Mint would create two $1 trillion coins, and the Treasury would deposit them in its account at the Fed.

Tlaib, a member of the small group of left-wing freshman House Democrats known as "The Squad," described the plan as a "truly universal relief proposal."

Under Tlaib's proposal, everyone in the U.S., including illegal immigrants, would receive a $2,000 debit card immediately, either through the mail or by having a dedicated government corps seek them out. Families would receive that amount for each family member. The cards would then be refilled with $1,000 monthly until one year after the end of the crisis.
Yeah, that would go over well. Mail boxes would be would be targeted everyday.
No the economy won't just recover. And I guarantee that those who think like you won't be satisfied lifting restrictions in

And we err on the side of not wrecking the greatest economy in the history of mankind, and the thought that millions of people losing their jobs will cause more deaths than this virus. We care about lives just as much as you do.
He is in the corner of those who wants this country to fall in hopes that the promise of free money will get the voters to vote for their socialist agenda.
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Before I post a retort to your statement above, I'd like to say that while we all share differing political views & opinions, we all have one thing in common, and that is the love of Kentucky basketball. I grew up a UK fan and graduated from Kentucky in 2010 with a degree in Business Administration & Finance.

You're wrong, respectfully, here's why... basically you don't take the whole picture into account.

1 The number one reason the wealthy got so much wealthier is because money was printed out of thin air, and then the problem was compounded by allowing that money to be loaned out for free, which also creates money out of thin air. All of this goes more to the wealthy because money managed properly creates itself.
2 Job numbers created is dependent on job seekers available, for example you will never create more optimal filled full time jobs than people. Obama's strong job creation numbers were entirely due to the fact so many jobs were lost, so many job seekers gave up hope, and then so many finally returned to the work force when jobs were finally created. During that time period however, of those returning to work, most often they were underemployed. Not all jobs are the same, Trump's jobs are qualitatively better and simply looking at unemployment rate is meaningless because of how that number is calculated and more importantly what it really means.
3. The economic recovery was considered anemic, it was sputtering along and most economists felt there was a new low growth reality created where we would never see the type of economic booms we have in the past, nor anything like what we experienced the last 3 years. They felt these structural changes to be permanent.
4. Speaking of structural changes, the push toward globalisation, "those jobs aren't coming back", has finally exposed it's most critical flaw. A nation must be self sufficient... that's what America first means... that's what maga doesn't mean GOM WHITE NATIONALIST!
5. Leading up to the election, it was given as fact on the media that no way could the economy survive a Trump presidency when in reality the exact opposite occurred before the pandemic. All of the problems the modern American left complains about, in all actuality, can be traced back directly to policies they themselves enacted or more broadly the nonpartisan Keynesian approach to stop the great recession from being worse than it was. We are doing it again, there's no choice really.

You simply cannot ignore the broader picture and just look at some numbers, some graphs and some trends to conclude what you do.
Cocaine Mitch wins again. 2 trillion is still a lot but at least it's not the 6-10 trillion dollar deal.

But this still has to go back to the House and there we have the Wicked Witch from the Filthy City of San Francisco standing in the door. She still wants to "change" our way of life and she sees this as the perfect time to do that. Hopefully somebody beats some sense into this socialist moron so we can get this passed and get back to business in this country.

The more she makes her face known the more the Democrat Party suffers. She can not be trusted but maybe somebody can throw her out of the door as she tries to block every thing good for America and we can move forward.
Justin Amash says hold my beer. He’s not happy with the Bill and may be trouble in the House.

He’s a grandstanding loser. He’ll fall in line with his fellow democrats (I know what letter is next to his name).

Edit: my thoughts on Amash are not an indication of support for the bill (which we haven’t seen yet). But he is in fact a grand standing loser.
He’s a grandstanding loser. He’ll fall in line with his fellow democrats (I know what letter is next to his name).

Edit: my thoughts on Amash are not an indication of support for the bill (which we haven’t seen yet). But he is in fact a grand standing loser.
Spot on. He will do what Pelosi tells him to do. When he left the GOP in 2019 he started serving a different god. Pelosi owns him now.
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He’s a grandstanding loser. He’ll fall in line with his fellow democrats (I know what letter is next to his name).

Edit: my thoughts on Amash are not an indication of support for the bill (which we haven’t seen yet). But he is in fact a grand standing loser.
At one point in time I really liked Amash. He's absolutely plummeted in the last couple of years.
My favorite part of American politics is how the Senate posted a 250 page bill, the House countered with a 1400 page bill, and now we’re going to probably see an 1000 page bill 5 minutes before they vote on it and pass it which will include obscene amounts of pork that weren’t included in the senates version that actually passed the smell test as trying to address the current economic crisis.

Anything more than 250 pages is a travesty.