How will they rule ??!

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right? Literally there's only two reasons it's a story because it began in China which they should be held responsible for. And the media is using it to reflect poorly on the president and to force a massive shut down of industry which is a diabolical tactic
Biden is your man.

Charles V Payne


Breaking News

Trump Approval Rating Surges

60% Approve of handling to combat coronavirus

49% overall approval
94% GOP
60% Independents +8 ;points
27% Democrats +6 points

6:32 PM - Mar 24, 2020
Not interested in these Dim & Indy late comers.
If I have learned anything during this mess is that our financial situation in this country and world is so fragile it scares me to think about the amount of money I/we save and invest and what it may be worth when it’s time to retire. I enjoy bottom feeding like I have recently but what good is it when only the very rich have any shot because everyone else are broke due to hyper inflation and everything else we are clearly on track for.
Own Au then.

"in an interview on ABC's "The View," Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden remarked: "We have to take care of the cure, that will make the problem worse no matter what." It was unclear what the former vice president meant,"

Oh really? LMAO.

Democrats have to be completely embarrassed at the leadership their party is trotting out there these days. They'll never admit it, but they are embarrassed.
Yeah, it's clearly someone else. I mean we can safely add Biden to the Clinton kill list now right?
Democrats have to be completely embarrassed at the leadership their party is trotting out there these days. They'll never admit it, but they are embarrassed.

Not sure many Demosocialcommunists have that much sense or they wouldn't be Demosocialcommunists. (They really have to sell their unfounded belief system to their base.) I state that seriously. It is as if they ignore how truly awful their candidates are but use the media hype to uplift them into something any sane person can see they are not.

Too many have passed through the Demosocialcommunist gauntlet of candidates with nothing more than moxy to gain their status. The moxy is only having more moxy than their competition, not that they are excelling...
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Why the hell have I given them a third of my income for so long? Just write yourself a check from me!
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Give these Democrat Dictator governors an inch...

You already have to have a prescription. You can't buy OTC.


What happened to listening to doctors? If a doctor wants to prescribe, he says no.

Sisolak bars malaria drugs for coronavirus patients
Nevada’s governor has signed an emergency order barring the use of anti-malaria drugs for someone who has the coronavirus.

Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak’s order Tuesday restricting chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine comes after President Donald Trump touted the medication as a treatment for the virus.

Trump last week falsely stated that the Food and Drug Administration had just approved the use of chloroquine to treat patients infected with coronavirus. After the FDA’s chief said the drug still needs to be tested for that use, Trump overstated the drug’s potential benefits in containing the virus.

Sisolak said in a statement that there’s no consensus among experts or Nevada doctors that the drugs can treat people with COVID-19. His order also limits a prescription to a 30-day supply to ensure it’s available for “legitimate medical purposes" and so that people cannot find a way to stockpile the drug.

The governor’s rule comes a day after a Phoenix-area man died and his wife was in critical condition from taking an additive used to clean fish tanks known as chloroquine phosphate, similar to the drug used to treat malaria.
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Ten trillion! That would increase our debt by almost 50%.

At this point, let’s just print 360 gazillion dollars and give each family a billion and see what happens.

They are way ahead of you:

Tlaib proposes minting two $1 trillion platinum coins to finance monthly coronavirus debit cards

Rep. Rashida Tlaib has proposed sending everyone in the United States $1,000 per month to counter the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic.

The Michigan Democrat's plan would be financed by having the Federal Reserve create new money on behalf of the Treasury. To skirt the federal debt limit, the U.S. Mint would create two $1 trillion coins, and the Treasury would deposit them in its account at the Fed.

Tlaib, a member of the small group of left-wing freshman House Democrats known as "The Squad," described the plan as a "truly universal relief proposal."

Under Tlaib's proposal, everyone in the U.S., including illegal immigrants, would receive a $2,000 debit card immediately, either through the mail or by having a dedicated government corps seek them out. Families would receive that amount for each family member. The cards would then be refilled with $1,000 monthly until one year after the end of the crisis.
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They are way ahead of you:

Tlaib proposes minting two $1 trillion platinum coins to finance monthly coronavirus debit cards

Rep. Rashida Tlaib has proposed sending everyone in the United States $1,000 per month to counter the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic.

The Michigan Democrat's plan would be financed by having the Federal Reserve create new money on behalf of the Treasury. To skirt the federal debt limit, the U.S. Mint would create two $1 trillion coins, and the Treasury would deposit them in its account at the Fed.

Tlaib, a member of the small group of left-wing freshman House Democrats known as "The Squad," described the plan as a "truly universal relief proposal."

Under Tlaib's proposal, everyone in the U.S., including illegal immigrants, would receive a $2,000 debit card immediately, either through the mail or by having a dedicated government corps seek them out. Families would receive that amount for each family member. The cards would then be refilled with $1,000 monthly until one year after the end of the crisis.

I have a novel idea. Instead of literally printing money, why doesn’t someone figure out who actually needs financial help? That isn’t illegals, it isn’t people who are still working, and it isn’t art centers and windmill makers. Is nobody able to do that? Or is it just easier to throw cash into the wind? I’m still working, as of now I don’t need it, others do. This is all just outrageous.
Give these Democrat Dictator governors an inch...

You already have to have a prescription. You can't buy OTC.


What happened to listening to doctors? If a doctor wants to prescribe, he says no.

Sisolak bars malaria drugs for coronavirus patients
Nevada’s governor has signed an emergency order barring the use of anti-malaria drugs for someone who has the coronavirus.

Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak’s order Tuesday restricting chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine comes after President Donald Trump touted the medication as a treatment for the virus.

Trump last week falsely stated that the Food and Drug Administration had just approved the use of chloroquine to treat patients infected with coronavirus. After the FDA’s chief said the drug still needs to be tested for that use, Trump overstated the drug’s potential benefits in containing the virus.

Sisolak said in a statement that there’s no consensus among experts or Nevada doctors that the drugs can treat people with COVID-19. His order also limits a prescription to a 30-day supply to ensure it’s available for “legitimate medical purposes" and so that people cannot find a way to stockpile the drug.

The governor’s rule comes a day after a Phoenix-area man died and his wife was in critical condition from taking an additive used to clean fish tanks known as chloroquine phosphate, similar to the drug used to treat malaria.
What is it going to take for people to wake up? I would love to hear attempts to justify a complete ban.