How will they rule ??!

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Thanks. I despise when people speak in absolutes and act like they have every answer. Not directed to you KRJ, but If AND THAT IS A BIG IF, the forecasts are true that we could see levels of unemployment at 30% that level exceeds the Great Depression. The St. Louis Fed put that out. There is no flipping the switch and turning it back on. Why are those forecasts any less credible to Cat? How many will die from that?

My point being if we were to hit that level of unemployment there are far more dire consequences than many believe.

Agreed. It would essentially destroy the economy, and I can't even think about how we would recover from that.
Another idiot here. So you would accept one of your family members dying if it meant your 401k didn't take a hit? Seriously?

I wouldn't. These aren't just numbers. These are actual people with family and friends who now have to grieve their loved ones. The greatest generation is rolling over in their graves.
Sensationalize much? People die. For all sorts of many reasons. You treat this virus like it’s some world ending automatic death sentence if you get it. 98.6% OF THE PEOPLE GETTING IT IN THE US ARE SURVING IT. and in realty it’s far more than that because of all the yokels who went “meh cough cough, I got a cold” and got over it. Omaha Nebraska isn’t going to suffer the same affects as a city of 6 million people. Get real. According to what you’re saying, we should shut down the world for the Flu. It’s taking FAR and away more lives than this virus. The numbers of confirmed cases and deaths so far would be lost in the flu numbers if nobody had discovered it.
We can't reduce the risk to 0 for this or any other thing. The clever strawman most here swallowed is that we need to all stay indoors to not get sick. We are all getting this thing. Millions already have. That's a fact.

The real issue is how many would have severe symptoms at one time. That concern is now gone considering only a sliver have severe enough symptoms requiring treatment. That would be even less if everyone wasn't scared to death. You can tell the fear because only 10% of those tested are positive.

I am almost positive I had it in December. I had two what I thought were colds within a week. I was tired low energy fever whatever sore throat. Got it once and then it returned for a little
We're at the beginning of this pandemic. You can't compare the two until we're through this one.

This would be like me judging an entire game by the first 5 minutes. Oh wait, the game threads are full of that type of talk.

Look, man, we won't know if either of us is right or wrong for many months. I just err on the side of not losing lives unnecessarily.
If 18k are gonna die in the US, they better hurry up and get to it. They’re taking their sweet time.
DEMS wanted 35 Million dollars for the Kennedy Center put into the Virus stimulus package. LOL! How do some live in their own skin?
Has any of the resident dims or media or twitter twits gone on the defensive for any of the nonsense they wanted in this bill? Have they countered with any of the nonsense the republicans wanted in it? Can anyone point to any of those things?
.000002 percent of the US population has died from this virus so far.
nope, 0.0002%. Your 0.000002 is a decimal. Regardless it's small.

Issue whether 0.2% of the population is infected or 20%. If it's 20%, we're in good shape. If it's 0.2%, then we could be staring at 60K deaths. Need to manage well below 60K, & I think we can do that with another couple weeks of data. Key to me is too keep the vulnerable isolated & millennials from being their collective DA selves.
nope, 0.0002%. Your 0.000002 is a decimal. Regardless it's small.

Issue whether 0.2% of the population is infected or 20%. If it's 20%, we're in good shape. If it's 0.2%, then we could be staring at 60K deaths. Need to manage well below 60K, & I think we can do that with another couple weeks of data. Key to me is too keep the vulnerable isolated & millennials from being their collective DA selves.
690 divided by 330,000,000 = .000002 according to my calculator.
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Has any of the resident dims or media or twitter twits gone on the defensive for any of the nonsense they wanted in this bill? Have they countered with any of the nonsense the republicans wanted in it? Can anyone point to any of those things?

Great point. They are doing exactly what they always do.....they won't touch the topic with a 10 foot pole and are suddenly "busy and out of pocket at this time".
Coming from someone who even voted for Trump, GD what an idiot and selfish prick that guy is. He gets dumber and more annoying every time I hear him speak.
Similar situation here.

However, for me it is prepping to train on industrial automation, controls, and sensor technology.

I appreciate the chaos of the Paddock.

We are trying to migrate about 4500 FTE from brick and mortar to W@H, all with different processes and requirements. It's a real PITA. And I have clients on the west coast, so my days start early and end late.
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Looks like Beshear finally one upped Dewine.

Hopefully OH continues to allow essential business to remain open for the foreseeable future.

Beshear said any of the retail locations that were allowed to be open as of yesterday will still be allowed after Thursday, plus any essential manufacturing, etc. I honestly couldn't tell what the change was.
We are trying to migrate about 4500 FTE from brick and mortar to W@H, all with different processes and requirements. It's a real PITA. And I have clients on the west coast, so my days start early and end late.

I can only imagine.

Luckily for me, I left my training manager position and moved to a company where I will be back in the classroom.

I loaded up various training units, a PLC and my laptop and came to the house.

I feel for everybody trying to figure out the logistics of keeping this country moving forward.

I do appreciate those who are working hard to keep me flush in toilet paper.
In other words...look at 2008-2016, then look at of these is unlike the other. One was filled with corruptness and drove our country into what many perceived as an unrecoverable hell (inc. the ringmaster himself re *magic wand* needed)

Then you take the next era, that, up until a month ago, was filled with prosperity and more living the American Dream than ever before, despite the efforts of the vile holdovers from the prior term, who would rather slither around in pond scum than have an American citizen achieve success. It is refreshing to know that this will again be the norm once this virus runs its course, and we have 4 more years of success awaiting.

You're a troll of the worst sort...and your misery index must off the charts.
What country are you from? It certainly isn't America that you're describing. Since you are so completely wrong in your description which is extremely easy to expose, I simply will will think of you in the future as a wildly racist fool who can't read or understand numbers.
Sensationalize much? People die. For all sorts of many reasons. You treat this virus like it’s some world ending automatic death sentence if you get it. 98.6% OF THE PEOPLE GETTING IT IN THE US ARE SURVING IT. and in realty it’s far more than that because of all the yokels who went “meh cough cough, I got a cold” and got over it. Omaha Nebraska isn’t going to suffer the same affects as a city of 6 million people. Get real. According to what you’re saying, we should shut down the world for the Flu. It’s taking FAR and away more lives than this virus. The numbers of confirmed cases and deaths so far would be lost in the flu numbers if nobody had discovered it.

right? Literally there's only two reasons it's a story because it began in China which they should be held responsible for. And the media is using it to reflect poorly on the president and to force a massive shut down of industry which is a diabolical tactic
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You probably don’t want a discussion of that guy’s sleazy past. Not a good choice.
I'll discuss it all you want but I'll be sure to compare it to that "Grab em by the pussy." wad of orange monkey juice so many fools like. I mean one was loved by the sexiest women of the day, an actual war hero and the other a draft dodging sexual predator who has to pay for sex. Go ahead Sound off!
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I thought threads that have political content could be posted on the paddock, obviously not, I posted one yesterday and it has already been Taken Down. Thread wasn’t rancorous.
Honestly there should be a political forum where we can separate topics of discussions into threads instead of trying to see if we can break the rivals record for the longest running thread.
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What country are you from? It certainly isn't America that you're describing. Since you are so completely wrong in your description which is extremely easy to expose, I simply will will think of you in the future as a wildly racist fool who can't read or understand numbers.

Agree. Let them eat cake.

I had major surgery scheduled on April 16th and had to cancel it because of the virus. So I continue in extreme pain I am not interested in hearing about somebody changing their sex as "essential". This is not the time to practice ignorance. Wait for things to settle down and then be stupid.
Coming from someone who even voted for Trump, GD what an idiot and selfish prick that guy is. He gets dumber and more annoying every time I hear him speak.
Biden is your man.

Charles V Payne


Breaking News

Trump Approval Rating Surges

60% Approve of handling to combat coronavirus

49% overall approval
94% GOP
60% Independents +8 ;points
27% Democrats +6 points

6:32 PM - Mar 24, 2020
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You are absolutely clueless. Do you know what R0 is? Do you know what the R0 is of this virus vs the seasonal flu? My guess is no.

Mindsets like yours is why people that don't need to die are absolutely going to die.

No, this won't be deaths on par with WWII or anything, but most of these are preventable deaths if we just put a pause on the "f you, I got mine" mentality that so many people have these days.
Ok, lets play this out.

Normal flu kills 10-20k a year.

Right now, and the death count will obviously go up, less than 700 have died in the US.

What is your minimum acceptable death count that justifies a loss of trillions (we're over $3 trillion right now)?