How will they rule ??!

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The government - John Q Public should keep 3-6 months of savings on hand for a crisis or emergency

Also the government - Businesses don't have enough cash reserves to fade 3 days of being closed - let's send them a bunch of money we don't have
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Trying to push through not only green new deal type shit, but also trying to push through required early voting and same day voter registration in a crisis relief bill. All they care about is power and being in control.

McConnell’s bill was 247 pages and I was able to skim quickly this morning. Not sure why Pelosi needs an extra 900 pages.
BTW, what is stopping the quarantined Republican Senators from showing up for the vote wearing hazmat suits? Mitch should just roll out the original bill there were supposed to vote on and get these guys in there to pass it.
Agree that none of the companies getting bailouts should have any money go to executives, etc. That said, how many of you and others that are claiming the Republicans are doing that have read the bill? I would bet none. They listen to Chuck and other Dems and take what they are saying as gospel. The same party that is adding hundreds of pages to the bill as we speak. Pet projects and all they have been saving for this moment. As Nancy once said, "we need to pass the bill to see what is in it". That is the level of filth politicians we are dealing with here.
You don't believe God exists because you have never seen Him. Well you've never seen the coronavirus have you? Do you believe it exists?

I’ve had viruses so, yes, I believe they exist. I’ve seen viruses explained by science. I’ve seen the reports, compiled by learned knowledgeable scientists, of what viruses do to us.

I don’t believe in ancient myths that were told verbally for a century or two by illiterate goat herders who didn’t understand where the sun went at night, then written down, then translated several times, then edited into a book in 1611. No, I do not believe in that.
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Agree that none of the companies getting bailouts should have any money go to executives, etc. That said, how many of you and others that are claiming the Republicans are doing that have read the bill? I would bet none. They listen to Chuck and other Dems and take what they are saying as gospel. The same party that is adding hundreds of pages to the bill as we speak. Pet projects and all they have been saving for this moment. As Nancy once said, "we need to pass the bill to see what is in it". That is the level of filth politicians we are dealing with here.

I didn't say they were, I honestly don't know because I don't have time to read it. Have you read it? Or is this a pot/kettle scenario where neither of us know?
It's pretty simple. I think Christians and Muslims are wrong. Christians and Muslims are free to be as wrong as they want, to worship as they want. Neither should be discriminated against, belonging to either religion shouldn't be a disqualification to immigrating to the US, running for public office, or participating in public life in any way. Neither should be permitted to discriminate against others in violation of the law, just because of their religious beliefs. Christianity and Islam, and their institutions, I'll criticize harshly, as I'll harshly criticize behavior from individuals, but individuals should be treated with respect and not stereotyped simply because of their belonging to a religion. So yeah, I'll call out Islamophobia. There's a lot of it in our society. That's not in any way contradictory to any of my beliefs or positions.
IF... I didn't believe that musliums goal is to destroy the constitution l could agree with a lot of what you say. We are/should be born with free agency, but when that agency is for the total destruction of the greatest document that has ever been established on God's green earth for a FREE PEOPLE to create a government controlled by a Theocratic totalitarian one is something I just cannot get past...Christians in no way, shape or form are for something like this!
Agree that none of the companies getting bailouts should have any money go to executives, etc. That said, how many of you and others that are claiming the Republicans are doing that have read the bill? I would bet none. They listen to Chuck and other Dems and take what they are saying as gospel. The same party that is adding hundreds of pages to the bill as we speak. Pet projects and all they have been saving for this moment. As Nancy once said, "we need to pass the bill to see what is in it". That is the level of filth politicians we are dealing with here.

We should pass Nancy's bill to see what's in it.
I think the idea is to try and get a better deal for the workers instead of making the deal jucier for the large corporations.
But they pander to a crowd (I dont know if you are one or not) that truly believe help to corporations is bad. Screw corporations--except if there are massive bankruptcies and loss of corporations there are no jobs. That are not just going to fire back up if they are bankrupt. If the economy is in the shitter we can have all the pent up demand we want but the average joe is not going to have the resources to act upon that pent up demand. The average joe, like it or not, needs their job and to have a job there has to be an employer.

Ensuring abortion funding, wind turbines, etc. does not move the needle to help the average consumer. They held this up over a wish list of items that have nothing to do with the Coronavirus. Defend any way you like but that does not change what Pelosi and Shumer did here.
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I doubt this will help posters here understand but there is always hope I guess.
Spit On, Yelled At, Attacked: Chinese-Americans Fear for Their Safety
As bigots blame them for the coronavirus and President Trump labels it the “Chinese virus,” many Chinese-Americans say they are terrified of what could come next.
Agree that none of the companies getting bailouts should have any money go to executives, etc. That said, how many of you and others that are claiming the Republicans are doing that have read the bill? I would bet none. They listen to Chuck and other Dems and take what they are saying as gospel. The same party that is adding hundreds of pages to the bill as we speak. Pet projects and all they have been saving for this moment. As Nancy once said, "we need to pass the bill to see what is in it". That is the level of filth politicians we are dealing with here.
Can you tell what move an executive made that caused this problem? When you say no money, they should not get paid? What do you define as an executive?

EDIT: Not trying to be a dick with this but how would a bill of this sort say nothing to the executives? How would that be defined and written in a short term fashion that would be able to get money out? I honestly don't know how it could be done.
You say that in jest, but we absolutely should.
No I didn't. Corporation have been awarded huge dollops of welfare and what some describe as socialism. Its gotten to where people think corporations come before people these days.
So Moscow Mitch wants
  • $500 B for corporations in a fund controlled by Munchkin with little to no oversight.
  • No money to people who are so poor they pay no taxes
  • No food stamps, SNAP, or health money
  • No protection against eviction or foreclosure
  • No student loan forgiveness
Sounds like another raid on the treasury
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LOL bootstraps baby!
Can you tell what move an executive made that caused this problem? When you say no money, they should not get paid? What do you define as an executive?

EDIT: Not trying to be a dick with this but how would a bill of this sort say nothing to the executives? How would that be defined and written in a short term fashion that would be able to get money out? I honestly don't know how it could be done.
Meaning no stock buybacks, bonuses, etc. Same crap they pulled back in 08 with the bailouts. I think everyone can agree any "bailouts" for these corporations go to their employees and whatever else is needed to keep the company afloat but not any slick kickbacks that make the folks with the power and money in these corporations richer than they already are.

Frankly all of these "bailouts" aka printing more money we do not have is just getting us closer to the inevitable financial apocalypse we are already close to reaching anyway. Just a matter of time.
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At this point, Lift the mitigation period. Make them eat $h!t.

All the market needs is a deadline for when business will resume. Then it'll spring back to life. Restaurants and bars can begin ordering product and be ready.
Meaning no stock buybacks, bonuses, etc. Same crap they pulled back in 08 with the bailouts. I think everyone can agree any "bailouts" for these corporations go to their employees and whatever else is needed to keep the company afloat but not any slick kickbacks that make the folks with the power and money in these corporations richer than they already are.

Frankly all of these "bailouts" aka printing more money we do not have is just getting us closer to the inevitable financial apocalypse we are already close to reaching anyway. Just a matter of time.

I am not arguing that the average person needs to benefit. I agree no stock buybacks but that cannot be permanent. Not every company has comp plans like what you see sensationalized by the media.

But if you look at some of the text being added by Ds, they are not really worried about that stuff. They want gender, racial and damn near any other quota you can think of. Utilizing minority owned financial institutions. Gee which representative has a minority owned bank?
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