How will they rule ??!

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Can you tell what move an executive made that caused this problem? When you say no money, they should not get paid? What do you define as an executive?

EDIT: Not trying to be a dick with this but how would a bill of this sort say nothing to the executives? How would that be defined and written in a short term fashion that would be able to get money out? I honestly don't know how it could be done.
So corporations want executives to be able to get a slice of the pie too? If so, It’s a bad look...
If it’s a mom and pop executive, they need the money, if it’s Mark Zuckerburg, he don’t need the money.
So bail these bastards out again, and let the executives and CEO's continue to be the ones who get the most of it, while giving the workers less? If that's the lesson , you and your conservative party can shove it straight up your ass.

So corporations want executives to be able to get a slice of the pie too? If so, It’s a bad look...
If it’s a mom and pop executive, they need the money, if it’s Mark Zuckerburg, he don’t need the money.

Right. The definition of executive is tricky. I know alot of people deemed executives who are actually just middle management
So corporations want executives to be able to get a slice of the pie too? If so, It’s a bad look...
If it’s a mom and pop executive, they need the money, if it’s Mark Zuckerburg, he don’t need the money.

Not what I am saying at all. In fact I have written over and over that this needs to go to help the worker. But what people are claiming needs to be done will have unintended consequences.
Right. The definition of executive is tricky. I know alot of people deemed executives who are actually just middle management
Thank you! People seem to think there is a universal definition and there is not. I think it sounds great to stand up and scream nothing for the fat cat executive but define it in a bill and get it out in a quick time period without unintended consequences. Having said that, I think it would be easy to say no stock buybacks until you have paid everything back or something like that.
Can you tell what move an executive made that caused this problem? When you say no money, they should not get paid? What do you define as an executive?

EDIT: Not trying to be a dick with this but how would a bill of this sort say nothing to the executives? How would that be defined and written in a short term fashion that would be able to get money out? I honestly don't know how it could be done.
The disclaimer would have to state any moneys are to be used solely for operating expenses, for payroll, and compensation to laid off or furloughed employees only. Corporate officers would be exempt from receiving any of the funds.
The disclaimer would have to state any moneys are to be used solely for operating expenses, for payroll, and compensation to laid off or furloughed employees only. Corporate officers would be exempt from receiving any of the funds.
Love it but the Ds have reportedly added any employees who lose their job for any reason would be paid for 6 months. If true that kind of shit cannot be added.
So giving the same response back to what I was given makes me the one with serious issues? Kind of hypocritical isn't it? I wouldn't expect anything else though.

The way you are typing, you are cussing at the top of your lungs. You did not receive that. You got called a couple names. I don't remember who started the name calling first but you elevated it way too far. jmuo
So corporations want executives to be able to get a slice of the pie too? If so, It’s a bad look...
If it’s a mom and pop executive, they need the money, if it’s Mark Zuckerburg, he don’t need the money.
Great now define it. The extremes are obvious.
The way you are typing, you are cussing at the top of your lungs. You did not receive that. You got called a couple names. I don't remember who started the name calling first but you elevated it way too far. jmuo
I disagree with your opinion. I was told to get f***** and was also called scum. How did I elevate it any further?
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Am I the only one who is terrified of this 2 trillion dollars? We borrowed a trillion last year while collecting record revenue. I think we are already ****ed, we just aren't officially there yet.
No, I am as well. Couple that with what is coming out that the Ds are trying to add and it is off the charts effing crazy.
Love it but the Ds have reportedly added any employees who lose their job for any reason would be paid for 6 months. If true that kind of shit cannot be added.
Is there a disclaimer that states if they find other employment in the meantime that is rescinded? Maybe provide laid off employees a standardized severance package. Of 4-6 weeks of pay or something to that effect.
Thanks. It is easy to point to the extremes. writing a bill that nails the perfect scope in this short period of time is impossible.

Yes - and given congress' history of passing bills without reading them (half joking, but not really,) this doesn't seem like a time for perfection.
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Is there a disclaimer that states if they find other employment in the meantime that is rescinded? Maybe provide laid off employees a standardized severance package. Of 4-6 weeks of pay or something to that effect.
Agreed anyone impacted by the virus should be taken care of. I guess I am talking out of both sides of my mouth here a little. Maybe I have to hold my nose on this and accept because the bill will not be perfect.
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Several could use that advice.

Could be, that is why I don't normally use that type language. Especially on a message board. Got to check myself. (Need to check myself a little more sometimes as this type situation can happen.)(That is why I looked back four pages to be sure. Can't speak for ten pages ago.;))
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Am I the only one who is terrified of this 2 trillion dollars? We borrowed a trillion last year while collecting record revenue. I think we are already ****ed, we just aren't officially there yet.
This proposed debt scares the crap out of me. We must bring it under control and develop new revenue streams.
I disagree with your opinion. I was told to get f***** and was also called scum. How did I elevate it any further?

I said Dems are scum. Never called a particular person in here. They are. They proved it today. It’s my opinion. If you took offense, that’s on you.

Don’t worry. I won’t be around to insult you further. Said my peace. Stay safe.
I guess what I am concerned about here is my belief what the Ds are trying to do here. I get if a company screws up and begs for help that is one thing. But this cannot really be blamed on any company. To me this appears to be an attempt by Ds to gain some more control over hiring practices, establish gender/race quotas throughout and expand control. Just look at what happens to any business or NFP that accepts grant money. The restrictions/quotas etc can be very burdensome.

Assuming everyone comes through this ok, are we going to be subjected to government telling each business what the board make up must be, what exec comp can be, what financial institution you can use?

I don't see too many regulations get rolled back and this appears to be the Ds trying to get further entrenched in day to day activities.
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Regarding executives, I think I saw $425,000 annually as being a threshold in the Senate bill when I skimmed it earlier. No one above that threshold could be given raises if they took a loan.

That was a super quick read earlier and I haven’t double checked, so take it for what it’s worth.
I guess what I am concerned about here is my belief what the Ds are trying to do here. I get if a company screws up and begs for help that is one thing. But this cannot really be blamed on any company. To me this appears to be an attempt by Ds to gain some more control over hiring practices, establish gender/race quotas throughout and expand control. Just look at what happens to any business or NFP that accepts grant money. The restrictions/quotas etc can be very burdensome.

Assuming everyone comes through this ok, are we going to be subjected to government telling each business what the board make up must be, what exec comp can be, what financial institution you can use?

I don't see too many regulations get rolled back and this appears to be the Ds trying to get further entrenched in day to day activities.
Before a lot of the current laws were passed, I ran a rather large business. A guy with the state Dept of Labor (I believe) made an appointment with me. Didn't say what he wanted but I made the appt. anyway. Guy had no more sat down when he pulled some paperwork of our company's many employees, how many of this, how many of that, and so forth. Then he started to tell me that I (we) didn't have enough of this, and that on our employee roles. And that we needed to hire such and such. Promptly told him we hired who we thought could do the best job...period. Then kicked him out of my office.
Regarding executives, I think I saw $425,000 annually as being a threshold in the Senate bill when I skimmed it earlier. No one above that threshold could be given raises if they took a loan.

That was a super quick read earlier and I haven’t double checked, so take it for what it’s worth.
Thanks for the info.
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Before a lot of the current laws were passed, I ran a rather large business. A guy with the state Dept of Labor (I believe) made an appointment with me. Didn't say what he wanted but I made the appt. anyway. Guy had no more sat down when he pulled some paperwork of our company's many employees, how many of this, how many of that, and so forth. Then he started to tell me that I (we) didn't have enough of this, and that on our employee roles. And that we needed to hire such and such. Promptly told him we hired who we thought could do the best job...period. Then kicked him out of my office.
I believe it. But take a loan after a law is passed and you have lost that luxury. I think you get it but not all do. I appreciate you sharing.

I have dealt with HUD, DOL state and federal regulators and they are not hiring from the best of the best.
I guess what I am concerned about here is my belief what the Ds are trying to do here. I get if a company screws up and begs for help that is one thing. But this cannot really be blamed on any company. To me this appears to be an attempt by Ds to gain some more control over hiring practices, establish gender/race quotas throughout and expand control. Just look at what happens to any business or NFP that accepts grant money. The restrictions/quotas etc can be very burdensome.

Assuming everyone comes through this ok, are we going to be subjected to government telling each business what the board make up must be, what exec comp can be, what financial institution you can use?

I don't see too many regulations get rolled back and this appears to be the Ds trying to get further entrenched in day to day activities.
Well, when Fed begins purchasing corporate debt, indeed, I believe it's cause for concern.
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Am I the only one who is terrified of this 2 trillion dollars? We borrowed a trillion last year while collecting record revenue. I think we are already ****ed, we just aren't officially there yet.
Well, the national debt is already $23T+. Will 2 more make a significant difference? Who will notice? I mean I think 23 is outrageous, but that doesn't seem to bother many people, so why will 25?
Am I the only one who is terrified of this 2 trillion dollars? We borrowed a trillion last year while collecting record revenue. I think we are already ****ed, we just aren't officially there yet.

Its all phony money anyway. Don’t let the numbers freak you out. The US is too big to fail.

Money machine go brrrrr (if you saw that meme).

Yes it's terrifying. That's why we should go the tax abatement route I mentioned before or just call it all off and say we're back to work. That's all anyone really needs to get this thing rolling again

Yes people will get sick but it will actually shorten the pandemic. And the markets will spring to life, people will go back to earning money, etc
This proposed debt scares the crap out of me. We must bring it under control and develop new revenue streams.
Wont happen tho. No one in govt can act reasonable without hysteria....nor can the activists toward a particular issue. Look how theyve treated rand paul when hes voted against a particular issue.

For example, He voted no on the 9/11 relief fund. And people went ballistic that be didnt care, whatever. The reality is he supported helping them but he wanted to make sure we could drop spending elsewhere to pay for it. Ppl wanted none of that and Jon Stewart's dumb ass coukdnt take his own dick out of his mouth for 5 seconds to understand that. Now that the bill passed we are paying a 9/11 relief fund for the next 90 years...when all those survivors and their kids will already be dead.

And that's just one bill for a few thousand.

Its pathetic that a lot of people will ignore this stunt Democrats have just pulled and it will some how, predictably get turned back around on Republicans. I've noticed how f'n dumb Democrat constitutes are that they think the word "corporation" is a bad word
This proposed debt scares the crap out of me. We must bring it under control and develop new revenue streams.
More revenue won't reduce debt. It's just a strong invitation to spend more. Given the choice between more Gov revenue & more debt, I choose debt. F feeding the b'tards more.
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