How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Trump's verbage today sounded like we might roll the dice and go back to business on April 1st. Him saying "the cure can't be worse than the disease" makes me think so. Who cares if we are all alive if the country is dead? I think he should do it as people now know to be extra clean and safe wherever they are. Ramp it up, get more tests available as we move along. Elderly stay home.
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This is so embarrassing...he can't even get out a coherent sentence at home, while in hiding, being filmed by his own people...

If the Ds are going to use him to one up Trump daily, why would they release that?

They already have him in a controlled setting, just give him 20 takes and send that version out.

It looks like he's asking for the teleprompter to be sped up or he can't hear what they are feeding him through his earpiece.

Either way, he looks smooth and inspirational.
Was a Sunday though...
I was thinking that might factor into the equation, but hospitals and the media operate 24/7. But still the fact it was a Sunday probably had something to do with it. We will see how today shakes out.
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Trump's verbage today sounded like we might roll the dice and go back to business on April 1st. Him saying "the cure can't be worse than the disease" makes me think so. Who cares if we are all alive if the country is dead? I think he should do it as people now know to be extra clean and safe wherever they are. Ramp it up, get more tests available as we move along. Elderly stay home.
I’m all for it. Phase things back in, let people under 51 (only because I’m 50) return to work. Keep the higher risk population at home for a little while longer. Focus the efforts on protecting them. It’s pretty clear our death rate isn’t going to get anywhere near to approaching Italy’s.
I’m all for it. Phase things back in, let people under 51 (only because I’m 50) return to work. Keep the higher risk population at home for a little while longer. Focus the efforts on protecting them.

Bite me...(Only because I'm 58.)[laughing]
Trump's verbage today sounded like we might roll the dice and go back to business on April 1st. Him saying "the cure can't be worse than the disease" makes me think so. Who cares if we are all alive if the country is dead? I think he should do it as people now know to be extra clean and safe wherever they are. Ramp it up, get more tests available as we move along. Elderly stay home.

It’s nice to have a president who is actually suffering economically from this shutdown like the rest of us. Not a career politician who gets rich no matter what happens so long as power is concentrated in Washington.
Looks like generation video games and netflix decided to finally put their gizmos and gadgets down come outside during the worst possible time and are going to ruin things for everyone.
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Just kill yourself...there is no hope.

This is so embarrassing...he can't even get out a coherent sentence at home, while in hiding, being filmed by his own people...

If he starts talking about taking over the airstrips during the Revolutionary War, or tweeting congratulations to the state of Kansas congratulating them on a great Super Bowl win, I'll start to get real damn worried.
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If he starts talking about taking over the airstrips during the Revolutionary War, or tweeting congratulations to the state of Kansas congratulating them on a great Super Bowl win, I'll start to get real damn worried.
Will you just STFU. YOURE gd party is tanking the economy because they hate Americans. Nobody wants to hear your bullshit.
The Age of Enlightenment began over 300 years ago, yet we somehow still have people that believe an invisible guy that lives above the clouds sends his wrath when we misbehave.
You don't believe God exists because you have never seen Him. Well you've never seen the coronavirus have you? Do you believe it exists?
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Death rate against confirmed cases in the US at the moment at about 1.22%.

literally half the confirmed cases are in New York.

Let’s nuke NY and be done with this mess.

Really though, shelter them in place. Do not let anyone leave or enter the state. Close it’s borders. If you’re gonna go all police state anywhere, that’s the place.
Death rate against confirmed cases in the US at the moment at about 1.22%.

literally half the confirmed cases are in New York.

Let’s nuke NY and be done with this mess.

Really though, shelter them in place. Do not let anyone leave or enter the state. Close it’s borders. If you’re gonna go all police state anywhere, that’s the place.

They did that already...
