Team USA should be embarrassed

The coach must have been rolling the ball out and dreaming of draft night. Goes to show, even with the best talent, anyone can lose.
There should be no excuse why the 12 best NBA players on the planet shouldn't win these games by 40, especially against Sudan. So what happened?

Kind of tells you that sheer talent doesn't always win out. Experience and cohesion matters. Just because these are the best players on the planet, doesn't mean a whole lot with a new coach, and many of them playing together for the first time these last few weeks.

You can draw a lot of parallels to 1AD recruiting IMO.
I get what you are saying, but they do not have the 12 best players on the planet. 3 I can quickly think of, Jokic, Giannis, and Luka. SGA has an argument for top 12. But no way that game should have ever been close, much less behind by 15-20. Sudan did shoot out of their ass and USA shot terrible and turned it over. I predicted they would get clipped in the medal round IF Kerr keeps playing the lineup / style they are playing. I also know he is working on combinations and they will be totally different when the games begin. MY starting 5 would be :

AD / LBJ play together on the same NBA team, are familiar with each other, and the pick and roll comes natural to them. AD is a better defender than Embiid and more athletic. Edwards can get anywhere, needs to tone down the hero ball a bit. Tatum will play whatever role needed to win.

You have to have a PG who will set the table and do the dirty work / play defense, and not care about scoring. Also, defense. Embiid is hurt and just not great for FIBA basketball. Curry has lost some and has too many off nights shooting. Haven't had Durant, Leonard pulled out before the exhibition games started.
LBJ bailed USA out again today. Scored the final 11 points. Germany beat US in FIBA World Cup semis last year.

Struggling again today with a team consisting of :
Dennis Schroder
Daniel Theis
Andreas Obst
Franz Wagner
Moritz Wagner
Yes they have NBA talent, but again today, playing loose with the ball, terrible 3point scoring. Germany outscored them by 21 points 39-18 from 3 (13/45 28%), USA (6/17 35%) . Too many second chance points also. Sudan also outscored them from 3, 42-21. You can't get beat by 21 points on 3 pointers. Germany didn't shoot great either, 28% from 3. What they did do, was play harder and rebounded the missed shots. How in the hell does a team with so many elite shooters only take 17 3's? Had 14 turnovers today and Germany only had 7. I can say it is they are unfamiliar with one another, blah blah blah. What is happening is they are getting out hustled. Germany, Canada, France, these teams are not intimidated by the US, they have beat them before. IF USA wants to win gold, they had better start playing start to finish like they want it.
Box score :
USA - 2FG 24/44 (55%) / 3FG 6/17 (35%) / Reb 44 Offensive 6 / turnovers 14

Germany 2FG 15/33(45%) / 3FG 13/45 (28%) / Reb 44 Offensive 14 / Turnovers 7

Booker (0/2) and Curry (1/6) combined for 1/8 3's.
I get what you are saying, but they do not have the 12 best players on the planet. 3 I can quickly think of, Jokic, Giannis, and Luka. SGA has an argument for top 12. But no way that game should have ever been close, much less behind by 15-20. Sudan did shoot out of their ass and USA shot terrible and turned it over. I predicted they would get clipped in the medal round IF Kerr keeps playing the lineup / style they are playing. I also know he is working on combinations and they will be totally different when the games begin. MY starting 5 would be :

AD / LBJ play together on the same NBA team, are familiar with each other, and the pick and roll comes natural to them. AD is a better defender than Embiid and more athletic. Edwards can get anywhere, needs to tone down the hero ball a bit. Tatum will play whatever role needed to win.

You have to have a PG who will set the table and do the dirty work / play defense, and not care about scoring. Also, defense. Embiid is hurt and just not great for FIBA basketball. Curry has lost some and has too many off nights shooting. Haven't had Durant, Leonard pulled out before the exhibition games started.

Ah yeah, good point. Wasn't thinking of some of the international players going home. Still, it's a team that has 6 of the top12 in the world.. and the other 6 are somewhere in the top75. That's still a team that has 10x the talent and skill of any teams not named like France and Lithuania.

I still believe this is similar to Cals early years: you give this USA squad a few REAL months to get acclimated and they are beating everyone by 30. Talent and athleticism will eventually win out, but it's sometimes a bumpy road to pull it all together.
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.. then what's the answer? Are you implying that the Sudanese just have better basketball players than Lebron and AD and Booker.. and we just never knew they existed?

You know, we DO have concrete evidence that shows that almost all the past super teams on the modern era, took a while to gel. Lebron, Kyrie and Love didn't just win out the gate...

I feel like we go through this every Olympics. US gets some tests early, and by the end of it, they don't even look like the same team.
No doubt I still think they will be great and win. Just could be easier if guys would commit early and have a practice foundation years before. I still believe having more guys like Jure Holiday would be a good thing too. That way there is a group of superstars but bench guys/ alt starters who blend in well.