How will they rule ??!

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No, not completely.

Microsoft and most of Silicon Valley are working from home right now. I'm working from home. Many posters on this forum are working from home. Commerce is happening, but we simply can't see it.

Labor theory of value is bullshit. Working doesn't mean providing value, creating supply to fill demand is providing value. This event is destroying demand so hard.
Just for fun here is a question for some of you. How much concern for the market do you think Winston Churchill had during the bombing of London?
A follow-up question: How many Americans when hearing the news of the attack on Pearl Harbor first thought was: How can I play the market with this?
Umm, far fewer Americans were in the market in December, 1941. Stock tickers and telephones assisted individuals and brokers with trading back then.

Welcome to the 21st century.
Going to be a long quarantine if people keep responding to Levi. Just let him post his pictures. If you feel they need to respond to one of his sad attempts at a meme, pound your head on your desk a couple times and realizes that accomplishes the same thing as presenting a lefty like Levi/fuzz/dion with all of the facts and logic in the world.
This. Please this. Put Levi on ignore folks. If you are still responding to him by this point, I'm sorry but you look just as ignorant as he is. He's a waste of board space but would go away if you wouldn't feed him.
People who can't admit how badly Trump has handle the Corona virus a few days ago were trying the we should all unite gambit never having admitted the truth and today are saying ignore him. They must be running out of energy propping up lies and misdirection for their leader who has failed miserably.
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February 26 & 27 . . . “We’re going very substantially down, not up . . . One day it’ll be like a miracle. It will disappear.”

March 17 . . . “I’ve always felt it was a pandemic, long before it was called a pandemic.”

Umm, far fewer Americans were in the market in December, 1941. Stock tickers and telephones assisted individuals and brokers with trading back then.

Welcome to the 21st century.
All of which is true but does not even come near answering what I asked.
What is the scale? And what is the scale of value being provided by our service economy when there is no demand for services? What the hell are for instance marketing departments doing right now? It's as shutdown as I can imagine.
Shutdown where you are, maybe. During my walk this morning, I noted contractors going to work and participating in the economy. Lots of traffic. I'm participating in the economy right this second by using bandwidth and electricity. So are you.
This. Please this. Put Levi on ignore folks. If you are still responding to him by this point, I'm sorry but you look just as ignorant as he is. He's a waste of board space but would go away if you wouldn't feed him.
Coward! Can't make a coherent argument so run.
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This. Please this. Put Levi on ignore folks. If you are still responding to him by this point, I'm sorry but you look just as ignorant as he is. He's a waste of board space but would go away if you wouldn't feed him.
This x 1 billion.

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

― Mark Twain
Shutdown where you are, maybe. During my walk this morning, I noted contractors going to work and participating in the economy. Lots of traffic. I'm participating in the economy right this second by using bandwidth and electricity. So are you.

I couldn’t get coffee this morning because Starbucks and the mom and pop right by my office are closed. The drive in to the office felt like a Sunday morning with no other cars on the road. I’ve not heard a single hammer or bang outside, when there’s typically a noticeable amount of noise coming from nearby buildings and the street.

This all sucks.
February 26 & 27 . . . “We’re going very substantially down, not up . . . One day it’ll be like a miracle. It will disappear.”

March 17 . . . “I’ve always felt it was a pandemic, long before it was called a pandemic.”


I mean, he didn’t say when it would go away miraculously. He’s got an open ended runway there.
Trump needs to call a press conference immediately and state quite matter of fact (which will be difficult for him) what the Ds are demanding while the American public suffers. He needs to state now is not the time and they are simply holding you hostage. We will not acquiesce to the demand of political terrorists.
People are dying from a virus that we cannot see or know about until at a minimum of one week from now and in the middle of this evolving catastrophe people are complaining their Starbucks isn't open. There's a pretty fair definition of self-absorbed in that.
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Really excited to see the effects on inflation once this catastrophe is over. [eyeroll]

If there was ever evidence this country is done but only a matter of time it is now. Spending money like water that we do not have, political parties playing games to spend even more money, telling people they cannot leave their homes, and the list goes on and on. Best economy ever and it took less than 2 weeks to destroy. Behind the scenes Trump has to be fuming but he is in a corner and not much he can do but wait it out.

Dems wanted a recession to get Trump out. Well, you got it. Hope you POS are all happy now.
Really excited to see the effects on inflation once this catastrophe is over. [eyeroll]

If there was ever evidence this country is done but only a matter of time it is now. Spending money like water that we do not have, political parties playing games to spend even more money, telling people they cannot leave their homes, and the list goes on and on. Best economy ever and it took less than 2 weeks to destroy. Behind the scenes Trump has to be fuming but he is in a corner and not much he can do but wait it out.

Dems wanted a recession to get Trump out. Well, you got it. Hope you POS are all happy now.
I'm sorry but this is rather stupid. It's like you don't understand people who are Democrats are invested in the stock market. I mean it is just astoundingly stupid.
I will now grace Bushey Bill with the ignore button. He has wasted enough of my time....
Same. Literally every post is a “Trump is dumb and dangerous” post, regardless if there’s any truth to it or not. And when you post evidence contradicting his post, he just ignores it and continues posting the same shit.

Trump said what he said. No denying that. But the same people wanting to crucify him for what he said seem to have no issue with China lying for months and having the WHO downplay the virus back in January. That either means they have TDS that could be fatal or they’re idiots. Either way I’m done viewing his BS.
So are people saying America was unprepared for this virus because other nations had to deal with it first? How does that and independence dance together?
I guess I should have been clear: I am referring to the libs on this board.
I understood and apologize if you took that to mean you. We have people on this board, a large number of people in society and in government who seem to think this is an opportunity to get their political way.

We have childish posting on here blaming the President for the spread of a virus while ignoring that he tried to shut borders but was labeled a racist. No matter what form of government, who was in charge etc., was not going to stop this given the incubation period and the world travel we have today. I get a message board is given to outlandish posting but now our government is not that different from a message board.

But instead of trying to help, they support Ds in their push for more power and control when there is a significant and real threat to our economic safety. Instead of supporting trying to fix this, they are more concerned about bringing a President down and I find that reprehensible. I could not stand Obama's policies but I would not support an attempt to try and bring him down damned the cost. These folks are supporting the politicians doing this (otherwise Pelosi would do what she has always done and follow the poll numbers).

Pelosi and her ilk see people's suffering as a way to seize more power and the suffering be damned. She will speak of the relief she will provide to those but will not deliver but people can take comfort in her false promises.
I understood and apologize if you took that to mean you. We have people on this board, a large number of people in society and in government who seem to think this is an opportunity to get their political way.

We have childish posting on here blaming the President for the spread of a virus while ignoring that he tried to shut borders but was labeled a racist. No matter what form of government, who was in charge etc., was not going to stop this given the incubation period and the world travel we have today. I get a message board is given to outlandish posting but now our government is not that different from a message board.

But instead of trying to help, they support Ds in their push for more power and control when there is a significant and real threat to our economic safety. Instead of supporting trying to fix this, they are more concerned about bringing a President down and I find that reprehensible. I could not stand Obama's policies but I would not support an attempt to try and bring him down damned the cost. These folks are supporting the politicians doing this (otherwise Pelosi would do what she has always done and follow the poll numbers).

Pelosi and her ilk see people's suffering as a way to seize more power and the suffering be damned. She will speak of the relief she will provide to those but will not deliver but people can take comfort in her false promises.

I hope decent people now have learned a valuable lesson. Demosocialcommunists (Democrats, socialists, and communists here in the United States and the United States government are all the same. If you are still a member of that party you are not to be trusted and need to be ostracized from the United States populous.)

MUST be totally defeated.

You cannot reason, you cannot bargain, you cannot be compassionate with them nor try understanding them, you cannot trust them at all. PERIOD.

They are against a representative republic and we MUST stop them now or just crawl into a hole and give these United States to them. BEAT them at ANY cost. They are not to be appeased. They NEVER stop trying to take more. You will have no blood left and after you are dead, all they will do is start taking blood from your children....

(Think seriously about that the next time you pull a voting lever for a Demosocialcommunist!)

Think I am exaggerating???
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Pelosi and her ilk see people's suffering as a way to seize more power and the suffering be damned. She will speak of the relief she will provide to those but will not deliver but people can take comfort in her false promises.
Look no further than her own city that is falling apart. She has done nothing to help so anyone who thinks her and the others give a damn about Americans suffering right now are delusional. All they care about is money and power. They live in a completely different world than the rest of us do. Good luck on judgment day is all I can say to any of them.
I hope decent people now have learned a valuable lesson. Demosocialcommunists (Democrats, socialists, and communists.)

MUST be totally defeated.

You cannot reason, you cannot bargain, you cannot be compassionate, you cannot trust them at all. PERIOD.

They are against a representative republic and we MUST stop them now or just crawl into a whole and give it to them. BEAT them at ANY cost. They are not to be appeased. They NEVER stop trying to take more. You will have no blood left and after you are dead, all they will do is start taking blood from your children....

(Think seriously about that the next time you pull a voting lever.)

Think I am exaggerating???
Sadly and unfortunately I do not.

I get that people may have differences.

I am primarily anti-abortion and it has nothing to do with scriptures. I do not believe we should destroy the economy because the Earth continues to do what it always has done and that is change. Do I believe we can do our part--yes but not at the risk of destroying an economy.

But now is not the time for that battle. However these folks see it as such and are willing to make everyone's suffering worse. There should be no difference of opinion right now regarding helping people with the immediate crises in front of us and that crises is not abortion, it is not green energy.

People who feel that this is the time to capitalize on this (in my opinion) are what should unite us to push them out.

Those battles can be fought another day.