How will they rule ??!

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Just wanted to relay the info of the DNC wiki leaks.

When your allies don't bring in the professional protesters on time, just use Democratic Party interns.

When you want to keep your voters "ignorant" about your candidate and her relationship.


When you have to pay for young supporters to fight people on the Internet.

When you think of Hispanics/Latinos as simply a "brand" to pander to to turn states blue forever

When you have the "big guns" like Soros and Buffet behind you.


When the Washington Post hosts joint fundraisers with the DNC

When you're asked about wiki leaks and then you stammer for 10 seconds and then bash Republicans.

When the Democratic Party admits "equal rights, job creation, and energy" are mere "propaganda"


When NBC reporter Chuck Todd takes director orders from the DNC

When you refer to "she's one of ours" when trying to screw Bernie Sanders over and polling.


When the AP sends their story over to the DNC for approval

Then when the party of tolerance openly admits to plotting to expose Bernie being an atheist to try and win Kentucky and West Virginia.


When you're concerned about your bribery/corruption being exposed via email

For now, that is all.
Just wanted to relay the info of the DNC wiki leaks.

When your allies don't bring in the professional protesters on time, just use Democratic Party interns.

When you want to keep your voters "ignorant" about your candidate and her relationship.


When you have to pay for young supporters to fight people on the Internet.


When you think of Hispanics/Latinos as simply a "brand" to pander to to turn states blue forever


When you have the "big guns" like Soros and Buffet behind you.


When the Washington Post hosts joint fundraisers with the DNC

When you're asked about wiki leaks and then you stammer for 10 seconds and then bash Republicans.

When the Democratic Party admits "equal rights, job creation, and energy" are mere "propaganda"


When NBC reporter Chuck Todd takes director orders from the DNC

When you refer to "she's one of ours" when trying to screw Bernie Sanders over and polling.


When the AP sends their story over to the DNC for approval

Then when the party of tolerance openly admits to plotting to expose Bernie being an atheist to try and win Kentucky and West Virginia.


When you're concerned about your bribery/corruption being exposed via email

For now, that is all.
He just created a pathway to defeat mainstream media.
This is the nut of it.....look at the hurdle that had been with some of these emails just leaked. Disgusting. I mean, the A ******* P taking orders?

For once, I think the media (for the wrong reasons) may actually/secretly want him in. He moves the needle, she doesn't. What a let down if she is elected.....they'll play the historic angle, but no one will give a shit.
Awww guys are too easy

[laughing] Don't flatter yourself toots, we all know the quote is fake. Even if I didn't, I would definitely take the word of this guy that it was...

Dan Evon

Dan Evon is a Chicago-based writer and longtime truth enthusiast. His work has appeared somewhere, and he earned a degree at the University of His Choosing. His exploration of Internet truth has been supported by grants from the Facebook Drug Task Force.

Going back to Trump's ego, I think it will be a tremendous ASSET for him when he becomes POTUS. Yes, an asset. A guy like him will not allow his legacy to be of failure. The big difference between him and Obama is that Trump has actually accomplished great things. He failed a few times but was able to pick himself back up and got stronger because of it. Obama, well, we all know how much he had "accomplished" when he ran for POTUS.

I truly believe Donald Trump sees this opportunity as his final curtain call to cement both his and the Trump name legacy. His ego simply will not allow him to fail.
How stupid are these people? Emails are so easy to hack these days. Pick up the phone and leave no paper trail.

It's only going to get worse for them because I guarantee you Trump already has more "stuff" on them that will get "leaked" as the general election moves forward.
This is the nut of it.....look at the hurdle that had been with some of these emails just leaked. Disgusting. I mean, the A ******* P taking orders?

For once, I think the media (for the wrong reasons) may actually/secretly want him in. He moves the needle, she doesn't. What a let down if she is elected.....they'll play the historic angle, but no one will give a shit.

Yeah. Exactly. Trump brings better headlines. More ratings. And the crazy part, the more you try to burn him, the better he becomes.
Have not verified but this leaked one was not a surprise. Sad!

From: Deeefense@hillary2016.cnt

Subject: catpaw work

TM you're propaganda the last two days has been boarder line perfect, need more words though and use that googly-eyed emoticon when you are really stuck. Continue to not read the responses and links to Obama's own words though, stay focused on the cause!

Russell, you disappoint me. Where are you?? When you do decide to start helping, stop talking about all your trips to Iceland and start using the acceptable topics I sent you. I would hate for that expensive bicycle to get mysteriously damaged, :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

killa, just continue following the script: race, 24/7. Pick up the pace on nazi references please. Sorry I could not get you a paid gig like mine, you're online assessment failed the secret service check. I will see if I can pull some strings get you another crack at the IQ test or a spot in the shredding group.

You're checks will come from the Clinton Global Initiative, but only when her numbers improve.

Have not verified but this leaked one was not a surprise. Sad!

From: Deeefense@hillary2016.cnt

Subject: catpaw work

TM you're propaganda the last two days has been boarder line perfect, need more words though and use that googly-eyed emoticon when you are really stuck. Continue to not read the responses and links to Obama's own words though, stay focused on the cause!

Russell, you disappoint me. Where are you?? When you do decide to start helping, stop talking about all your trips to Iceland and start using the acceptable topics I sent you. I would hate for that expensive bicycle to get mysteriously damaged, :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

killa, just continue following the script: race, 24/7. Pick up the pace on nazi references please. Sorry I could not get you a paid gig like mine, you're online assessment failed the secret service check. I will see if I can pull some strings get you another crack at the IQ test or a spot in the shredding group.

You're checks will come from the Clinton Global Initiative, but only when her numbers improve.

[laughing] Bravo Wes.......bravo. Lost it early at ".cnt"
Have not verified but this leaked one was not a surprise. Sad!

From: Deeefense@hillary2016.cnt

Subject: catpaw work

TM you're propaganda the last two days has been boarder line perfect, need more words though and use that googly-eyed emoticon when you are really stuck. Continue to not read the responses and links to Obama's own words though, stay focused on the cause!

Russell, you disappoint me. Where are you?? When you do decide to start helping, stop talking about all your trips to Iceland and start using the acceptable topics I sent you. I would hate for that expensive bicycle to get mysteriously damaged, :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

killa, just continue following the script: race, 24/7. Pick up the pace on nazi references please. Sorry I could not get you a paid gig like mine, you're online assessment failed the secret service check. I will see if I can pull some strings get you another crack at the IQ test or a spot in the shredding group.

You're checks will come from the Clinton Global Initiative, but only when her numbers improve.

Have not verified but this leaked one was not a surprise. Sad!

From: Deeefense@hillary2016.cnt

Subject: catpaw work

TM you're propaganda the last two days has been boarder line perfect, need more words though and use that googly-eyed emoticon when you are really stuck. Continue to not read the responses and links to Obama's own words though, stay focused on the cause!

Russell, you disappoint me. Where are you?? When you do decide to start helping, stop talking about all your trips to Iceland and start using the acceptable topics I sent you. I would hate for that expensive bicycle to get mysteriously damaged, :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

killa, just continue following the script: race, 24/7. Pick up the pace on nazi references please. Sorry I could not get you a paid gig like mine, you're online assessment failed the secret service check. I will see if I can pull some strings get you another crack at the IQ test or a spot in the shredding group.

You're checks will come from the Clinton Global Initiative, but only when her numbers improve.


That's mf'ing gold.
This wasn't predictable...

You guys are insane. If you want to vote for an egomaniacal sociopath, by all means, but as someone left of center, I'll proudly stand with the conservatives who aren't voting for him or the ambitious witch.

Any vote other than for trump, is a vote for Hillary. It's just that simple. And anyone running for president has a big ego. So good luck waiting for your selfless candidate to come along.

Man, how big of a deal is these leaks?

Think it will het half as much coverage as melania's speech?

There is some absolutely damning stuff in these.

It'll be swept under the rug. Especially since the media is outed in them too. It's absolutely damning. And it's just the first leak!
Any vote other than for trump, is a vote for Hillary. It's just that simple. And anyone running for president has a big ego. So good luck waiting for your selfless candidate to come along.

Mandu is looking for a Ghandi Kwai Chang Caine type of candidate.
Any vote other than for trump, is a vote for Hillary. It's just that simple. And anyone running for president has a big ego. So good luck waiting for your selfless candidate to come along.

Unless twitter bans anyone who tweets about it, which wouldny surprise me, these bernie followers wont let it.

It'll be swept under the rug. Especially since the media is outed in them too. It's absolutely damning. And it's just the first leak!

Hillary Clinton is hoping to use Pokémon Go to catch voters.

At a rally on Thursday, Mrs. Clinton talked about the game phenomenon, saying “I don’t know who created ‘Pokemon Go,’ but I’ve tried to figure out how we get them to have Pokémon go to the polls.”
No, Willy. Kwai Chang Caine was a bum. Just like those pieces of shit out there who beg for change, sleep in garbage bins and eat what I throw away. They got a name for that, Willy: it's called "a bum". And without a job, a residence or legal tender, that's exactly what Ghandi is going to be: a touching bum.
No, Willy. Kwai Chang Caine was a bum. Just like those pieces of shit out there who beg for change, sleep in garbage bins and eat what I throw away. They got a name for that, Willy: it's called "a bum". And without a job, a residence or legal tender, that's exactly what Ghandi is going to be: a touching bum.

shit man shit
Have not verified but this leaked one was not a surprise. Sad!

From: Deeefense@hillary2016.cnt

Subject: catpaw work

TM you're propaganda the last two days has been boarder line perfect, need more words though and use that googly-eyed emoticon when you are really stuck. Continue to not read the responses and links to Obama's own words though, stay focused on the cause!

This would have been funnier if you had tried to sound more authentic.

BTW, I read responses. Getting drawn into endless "did/did not" harangues is not really that much fun.
This would have been funnier if I had written it about you.

The old teacher comes out: do you all see what he did here?

This reminds me of that old Martin Mull joke: "Do you all remember the great folk music scare? That stuff almost caught on! "

Or the joke

-Do you know why women don't have orgas ...
-Who the f***cares!
Here is the Presidential Allowance Modernization Act bill as presented to O'bama.

Shown Here:
Passed Senate amended (06/21/2016)

Presidential Allowance Modernization Act of 2016

(Sec. 2) This bill revises provisions relating to presidential pensions to allow former Presidents a lifetime annual annuity of $200,000 and an additional annual monetary allowance of $200,000, each adjusted annually for cost-of-living increases as provided by the Social Security Act. It reduces the annual monetary allowance by the amount that a former President's adjusted gross income in a taxable year exceeds $400,000.

The bill prohibits the monetary allowance from being less than the amount that the General Services Administration and the U.S. Secret Service determine is needed to pay the increased cost of doing business that is attributable to the security needs of the former President.

The annuity and allowance shall not be payable for any period during which a former President holds an appointive or elective position in or under the federal government that pays more than a nominal rate.

The bill increases from $20,000 to $100,000 the annual annuity of a surviving spouse of a former President.

(Sec. 3) Nothing in this bill shall be construed to affect: (1) a law relating to the security or protection of a former President or a family member of a former President, or (2) funding to carry out such security or protection.

(Sec. 4) The bill applies to an individual who is a former President or the widow of a former President as of the date of enactment.

(Sec. 5) For a former President receiving a monetary allowance before the enactment of this bill, the reduction of the monetary allowance for adjusted gross income required by this bill applies, except to the extent that it would prevent the former President from being able to pay the cost of a lease or other contract that is in effect on the day before enactment of this bill and under which the former President makes payments using the monetary allowance.

Here is his response...


Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release July 22, 2016


I am returning herewith without my approval H.R. 1777, the “Presidential Allowance Modernization Act of 2016,” which would amend the Former Presidents Act of 1958.

I agree with H.R. 1777’s goal of reforming the pensions and allowances provided to former Presidents so as to reduce unnecessary costs to taxpayers. But if implemented as drafted, the bill would have unintended consequences. It would impose onerous and unreasonable burdens on the offices of former Presidents, including by requiring the General Services Administration to immediately terminate salaries and benefits of office employees and to remove furnishings and equipment from offices. It would withdraw the General Services Administration’s ability to administer leases and negatively impact operations, with unanticipated implications for the protection and security of former Presidents.

My Administration will work with the authors of the bill and other leaders in the Congress, in consultation with the offices of former Presidents, to explore the best ways to achieve these goals going forward. If the Congress returns the bill having appropriately addressed these concerns, I will sign it. For now, I must veto the bill.



July 22, 2016.

In other words, "hey, I'M about to be an ex-president. I want everything I can get"
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Any vote other than for trump, is a vote for Hillary. It's just that simple. And anyone running for president has a big ego. So good luck waiting for your selfless candidate to come along.

There's ego...then there's sociopathic behavior. Trump's humility, or lack thereof, could cause one to mistakenly believe Lex Luthor leaped from ink to run for president.

And I don't think I'm asking for too much in a candidate. Someone who has even an elementary understanding of issues, doesn't dismiss serious situations with tired platitudes, possesses an attention span longer than a German Shepherd, and has a balanced temperament during conflict are necessities in the nuclear age.

But hey, you guys follow Chachi into the voting booth. I'm staying home.
There's ego...then there's sociopathic behavior. Trump's humility, or lack thereof, could cause one to mistakenly believe Lex Luthor leaped from ink to run for president.

And I don't think I'm asking for too much in a candidate. Someone who has even an elementary understanding of issues, doesn't dismiss serious situations with tired platitudes, possesses an attention span longer than a German Shepherd, and has a balanced temperament during conflict are necessities in the nuclear age.

But hey, you guys follow Chachi into the voting booth. I'm staying home.
Maybe you're not an idiot, I don't know, but I do know that you have no idea what the word "sociopath" means. Also, I'd bet my last dollar that you were dumb enough to be duped by O'bama and didn't come close to diagnosing his persona with such reckless abandon. Don't vote, please. Don't reproduce, pretty please.