How will they rule ??!

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Maybe you're not an idiot, I don't know, but I do know that you have no idea what the word "sociopath" means. Also, I'd bet my last dollar that you were dumb enough to be duped by O'bama and didn't come close to diagnosing his persona with such reckless abandon. Don't vote, please. Don't reproduce, pretty please.

How ironic that your post reeks of anti-social behavior. A little hostile there, hoss. When I hear Donald Trump speak or read what he's said, I don't see an ounce of empathy or sincerity but a hell of a lot of phony rhetoric in between self-serving bullshit.

His own co-writer called him a sociopath. I guess that's not as unimpeachable a source as the ones you dig up to "disprove" climate change. Sorry, Dr. Batshitcrazystein didn't return any results on Google.

And I didn't vote for Obama in '12. Will you mail me that dollar?
I want to ask a question. Forget all the propaganda that we are bombarded with and answer this question: Which candidate do you believe would work towards and have the best interest of the people of America if elected?

Now for the ones of you that believe that America and the capitalistic system, starting with the American Indian, is responsible for 85% of all the ills in the world well I guess this question is not for you.
Watching Hillary's speech now.....some real hot, fresh takes.....shewwwweeee. Very exciting. I like that she's going to go the "fight the special interest route" in which she is the problem and the opponent is beholden to *zero*.

She has nothing to run on other than her name, that's it. She had ridden Bill's coattail all the way here, all these women using her as their voice to equality, and her whole political existence depends on a man.

The Clintons are the root of the divisiveness in this country, they're why Trump is the nominee. They use divisiveness as a weapon, look at the electoral maps in elections prior to 1996. States didn't ALWAYS vote the same way as they do now. What we have now is basically 4-5 states that determine the election, that is not a healthy republic.

As for those calling Trump a sociopath, how many candidates in the past or even now would've stayed in the race after doing what Hillary did? She doesn't care about the Country, she WANTS to be President, and she doesn't care what she leaves in her path.
Free college is prolly the dumbest, least affordable idea on the planet....and will never happen. Won't stop the pander, doh.

Hey, may as well taxpayer fund it. Oh and stroke a check for a few trill to everyone that already paid (wouldn't you just love to be the last asshole to pay off his 100k loan before that passed?).....gonna have to pay college on/off campus housing too.

Oh, you gonna make them pay for breakfast/lunch/dinner? They can't afford it....toss it in. Ummm, can't expect them to pay for that keg of Natty errrrrr craft beer that they prolly insist on now.
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You know what they say, fool me once...

And I'm not voting for Hillary this time.

Essentially, you are. At least a half vote.

So you voted obama, without much experience in order to stop a 3rd Bush term, right?

But you wont do that again this year to stop a 3rd Obama term?
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Only watched a few min but Kaine seems infinitely more likable Hillary. Low bar and whatnot, but still.

Very likeable. He will do A LOT of the talking for her going forward. And what does this tell you? That her campaign advisers have convinced her that the only way for her to sway the minds of fence riding voters in critical swing states is for her to allow somebody else to build an image, because her own image is poison to them.

Good choice Kaine. Being likeable in the short term is the quality she needs now more than the ability to lead over a long term. And just more promises of free sh*t today: free college, forced profit sharing, lip service about jacking up the minimum wage, and some imaginary rant that at the same time this will result in private industry growth. And lots of happiness at the talk that the disaster immigration problems will be solved by expediting path to citizenship. In the Hillary Clinton way of thinking, by making a Syrian refugee a citizen upon arrival you don't have a refugee problem any longer. You have an individual who is suddenly empowered with the ability to become a productive member of western society (and who can vote for her in the next election). Evil tart. She will do this and at the same time increase the number of incoming refugees by a multiple of no less than 5 and generate statistics that make it look like she has "solved the refugee crisis". Fact is though, she knows she's gonna lose.
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He will do A LOT of the talking for her going forward.
I don't think I'd go that far, this is the biggest marquee spotlight matchup in my life at least, she's not going to have that luxury.

In the words of Cal, I can't hide you.

(Side pissed are the Bernie supporters? Got spat upon with both the Wikileaks deal and the nomination of a non-Bernie-type for VP....nice.)

Go Dr Jill Stein! You go girl!
Trusting Facebook to deliver your news content is like trusting McDonald's to give you a balanced, nutritious meal.
Be a man and make your own Twitter list.

I agree but thats not the point. The point is the filtered information, when the entities are claiming otherwise. If they said up front they were filtering information for one side or the other, then people could make the informed decision. But they dont.

We know this. But the average voter probably does not.
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The MSM has repeated Democrat talking points for decades. Now divisive and mean is in. Next week Hildabeast will be inclusive and a healer. DWS writes the news and Chuck Todd repeats it. Shine the light bright on them.
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If theres one group you sont want to piss off, as weve seen outside trump rallies, its bernie supporters..

...and they are fricken pissed. Twitter is also suprressing Info. Deleted #DNCleak or #DNCleaks numerous times from trending list.
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Man.....if Hillary isn't beat this year then I just don't see how the Democrats and their policies can be slowed down. 8 years from now they will have bought more votes through immigration, welfare, etc.

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Man.....if Hillary isn't beat this year then I just don't see how the Democrats and their policies can be slowed down. 8 years from now they will have bought more votes through immigration, welfare, etc.

Yup, that's why the "Never Trump" retards are particularly annoying...

Let Killary grant total amnesty to 30-40 million illegals, keep the borders wide open for anyone from Mexico/Central America who wants to come here and get their piece of the handout pie, radically increased Muslim immigration, stack the supreme court with liberal, activist judges, and there won't be a chance in hell some super conservative like Ted Cruz gets elected. Ever.
Do whaaaa? Are you serious? hahaha First tabloid president. lol.
I'm guessing you don't remember the affair with Marla Maples, WrestleMania, the movie cameos, the Reform Party, the reality TV show The Apprentice etc. etc.

Interesting that he's quite the media darling that loves the limelight and apparently someone who also distrusts those people. I'm with him on the latter.
Have not verified but this leaked one was not a surprise. Sad!

From: Deeefense@hillary2016.cnt

Subject: catpaw work

TM you're propaganda the last two days has been boarder line perfect, need more words though and use that googly-eyed emoticon when you are really stuck. Continue to not read the responses and links to Obama's own words though, stay focused on the cause!

Russell, you disappoint me. Where are you?? When you do decide to start helping, stop talking about all your trips to Iceland and start using the acceptable topics I sent you. I would hate for that expensive bicycle to get mysteriously damaged, :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

killa, just continue following the script: race, 24/7. Pick up the pace on nazi references please. Sorry I could not get you a paid gig like mine, you're online assessment failed the secret service check. I will see if I can pull some strings get you another crack at the IQ test or a spot in the shredding group.

You're checks will come from the Clinton Global Initiative, but only when her numbers improve.



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I just assume everyone is filtering information all the time, because that's what the media has always done.

Yes. But most dont. And it's hidden, which is the problem.

If theres one group you sont want to piss off, as weve seen outside trump rallies, its bernie supporters..

...and they are fricken pissed. Twitter is also suprressing Info. Deleted #DNCleak or #DNCleaks numerous times from trending list.

Yep. Went from top trending to non existent. Poof.

Man.....if Hillary isn't beat this year then I just don't see how the Democrats and their policies can be slowed down. 8 years from now they will have bought more votes through immigration, welfare, etc.


It's absolutely will happen. And that quote is originally from Alexis de toqueville circa 1800. Talk about a visionary
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#berniemustdisavow sure is gaining traction, nice little nugget for convention week.

Bet party brass is lining up to give him the "Kennebunkport Surprise" for his support (that's for you, Willy)....we'll see what his followers do, I guess.

"Kennebunkport Surprise".
Kaine gets to claim credit for the flood of consultants and lawyers that have flooded the VA area around DC to figure out UCA, Dodd-Frank, etc.

Hillary keeps pandering to people that already are going to vote for her. Her entire message is missing the key demographic that will decide this election: white blue collar workers in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida.

Meanwhile Trump's message is just fined tuned directly to those states. Right on point every time he speaks. Over and over again on message about trade deals, illegal immigration, and crime. All the stuff that pisses off that key demographic.

I am not worried about Hillary losing this election because it has been clear for months now that this is precisely what is going to happen.

What I am worried about (and Bernie Sanders expressed it was what his biggest concern is as well) is that Hillary is going to lose Midwest/Rust Belt Blue Collar workers for a generation. Effectively returning us to 50/50 National Elections instead of the Democrats ultimately reducing Republicans to being a regional party no longer competitive in Presidential elections due to shifting demographics.

We are not just in the process of losing an election that virtually any other competent Democrat could have easily won, but more importantly and critically important is we may lose key midwestern/rust belt states for years to come and that is simply not acceptable.

Donald Trump is too reckless. Foreign countries are afraid of him. He's a loose cannon.

What MORON thought this crap up? People WANT somebody that is a loose cannon. They want somebody that strikes fear into the rest of the world. They want somebody to tear the whole thing down and start again.

Hillary's entire message is so incompetent that it makes me puke. I could take somebody as fumblings as Howard Friggin' Dean and put a message in his mouth to beat Trump senseless in November, but yet Hillary with the entire Democratic establishment in her pocket cannot even figure out what the message needs to be?

I wouldn't care if it was just this election. That we'd see 4 years of Trump in what will be a complete disaster. We all deserve that. But what I am afraid of is we had the Republicans down and our foot on their throats. Finally ready to put them away forever. And not only do we let them up, we give them the knife to slit our own throats in return for allowing them to get back up.

I don't care if you lose, Hillary. But do you think you can manage to lose without handing the entire Midwest and Rust Belt to Donald Trump and the Republicans for the next 100 years? You think you can manage that you incompetent witch?
Z, what the fu*k are you talking about? You've got issues brother, you spend several months pretending to pump up Trump, thinking no one could see through it. Now you've convinced yourself that you have the roadmap for Dem victory, and that Hillary is letting it slip away.

Dude, the country is shit show and it's not Hillarys fault. Obama has no spine, his foreign policy is a cluster fu*k, he helped foster an environment where cops are being assassinated and riots are taking place based on lies that he endorsed before having the facts.
Throw in doing dick about the illegal immigration problem, bringing in thousands of people from the Middle East.
Then to top it off the economy sucks and people are losing hope. The mood of the country sucks.