How will they rule ??!

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St. Reagan's GDP growth, depending upon which chart you look at, was either a tiny bit better than the Republican-despised Jimmy Carter's. Or the same! I've even seen one which showed Carter's as better. Regardless, Reagan trails Johnson, Kennedy, and Clinton in that metric. Obama's GDP growth is anemic, sure, but the complete obstruction by Congress for the last 6 years of his presidency is unprecedented. It's useful to look at Great Britain's growth over the span 2008-2015: -.5%, -4.2%, 1.5%, 2%, 1.2%, 2.2%, 2.9%, and 2.3%. Cameron practiced the same kind of macro economics which the Republicans advocate. And he had the benefit of a parliament that was completely cooperative. Over the entire developed world, economies are in the same boat. We're locked at the zero bound of interest rates and we have Thatcher/Reagan/neo-liberal economics as the guiding light.
Again, and it may be time to fake some more guests coming into town....he got $1T and pissed it away. He refused to negotiate on ACA. The only time they stood up to him economically was on the debt ceiling and he lied his ass off about whose plan it was and the false doom it would bring. (and then took credit when it reduced the deficit, rascal!)

And Britains GDP has not been the stair step up you are trying to argue. Although anything 2ish in Europe is great.

And they gave Reagan virtually everything he asked for.
He had Tip over for beers. Obama called Boehner "orange" and wouldn't even invite him for golf even though he knew he was an avid golfer. When the GOP took control in 2010 the WH did not even has his phone number on hand to call him to congratulate him.
Again, and it may be time to fake some more guests coming into town....he got $1T and pissed it away. He refused to negotiate on ACA. The only time they stood up to him economically was on the debt ceiling and he lied his ass off about whose plan it was and the false doom it would bring. (and then took credit when it reduced the deficit, rascal!)

And Britains GDP has not been the stair step up you are trying to argue. Although anything 2ish in Europe is great.

Well, we took our guests out for restaurant week. So, thanks for asking after them.

He didn't refuse to negotiate on the ACA. One of the Maine senators got everything she asked for and voted against it anyway. Not to mention that most of us wanted single payer and had to settle for Romneycare.

Your stats cover 2012-2015 and are quarterly. Mine are from 2008 to 2015 and are yearly.

I can't make heads or tails of your other point. I'd recommend fewer pronouns.
You're comparing a fully built economy with ones in countries that have nowhere near the foundation the US one has. This was not a 'normal' recession. Quit acting otherwise. No other recession destroyed trillions of dollars in wealth, toppled major financial institutions, and put tens of millions of people out of work. It also affected the rest of the globe. You don't just bounce back from that immediately.

You also can't compare the economy in the 80s to what it is now. The rest of the world has caught up to us in many areas. That's not because the US is downtrodden, it's because we helped them achieve this, because that has been our M.O. for decades. Make the rest of the world more democratized and capitalist like the U.S.

And now, these protectionists are mad as hell that their goal is happening. You cannot take us back in time when the U.S. was the major supplier of high quality goods to countries around the globe. You can find that pretty much anywhere now. The world is a global network. There is no going back. But people believe anything these days.

Trump is selling a worldview that no longer exists, not if you want to compete. If we want to piss off all of our trade partners, guess what? There are plenty of other places around the world to do business with. All he has done with his NATO b.s. is embolden our enemies. So if France or Germany are attacked, the US is not going to help? Are you f'ing kidding me?

Compared to other countries dealing with terror, the US had relatively few attacks. More attacks by disgruntled lone gunmen than radical islamics.

He had Tip over for beers. Obama called Boehner "orange" and wouldn't even invite him for golf even though he knew he was an avid golfer. When the GOP took control in 2010 the WH did not even has his phone number on hand to call him to congratulate him.

Nobody announced in 1981 that they were going to do everything to make Reagan a 1 term president. Nobody invented the whole birth certificate

Very limited argument. Especially in light of how Wall Streets and corp profits are vilified at the same time.

I don't think there are many economists (other than Krugman, lol) that will say we have gotten the ROI we needed or was predicted from the extra liquidity (debt) and other artificial fed actions.
That's a possibility. But we haven't slipped back into recession either which is what happened after the Great Depression.

The political climate has helped generate near Japan-like stagnation yet the economy is still growing. Just not to the degree to make everyone happy who's not looking at those 401k statements.
Does anyone remember this Moe person posting in this forum in the past? Just seems strange that we have posters who drop in, completely tie into this thread defending Obama and/or the Libs, then disappear.

And let's not forget our old moderator friend Deeeefense who admitted to working on the Obama campaign and who has, at least to my recollection, disappeared since we called him out for conflict of interest in this thread.

Things that make you go hmmmm....
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Lmao deeeeee actually "worked" for Obamas campaign? In what capacity?

Man, I mean, that's just sad. Voting for him was one thing, maybe you're just gullible and can't read body language a lick, but if you spent time and energy working with that campaign, your voting rights should be pulled a minimum of 2 elections.
Does anyone remember this Moe person posting in this forum in the past? Just seems strange that we have posters who drop in, completely tie into this thread defending Obama and/or the Libs, then disappear.

And let's not forget our old moderator friend Deeeefense who admitted to working on the Obama campaign and who has, at least to my recollection, disappeared since we called him out for conflict of interest in this thread.

Things that make you go hmmmm....

I've disappeared? ( love the expression "this Moe person")

[insert clip of Louis Jordan's Five Guys Named Moe]

Working on a campaign isn't odd. It's usually tedious and -- if you're a canvasser-- very tedious.
Nobody announced in 1981 that they were going to do everything to make Reagan a 1 term president. Nobody invented the whole birth certificate
A)that round was near the end of his first term after being chided about it. Played one time in 7 years.
B)Most neophytes misremember McConnell's comment as being at the beginning of BOs term but it was after the UCA joke of a bill process. BTW, Reid said much worse the week before the 2012 election. Doubt Mother Jones or Salon covered it.
Well, we took our guests out for restaurant week. So, thanks for asking after them.

He didn't refuse to negotiate on the ACA. One of the Maine senators got everything she asked for and voted against it anyway. Not to mention that most of us wanted single payer and had to settle for Romneycare.

Your stats cover 2012-2015 and are quarterly. Mine are from 2008 to 2015 and are yearly.

I can't make heads or tails of your other point. I'd recommend fewer pronouns.
Odds are they made that look at each other the first opportunity to get the hell away from you.

Quarterly or yearly, why does it matter, the trend is not what you inferred.

Name one thing the GOP got in ACA. It is the norm for the left to view not getting everything they want as "compromise". And you didn't get see that plan had to work within a balanced budget, this one is :cool2:

You make really lazy arguments. Probably good at scrabble tho.
weekly reminder it was the Hlldawg '08 campaign that "invented" the birther issue & promoted it

I'm sure the source for the "maine senator" getting everything she requested be put in Obamacare will be posted right after the 4,000 white phosphorus-cooked corpses are
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weekly reminder it was the Hlldawg '08 campaign that "invented" the birther issue & promoted it

I'm sure the source for the "maine senator" getting everything she requested be put in Obamacare will be posted right after the 4,000 white phosphorus-cooked corpses are
A whole bunch of Dem congresspeople got sacrificed for that bill but just a day or so he lamented Dems did not stick together. Moe is a a retread of some sort just don't know who yet.
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A whole bunch of Dem congresspeople got sacrificed for that bill but just a day or so he lamented Dems did not stick together. Moe is a a retread of some sort just don't know who yet.

You really didn't recognize the Will Rogers line? Or does nobody even know who Will Rogers was anymore?
I called it.. supposed neo nazis attack Germany...i knew they would orchrstrate something to change the narrative.

Which lib blames trump first?

Going with....maddow

The guy's identity didn't change. Sorry you jumped to a conclusion. If you read the transcription of the conversation he had with some guy shouting at him, he just seems like a hater with a gun. There doesn't seem to be a monopoly on hate. Or guns.
The guy's identity didn't change. Sorry you jumped to a conclusion. If you read the transcription of the conversation he had with some guy shouting at him, he just seems like a hater with a gun. There doesn't seem to be a monopoly on hate. Or guns.

I havnt. And witnesses are saying he shouted alahu akhbar(sp?). Jurys still out.

I didnt say anything about they were making anything up. I said something will happen tomorrow to shift the narrative. And sure enough.
Do you believe the stuff you come up with?
In his June 18, 2015, remarks from the White House, Obama said, "Now is the time for mourning and for healing. But let’s be clear: At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency. And it is in our power to do something about it."

I bet it sucks to be an idiot, doesn't it?
My work is almost done. My masterwork. A crown jewel, indeed.

We now have Republicans wildly cheering what by any standard is the most liberal acceptance speech in modern campaign history. From within I have destroyed them. Made them in my own image. I've taken their frail noggins and shaped them like soft warm clay for my own purposes.

I didn't fight to take over the Republican Party. I made them give it to me. On a platter. Brought it up to me like room service. I feel like Martin Sheen in the opening scenes of "Apocalypse Now"...

Humbling. To win this big. This decisively. To see before you complete abject victory. It is humbling. They are mine.
In his June 18, 2015, remarks from the White House, Obama said, "Now is the time for mourning and for healing. But let’s be clear: At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency. And it is in our power to do something about it."

I bet it sucks to be an idiot, doesn't it?

It doesn't happen with this kind of frequency
I wish I could look into the bible thumpers' eyes. To witness that moment where they not only had to take Donald Trump right down the windpipe, but to listen to Republicans wildly cheering LGBTQ open bathrooms at the Republican Convention. One of the loudest cheers of the night.

How's that feel? I want to savor that moment. To preserve it somehow. A trinket I can take out and watch glimmer in the sunlight for years to come.

I want them to remember that. To know the moment they realized they'd been had. To finally see that all the lip service they've allowed themselves to be manipulated by all these years was finally revealed to them. Social puppets made to serve rich men for their breadcrumbs. They were shown the strings and boy it must sting hard realizing you've been played for fools and then your noses rubbed in it.

Let me enjoy this. It has been a long hard year of building Trump up for precisely this moment. Knowing when the time came he would sink the knife in then twist. I wanted that. I dearly wanted that. Sobering to be at a point where your life's work is realized and you know that's where the wave finally breaks. That you have reached your hardest won prize.
It doesn't happen with this kind of frequency
This type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. Those were his words and you said he didn't say it. He was talking about mass shootings. You're wrong but you'll try and spin it and that is why you have no credibility.

Also the frequency was proven false because even though we have a higher number when you base it off population and rate per 100,000 the US is 4th in shootings per 100,000 and deaths per 100,000.

Facts are optional with you.
My work is almost done. My masterwork. A crown jewel, indeed.

We now have Republicans wildly cheering what by any standard is the most liberal acceptance speech in modern campaign history. From within I have destroyed them. Made them in my own image. I've taken their frail noggins and shaped them like soft warm clay for my own purposes.

I didn't fight to take over the Republican Party. I made them give it to me. On a platter. Brought it up to me like room service. I feel like Martin Sheen in the opening scenes of "Apocalypse Now"...

Humbling. To win this big. This decisively. To see before you complete abject victory. It is humbling. They are mine.
You created a dynasty, with Jr and Ivanka waiting in the wings for their turns. And they are straight-up RINO.
I am a Republican and not cheering. Lots of fog around Trump. No candidate on the right was any good this year.
There was fog in the beginning, but the guy has done nothing but get better. Even if you think there is still a doubt...Hillary cannot win this election or America is screwed. Not voting because you refuse to vote for Hillary but don't want to support Donald either is the same as supporting Hillary. Trump needs every vote he can get.