How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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It doesn't happen with this kind of frequency

This type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. Those were his words and you said he didn't say it. He was talking about mass shootings. You're wrong but you'll try and spin it and that is why you have no credibility.

Also the frequency was proven false because even though we have a higher number when you base it off population and rate per 100,000 the US is 4th in shootings per 100,000 and deaths per 100,000.

Facts are optional with you.

Exactly. Obama said it doesn't happen. It does. And he specifically limited it to gun violence, so as to exclude suicide bombers, beheadings, etc. And he was still wrong.

And Moe said he didn't say it. Then says, doesn't happen as much. Also wrong.
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Man, what is up woth kaines face when he smiles?

His smile looks like the grinch.. any computer savvy can do a side by side.

It also looks like the snapchat feature that distorts your face..scroll thru, you'll see it plain as day.

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Did HC just Friday night news dump her VP uninspired pick? Wtf is she doing?
Yep lol. Guess she thought she would steal some of Trumps thunder haha!

Would love to see Trump make an announcement of one planned cabinet member per night next week just to take away from the DNC lol.

Yikes that's awkward...
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I wish I could look into the bible thumpers' eyes. To witness that moment where they not only had to take Donald Trump right down the windpipe, but to listen to Republicans wildly cheering LGBTQ open bathrooms at the Republican Convention. One of the loudest cheers of the night.

How's that feel? I want to savor that moment. To preserve it somehow. A trinket I can take out and watch glimmer in the sunlight for years to come.

I want them to remember that. To know the moment they realized they'd been had. To finally see that all the lip service they've allowed themselves to be manipulated by all these years was finally revealed to them. Social puppets made to serve rich men for their breadcrumbs. They were shown the strings and boy it must sting hard realizing you've been played for fools and then your noses rubbed in it.

Let me enjoy this. It has been a long hard year of building Trump up for precisely this moment. Knowing when the time came he would sink the knife in then twist. I wanted that. I dearly wanted that. Sobering to be at a point where your life's work is realized and you know that's where the wave finally breaks. That you have reached your hardest won prize.

You people disgust me. You act like everything is black and white. I'm an atheist, against gay-marriage but not worried about it, and a republican. Why? Because my beliefs and ideas have more in common with them than that disgusting pathetic liberal agenda party, led by a bunch of crooks.
Wheres all the outrage over hrc not respecting germany and its dead citizens.

Because last week, donald trump was going to be vilified either way.

If he didnt postpone there would have been enournous outrage about how he was disrespectful and spitting on those who passed in Nice.

Because he postponed, they attacked him for being a flip flopper. Which now, if non-libs would speak up should be vilified, because regardless of party it is kind of sleazy to do hours after a world tragedy. But they set themselves up for that.
Welp. Just drank beer at taphouse. Got to chatting with a Bernie Sanders server. Usually don't try to talk politics outside this board, but after about 45 minutes we just added a Trump voter to Florida. He realized that Trump is the best non-status quo guy that he can vote for since Hillary beat the Bern.
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Trump has a gift when it comes to bringing the media to him. He has something planned next week to upstage Hillary's party.
He could very well become the first tabloid president. Real estate alone has never been satisfying for The Donald yet every good politician is basically a whore when you get right down to it.
He could very well become the first tabloid president. Real estate alone has never been satisfying for The Donald yet every good politician is basically a whore when you get right down to it.

Do whaaaa? Are you serious? hahaha First tabloid president. lol.
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This wasn't predictable...

You guys are insane. If you want to vote for an egomaniacal sociopath, by all means, but as someone left of center, I'll proudly stand with the conservatives who aren't voting for him or the ambitious witch.
This wasn't predictable...

You guys are insane. If you want to vote for an egomaniacal sociopath, by all means, but as someone left of center, I'll proudly stand with the conservatives who aren't voting for him or the ambitious witch.

Respect ya Mandu, but ego maniacal isn't always bad. I'm one of the few people on here that has stated that the reason why Trump could succeed is because of his ego. That's right. His ego could actually fulfill a need to mark a legacy. He's already a successful businessman, but that ain't enough. He wants to leave a mark. And I don't blame him for being vague with his ideas. He know the media. He isn't stupid.

Which brings me to my long winded point. If you were in Trump's position. Conquered everything. But not leaving a U.S historical mark, would you try make America as great as you could as an ego closing gesture to a peaceful death? I think you would Mandu. Vote Trump. and quit looking at ego as a negative thing,
This wasn't predictable...

You guys are insane. If you want to vote for an egomaniacal sociopath, by all means, but as someone left of center, I'll proudly stand with the conservatives who aren't voting for him or the ambitious witch.
What do you hope to accomplish with that plan?
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What would happen if Trump wins the popular vote by a wide margin, but the electoral college gives the nod to HRC? Revolt?
What would happen if Trump wins the popular vote by a wide margin, but the electoral college gives the nod to HRC? Revolt?

It's on mf'er. We can start talking electoral votes. California is definitely giving Killary Vinceton 52 elec votes. I think Trump could pull NY. I'm sure there will be some snotty nosed lib to say I am wrong about NY, and they may be right. But I think swing states could go Trump. After the convention. I will go Ohio to Trump
This wasn't predictable...

You guys are insane. If you want to vote for an egomaniacal sociopath, by all means, but as someone left of center, I'll proudly stand with the conservatives who aren't voting for him or the ambitious witch.

You just ride that high horse. You cruz minions are almost as bad as the liberals. Glen beck can twist anything to fit his agenda.

Today he said, im so sick of hearing he got the most votes, its because the population increased. What an idiot.
You just ride that high horse. You cruz minions are almost as bad as the liberals. Glen beck can twist anything to fit his agenda.

Today he said, im so sick of hearing he got the most votes, its because the population increased. What an idiot.

Cruz minion? Glenn Beck? lol I said LEFT of center. And you throw around the word liberal like it's leprosy. Nixon taught you guys well.


Can't say she isn't in tune with her base of voters.

Awww guys are too easy
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It's on mf'er. We can start talking electoral votes. California is definitely giving Killary Vinceton 52 elec votes. I think Trump could pull NY. I'm sure there will be some snotty nosed lib to say I am wrong about NY, and they may be right. But I think swing states could go Trump. After the convention. I will go Ohio to Trump

The Empire State is Hillary's, as is Cali. Trump's big two are Texas and Florida. He will win Ohio. The big prize up for grabs is Pennsylvania. Note the considerable talking points to mining and steel industry last night. Hillary's awful and careless remarks, however intended, against the coal mining industry will be exploited in local campaign efforts and will hurt her. Pennsylvania IS going to be tighter state than it was in 2012, when Obama got a mere 1.12% more votes than Romney. The dems are hoping the convention in Philly will help, but it won't be enough. And don't forget Trump's connections. Graduate of lofty Wharton college in Philadelphia (University of Penn). 3 of his children are University of Penn graduates. Then there is the blue collar working class in Philadelphia, and boy how the attitude of these people has shifted. Among them is the largest population of persons with Irish Catholic ancestry of any major city in the US who may find Mike Pence's background something they can relate to. Yes, Trump will win the coveted trio of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania. She can't stop it. Combined with the givens, that will place his electoral count at 247, needing 23 to win.

Hillary's strategy for winning is to keep him from getting these 23. It isn't possible. Any state won by Repubs in 2012 is going to be won by them again. Arizona + North Carolina = 26. That takes him to 273. Winner. Then there is Nevada, blue in '12, but likely to swing for '16. 279. Iowa is worth watching, as are Mich and Wisc. but don't give up on New Hampshire voters and even the results from Connecticut could be narrow.

Trump is winning this. Obama lost it for Hillary. She only made matters much worse by being herself.