How will they rule ??!

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Z, what the fu*k are you talking about? You've got issues brother, you spend several months pretending to pump up Trump, thinking no one could see through it. Now you've convinced yourself that you have the roadmap for Dem victory, and that Hillary is letting it slip away.

Dude, the country is shit show and it's not Hillarys fault. Obama has no spine, his foreign policy is a cluster fu*k, he helped foster an environment where cops are being assassinated and riots are taking place based on lies that he endorsed before having the facts.
Throw in doing dick about the illegal immigration problem, bringing in thousands of people from the Middle East.
Then to top it off the economy sucks and people are losing hope. The mood of the country sucks.

I would give killary at least 5% blame.
Did anyone see the movie Hillary's America? If so, what did you think? I thought it was a very well made documentary about the history of the Democratic Party. Very scathing accusations that Dinesh D'Souza backs up with historical facts. I think it's a story that isn't being told in American politics. I would encourage anyone who is serious about this upcoming election and politics to watch it and then decide for yourself.

I'm sorry if this has been brought up, I searched through the thread and didn't see it. Of course I could have missed it.

Disclaimer: No, I'm not voting for Trump either, he's terrible. I just think the country should be more aware of the history of the Democratic Party.
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Z, what the fu*k are you talking about? You've got issues brother, you spend several months pretending to pump up Trump, thinking no one could see through it. Now you've convinced yourself that you have the roadmap for Dem victory, and that Hillary is letting it slip away. .

Z's mild schizophrenia is entertaining. Take it that way. He knows what the next 4 years will bring. After a year or so, the nightly news will start hammering away about the national debt, an issue they've COMPLETELY ignored for 7 1-1/2 years, but an issue they hammered away about night after night after night for the last 6 years of Bush's presidency. And although Obama has jacked it up by the most nightmarish figures ever, doubling it, > 20 trillion by the time he's done, the media will go back to 5 alarm status with it soon. Truth is, if the media had covered the national debt after two years of Obama's presidency he likely would not have been re-elected. A democrat can't stay president with the media exposing their fiscal irresponsibility to the same extent they do a republican. It's been proven.

So come 2018 the media will be going "oh my god . . . what is our president doing about the debt???" and liberals everywhere who voted for Hillary Clinton will be saying "yep, see . . . this is what you get with a republican, the debt is out of hand once again". But you can always go to this webpage and keep track of what the debt is, was, and when . . .

btw, currently $19,381,591,000,000
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gotta wonder if you tracked the debt in 2000-08

guessing that's unlikely.

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Just awesome...via NYP:

President Obama’s Kenyan half-brother wants to make America great again — so he’s voting for Donald Trump.

“I like Donald Trump because he speaks from the heart,” Malik Obama told The Post from his home in the rural village of Kogelo. “Make America Great Again is a great slogan. I would like to meet him.”

Obama, 58, a longtime Democrat, said his “deep disappointment” in his brother Barack’s administration has led him to recently switch allegiance to “the party of Lincoln.”

The last straw, he said, came earlier this month when FBI Director James Comey recommended not prosecuting Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton over her use of a private e-mail servers while secretary of state.

“She should have known better as the custodian of classified information,” said Obama.
Just awesome...via NYP:

President Obama’s Kenyan half-brother wants to make America great again — so he’s voting for Donald Trump.

“I like Donald Trump because he speaks from the heart,” Malik Obama told The Post from his home in the rural village of Kogelo. “Make America Great Again is a great slogan. I would like to meet him.”

Obama, 58, a longtime Democrat, said his “deep disappointment” in his brother Barack’s administration has led him to recently switch allegiance to “the party of Lincoln.”

The last straw, he said, came earlier this month when FBI Director James Comey recommended not prosecuting Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton over her use of a private e-mail servers while secretary of state.

“She should have known better as the custodian of classified information,” said Obama.

That needs to be shared, do you have original link?
I effing knew it! Before I read this article, I said to myself that Malik Obama was black. Hit the link. Bam!

Just as I stated the other day. Obama has done nothing to help the Black community. No empowerment, only dependency.
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The media spent the entire week, scouring over every word spoken at the RNC, to pick apart anything negative they could find. What will this week bring? A slurp fest that will make you want to vomit. This right here is proof enough that the media gets it's talking points from the DNC. It saddens me that the media has no soul, no pride, no intent to report the news, instead of making the news and following lock step in with the Liberal wing of this country. I hope this is the year it back fires on them.
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gotta wonder if you tracked the debt in 2000-08

guessing that's unlikely.


That quote is unequivocally fake. Anyone with half a brain should've been able to tell given that fox news probably didn't even exist at the time.

Better yet, the pic of trump is from an interview he did with Oprah in 88. In the interview, Trump said he would not run unless the US was in such trouble, he had no choice. Then he goes on to talk about trade, etc and the message is EXACTLY what he says still today
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So the DNC chair is no longer speaking at the convention. I guess they figure their base is so effing stupid that they will forget all about the controversy by the middle of the week.
So the DNC chair is no longer speaking at the convention. I guess they figure their base is so effing stupid that they will forget all about the controversy by the middle of the week.
The base does not care. If they did she would not have been a legitimate candidate. Path to power, nothing else.
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The base does not care. If they did she would not have been a legitimate candidate. Path to power, nothing else.

Yep. Theyre hoping the average undecided, low attention span voter will forget about it. Facebook never allowed it to be a trending topic. Twitter did, then removed it. With the VP announcement, it gave her cohorts in the MSM something else to talk about.

This will all but be forgotten by the average voter by middle of this week; if not sooner. The level of corruption is incredible.
The liberal mindset is not much different than muslim in that Taqiyya (lying to further the cause) is accepted and encouraged regardless of how much damage it will do.
I can't laugh enough at how the Dems are trying to spin this:

Trump speaks admiringly of Putin. He has mused in public that he might not help the Baltic states if the aggressive Putin attacks them. And the idea that Russia would help Trump is just sooo funny you can't stop laughing.

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At around the same time in October 1998, Trump ran through his then-current political positions with NBC's Stone Phillips:

Mr. TRUMP: I'd like to see major tax cuts.

PHILLIPS: Along the line, for what the Republicans are talking about —eight hundred billion or so? Would you go that far?

Mr. TRUMP: Along the lines of that number, yes, approximately at that number, and could even be more.

PHILLIPS: Health care?

Mr. TRUMP: [I'm] liberal on health care, we have to take care of people that are sick.

PHILLIPS: Universal health coverage?

Mr. TRUMP: I like universal, we have to take care, there's nothing else. What's the country all about if we're not going to take care of our sick?

PHILLIPS: Abortion?

Mr. TRUMP: I hate the concept of abortion. I hate anything about abortion, and yet, I'm totally for choice. I think you have no alternative.

PHILLIPS: Gun control? Where do you stand on that?

Mr. TRUMP: If you could tell me that the bad guys, the criminals, wouldn't have guns, I'd be a hundred percent for gun control. But the fact is, if you have gun control, the only people that are going to obey the laws, are going to be the good guys. So the bad guys are going to have the guns, the good guys aren't going to have the guns, and what good does that do us? So, I'm not in favor of it.

This is what he said 18 years ago and he still says the same thing today. I bet HRC has changed every opinion she's ever had in just the last year alone.
Because you dumbass it's a spin cycle to not be accountable for the garbage in those emails. Never mind that though just tell us about the bad Trump/Russia connection meanwhile that stupid troll looking criminal takes money from ISIS supporters.

I'm not clear on your argument here. The big 'reveal' in the emails was that the DNC didn't want Bernie Sanders. A non-Democrat to win the nomination. Let's imagine that was a surprise to you. This revelation came the same week that a) Trump was publicly suggesting that he'd look the other way if Russia attacked the Baltics and b) Russia aided Trump with an email drop.

And you think the DNC info was worse.

Trump once said that he could shoot someone in public and it wouldn't matter to his supporters. He looks to have been right.
Did anyone bother to ask Tim Kaine to smile before they named him as VP because he looks like some kind of Jack Nicholson vampire bat on crack when he does:

Trump speaks admiringly of Putin. He has mused in public that he might not help the Baltic states if the aggressive Putin attacks them. And the idea that Russia would help Trump is just sooo funny you can't stop laughing.


because your momma hates you, that's why. Also, it really doesn't matter how Hillary spins her crimes. She's a loser. She will NEVER win a national election. Dem party is toast. The best they can come up with is has-beens who were first scags a 1/4 century ago and exotic yo-yo's who have essentially accomplished ZERO in their personal lives to be their candidates. Trump may be rich, but the sumbitch has a proven track record of getting sh*t done. voters are sick of piss ant leadership, and their hordes or lazy followers who chronically are looking to vote for something easy, vote for something free, vote for something me, me, me, me, me. talking 'bout you, beeyotch.
I'm not clear on your argument here. The big 'reveal' in the emails was that the DNC didn't want Bernie Sanders. A non-Democrat to win the nomination. Let's imagine that was a surprise to you. This revelation came the same week that a) Trump was publicly suggesting that he'd look the other way if Russia attacked the Baltics and b) Russia aided Trump with an email drop.

And you think the DNC info was worse.

Trump once said that he could shoot someone in public and it wouldn't matter to his supporters. He looks to have been right.

Once again what does that have to do with Hillary getting favorable treatment to beat Bernie.......and Bernie still came close to overcoming her considering the lopsided support. It proves the super delegates are a joke on the dem side and instead of facing that truth they spin into Russia and trump while Hillary lines her pockets with ISIS supporter money.

Damn man is life or the truth that hard for you?
because your momma hates you, that's why. Also, it really doesn't matter how Hillary spins her crimes. She's a loser. She will NEVER win a national election. Dem party is toast. The best they can come up with is has-beens who were first scags a 1/4 century ago and exotic yo-yo's who have essentially accomplished ZERO in their personal lives to be their candidates. Trump may be rich, but the sumbitch has a proven track record of getting sh*t done. voters are sick of piss ant leadership, and their hordes or lazy followers who chronically are looking to vote for something easy, vote for something free, vote for something me, me, me, me, me. talking 'bout you, beeyotch.

Good grief.