How will they rule ??!

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Taking into account how disingenuous, petty, corrupt and petulant the dimocrats have been it would not surprise me in the least if they finished their presentation and then tried to withdraw the impeachment charge. Just so the defense couldn’t rebuttal and also go on msm to claim it wasn’t going to be fair anyway so why continue on, the dims would do it just so they could campaign on it. That sounds ludicrous but it’s closer to reality with this group of corrupt dimocratic turds in Washington.

Democrats after they present their case.

Oh look. Despite Trump saying he has no idea who Parnas is. A recording of them discussing the Ambassador during a private dinner and Trump telling him she has to be removed. So exactly what Parnas said happened. Guess your fatass God is just a ****ing liar like always. It's to funny that everyone around Trump records everything for blackmail.
Yeah, okay, he’s a multimillionaire. He has two other homes. Socialism turned out to be profitable for him. But that doesn’t reflect an error of his character.

No, it reveals a far greater error, a peevish, intransigent, fact-oblivious misconception of possibility in this great land of bounty. Where else on earth can you become a double-millionaire accidentally? It’s not that Bernie says one thing and does another; it’s that for 50 years he’s been saying one thing about this country, and it keeps doing another.

good article up there about Bernie, that's the thing about socialist/communist economic theory, it's been proven wrong in every way and in every sense imaginable. but there's always the naive and gullible willing to lap it up, won't believe the truth till it's too late, if then

those twitter threads... i mean seriously what is the deal with these people? what makes them think they're the experts with all the answers to fix everything?


come on man, how about no? stick to your lane, make your art whatever it is for whatever dumb audience and enjoy your boyfriends/flamboyant clothes and spoils in LA... leave the thinking to those capable of it

Oh look. Despite Trump saying he has no idea who Parnas is. A recording of them discussing the Ambassador during a private dinner and Trump telling him she has to be removed. So exactly what Parnas said happened. Guess your fatass God is just a ****ing liar like always. It's to funny that everyone around Trump records everything for blackmail.
I thought you said Michael cohen was the end of the road? Wasnt that like 3 years ago? Starting to catch a pattern with yourself by now?
Trump has sent over 300 tweets about the trial in the last 3 days. I think the bum needs to get a job.
He has been doing his job which is why the dims want him impeached. They have done nothing but try to get him since he was elected. If they had actually done something maybe they would not be scrambling to get him out before the next election.
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Oh look. Despite Trump saying he has no idea who Parnas is. A recording of them discussing the Ambassador during a private dinner and Trump telling him she has to be removed. So exactly what Parnas said happened. Guess your fatass God is just a ****ing liar like always. It's to funny that everyone around Trump records everything for blackmail.

I’m curious what is even being alleged as wrong here, Trump can’t remove corrupt ambassadors? Or you’re saying that since Trump sat at a table with someone that automatically means he knows them?
Guess your fatass God...
Correction: Trump is your "fatass God." He rules your life. He sits on your brain all the livelong day and makes you spew bile in angry missives in this thread. You may want to seek help with that before you do something that gets you incarcerated and featured on the nightly news.
So to the Republicans here - do you truly think Trump is completely innocent of all charges brought on by the House? Do you believe there was no requirement for investigations into the Bidens by Ukraine, in order to release military aid funds?
So to the Republicans here - do you truly think Trump is completely innocent of all charges brought on by the House? Do you believe there was no requirement for investigations into the Bidens by Ukraine, in order to release military aid funds?

Do you believe that Hillary did nothing wrong regarding the email scandal? Do you think Obama and Hillary didn't commit treason when they left the Embassy to be raided in Benghazi and US citizens to die then lied to Americans and tried to make them think it was their fault for a Youtube video? She told parents of the victims that and then later said they lied about it. That is pure evil and she deserves to serve out her miserable life in prison.
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Trump has sent over 300 tweets about the trial in the last 3 days. I think the bum needs to get a job.

and the Democratic Senators and Representatives have wasted how many days and dollars on a useless impeachment trial? Maybe they should do their job and run the country instead of trying to impeach a candidate they think they can't beat fairly.
Obama, a late convert to the cause, signs gay marriage bill.

That's what the headline said, right? Considering Obama was initially anti gay marriage. Oh. But only he was genuine about it I suppose.

So to the Republicans here - do you truly think Trump is completely innocent of all charges brought on by the House? Do you believe there was no requirement for investigations into the Bidens by Ukraine, in order to release military aid funds?
I’ll bite, even though I’m guessing you are looking for an argument.

1) I believe that there was no requirement in order to get the aid. Ukraine is notoriously corrupt and Trump, based on the actual transcript, asked them to look into corruption across the board, including what Biden said. Based on how the left has reacted to protect Ukraine, there certainly seems to be reason for concern. And at the end of the day one of his jobs is to protect our tax dollars when it comes to foreign aid.

2) Foreign policy is whatever Trump wants it to be. He’s the President and he gets to make those decisions.
To be fair, there are some ridiculously hot Bernie supporters. Id say the vast majority of hot girls out here in Cali are Bernie supporters. I know this first hand.
Of course college kids wanting to get out of tuition or student loans, he might even get some parents hoping to avoid paying their kids education.
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