How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I see your point about Lev Parnas, Republicans. He's got credibility problems, potential ties to the Russian mob, solicits illegal campaign contributions for GOP candidates and foreign help in our elections. By your standards, he shouldn't be a witness. He should be President.
The Secretary of the United States Treasury was responding to a question he was asked about an autistic Swedish teenagers suggestion all public and private entities should divest of any holdings in fossil fuel companies.

He brushed it off as a joke, yet fredo et al think the Secretary of the Treasury should be ashamed for suggesting the autistic Swedish teenager should take an economics class before weighing in on the United States economy.
Well that shouldn't shock anyone. At this point they should just change their name to the Democrat News Network. Reporting news is a thing of the past. Now media outlets do opinion pieces and pretend it's actual news.
DCNN? Has a soviet ring to it.
Lmao, even Trumps closest allies think his legal team is a bunch of ****ing morons.

After the first day of opening arguments on Wednesday, during which seven House impeachment managers — acting as prosecutors — laid out their case against the president, Gaetz told Politico they presented their case to the public as if it were "cable news," and he praised their use of multimedia.

Meanwhile, the defense team's case looked like "an eighth-grade book report," Gaetz told Politico. "Actually, no, I take that back," he said, adding that an eighth-grader would know how to use PowerPoint and iPads.
False, liberal opinion is not true or factual.

This from the same network being sued by Nick Sandman.
From the same network that used a kid to attack who they consider the enemy. You put them out there, they need to be smacked down. Kids need to be quite until they really know what they are talking about. Regurgitating lies from the left is not intelligence, it's brainwashed drivel.
I see your point about Lev Parnas, Republicans. He's got credibility problems, potential ties to the Russian mob, solicits illegal campaign contributions for GOP candidates and foreign help in our elections. By your standards, he shouldn't be a witness. He should be President.
False allegations you happen to agree with. Big surprise.
I see your point about Lev Parnas, Republicans. He's got credibility problems, potential ties to the Russian mob, solicits illegal campaign contributions for GOP candidates and foreign help in our elections. By your standards, he shouldn't be a witness. He should be President.

Thoughts from the far left of the bell curve.
Hey Platindumb, the onion is peeling! [laughing] Comey, McCabe, Schitt, all are going down. Not on hearsay evidence, but on real, documented, treasonous, stupidity.

We've told you idiots for 3 years what was going on. You were too stupid or willfully ignorant to see it or admit it.

The best thing these people could have done would have been to keep their mouths shut. But instead they have gone full retard. Never go full retard.
You wanna know what I'm tired of hearing? I'm tired of hearing about the spying on Carter Page. The FBI KNEW Carter Page was a CIA asset. The spying was directed at Donald Trump. No Trump, no spying. It's just that simple. Maybe it wasn't O'bama's idea to spy on Trump, but you can bet your ass he OK'd it and was being kept up to date on all of it.
You wanna know what I'm tired of hearing? I'm tired of hearing about the spying on Carter Page. The FBI KNEW Carter Page was a CIA asset. The spying was directed at Donald Trump. No Trump, no spying. It's just that simple. Maybe it wasn't O'bama's idea to spy on Trump, but you can bet your ass he OK'd it and was being kept up to date on all of it.
I doubt it was Obama initiating but agree he rubber stamped it, what did he have to gain and who had the most to gain? I’m sure you know but for those that don’t the FBI asked the CIA in an email if Carter Page was a CIA asset and they said he was. But the FBI altered that CIA reply to say he was not an asset in order to pursue the surveillance. That’s corrupt as hell but par for the course by dimocrats and their appointees to remain in power.
I doubt it was Obama initiating but agree he rubber stamped it, what did he have to gain and who had the most to gain? I’m sure you know but for those that don’t the FBI asked the CIA in an email if Carter Page was a CIA asset and they said he was. But the FBI altered that CIA reply to say he was not an asset in order to pursue the surveillance. That’s corrupt as hell but par for the course by dimocrats and their appointees to remain in power.

Exactly. They knew before they did anything that it was wrong and illegal. The entire group of dems from the top down knew what was going on. Way too much money flowing through Ukraine for any of them to take a chance on losing it.

Changing the CIA email is essentially the same thing as fabricating an email from the CIA for the purpose of obtaining a FISA warrant to spy on a President.

How can that be anything other than treason?
Anybody know if Republican voters lost Virginia or are they apathetic and had a low turnout? At any rate this should be an eye opener for voters in any red state about allowing dimocrats to control all three branches going forward.
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Anybody know if Republican voters lost Virginia or are they apathetic and had a low turnout? At any rate this should be an eye opener for voters in any red state about allowing dimocrats to control all three branches going forward.

Obama imported so many government workers with high wages, it really isn't even a battleground state anymore