How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I see your point about Lev Parnas, Republicans. He's got credibility problems, potential ties to the Russian mob, solicits illegal campaign contributions for GOP candidates and foreign help in our elections. By your standards, he shouldn't be a witness. He should be President.
All those gun rights protestors getting red flagged today in Virginia.

One republican rep there mentioned that those who attended a local gun rally in his district, out of hundreds of folks, only 30% were registered to vote, and the majority of those 30% didn’t even vote in the state elections.

Which is both ridiculous, and totally normal. Nobody fn votes. Anywhere. Especially not state/local elections. And you see what happens when you don’t vote.
Anybody know if Republican voters lost Virginia or are they apathetic and had a low turnout? At any rate this should be an eye opener for voters in any red state about allowing dimocrats to control all three branches going forward.
It's the growth of the Deep State & its members living in DC VA burbs in huge numbers now that does it.
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Taking into account how disingenuous, petty, corrupt and petulant the dimocrats have been it would not surprise me in the least if they finished their presentation and then tried to withdraw the impeachment charge. Just so the defense couldn’t rebuttal and also go on msm to claim it wasn’t going to be fair anyway so why continue on, the dims would do it just so they could campaign on it. That sounds ludicrous but it’s closer to reality with this group of corrupt dimocratic turds in Washington.
Think about how much power and influence msm had before social media, that’s who needs to be brought down. They enable this crap by not challenging the dimocrats because they’re on the same team. Growing up you had the liberal news and newspapers, I bet the media yearns for the golden days.
All those gun rights protestors getting red flagged today in Virginia.

One republican rep there mentioned that those who attended a local gun rally in his district, out of hundreds of folks, only 30% were registered to vote, and the majority of those 30% didn’t even vote in the state elections.

Which is both ridiculous, and totally normal. Nobody fn votes. Anywhere. Especially not state/local elections. And you see what happens when you don’t vote.
Virginia is gone. Damn shame.
Think about how much power and influence msm had before social media, that’s who needs to be brought down. They enable this crap by not challenging the dimocrats because they’re on the same team. Growing up you had the liberal news and newspapers, I bet the media yearns for the golden days.
Years ago most cities had a morning and an afternoon newspaper. One was liberal and one was conservative/ When I was in college at UK, Lexington had the Lexington Herald (liberal) and the Lexington Leader (conservative). Then they merged and soon it was the Lexington Herald only. No written voice for conservatives any longer.
Taking into account how disingenuous, petty, corrupt and petulant the dimocrats have been it would not surprise me in the least if they finished their presentation and then tried to withdraw the impeachment charge. Just so the defense couldn’t rebuttal and also go on msm to claim it wasn’t going to be fair anyway so why continue on, the dims would do it just so they could campaign on it. That sounds ludicrous but it’s closer to reality with this group of corrupt dimocratic turds in Washington.
Pubs should wrap up their defense in two hours. Pretty simple.
I would prefer if Cocaine Mitch drug this out until November. Keep Sanders and Warren stuck listening to Trumps attorneys tell everyone how stupid they are, and shine a bright spotlight on Biden’s corruption while he is the only one out campaigning.
I wish Mitch would stand up there and give a video presentation of things that Schitt has said in public over the last 3 years about Trump and then show the subsequent truth about each thing. Use the latest DOJ determination to show collusion between Schitt and Comey regarding FISA warrants.

Do a similar montage with Pelosi and declare them to be treasonous hacks. As soon as he's done that he can abruptly call for a vote to acquit.
I wish Mitch would stand up there and give a video presentation of things that Schitt has said in public over the last 3 years about Trump and then show the subsequent truth about each thing. Use the latest DOJ determination to show collusion between Schitt and Comey regarding FISA warrants.

Do a similar montage with Pelosi and declare them to be treasonous hacks. As soon as he's done that he can abruptly call for a vote to acquit.

That would be pretty funny if Trump’s team didn’t even say anything, put just made a fancy video (up to platinums standards) just playing all of the Democrat claims over the past two years getting blown away by Muellers testimony, clips of all the democrats calling for impeachment no matter what, clips from the Clinton impeachment, etc. Treat the Democrat impeachment ruse like the sham it is, and don’t even bother to fake a defense for their fake bullshit.
Rudy got the goods on the Bidens and several other Dems corruption with Ukraine. Doubt anything happens with it, but I think I will believe him over the other side on this one. Same guy who fought the Mafia that nobody else had the guts to do. Same guy who cleaned up New York City that was a mess due to high crime, and the same guy who did an incredible job rebuilding NYC after 9-11.

Fact is they (Dems and Obama admin) all thought Hilary was going to win so none of their corruption would have ever seen the light of day. So they happily did it to enrich themselves, friends, and families. Wonder why Obama and his cronies spied on the Trump Campaign and Hillary paid for the false dossier. Because they got worried and then lost and knew Trump and his people would eventually figure out their corruption and wanted to get rid of him as fast as possible. I am still shocked an assassination attempt has not happened yet.

They all should either rot in prison or be lined up in front of a firing squad for selling out our country.
All those gun rights protestors getting red flagged today in Virginia.

One republican rep there mentioned that those who attended a local gun rally in his district, out of hundreds of folks, only 30% were registered to vote, and the majority of those 30% didn’t even vote in the state elections.

Which is both ridiculous, and totally normal. Nobody fn votes. Anywhere. Especially not state/local elections. And you see what happens when you don’t vote.
This is pathetic and the reason nut jobs like these Democrats become powerful. I believe America is a center right nation but it is not governed like that in Democrat held states and counties.. Get out and vote people.
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The voter is in the wrong. How dare he ask a completely legitimate question and not like the answer because he’s getting majorly screwed in the ordeal.

Elizabeth Warren is Chief Liar and can’t explain how her plans would work... but at least she showed she isn’t a meanie pants.
Pubs should wrap up their defense in two hours. Pretty simple.
They could do this but there is so much dirt to reveal on the Dims I hope they use all of their time and lay it out. The moron House Leaders opened the barn door when they started mentioning the Mueller Report. They spent hours and hours lying about that. There is a lot of meat of Democrat law breaking in that report that has not been exposed. Now may be the time
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New talking point - what a fantastic job the house managers did in presenting their case and the presidents lawyers have an insurmountable task to overcome.

Funny that’s the dnc/media talking point of the day but at the same time we must have more witnesses