How will they rule ??!

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So to the Republicans here - do you truly think Trump is completely innocent of all charges brought on by the House? Do you believe there was no requirement for investigations into the Bidens by Ukraine, in order to release military aid funds?

I’ve seen no evidence to make me believe otherwise.

Most importantly, the evidence shows the Ukraine didn’t even know the aid was withheld.

Also, I kind of want to know if Russia hacked the DNC or if they’re completely full of shit. So I’m glad he asked about that on the phone call.
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So to the Republicans here - do you truly think Trump is completely innocent of all charges brought on by the House? Do you believe there was no requirement for investigations into the Bidens by Ukraine, in order to release military aid funds?

Also, they “charged” him with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. And yes, even if everything they allege is true, none of his conduct admits to a crime. The best they have is a civil violation every single president has committed.
So to the Republicans here - do you truly think Trump is completely innocent of all charges brought on by the House? Do you believe there was no requirement for investigations into the Bidens by Ukraine, in order to release military aid funds?

Of all the things to go all in against Trump, this in my opinion is extremely weak. I have read the transcript multiple times and listen to way too much of the House hearings and honestly have no issues at all with what they brought up.

The crime of the century
Why would I not be surprised that you missed the point?

Trump claims he doesn’t know Parnes...just like everyone who gets dirt on him. Yet he is taped in a meeting with Parnes and telling Parnes to get rid of her.

Why would Trump tell anyone except perhaps his Sec of State to get rid of an ambassador?
Why is Trump lying about knowing Parnes?
We both know the answer...only question is if you’ll admit it?
FYI..... the President can fire any ambassador at any time for any reason. Any President can and many did.
Someone else who cannot see the forest for the trees.
It ain’t about if he can or cannot...he is lying about Parnes and the whole situation around that firing.
Why would I not be surprised that you missed the point?

Trump claims he doesn’t know Parnes...just like everyone who gets dirt on him. Yet he is taped in a meeting with Parnes and telling Parnes to get rid of her.

Why would Trump tell anyone except perhaps his Sec of State to get rid of an ambassador?
Why is Trump lying about knowing Parnes?
We both know the answer...only question is if you’ll admit it?
Let me just grant your entire proposition. So we're going to start impeaching President's for lying, not under oath? Damn, that oughta be fun.
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Trump is the President, he can fire any ambassador at will, Obama fired every Bush appointed ambassador on day one. This convo took place in April of 2018, Yovanovitch was recalled in 2019.
Also, this convo was in April of 2018, that's a long time before Biden announced, if anything it further proves that Trump was truly interested in cleaning up corruption in the Govt involving Ukraine.
Someone else who cannot see the forest for the trees.
It ain’t about if he can or cannot...he is lying about Parnes and the whole situation around that firing.
Yes, again. If you want this, you have to hold everyone ever accountable. I would be for checking presidents power, but in this instance you're pulling a "well technically". Bevause you dont really care, you only care who's involved. You dont care if someone says I have a pen and a phone congress be damned, or assassinating a us citizen without due process, or standing by idly and not even addressing that Russia had the balls to take crimea then them taking it.

Or that the Clintons met privately with putin at his compound then had a speaking engagement for a moscow capital company for 500k.

You dont actually care about limited powers....only now you do. You dont want this precedent bc you are okay with the previous precedent.

The why isnt important to you, only the who
Do you believe that Hillary did nothing wrong regarding the email scandal? Do you think Obama and Hillary didn't commit treason when they left the Embassy to be raided in Benghazi and US citizens to die then lied to Americans and tried to make them think it was their fault for a Youtube video? She told parents of the victims that and then later said they lied about it. That is pure evil and she deserves to serve out her miserable life in prison.
My question wasn't about them - it's about the President that is on trial. Can you answer without the deflection, please?
A politician is a compulsive liar? Someone call in the press, that's a shocker.

Of course Trump is a liar. He's a POS who has lied to and cheated on every wife he has ever had, and he lies to many people every day. But so do a lot of other people in Washington (and in all walks of life.) Being truthful and honest is not a prerequisite for being President, or a Senator, congressman, etc. They ALL lie. They all tell their supporters what they want to hear and deny, deny, deny any question of wrongdoing. At least while Trump is doing it, he is also putting money in a lot of our pockets. I'll take that over the alternative.
I have no clue. I haven’t watched a second of the BS. I just know Schiff needs his ass kicked and if we place a stool near Schiff and send in De Sousa... let it unfold.

That picture of DeSousa with the stool over his head is one of the greatest things ever. Should be photoshopped in perpetuity.
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A politician is a compulsive liar? Someone call in the press, that's a shocker.

Of course Trump is a liar. He's a POS who has lied to and cheated on every wife he has ever had, and he lies to many people every day. But so do a lot of other people in Washington (and in all walks of life.) Being truthful and honest is not a prerequisite for being President, or a Senator, congressman, etc. They ALL lie. They all tell their supporters what they want to hear and deny, deny, deny any question of wrongdoing. At least while Trump is doing it, he is also putting money in a lot of our pockets. I'll take that over the alternative.
So because he's putting money in your pockets, he's above reproach? Is that your justification for your support?
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Also, they “charged” him with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. And yes, even if everything they allege is true, none of his conduct admits to a crime. The best they have is a civil violation every single president has committed.
The Abuse of Congress charge was a drummed up, made up charge that came about for things he did during the impeachment process. So basically they had literally nothing and had to manufacture a charge by basically trapping him through shady partisan tricks.
When you hate a person like Schitt, Nadler and their minions hate Trump your mind gets cloudy with rage. You speak and do things you will regret. These two idiots have opened the door wide open for two very important issues. And the Defense will jump on both. . (1) They brought in Joe and Hunter Biden issues with Ukraine and made both part of the Impeachment. I am sure Joe is thankful about that.. He is now a witness as is his son. If they call witnesses, and I doubt they do, he and his boy will be dragged in to raise their hand an swear to tell the truth. I see a 5th Amendment in their future because Joe isn't about to lie in the presence of The Chief Justice and Senate during a trial. Is he? And even if he is not brought in when Trump is acquitted an investigation will finally be held and his Democrat opponents will beat him over the head with that during the primary. He is now damaged goods thanks to Schitt.

(2) The moron House Managers brought up the Russian Hoax and Mueller Report. Dumb, dumb and dumber. Now the door is wide open for President Trump to lay it all on the table. Half of the Senate probably has never heard of the Russian "Steele Dossier" and now they will get an education long over due. It doesn't help Schitt with the Court ruling this week that two of the warrants were illegally granted and the "investigation" should have been shut down then. They are going to learn the names of people in the FBI, Justice Department and State Department who were involved in trying to overthrow the Trump administration. Once Trump is past this look for heads to role in those departments and they will be fired and escorted out of Washington DC

Tune in at 10:00 in the morning
A politician is a compulsive liar? Someone call in the press, that's a shocker.

Of course Trump is a liar. He's a POS who has lied to and cheated on every wife he has ever had, and he lies to many people every day. But so do a lot of other people in Washington (and in all walks of life.) Being truthful and honest is not a prerequisite for being President, or a Senator, congressman, etc. They ALL lie. They all tell their supporters what they want to hear and deny, deny, deny any question of wrongdoing. At least while Trump is doing it, he is also putting money in a lot of our pockets. I'll take that over the alternative.
John, do you think he uses his "foot-wedge" when he's playing golf too? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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That picture of DeSousa with the stool over his head is one of the greatest things ever. Should be photoshopped in perpetuity.
If I had photoshop I’d have so much fun with it. I only have Snapchat and it can only do so much. Wouldn’t do it justice.
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The question I always ask myself is why would Trump do illegal things in the WH when he fully knows the MSM, Dems, and even folks in the WH and even his cabinet cannot be trusted and would rat him out in a second to get rid of him? He is easily the most scrutinized POTUS ever due to social media, the 24 news cycle, and the hatred Dems and bureaucrats have for him. The guy gave up an incredible life to deal with this BS, gives his salary away, and his family has been put through hell and back all because he is trying to help our country. The guy has talked about how politicians were selling our country off for years. Then you have politicians like a Biden and many others who flip flop with the wind.

Zero doubt Trump has a checkered personal life, says the wrong thing at times, and can be a complete A-hole at times but he gets stuff done. That is what we voted him in office for and if you ask me if my life is better than before he was voted in I would say absolutely.
A politician is a compulsive liar? Someone call in the press, that's a shocker.

Of course Trump is a liar. He's a POS who has lied to and cheated on every wife he has ever had, and he lies to many people every day. But so do a lot of other people in Washington (and in all walks of life.) Being truthful and honest is not a prerequisite for being President, or a Senator, congressman, etc. They ALL lie. They all tell their supporters what they want to hear and deny, deny, deny any question of wrongdoing. At least while Trump is doing it, he is also putting money in a lot of our pockets. I'll take that over the alternative.

This. Many lefties believe JFK was one of the greatest presidents of all time, that dude was a lying scumbag who was heavily attached to the freaking mob.

Then on the flip side, very little amount of people have anything negative to say about the two Bush's and Jimmy Carter as people. You ask just about anyone, those are some of the worst presidents we have had.

Politicians lie, politicians are scumbags, many founders and CEOs are liars and scumbags. But guess what, none of that crap matters if they can run their company (or country).

I think a big gap in this is it seems like many on the left look up to the government and politicians as moral leaders. While many on the right dont really care about the morality (of course to a certain extent), they look to their religion or family for their moral leaders.

I personally dont care if Trump tells all this little lies, I dont care that he has cheated on all his wives. Is the country safe, is the economy healthy? All politicians lie, give me the guy that allows me the best chance to live the best day to day life.
You libs remind me of all the opposition fan bases and sports writers that hated Cal and hate Kentucky. When he got hired here everyone with a media badge and a laptop couldn't wait for him to fail, to get caught cheating. His every move, every recruit was scrutinized, researched, smeared. Year after year it was another story of gotcha, this is the one, look out, but yet nothing.

Cal knew he was under the microscope yet he also knew he didn't have to walk on the wrong side of the train tracks to succeed. He flourished with every sports writer trying to write his obituary, trying dig up dirt that didn't exist.

Year after year since we have seen rival teams go down, get caught trying to keep up. One cheating scandal after another being uncovered, yet nothing on Cal.

Those same sports writers are of the same cloth as the crooked fake media you liberal idiots worship. They are always lying to try and move their agenda forward and have been wrong every step of the way.

Trump is your President. He will be your president for 4 more years. he is and always been innocent. The crimes and dirt that have been thrown at him have always been the crimes of his opposition and are being uncovered as such.

So **** off.
Why would I not be surprised that you missed the point?

Trump claims he doesn’t know Parnes...just like everyone who gets dirt on him. Yet he is taped in a meeting with Parnes and telling Parnes to get rid of her.

Why would Trump tell anyone except perhaps his Sec of State to get rid of an ambassador?
Why is Trump lying about knowing Parnes?
We both know the answer...only question is if you’ll admit it?
You probably watched Alec Baldwin doing his Trump impersonation and thought that was real.
The same poster's here arguing about Trump seem to not understand he is not being impeached for firing an ambassador. It amazes me how much so here like the taste in their mouth.
The question I always ask myself is why would Trump do illegal things in the WH when he fully knows the MSM, Dems, and even folks in the WH and even his cabinet cannot be trusted and would rat him out in a second to get rid of him? He is easily the most scrutinized POTUS ever due to social media, the 24 news cycle, and the hatred Dems and bureaucrats have for him. The guy gave up an incredible life to deal with this BS, gives his salary away, and his family has been put through hell and back all because he is trying to help our country. The guy has talked about how politicians were selling our country off for years. Then you have politicians like a Biden and many others who flip flop with the wind.

Zero doubt Trump has a checkered personal life, says the wrong thing at times, and can be a complete A-hole at times but he gets stuff done. That is what we voted him in office for and if you ask me if my life is better than before he was voted in I would say absolutely.
This. Many lefties believe JFK was one of the greatest presidents of all time, that dude was a lying scumbag who was heavily attached to the freaking mob.

Then on the flip side, very little amount of people have anything negative to say about the two Bush's and Jimmy Carter as people. You ask just about anyone, those are some of the worst presidents we have had.

Politicians lie, politicians are scumbags, many founders and CEOs are liars and scumbags. But guess what, none of that crap matters if they can run their company (or country).

I think a big gap in this is it seems like many on the left look up to the government and politicians as moral leaders. While many on the right dont really care about the morality (of course to a certain extent), they look to their religion or family for their moral leaders.

I personally dont care if Trump tells all this little lies, I dont care that he has cheated on all his wives. Is the country safe, is the economy healthy? All politicians lie, give me the guy that allows me the best chance to live the best day to day life.

Good points. Any study of American history shows our Presidents have not been moral leaders nor should we expect them to be. Several have been written about as "moral" but a historian often conveniently omits the bad.

I only have a few things I look for when voting for our president. Plus I thought Bill Clinton settled the "moral" issue during his two terms. Any Democrat that brings up morality needs to look in the mirror.
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The same poster's here arguing about Trump seem to not understand he is not being impeached for firing an ambassador. It amazes me how much so here like the taste in their mouth.
No we understand he is being impeached because of hate. You can see the hate coming out of their eyes and spewing out of their mouth. You see Trump was not suppose to win. This was to be Hillary's place in history. She would be the chosen one to break the glass ceiling.. But America saw through her and the moment she lost the Democrat wheels went into motion to destroy Trump. Any other man would have been destroyed but they are not Trump. You hit Trump, he hits back. He is not George Bush.