I am a very involved dad when it comes to my kid's sports. I have coached their teams, taken them out to practice with them on weekends, and do everything I can not to miss a game.... with one BIG exception: swimming. I told my daughter who is on the swim team (she does like 5 other sports too) that she could be competing in the Olympics and I wouldn't attend. It's freaking awful as a parent.

Learn swim mom smoke and a bar that is open during the meets.
- Is it just me or are female athletes as a whole getting much hotter? Used to be news when one was dope (Kornikova, Jennie Finch) but now it seems about 20% or so are legit.

- Oh shout out to my baby daughter for giving me the dreaded summer cold. ☹️

- Get me to September. 🙏🏻