How will they rule ??!

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I've said it before: Bernie Sanders as the Dem candidate would be a gift to the Republican party.


Moderates, women, and minorities are not voting for that nutcase like they would Biden, Warren, or Hillary. Some will stay home, some will vote third party if a candidate emerges, and a lot would probably cede the fact that their party has lost its mind and vote Trump in protest.

He would win woke twitter and that's about it.

It's why the DNC hoodwinked him last time and will find a way to tie his shoelaces together under the table again this time around.

I really wish he would be the nominee. Really need to bring that wing of the party to the big stage and expose it.
The market don't have to completely crash to drop your 401K like a rock. Mine dropped about 1/2 during the Obama administration and housing crisis mess but luckily has climbed back since. For those who would rely solely on 401K that would be a huge deal.
When did it begin to "climb" back up?
And Warren isn't a nut case?

She's not a committed nutcase...

For her, radical ideas get some likes on social media and when making the Hollywood rounds...she's a sellsword. Right now, woke progressivism is paying the bills.

For Bernie it's religious. He's been committed to the cause for a long time.

Those videos leaking showing one of his little twat minions talking about wanting to basically re-educate anyone, not of the same mindset. That shit right there is no small little hot mic "oops"...
If you don’t have an economics degree like Greta, they’ll mock you for not having one. If you DO have one, as I do, they’ll claim it’s illegitimate.

People claim her degree is illegitimate or just that aoc, herself, is illegitimate?

She double majored in international relations and economics.

She resided in the world's financial capital and couldn't find employment in either field within five years of graduation.

I wonder what her life plan was if she hadn't been elected? She wasn't employable in her field(s). She prolly was thing she would get that teaching endorsement and showing up in Kybob's horny teacher alert.

Someone degreed, but no experience lecturing anyone is ridiculous. It's just as phony as her mentor Bernie.
Everything about AOC is fraudulent. Think about it in this light. Shes completely funded by someone behind the scenes as a mouth piece for them. Put it this way...what would happen if you decided to just primary the Republican congressman in your district? The GOP would bury you with whatever finance and ads they have where you couldnt see the light of day. We are supposed to believe she just up and primaried a long sitting Democrat. Lol please. She can pretend she is against dark money but someone pumped a bunch of money to her and the D party to make her happen. Pelosi just wouldn't let that maniac in.
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She's not a committed nutcase...

For her, radical ideas get some likes on social media and when making the Hollywood rounds...she's a sellsword. Right now, woke progressivism is paying the bills.

For Bernie it's religious. He's been committed to the cause for a long time.

Those videos leaking showing one of his little twat minions talking about wanting to basically re-educate anyone, not of the same mindset. That shit right there is no small little hot mic "oops"...
Yes. None of these candidates actually believe this nonsense they are saying except Soviet Sanders, which is frightening.

Warren is just a power hungry fraud
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The stock market/your 401K is based on capitalism and the market working the way it is supposed to. As long as the system is working the way it should, stocks will be fairly valued and the stock market will function as it should.

The great recession was the result of stocks in the stock market being grossly overvalued due to overreaching/fraud in the housing/CDO market. If the value of your 401k went down during that time, you shouldn't think of it as you "lost money." The reality is that you never should have had that money to begin with. And if you weren't an absolute fool and took your money out of the stock market, then you never actually lost money, period, because the stock market rebounded and came back to pre-recession levels several years after.

But there's a reason you are encouraged to start putting your 401k in more bonds and less stocks as you approach retirement age to protect your retirement savings from the volatility of the stock market, and if you didn't, you are taking a gamble. You may win, but you could also lose.
I'm not sure of the exact date it started back up because for the longest time I didn't want to look at it and get depressed. Is there another term you would like for me to use besides climb?

He wants you to say, "Thank Allah that Barack saved the market and righted the ship!"

I'm still waiting on which of Obama's policies righted the ship.

Was it the uncertainty of the cost American business was going to shell out for Obamacare?

The vast expansion of Solyndra?

Or was it QE1,2,or 3?

Or was it 0% interest?

Or was it drilling his way into cheap oil?
Lol....on FOX, an ex athlete and now businessman, says he supports Bloomberg because Trump is erratic and that effects the market negatively. WTF? You mean the markets that keep soaring to new records?
These people get to vote. Smh
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But there's a reason you are encouraged to start putting your 401k in more bonds and less stocks as you approach retirement age to protect your retirement savings from the volatility of the stock market, and if you didn't, you are taking a gamble. You may win, but you could also lose.
Now that we get our SS annuity - Thank y'all! - we've started adding to equities again for better return. So what if we take a hit at some points. Long-term, equities are where it's at.
Lol....on FOX, an ex athlete and now businessman, says he supports Bloomberg because Trump is erratic and that effects the market negatively. WTF? You mean the markets that keep soaring to new records?
These people get to vote. Smh
They still don't get that a degree of unpredictability keeps opponent off balance. Deep State hates it.
Nancy has had a rough time watching the Schitt Show.

Lmao, even Trumps closest allies think his legal team is a bunch of ****ing morons.

After the first day of opening arguments on Wednesday, during which seven House impeachment managers — acting as prosecutors — laid out their case against the president, Gaetz told Politico they presented their case to the public as if it were "cable news," and he praised their use of multimedia.

Meanwhile, the defense team's case looked like "an eighth-grade book report," Gaetz told Politico. "Actually, no, I take that back," he said, adding that an eighth-grader would know how to use PowerPoint and iPads.