How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Is this one of those far left DAs that George Soros is working to get in office?
Andy Reid net worth - $20mm.

FrontRunner net worth - posts on a redneck message board 24/7. Best Estimate $4,630.

You know from reading the front runner versus reading you, your IQ' s are at a minimum 30 points apart. You are convinced that you're smarter than someone that is way smarter than you. Enjoy your big paycheck.
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He might just be temporarily suspended in this thread...not sure.

Also, not sure what he did but I think it was things said when him and Willy were going back and forth one day.

Ed told on me to the mods in another thread when I said he liked kids haha. I never was able to post in that thread again. What a loser that dude was.
Yeah some one reported on me in the war with Iran thread. Can no longer post but, can like. Really don't know why though.
Just trying to uphold my rep as the radical centrist on the board.

Also, the Holocaust wasn’t about detainment. It was about killing several million people. That term shouldn’t be used loosely IMO.

Hey, John, they had to get all those Jews to those camps before they could kill them. I'm quite sure there was some detainment involved. You reckon?

Look at you picking fights over the semantics of the Holocaust while the left literally calls Trump Hitler every GD day. Swing and a miss. Again.

Those are some fine pearls you're clutching there, Ma'am...
MLK was talking about actual evil, demonstrable crimes against humanity.

Your evil is a guy who shit talks you democrats and the Chinese.
Except for the pedophilia, multiple rape allegations, ignoring his debts, children in cages, racism, bearing false witness, poisoning the air and water, etc., etc., etc.,

Its amazing you dont recognize true evil. Evil is the party trying to end free speech and openly violate the constitution. Democrats are quickly devolving into modern day nazi Germany. Their hate is directed at white conservatives, mostly men, instead of jewish people. They resort to violence and getting their way at all costs because....they know they're right. So the end justifies the means. You're a party of pure hate that loves to project that hate onto others to justify your despicable behavior.
Just in case anyone was wondering, Sawnee comfirmed it. No Jews were killed during WW2, they were simply detained and sent on their way when the war ended.
You poor soul. I can't get upset or mad at you for being who you are. I understand your type.

No where in my post did I say Jews were not killed. In fact I said they were killed by the millions. I just mentioned the fact many were detained that survived. They were behind fences in armed labor camps and by the Grace of God they survived the Holocaust. But some were not so fortunate and Hitler and his Nazi thugs (see I can use that word and not refer to the black race) put them in gas chambers

I do feel sorry for your bitterness and anger. I will pray for you to obtain reading comprehension 101
Except for the pedophilia, multiple rape allegations, ignoring his debts, children in cages, racism, bearing false witness, poisoning the air and water, etc., etc., etc.,

all that is applicable to the swamp in general (corruption in DC), selective outrage or outright doesn't exist.

like the racism is entirely manufactured, manipulated to get you "riled up" so to speak... just look objectively at the good people on both sides hoax.

also, this stuff about racism... we were perfectly fine with race before Obama, we were continuing to make progress to come to terms iwth our difficult history, now everyone is racist?

this is after Obama, whom I defended at the time, attended a racist church with a bigoted anti-American pastor (which I dismissed as being understandable for south side of chicago)

maybe it wasn't so understandable... maybe this new found racial division was done on purpose.
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Since Phil didn’t ask us to nominate our least favorite posters, I’ll submit Sawnee as the most misinformed, redneck, racist, poor ass piece of shit in the world. And I’ll lay 70-1 odds that I’m right.
If you only knew. You are improving because those are mild words compared to what is in your bitter heart. I do understand that when you hate someone as you hate me it is difficult to comprehend what they are saying.

So all I can say is,
God loves you, but I don't
God forgives you, but I won't

Naw, I am just funnin' with you. You are some mama's child and she is very proud she raised a young'un like you. I love motherhood. You really do need to understand though when you call me a Redneck that has a different meaning down here. It is not an insult so thank you for the compliment. Oh and the racist thing. That word is used so much it has no meaning so fire away with that one too if it makes you feel better. Just help yo self boy

all that is applicable to the swamp in general (corruption in DC), selective outrage or outright doesn't exist.

like the racism is entirely manufactured, manipulated to get you "riled up" so to speak... just look objectively at the good people on both sides hoax
Ignorance in the traditional sense here. LOL you guys are good for comedic therapy. Another traditional vein of thought that people have abandoned today for self interest is the old saying, "he is selling America out" Like the newly minted corporate welfare farmers who have lost their markets and now accept welfare in "huge tremendous" amounts. LOL such winning, trillion dollars of new debt every year---more winning. LOL what fools you people are and gullible as well, what an easy mark. LOL
that's just a word salad you use to deflect because you can't make a real point.

I'm perfectly aware of failures in government, capitalism and comedy, why you think everyone is racist, but all that is neither here nor there. did anyone else do antyhing better than what he have now?

the answer is clearly no, not even close.

also, the LOL you are a fool not woke like me argument doesn't actually work nearly as well as you think it does. it doesn't work at all.
Allen Dershowitz on impeachment:

“It certainly doesn’t have to be a crime if you have somebody who completely corrupts the office of president and who abuses trust and who poses great danger to our liberty, you don’t need a technical crime.”

“We look at their acts of state, we look at how they conduct the foreign policy, we look at how they try to subvert the Constitution the way Iran-Contra did by going behind the back of Congress, by lying repeatedly and by misstating to the American public matters of great state issues.”

Another example of a lawyer who speaks out of both sides of his mouth making an argument completely opposite of what he says for now a different client, but really no surprise from the lawyer for OJ Simpson and Jeffrey Epstein?