How will they rule ??!

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"Sandmann beat CNN (the other suits are pending), which settled and paid rather than risk a trial. Assuming credibility and self-respect are worth about zero, we now know that the price tag for the agenda journalism CNN practices is reportedly $25 million. "
And the good news, he's just getting started Bro. He may end up the richest young man in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. All over a red cap somebody handed to him. You go son.
And the good news, he's just getting started Bro. He may end up the richest young man in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. All over a red cap somebody handed to him. You go son.
Last night was the start of a new season of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Love the show but ihe MAGA hat was a big part of the show. Everyone hated anyone wearing one. So Larry David used it to keep people away. Kinda funny but still bs the way hollywierd feels about most of America.
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All those on here who came out trashing Sandmann are real racists. They didn’t care for details and automatically assumed he was guilty based on him being white, that’s the very definition of racism. Which is different than playing the race card because you didn’t like what somebody said.
All those on here who came out trashing Sandmann are real racists. They didn’t care for details and automatically assumed he was guilty based on him being white, that’s the very definition of racism. Which is different than playing the race card because you didn’t like what somebody said.

This is what my home town thinks about CNN. You can't go to the corner grocery store down here without seeing a MAGA cap on somebody's head. Hollywood would run into the nearest swamp if they paid us a visit

This is what my home town thinks about CNN. You can't go to the corner grocery store down here without seeing a MAGA cap on somebody's head. Hollywood would run into the nearest swamp if they paid us a visit

Sweet another picture of Sawnee's packed rally (notice the empty parking lot). Was the old lady that ran the MAGA stand at the mall there?
Sweet another picture of Sawnee's packed rally (notice the empty parking lot). Was the old lady that ran the MAGA stand at the mall there?
I love it. There were more people setting up this little event than your Dem candidates have at any of their rallies . This was just a little picnic on a local ranch, Trump was a thousand miles from here. But if it makes you feel good. Go for it
The truth this board cannot face:

"Truth"? You're advocating for a type of society that leads to tyranny and death for those who dont believe in that system. Socialism is a very old and tried thing, its not some new idea. Have you ever read any real history relative to societies that actually practiced or currently practice it? It's amazing people can be so incredibly stupid.

I really love how you and your buddies call yourselves "progressives"...progressing toward an old failed way of life...nothing new or progressive about that. Many people died getting away from it.
All those on here who came out trashing Sandmann are real racists. They didn’t care for details and automatically assumed he was guilty based on him being white, that’s the very definition of racism. Which is different than playing the race card because you didn’t like what somebody said.

Can there be any doubt that the most prevalent "white supremacist" group is ANTIFA? Why didn't they cause trouble at the rally? [laughing] Because there were guns there and people who wouldn't put up with their shit. 2A prevails, again.
Can there be any doubt that the most prevalent "white supremacist" group is ANTIFA? Why didn't they cause trouble at the rally? [laughing] Because there were guns there and people who wouldn't put up with their shit. 2A prevails, again.

My gawd, can you imagine if those Antifa bearded skinnies and basement dwelling fatsos tried their shit at that rally today? Absolute carnage.
My gawd, can you imagine if those Antifa bearded skinnies and basement dwelling fatsos tried their shit at that rally today? Absolute carnage.

They like to attack college students who dare to have differing thoughts than they have. They knew there were going to be plenty grown ass men at that rally who care about the future of this country. They're cowards at heart, just like every other dem.
Ignorance in the traditional sense here. LOL you guys are good for comedic therapy. Another traditional vein of thought that people have abandoned today for self interest is the old saying, "he is selling America out" Like the newly minted corporate welfare farmers who have lost their markets and now accept welfare in "huge tremendous" amounts. LOL such winning, trillion dollars of new debt every year---more winning. LOL what fools you people are and gullible as well, what an easy mark. LOL
False. Nothing more need be said.
Allen Dershowitz on impeachment:

“It certainly doesn’t have to be a crime if you have somebody who completely corrupts the office of president and who abuses trust and who poses great danger to our liberty, you don’t need a technical crime.”

“We look at their acts of state, we look at how they conduct the foreign policy, we look at how they try to subvert the Constitution the way Iran-Contra did by going behind the back of Congress, by lying repeatedly and by misstating to the American public matters of great state issues.”

Another example of a lawyer who speaks out of both sides of his mouth making an argument completely opposite of what he says for now a different client, but really no surprise from the lawyer for OJ Simpson and Jeffrey Epstein?
You quote articles you simply don't/can't understand and think you make a point. Read it again and again until you understand.
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If you lose one sense your other senses are enhanced. That is why my conservative friends here who have lost their sense of humor have gained an increased sense of self-importance!
If hatred with TDS being the reason is considered a sense of humor then perhaps you should go on the road with to see how that works for you.
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Where does abortion fit into that grid?
I would advise against abortion, but I do not place anybody including myself or you for that matter, so high as to claim dominion over another person's body. The envelop of their skin is where all other authority ends. I do understand how an A personality with a God complex wants to deem to themselves authority of the almighty. I also make note that once again instead of addressing your shortcomings, you decide to deflect, run from and hide from that which applies to you and yours. You cannot even speak to what is in the post. has nothing about this march today...LOL

I don't doubt that. Today didn't fit their narrative. Do you think there were only 20 thousand there? I know what a crowd of 24 thousand looks like because I've seen it many times. That whole downtown area was covered with people. That crowd number is just more propaganda to downplay the event.

If trouble would have broke out we would have been told there were about 50 thousand white supremacists on hand.
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