How will they rule ??!

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But why does nobody trust the media?
Drexel Professor Chikaodinaka Nwankpa...

I was going to say 'say that name three times fast' but I can't even pronounce that sh-t one time slow

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Yeah, it was just video of the fences and she pointed out all the detainment areas inside.

You can put your cock back in your pants now.

The #holocaust hashtag threw me off. Does holocaust meant something different here than it does in Canada? Educate me.
it's the wealthy Chinese that do all the birth tourism

they buy up American real estate/assets, have a child with an American citizenship as a means to preserve their new wealth.

(ie keep it from government confiscation, communists just like Warren/Sanders)
Every time i see some Republican on TV talking about impeachment its always the same talking point. If they get Mulvaney we get Hunter Biden! umm, ok, knock yourself out. How is asking Hunter over and over again if his daddy helped him get a job a defense for Trump? Do you think Hunter is going to shock the world and say, "my daddy did it all, arrest him!" Which witness has the potential to ruin TRump? a guy who has been wading in Trumps shit for 3 years now and already ****ed Trump over in his cushy TV interview or some kid who got a job?
Every time i see some Republican on TV talking about impeachment its always the same talking point. If they get Mulvaney we get Hunter Biden! umm, ok, knock yourself out. How is asking Hunter over and over again if his daddy helped him get a job a defense for Trump? Do you think Hunter is going to shock the world and say, "my daddy did it all, arrest him!" Which witness has the potential to ruin TRump? a guy who has been wading in Trumps shit for 3 years now and already ****ed Trump over in his cushy TV interview or some kid who got a job?
Screw the Bidens. Joe has mental issues and Hunter stays stoned all day. Neither are threats to President Trump. He will be President and stay President through 2025. By his second term he will have the economy roaring like never before, immigration will be under control, the Muslims will be wasted, Iran will have over thrown their dictators giving Trump more time to spend on draining the swamp. Schitt will get his ass rubbed raw and Nadler will walk around the capital mumbling I hate Trump.

By November the House will be back in the hands of the GOP and the Senate will add more Republican seats. So who needs Hunter, give him his crack and let him walk the streets of San Francisco with the druggies and rats.
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it's the wealthy Chinese that do all the birth tourism

they buy up American real estate/assets, have a child with an American citizenship as a means to preserve their new wealth.

(ie keep it from government confiscation, communists just like Warren/Sanders)

Somedude is always walking the fine line between “this guy really knows what he is talking about” and “this guy could be the next great political fiction writer of our generation.” Kudos for keeping us guessing.
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Nobody knows exactly how many Chinese mothers travel to the United States every year to give birth here in order to give their children U.S. citizenship. The federal government doesn’t keep count. Experts who study the phenomenon suggest that the number is in the thousands. Anti-immigration group the Center for Immigration Studies estimates that every year, between 30,000 and 40,000 babies are born in the U.S. to foreign women, mostly from China and Russia.

Agencies in China say the number’s much higher — that more than 50,000 Chinese nationals deliver babies in the United States every year.

Plans to immigrate to the U.S.?

Hsuan isn’t sure. Her husband’s business is flourishing in China.

Regardless of whether they immigrate, Hsuan said they will invest in their son’s country.

Response to President Donald Trump’s claim that birthright citizenship costs Americans billions of dollars?

“Not everyone who went to give birth in the U.S. wants to take advantage of the welfare in the U.S.,” Hsuan said. “If this can bring benefits to your people, why turn down the opportunity?”
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He also marveled at the size of cars and homes in LA, roads that were clean and free of potholes, and the quality of the fresh food.

Was it hard to be away from family for so long?

Donny said his wife complained about feeling lonely at times because he had to return to China before the birth to take care of his business. He said that he felt quite guilty for not being by her side the whole time.

“It’s the sacrifice we had to pay to have an American baby,” Donny said.

How much does it cost to give birth to an American baby?

Donny spent about 310,000 yuan ($46,000), which he considers a big expenditure. But he notes that a normal car could easily cost that much in Shanghai.

Do you plan to immigrate to the U.S.?

Federal agents raided three apartment complexes and several other sites being used as maternity houses or hotels across Southern California in March in 2015, saying they catered to wealthy women from China who paid $15,000 to $80,000, depending on services offered.

The sweep was believed to mark the first such enforcement action against maternity tourism.
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The #holocaust hashtag threw me off. Does holocaust meant something different here than it does in Canada? Educate me.
Again, it's the detainment thing. She was pointing out that there are individual detainment "cages" inside the fenced area. You're either dumb to not get that or you're being willfully obtuse.

So then, just so I'm clear, you have issue with her drawing comparisons to the holocaust when pointing out gov't overreach by caging a certain demographic of protestors, yet say very little about the right being labeled Nazi and fascist?

Nice take, John.
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Again, it's the detainment thing. She was pointing out that there are individual detainment "cages" inside the fenced area. You're either dumb to not get that or you're being willfully obtuse.

So then, just so I'm clear, you have issue with her drawing comparisons to the holocaust when pointing out gov't overreach by caging a certain demographic of protestors, yet say very little about the right being labeled Nazi and fascist?

Nice take, John.

Just trying to uphold my rep as the radical centrist on the board.

Also, the Holocaust wasn’t about detainment. It was about killing several million people. That term shouldn’t be used loosely IMO.
Honest question, does this dude have aids or something? Or has he just never had any real protein in his life? My god I feel like if he just gets flicked an arm would break. That kid needs to eat a substantial meal from time to time.

If I could pick one political activist to fight in the Octagon, it would be Hogg. There is a 0% chance he’d bring a weapon, and he can’t tip the scales at more than 105. KO at 11 seconds.
If I could pick one political activist to fight in the Octagon, it would be Hogg. There is a 0% chance he’d bring a weapon, and he can’t tip the scales at more than 105. KO at 11 seconds.

Haha. He is one of the most frail looking human beings I have seen. He's one of the few people out there where no one comes off sounding like a keyboard warrior when they say they can take him in a fight.

Over/Under 1.5 years until it comes out that at minimum he doesn't identify as a male.
Haha. He is one of the most frail looking human beings I have seen. He's one of the few people out there where no one comes off sounding like a keyboard warrior when they say they can take him in a fight.

Over/Under 1.5 years until it comes out that at minimum he doesn't identify as a male.

duke, we could have a tag team match with him and a partner of his choice. No matter who he picked, he’s so bad that we would win.
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Guy bets a $1000 months ago on the Titans to win the AFC championship...he stood to win $75,000 on his bet.

However, in the days before the game he was offered as much as $19,000 for the ticket.

Would you have taken the sure $19,000 or would you like the better decline all offers for the ticket and go for the 75 grand?

In hindsight it is easy but what would you have done?

Just trying to uphold my rep as the radical centrist on the board.

Also, the Holocaust wasn’t about detainment. It was about killing several million people. That term shouldn’t be used loosely IMO.
It was about detainment. The Nazi's detained millions who were not killed. They were in labor camps and behind fences and bars. Millions were killed but there were many survivors who had been detained behind fences. If you pay close attention to the Governor of Virginia and really listen to what he is saying it should make all of us concerned. We have a 2nd amendment and he is prepared to use the power of the police force and Virginia National Guard to enforce his trashing of the U.S. Constitution. The constitution does not provide the government to take weapons from lawful citizens.

The protestors are there in good faith and do not want trouble. They have a constitutional right to be there. But they are being set up by the busing in antifa thugs who want trouble. This could get out of control but we pray it doesn't. But the governor would like to see blood rolling in the streets because he can use that to further his gun grabbing plans. Open your eyes, this is how the left operates.
Every time i see some Republican on TV talking about impeachment its always the same talking point. If they get Mulvaney we get Hunter Biden! umm, ok, knock yourself out. How is asking Hunter over and over again if his daddy helped him get a job a defense for Trump? Do you think Hunter is going to shock the world and say, "my daddy did it all, arrest him!" Which witness has the potential to ruin TRump? a guy who has been wading in Trumps shit for 3 years now and already ****ed Trump over in his cushy TV interview or some kid who got a job?
Makes no sense that they do 1 for 1. If Dims want to present someone for evidence, could take 3,4,5, etc to refute it. I mean one Dim witness makes several accusations doesn't mean only one person knows all those things are false.
Biden has senile decay, a person afflicted with this cannot lead a country. When he talks he Is often incoherent and his memories are jumbled together as his brain misfires. Joe Biden no longer has the mental capacity to be trusted with nukes, an economy, policies or anything other than what flavor jello. Bidens mental state would be taken advantage of and we wouldn’t know who was actually running the country.

Nobody should want a crack addict like Hunter Biden telling his senile dad what to do. I see Jill Biden in Iowa speaking for Joe, probably because they know his current mental state would turn off voters. But who wants to elect Joe just to have Jill calling the shots due to his absentee mind? Wait until he debates Trump, maybe the liberal moderators can give Joe the questions beforehand like they did Hillary. I’m telling you it’s going to be embarrassing for Joe and the democrats to see him vulnerable to time. Obama won’t even endorse Joe and that was his vp for eight years, that says everything.
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It was about detainment. The Nazi's detained millions who were not killed. They were in labor camps and behind fences and bars. Millions were killed but there were many survivors who had been detained behind fences. If you pay close attention to the Governor of Virginia and really listen to what he is saying it should make all of us concerned. We have a 2nd amendment and he is prepared to use the power of the police force and Virginia National Guard to enforce his trashing of the U.S. Constitution. The constitution does not provide the government to take weapons from lawful citizens.

The protestors are there in good faith and do not want trouble. They have a constitutional right to be there. But they are being set up by the busing in antifa thugs who want trouble. This could get out of control but we pray it doesn't. But the governor would like to see blood rolling in the streets because he can use that to further his gun grabbing plans. Open your eyes, this is how the left operates.

You’re an idiot and you’re the perfect representative of redneck Florida.
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Just in case anyone was wondering, Sawnee comfirmed it. No Jews were killed during WW2, they were simply detained and sent on their way when the war ended.
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