How will they rule ??!

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I think Trumps VP pick of Pence shows he wont run a liberal administration. Mike Pence is a very good governor and I'm sure he wouldn't have joined Trumps ticket if Trump was spouting a left wing type of agenda during their meetings for VP. Who knows if Trump will be a great President, but based on his VP pick I don't see him going full lib tard.
Or it shows he doesn't really want to win this thing.
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So you don't vote for who you believe will be best for the Country?

I vote who I think is best for our country based on the information at hand.

When I start to use "believe" or "feel" as description words, then I am choosing with the heart.

There is only one choice that I will choose based on beliefs and that involves fornication with women.
I vote who I think is best for our country based on the information at hand.

When I start to use "believe" or "feel" as description words, then I am choosing with the heart.

There is only one choice that I will choose based on beliefs and that involves fornication with women.

I thought I was implying using the best available info at hand. Since we both agreed that you don't actually know how a person governs until they are in power, we take what we know, process it, and make a leap of faith on them.

By faith I don't mean religion, faith that they will do as they say, or try too.
Not suprised you would misrepresent their private emails with hers.

Do some research and find out the differences, if you're able to use google (not sure you'd be able to figure it out)

I know the difference. I've figured lots of stuff out.
Or it shows he doesn't really want to win this thing.
We are talking about Donald Trump. Why do people think he does not want to win? That guy probably dreams every night about sitting in the Oval Office and being the most powerful person in the world. It's in his DNA to be that guy.
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I thought I was implying using the best available info at hand. Since we both agreed that you don't actually know how a person governs until they are in power, we take what we know, process it, and make a leap of faith on them.

By faith I don't mean religion, faith that they will do as they say, or try too.

Of course not talking about religion. I know what you mean Bill.
"Gorilla tranny" is, at best, the second-most racist post I've seen ITT over the years. Might not even place that high, but I'd have to think about it.

Of all of their ideas, that one was probably Franklin, et al's best.

Don't forget Thomas Paine!

What was the first-most racist post?
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I would say you aren't that dumb, but you posted it, so here we are

And yet nobody seems willing to discuss the supposedly all important differences. To parody the Seinfeld rental car scene, You know how to talk about facts. You just don't know how to cite the facts.
Mrs Trump's speech is the very definition of plagiarism. You need to accept and get past that fact.

I don't care if her speech is word for word from the 2008 DNC. Fluffy convention speeches are just distractions. This is blown out of proportion.

If Trump's campaign continues to say they didn't plagiarize, then it may be an issue of dishonesty.

But the argument of "is it plagiarism" just doesn't matter.
It may have been plagiarism but I'd bet SHE did not do it. Maybe her speech writer but not her.

And I find it hilarious that the left is all bent out of shape because of a few lines in a speech but have zero problems with a woman using an illegal server for her email. Storing top secret info illegally. Lying about the Benghazi attack. Lying to the parents of the victims and then practically calling them liars for telling what she said.
Drudge is reporting Ailes is out at Fox.

I wouldn't lose any sleep. He's got another gig lined up.

Does anyone actually like Hillary Clinton, fully trust Hillary Clinton and believe in what she stands for? (This could be a three answer question if you prefer.)

Me: No. Hell No. No.
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The sadder part is that you've still never backed up your words. After everyone have averred that it would be sooooo easy.

What are you even talking about? You made a blatantly false statement about people setting up email servers. Why would anyone waste their time rebutting you, when you've shown you don't give a shit about facts?

Please, cite your claim that others had private email servers set up.
Does anyone actually like Hillary Clinton, fully trust Hillary Clinton and believe in what she stands for? (This could be a three answer question if you prefer.)

Me: No. Hell No. No.

It's like UNC fans with Roy Williams. They know he's a corrupt liar with major scandals but they back him because he's from their team. Dems are the same way. They're all in on this person only because she's from the Dem Party. Meanwhile, Republicans are very much divided and can't even get their own biased network to not be critical of their candidate.

Check out how Fox treats Trump and then check out how ABC, CNN, MSNBC treat Hillary.
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It may have been plagiarism but I'd bet SHE did not do it. Maybe her speech writer but not her.

Once again, doesn't matter (unless you're concerned that she's lying about not writing the speech). Not sure why people are hung up on who exactly plagiarized.
What are you even talking about? You made a blatantly false statement about people setting up email servers. Why would anyone waste their time rebutting you, when you've shown you don't give a shit about facts?

Please, cite your claim that others had private email servers set up.

Here Let Me Google That For You

See how easy that was? Were you actually ignorant of them? If so, are you thankful that I've corrected your misunderstanding? Should I hold my breath until you do? Will you apologize for saying "blatantly false statement"?
Once again, doesn't matter (unless you're concerned that she's lying about not writing the speech). Not sure why people are hung up on who exactly plagiarized.

Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo has an hysterically funny piece on a bit of wisdom called Trump's Razor. Trump's Razor postulates that with a Trump conundrum the stupidest scenario will likely prove true. And, yes, it looks like Mrs. Trump may prove to have been the copyist. A professional speech writer from the GOP establishment -- who wrote Palin's 2008 speech -- wrote a draft for her 2 weeks ago which did not include the Michelle stuff. Melania -- and possibly another -- has/have been tinkering with it since. I think Melania did more than lift the words. I think she used Michele's delivery as a guide vocal. She doesn't appear to be a practiced public speaker.

As one would have to expect, the intertubes are having a field day. There's a side-by-side picture, of Melania and Caitlyn Jenner in matching white dresses. And the caption that asks if Michele's words were the only thing copied.
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It's an interesting conundrum. There is a concentrated effort to convince me that Donald Trump is a lunatic, capable of anything, a real threat to our way of life. On one hand, I know there is a professionalized cottage industry absolutely dedicated to making that case, I know they are very good at it, I know that every 4 years the Republican nominee is "literally Hitler", I know that they are supremely untrustworthy. I know all that. On the other hand, Trump may be a lunatic, capable of anything, a real threat to our way of life.
LOL at these old hags on CNN trying so hard to push the plagiarism agenda. It was a few lines and that is virtually the only thing they talked about today.
Mrs Trump's speech is the very definition of plagiarism. You need to accept and get past that fact.

I don't care if her speech is word for word from the 2008 DNC. Fluffy convention speeches are just distractions. This is blown out of proportion.

If Trump's campaign continues to say they didn't plagiarize, then it may be an issue of dishonesty.

But the argument of "is it plagiarism" just doesn't matter.

I wont argue it isnt close. Its way closer than it shouldve been. I just dont think it was plagiarism because it wasnt a copy, and it was general concepts. Two prospective first ladies saying their husbands will work hard and be honest isnt exactly that far of a stretch.

But yes, that speechwriter should be fired, and so should anyone who approved that final draft. Way too close.

Actually, Obama's "just words" speech was far closer to plagiarism than this.

I haven't seen any evidence that Trump never murdered anyone.

Always chiming in with useless drivel. Congrats.

Leave it to left wingers....

Party of acceptance
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Which clump are you including Condoleeza Rice, Colin Powell, and George W Bush in? (All had private email servers)

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Here Let Me Google That For You

See how easy that was? Were you actually ignorant of them? If so, are you thankful that I've corrected your misunderstanding? Should I hold my breath until you do? Will you apologize for saying "blatantly false statement"?

Try again
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The RNC twitter feed is pretty entertaining. So many lunatics out in the streets right now. An hour ago they reported a guy in a motorcycle helmet entered a building with a cinder block. They're also reporting that protestors are starting to wear masks and dress up as "anarchist medics in masks."

Nothing says "peaceful protests" like needing to wear a mask.