How will they rule ??!

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You've not seen me pumping Hillary so what I'm not sure where that gets you. BTW, I know two secret service agents and both have done protection for HRC and they both say that she's quite the bitch.
Hate to break it to you but it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that anyone who runs for POTUS has a hard on for power...Trump included.
As for someone's word who spent a year with Trump 30 years ago...if Trump's behavior had changed any in those past 30 years then those words would have less meaning. But that behavior hasn't changed. And the things that Schwartz has said have been echoed by others who have been around Trump more recently. His behavior on the debate stage, acting like a 12 yr old with his cutesy little nicknames... His inability to ever discuss any policy issue any deeper than at the bullet point level... his "Two Corinthians...

Fact-checking site PolitiFact has named the Donald Trump's "collective misstatements" its "Lie of the Year."
PolitiFact checked 77 Trump statements and found that 76 percent of them were Mostly False, False or Pants on Fire.
In other words, for every four statements Donald Trump makes, only one of them is true, according to the site.
"Clearly a lot of voters still care about the truth," Norman Ornstein, a scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, told PolitiFact. "What we don’t know at this point is what share that is.".

Here's the rub with that, I saw today where people were "fact checking" comments last night. One of the false statements was the 2 men from Benghazi who said they were told to stand down, and their reason for saying it was false was because the official Govt record says no one ever said that. Ok, do you believe that the person who told them to stand down would own up to that after an ambassador was killed, not likely.

Why do you think Hillary has refused to say anything unscripted in 6 months? Because she knows she'll slip up as well. Also, why don't we have a constant fact check on her? Didn't we just prove she's a liar, under oath no less.

Hillary has spent the last 16 years making every move, every decision in order to be President, to me that's a whole different level of wanting power, maybe to you that's normal.
Here is a little test to see where you stand politically. Some of you have probably taken it or one similar. You have to go down toward the bottom of the page to click on "take the test".

Economic .5 to the right.
Social -1.33 Libertarian

Trump should adopt Lisa too.
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Did Heisman get AustinTxCat'ed on to the mods?

I was yanking his chain on the Michelle Obama remark. People compare Donald Trump to an orangutan all the time and nobody bats an eye so please, mods, Heisman shouldn't get nicked for that.
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Heisman is a good poster. He has strong opinions but strong opinions are what keeps message boards alive. Don't see how he could have gotten a timeout just for the Michelle post and I hate posters than run around AustinTxCatting on people for the slightest little thing.
Did Heisman get AustinTxCat'ed on to the mods?

I was yanking his chain on the Michelle Obama remark. People compare Donald Trump to an orangutan all the time and nobody bats an eye so please, mods, Heisman shouldn't get nicked for that.

Man, Austin didn't say poop to the mods about you. Jerry confirmed that.
He is about the most laid back guy on here. You're like Ron Goldman's dad.
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Austin is the biggest tattle tale on rivals. Got me nabbed at least 5 times. I make one post making fun of his idiotic posts about what he had for lunch and "boom" I'm gone for a month. Him and Jerry must have one helluva case of bromantic road rash as I get nabbed every time I say something about him or the Dweeb League.
How do you know that Trump isn't doing that right now? We know Hillary is a lying sack of shit, but we honestly can't say that about Trump without using our heart to rationalize to a conclusion.

All it boils down to me is, can Trump be trusted not be a liberal?

Say there's a 10% chance he is? 20%? 50%? 75%?

Sure beats the 100 for sure % of hillary being far far far left.
I highly highly doubt he would though. His ego is too big to to go down as one of the biggest enemies in the world to half the country. He wants to be idolized and loved. Not hated.
Never really understood the snitches who run to a mod to feel secure. Do I care that Lord Crow butchers human instinct and longs for insane Utopias that cannot exist, or someone making fun of me for being religious? Heck no. Let's have more of it.

Nothing worse than grown men crying over a message board post. You know who you are, and you're more pathetic than my 15 year old students who cry over yo mamma jokes.
Trump's entire history is him being to the left of Bernie Sanders. He saw how Sarah Palin could con her way into being a hair away from VP so Trump calculated there were rubes for the taking in the Republican Party and credit to him he's farmed them like well fattened shrimp.

Trump is liberal to the core. His entire history is right there in front of you to check, prior to him deciding he wanted to take advantage of a whole lot of Republican dumb.
Quoted for truth. I'll tolerate a lot of Z but I'll draw the line at poor mouthing Austin.

Yeah, it's paranoia. It might just be that some mod doesn't like Z (which I hate that Z gets censored or banned). Hate that anyone gets banned on here. I may not agree, but I certainly don't want them transported to a gas chamber and made to die like Jews.
Trump's entire history is him being to the left of Bernie Sanders. He saw how Sarah Palin could con her way into being a hair away from VP so Trump calculated there were rubes for the taking in the Republican Party and credit to him he's farmed them like well fattened shrimp.

Trump is liberal to the core. His entire history is right there in front of you to check, prior to him deciding he wanted to take advantage of a whole lot of dumb.

Then undercover liberals like yourself should love him. Quietly liberal, ready to blow up Washington, doesn't give a flying F what people think,isn't religious at all, and isn't owned by Wall Street.

Still waiting on the admission that this is exactly what the anti-political people have always wanted. It's right in YOUR face, yet, it's an R beside his name, so the "so called" libertarians and Independents can't see past a label.

It's very telling on all sides.
Trump's entire history is him being to the left of Bernie Sanders. He saw how Sarah Palin could con her way into being a hair away from VP so Trump calculated there were rubes for the taking in the Republican Party and credit to him he's farmed them like well fattened shrimp.

Trump is liberal to the core. His entire history is right there in front of you to check, prior to him deciding he wanted to take advantage of a whole lot of Republican dumb.

Boy Z, you're trying really hard to sell that point.

Havent you been writing on here for the past 6 months, besides the month or so you and a couple other posters disappeared that he was your guy?
It seems to me if he's as liberal as you say, and you being admittedly liberal and also supporting him, would want to keep that under wraps to us "rubes".
However, the more likely scenario is you're completely full of sh*t.
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I remember Trump on the Dave Letterman show back when Perot was running for president. Dave asked him why he didn't run for president. Trump said he couldn't be president because he would want to run the country like a business. Said you can't operate a business in the red.

I think Donald Trump wants what is best for THIS country. The rest of the world is a secondary concern, especially their "feelings". To say that Trump is a closet liberal and will govern as a liberal would is nothing but pure idiocy. He's smart enough, like many of us here, to know that the liberal ideology is certain death for this country as we know it.

We've suffered eight years of a SOB that hates America. I'm looking forward to a president that loves it.
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I am not under cover about my liberalism nor my open, sustained, repeated support for Trump. He is going to advance more liberal causes in crushing the globalists than any Democrat ever could, plus, as a side benefit, he just might destroy the Republican Party while he is at it. Win, win.
I remember Trump on the Dave Letterman show back when Perot was running for president. Dave asked him why he didn't run for president. Trump said he couldn't be president because he would want to run the country like a business. Said you can't operate a business in the red.

I think Donald Trump wants what is best for THIS country. The rest of the world is a secondary concern, especially their "feelings". To say that Trump is a closet liberal and will govern as a liberal would is nothing but pure idiocy. He's smart enough, like many of us here, to know that the liberal ideology is certain death for this country as we know it.

We've suffered eight years of a SOB that hates America. I'm looking forward to a president that loves it.

I agree. What I was meaning is while all of these libertarians and independents / liberals bitched and moaned about the political classes, too far left, too far right, too owned by big money etc, the answer is staring them right in the face. You've got the option to vote for someone you've wanted for so long, but no. We've got a problem with him too. And trust me, if Johnson was taken seriously, and his policies were put to the test, they'd hate him too.

This country is full of never satisfied haters. It's that simple.
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I am not under cover about my liberalism nor my open, sustained, repeated support for Trump. He is going to advance more liberal causes in crushing the globalists than any Democrat ever could, plus, as a side benefit, he just might destroy the Republican Party while he is at it. Win, win.


This is your best account by far. Stick with it.
I remember Trump on the Dave Letterman show back when Perot was running for president. Dave asked him why he didn't run for president. Trump said he couldn't be president because he would want to run the country like a business. Said you can't operate a business in the red.

I think Donald Trump wants what is best for THIS country. The rest of the world is a secondary concern, especially their "feelings". To say that Trump is a closet liberal and will govern as a liberal would is nothing but pure idiocy. He's smart enough, like many of us here, to know that the liberal ideology is certain death for this country as we know it.

We've suffered eight years of a SOB that hates America. I'm looking forward to a president that loves it.
100% with you on this.
Gotta love independents and liberals hating trump because, well, he's a liar and a undercover leftist. He's not owned by anyone, and half ass supports entities like planned parenthood.

R beside his name.


Just shows most people have no idea what the hell they support, they just look to the initial. This country lost its intelligence with the greatest generation. Also shows republicans are held to a much higher standard than other parties. Be perfect or else.
Trump Jr. is going to be a US Senator from the State of New York faster than you can say "Oh, Shit!"

I'll give you credit, that kid is a star being born.
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I agree. What I was meaning is while all of these libertarians and independents / liberals bitched and moaned about the political classes, too far left, too far right, too owned by big money etc, the answer is staring them right in the face. You've got the option to vote for someone you've wanted for so long, but no. We've got a problem with him too. And trust me, if Johnson was taken seriously, and his policies were put to the test, they'd hate him too.

This country is full of never satisfied haters. It's that simple.
I like Trump for the simple fact that he's not a typical politician. He was undaunted by the press and was honest about a lot of things that aren't usually discussed in public by a normal politician. They are concerned about their press, Don doesn't care.

If we can get him in there, I feel like it will open the door farther for someone like Johnson in the near future. I fall in the middle of political stances and the far right religious aspect is very distasteful to me. Not as bad as the far left, but I don't like it.

We need a clapper in our bell curve, Hillary is a crack on the left side of our bell.
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Gotta love independents and liberals hating trump because, well, he's a liar and a undercover leftist. He's not owned by anyone, and half ass supports entities like planned parenthood.

R beside his name.


Just shows most people have no idea what the hell they support, they just look to the initial. This country lost its intelligence with the greatest generation. Also shows republicans are held to a much higher standard than other parties. Be perfect or else.

So independents are liberals in disguise?

One could say that Republicans didnt get their guy and now finding themselves rationalizing a reason to vote for him.
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