How will they rule ??!

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You've been polluting this thread with nonsense since you showed up, half the posts over the entire holidays have been from you. Kindly crawl your bigoted ass back into whatever redneck hellhole you crawled out of and leave the rest of us alone.
I’ve angered the tranny or whatever liberal pervert you are, you’re taking a beating and feel helpless to stop it. I’ve told the truth in this thread and your godless nature is furious over it. I dare you to debate what I have posted but you can’t because you know it’s all true. Deal with it peter cheeks
I’ve angered the tranny or whatever liberal pervert you are, you’re taking a beating and feel helpless to stop it. I’ve told the truth in this thread and your godless nature is furious over it. I dare you to debate what I have posted but you can’t because you know it’s all true. Deal with it peter cheeks
Debate what? Your medieval take on female politicians? If women can serve with distinction in the Marines then public service is a walk in the park. All politicians do is sit on their butts and feign outrage. Kinda like you.
Debate what? Your medieval take on female politicians? If women can serve with distinction in the Marines then public service is a walk in the park. All politicians do is sit on their butts and feign outrage. Kinda like you.
Nancy is doing a pitiful job, the worst in history for that position. You could debate that you dumb hoe but you won’t because you know it’s true. I’m pointing it out as she has completely corrupted the house. You could debate that but you don’t know how because the truth is not on your side. I’ve only seen you get slapped around in this thread, maybe you can identify as battered wife.

So feel free to tell me what an amazing job that Nancy has done as the first female in that job. Contradict what I said instead of acting like a bitch in heat without any content. Yea you didn’t like it but outrage is not debating it.
I have no doubt in my mind that the single biggest existential threat to the American way of life is George Soros. No doubt Russia and China are on the list as well...but Soros tops it.

Unbelievable the things and people that sob has been able to manipulate with the almighty dollar. It’s scary.
The world will instantly become a better place when Soros is no longer in it.
Nancy is doing a pitiful job, the worst in history for that position. You could debate that you dumb hoe but you won’t because you know it’s true. I’m pointing it out as she has completely corrupted the house. You could debate that but you don’t know how because the truth is not on your side. I’ve only seen you get slapped around in this thread, maybe you can identify as battered wife.

So feel free to tell me what an amazing job that Nancy has done as the first female in that job. Contradict what I said instead of acting like a bitch in heat without any content. Yea you didn’t like it but outrage is not debating it.
Pelosi is a shrewd woman who's done a fantastic job at corralling a diverse caucus. Even posters on the far right here routinely talk about her ability to keep wayward Ds in line. All you said was that she's doing a pitiful job and corrupting the house. Those aren't points they're flippant tribalist snark.
You've been polluting this thread with nonsense since you showed up, half the posts over the entire holidays have been from you. Kindly crawl your bigoted ass back into whatever redneck hellhole you crawled out of and leave the rest of us alone. I'd even take Dwayne's tweetstorms over these bigoted boomer ramblings.
[roll]Holy hypocrisy Bat Man. At this point, just the mention of your sig sends visions of sewer backwash running through decent posters minds.
Pelosi is a shrewd woman who's done a fantastic job at corralling a diverse caucus. Even posters on the far right here routinely talk about her ability to keep wayward Ds in line. All you said was that she's doing a pitiful job and corrupting the house. Those aren't points they're flippant tribalist snark.
False, your dreams and CNN have you delirious and ignorant.
Pelosi is a shrewd woman who's done a fantastic job at corralling a diverse caucus. Even posters on the far right here routinely talk about her ability to keep wayward Ds in line.[/QUOTE]

That's like congratulating the Boss Lemming for keeping the other lemmings in lock-step and in a narrow lane as they march over the cliff.

False, if Nancy Pelosi is the face of women these days, women don't belong. Not only is she an ugly person in character and integrity, she is also butt hag ass ugly physically.
Oh my bad, didn't realize being attractive was a requirement for competent public service. Trump definitely adheres to that standard right? His comb-over's to die for.
Pelosi is a shrewd woman who's done a fantastic job at corralling a diverse caucus. Even posters on the far right here routinely talk about her ability to keep wayward Ds in line.
So dems consider corrupt to be shrewd, they allowed no witnesses for Trump in their sham trial and wouldn’t let many republicans attend or ask questions. Yet they allowed 20+ witnesses (hearsay no first hand) for the democrats and they still went ahead with impeachment.

Now Pelosi is withholding the papers to impeach in a failed attempt to dictate how the senate proceeds. Nancy is corrupt and I question her faculties at this point. No need to claim anything I posted here is not true because it’s all based in video fact throughout this thread. This debating thing is fun and it looks like I’m winning, your turn.

Oh my bad, didn't realize being attractive was a requirement for competent public service. Trump definitely adheres to that standard right?
Better looking than Piglosi for sure. Her physical appearance has been forged through her corruptness and lies.
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Pelosi is a shrewd woman who's done a fantastic job at corralling a diverse caucus. Even posters on the far right here routinely talk about her ability to keep wayward Ds in line. All you said was that she's doing a pitiful job and corrupting the house. Those aren't points they're flippant tribalist snark.

Shrewd? She just put us through the first ever impeachment as an election tool in history. No one in the mainstream media questions her, just as they didn't Obama. It's exactly whats wrong with the Democratic party as it stands.
So dems consider corrupt to be shrewd, they allowed no witnesses for Trump in their sham trial and wouldn’t let many republicans attend or ask questions. Yet they allowed 20+ witnesses (hearsay no first hand) for the democrats and they still went ahead with impeachment.

Now Pelosi is withholding the papers to impeach in a failed attempt to dictate how the senate proceeds. Nancy is corrupt and I question her faculties at this point. No need to claim anything I posted here is not true because it’s all based in video fact throughout this thread. This debating thing is fun and it looks like I’m winning, your turn.

All the Rs on the corresponding committees were in the closed door sessions. In a piece of complete theatre some even stormed the room when they already had access. Vindman had firsthand accounts and the other principals have refused to testify, resulting in obstruction of congress. Now Pelosi is executing a brilliant political play by retaining the articles so that she can have her cake and eat it too. See I can repeat partisan spin too. You've taken the easy route of letting others do your thinking for you.
All the Rs on the corresponding committees were in the closed door sessions. In a piece of complete theatre some even stormed the room when they already had access. Vindman had firsthand accounts and the other principals have refused to testify, resulting in obstruction of congress. Now Pelosi is executing a brilliant political play by retaining the articles so that she can have her cake and eat it too. See I can repeat partisan spin too. You've taken the easy route of letting others do your thinking for you.
False, just false. Did you not see the video above? Did that congress woman lie?
Pelosi is a shrewd woman who's done a fantastic job at corralling a diverse caucus. Even posters on the far right here routinely talk about her ability to keep wayward Ds in line. All you said was that she's doing a pitiful job and corrupting the house. Those aren't points they're flippant tribalist snark.
Do you actually see yourself as not a tribalist?
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Pelosi is a shrewd woman who's done a fantastic job at corralling a diverse caucus. Even posters on the far right here routinely talk about her ability to keep wayward Ds in line. All you said was that she's doing a pitiful job and corrupting the house. Those aren't points they're flippant tribalist snark.
Diverse my butt. They're all raving lunatic Lib Dims.
Nowhere in that video did she dispute any of what I posted. Why do you think it does?
She said she was kept out as were others and then when let in not allowed to ask questions but, you already knew that. You are just as corrupt as your leader simply by being complicit.
All the Rs on the corresponding committees were in the closed door sessions. In a piece of complete theatre some even stormed the room when they already had access. Vindman had firsthand accounts and the other principals have refused to testify, resulting in obstruction of congress. Now Pelosi is executing a brilliant political play by retaining the articles so that she can have her cake and eat it too. See I can repeat partisan spin too. You've taken the easy route of letting others do your thinking for you.
CNN is balls deep in you, no joke. The dems tried to hold it in the basement and the Republicans stormed in because that’s not the procedure this government operates by. The dems wanted to call or allow the republicans to call presidential aides and presidential documents in but nobody else.

The president used executive privilege ( that’s not obstruction) to deny access and that has been exercised legally by many presidents including Clinton during his impeachment. Again the dems were trying to dictate or better yet limit the republicans and president ability to defend him, they wouldn’t allow the president to have an attorney present. They corruptly stacked the deck and threw democracy out the window in a pseudo witch hunt.

You had several dems including one woman who voted to impeach Trump before he took office. One woman voted to impeach because he criticized athletes who knelt during the anthem. Another who said we’re going to impeach that mfr all of those before the Ukrainian phone call after the entirely failed Russian involvement.

Pelosi still pursued impeachment and doesn’t have any evidence to support it. She is fishing for evidence by trying to have former presidential aides testify in the hopes they will incriminate Trump somehow. Literally the liberals charged ahead with impeachment without anything, they panicked because they are running out of time before 2020.

Now they’ve stalled impeachment waiting for proof. That’s corrupt, it’s not American, it’s third world politics. Nancy is corrupt, we cannot let menstrual cycles get us into ww3.
Do you actually see yourself as not a tribalist?
Our first past the post winner take all voting scheme results in a two party dichotomy. So to be politically active necessitates picking a side. But no, I am not a tribalist. If I were I'd be off getting dopamine hits from like-minded liberal bubbles on Twitter. Instead I'm here proselytizing to the lowest common denominator.
She said she was kept out as were others and then when let in not allowed to ask questions but, you already knew that. You are just as corrupt as your leader simply by being complicit.
Nowhere does she assert that she was kept out. You're straight lying or your comprehension skills are abysmal.