How will they rule ??!

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Trump tweeted this out...

Logged in just so I could like this. One of the best reasons to support Trump.
For the record, I don’t support impeachment. Nor do I support any democratic candidate currently running for president. I just love to see how erect the good ol’ Bible Belt folk get for their Daddy Trump, who since elected, has increased the national deficit, banned bump-stocks, and came out in support of red flag laws, proving not to be a fiscal conservative, nor protector of the 2nd amendment. But keep on bending over for your Orange Daddy. It’s not infringement if a Republican does it amirite?

After languishing in neutral (and going backward at times) under Obama, my 401k is up $300,000 in just the last two years. How's yours? Now what were you talking about? Oh yeah, bump-stocks
A "made up real estate scandal" that saw 15 people go to jail including a sitting governor.

  • Jim Guy Tucker: Governor of Arkansas at the time, resigned (fraud, 3 counts)
  • John Haley: attorney for Jim Guy Tucker (tax evasion)
  • William J. Marks, Sr.: Jim Guy Tucker's business partner (conspiracy)
  • Stephen Smith: former Governor Clinton aide (conspiracy to misapply funds). Bill Clinton pardoned.
  • Webster Hubbell: Clinton political supporter; U.S. Associate Attorney General; Rose Law Firm partner (embezzlement, fraud)
  • Jim McDougal: banker, Clinton political supporter: (18 felonies, varied)
  • Susan McDougal: Clinton political supporter (multiple frauds). Bill Clinton pardoned.
  • David Hale: banker, self-proclaimed Clinton political supporter: (conspiracy, fraud)
  • Neal Ainley: Perry County Bank president (embezzled bank funds for Clinton campaign)
  • Chris Wade: Whitewater real estate broker (multiple loan fraud). Bill Clinton pardoned.
  • Larry Kuca: Madison real estate agent (multiple loan fraud)
  • Robert W. Palmer: Madison appraiser (conspiracy). Bill Clinton pardoned.
  • John Latham: Madison Bank CEO (bank fraud)
  • Eugene Fitzhugh: Whitewater defendant (multiple bribery)
  • Charles Matthews: Whitewater defendant (bribery)
But "slick Willie" & "slippery Hillary escaped. One day justice will be served though.[/QUOTE]
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It already is in a way, city versus everything else. Hillary Clinton won Lexington and Louisville in 2016, Trump won the other 118 counties.

Pretty facile take IMO. Trump got 42% of the Fayette county vote, and Fayette county democrats aren't northeastern Democrats aren't California democrats aren't Miami democrats etc etc etc. I think if we gave a 3 party option, we'd see some split like ~70% of people in the middle and 30% on the combined fringes, assuming they were truly and accurately informed about what each group stood for.
I really wish there was a way to just split the country in half. Those who support America go one way. Those who want to live under the rule of Democrats go the other way.

You know, I've mentioned this before. The problem is that the conservative country would have to build a wall to keep the progressive country's citizens from fleeing.
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A good trigger is better than a bump stock, IMO. I can empty a 30 round mag in 5 seconds, maybe less, with my Gieselle and CMC triggers. I'm not for giving up ANYTHING to the gun control nuts, but bump stocks didn't really affect me. I still see and hear them being used at the range. The feds may care, but our sheriff has already said he's not enforcing the ban.
The ultimate US political bashing is impeachment. Which side has promised it for years & did it? Had Dims just governed, that might have had a 2020 future. Also, if you think Pubs are anywhere close to being as emotion-driven - the biggest cause of bashing - as Dims you're blind.

Your last line is laughable. Look at what Trump tweets and says at his rallies on a daily basis. Some of this board are so predictable.... just by rushing in and blaming one side for being more partisan proves the original point: hyper-partisan politics is bag for the country and both sides are responsible for it.
Nancy really did not want to do this, she had no choice. Hillary would have murdered her.

Funny cause it's true

I actually agree with your last three sentences, but unfortunately I can also just as easily plug in the words Republicans and liberals: "Republicans hate liberals and it pours out of their mouth." This is in full effect on this board on a daily basis. Another board I frequent is the exact opposite (Dems hate conservatives).

American politics is severely broken IMO. It has turned into such hyper-partisan politics that the two parties are too busy trying to stick it to one another and spend way too much time bashing away at one another that they aren't really governing much anymore. It's been this way for awhile now and I think this is one of the reasons many Americans are so uninterested or disillusioned about politics today . Not sure what will fix it: maybe term limits or the rise of a third party?

It doesn't matter that you can plug different words into his thoughts. They were his thoughts. He used words to express HIS thoughts.

I could just as easily say that American politics has been severely broken by the democrats. See? I didn't disagree with you, I merely made a more accurate statement.
After languishing in neutral (and going backward at times) under Obama, my 401k is up $300,000 in just the last two years. How's yours? Now what were you talking about? Oh yeah, bump-stocks

Wow. You must have REALLY been an idiot for those 8 years to have not made money. The DJIA basically doubled during Obama's presidency. Your financial guy should be stripped of any licenses he has, hanged, and be disemboweled while hanging. If you were your own FA, you should probably shoot yourself for being so bad at it.
Wow. You must have REALLY been an idiot for those 8 years to have not made money. The DJIA basically doubled during Obama's presidency. Your financial guy should be stripped of any licenses he has, hanged, and be disemboweled while hanging. If you were your own FA, you should probably shoot yourself for being so bad at it.
The markets had nowhere to go but up. Plus, Obama was propped up by near zero interest rates.

Add that wages were stagnant or negative for the entirety of Obama's reign, unemployment, food stamps, jobs moving overseas, globalism, America crumbling and told to repent, ... and he just said GET USED TO IT. I think most Americans are overjoyed with Trump's MAGIC WAND!
Wow. You must have REALLY been an idiot for those 8 years to have not made money. The DJIA basically doubled during Obama's presidency. Your financial guy should be stripped of any licenses he has, hanged, and be disemboweled while hanging. If you were your own FA, you should probably shoot yourself for being so bad at it.

It just means he would have to acknowledge that the Dow was around 9700 when Obama entered office and just south of 22,000 when he left office

Matt Walsh has been trying to get the insane that believe men can be women, women be men, etc. to define what a woman is so he can understand their stance for over a week now.

Of course, no one can do it. I’ll never understand why businesses and parts of society bend the knees to these deranged people.
The markets had nowhere to go but up. Plus, Obama was propped up by near zero interest rates.

Add that wages were stagnant or negative for the entirety of Obama's reign, unemployment, food stamps, jobs moving overseas, globalism, America crumbling and told to repent, ... and he just said GET USED TO IT. I think most Americans are overjoyed with Trump's MAGIC WAND!

Exactly - so anyone who says they lost money in the markets when Obama was POTUS and is now killing it is either stupid or lying.
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Meanwhile the swamp is hard at work to replace the American worker with foreign workers. This is the stuff that matters. Trump getting or not getting impeached is not going to affect your ability to feed your family. This bill does.
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Can they impeach nany pelosi for obstruction by not sending the referral to the senate for a speedy trial????
Exactly - so anyone who says they lost money in the markets when Obama was POTUS and is now killing it is either stupid or lying.
It drives me crazy when people say they lost money during 2008 recession. You only lost money if you were an idiot and sold everything. It was a time to buy, buy, buy!
If you invested heavily then, you would have quadrupled your money!
It drives me crazy when people say they lost money during 2008 recession. You only lost money if you were an idiot and sold everything. It was a time to buy, buy, buy!
If you invested heavily then, you would have quadrupled your money!

Right, and this moron claimed he was either losing money or treading water for the entirety of Obama’s presidency. Even the most novice investor killed it during that period. He’s clearly lying, because he can’t possibly be that stupid.
If there was a "Common Sense" party, Trump would be the leader. Think of the things he has really pushed for - lower taxes, put a stop to illegal immigration, enact policies that provide better jobs for more Americans. That's pretty much it. Can anyone point out a single thing he has done that has negatively affected the rights of citizens and LEGAL residents of this country? And no, "he's a dick on Twitter" doesn't count.

I won't lie, I would probably be one of those hardcore Trumpers if he didnt spend like a Democrat. His spending is the one thing that keeps me from calling him a great president. His spending is ridiculous, if he hired Rand Paul to look over spending, I would be a very happy camper.

The economy and market are as good as anyone could ask for, his deal with Mexico to help on the border and finally able to start building some walls has clearly helped slow down crossings
Plus just from a non intangible thing, the US finally has some balls again. I think we needed an egotistical narcissist kick in the White House.
I won't lie, I would probably be one of those hardcore Trumpers if he didnt spend like a Democrat. His spending is the one thing that keeps me from calling him a great president. His spending is ridiculous, if he hired Rand Paul to look over spending, I would be a very happy camper.

The economy and market are as good as anyone could ask for, his deal with Mexico to help on the border and finally able to start building some walls has clearly helped slow down crossings
Plus just from a non intangible thing, the US finally has some balls again. I think we needed an egotistical narcissist kick in the White House.

Does “non intangible” mean the same as “tangible?”

Matt Walsh has been trying to get the insane that believe men can be women, women be men, etc. to define what a woman is so he can understand their stance for over a week now.

Of course, no one can do it. I’ll never understand why businesses and parts of society bend the knees to these deranged people.

I have the answer to the question that many progressives cant seem to answer.
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Idgaf about Trump's spending. What is he spending it on? Most likely tons of crap that's been neglected for decades while our Leaders pandered to THE WORLD and not our own country. Guarantee that's the case. And while he's doing he's slashing government programs/red tape bs like nobody's business, so I really dgaf what Trump is spending. Trade Warz!!! The dude is crushing it. Kiss his ass.
OK boomers

Yeah, if you had money, you made money during Obama’s term. You always will no matter who is president.

if you didn’t have money, well you probably couldn’t find a job or afford the health insurance he was forcing you to buy.

If you had marketable skills you had no trouble finding a job during Obama’s terms.

ETA - not "you" as in you specifically. That was meant as a holistic comment.
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OK boomers

Yeah, if you had money, you made money during Obama’s term. You always will no matter who is president.

if you didn’t have money, well you probably couldn’t find a job or afford the health insurance he was forcing you to buy.

Right - but this clown didn't say he didn't have money or was unemployed - he said his investments either were neutral or negative during the entirety of Obama's run in the White House. That might be the biggest piece of Fake News ever posted on this board.