How will they rule ??!

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The charge they cleared isn't even legally accurate. Everything he did was within his power.

Part of the inevitable escalation I mentioned a few times
Dems have proven that decency, laws, even the Constitution don't matter. It was 100% guaranteed they were impeaching Trump as soon as they got control of the House. They just had to time it to when they thought it would benefit them best.

Bullshit. She captioned the pic in the original Tweet with Merry Impeachment.

Lying scum. All of them.
There's no difference between the Democrats and the MSM. They are one in the same and all follow the same talking points/marching orders. If we had a semi-logical populace with some bit of common sense then it may not be a big deal, but unfortunately a large chunk of our population believe anything the MSM tells them, hence why Hillary got so many votes.

Or there are a lot more people afraid of being suicided for simply voting the wrong way than any of us know.
Walton says the officials are in a total state of confusion. lol. True but look who's talking. Man, I really don't like the way this team plays. They can't shoot for shit.
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This is about controlling the media. They know this is a farce, but it gives their microphone some talking points.

They talk as if the evidence is solid and it’s a done deal except the R’s in the senate refuse to uphold it.

Conservative voters better be out in full force next November!
Lol, my best friend (we never talk politics almost ever for obvious reasons) who is a liberal called me tonight and said how today was a historic day. I said its going to die in the senate. Immediately changed the subject on me. I said yeah that's what I thought lol.
Both of you were correct, clearly. And although Trump will win this fight, the Dems will win a place in the record books.

And make no mistake about it. Trump is winning this fight, not the Republican party. I hate pointing this out (even admitting it), but the Republicans are paying dearly for Paul Ryan politics. And it is wise that we not forget what that was. Even going back to before the Republican convention, sentiments from ranking party members, and then how they refused to attend the convention as a show of non-support for our President, and then those nasty overtones that lasted through the election, of how ranking Republicans may rather support HRC, and then how Electorals might "buck their constituencies" and vote differently, and then those meetings after the inauguration, when ranking Republicans led by Paul Ryan sat down with Trump for the first time in formal settings, with faces full of fear and disgust . . . this did not end quickly. Only after Paul Ryan's candle began to burn out did things change, and why did that even happen? Likely, undoubtedly because Republicans realized the harm they were doing to their own party by not supporting President Trump.

There is no way to know, had Republicans been more supportive of Donald Trump, if the 2018 election results been different. Would they not have lost the House? Would they not have lost it so badly?

But with a new election cycle upon us, another convention a little more than 1/2 a year from now, will some of that old doubt resurface? It may be the opinion of a few (a small few few perhaps), but my very modest and meaningless opinion is that Republicans will have the best chance of winning back the House only by showing full support of Trump through the entire election cycle, key leaders from both Houses speaking in 100% support of his first 4 years, possibly to include expressing regret for not getting on board with his leadership abilities from square 1.
Someone better check on Willy. Between impeachment and another cupcake loss he may finally take his Trump jerkoff erotic asphyxiation to far.
Someone better check on Willy. Between impeachment and another cupcake loss he may finally take his Trump jerkoff erotic asphyxiation to far.
Well the democrats have just set the precedent for impeaching a president so long as one party controls the House and the other the White House, so will being impeached by the House really mean anything going forward?

At this point, it’s a badge of honor for Trump. The whole point was he was going to Washington as an outsider. The Democrats have worked since he announced his candidacy to stop him. This is just one more meaningless attempt from the Democrats.
Does Nancy Pelosi have the articles of impeachment locked in a safe somewhere?

Honestly may be best for Cocaine Mitch to just blame Pelosi for not having a trial. Her lunatic base are the only people who give a shit about a symbolic impeachment. For the rest of America, it’s just one more indication this was nothing but a worthless waste of time.
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Can someone remind me who nearly shot Steve Scalise to death?
I fail to remember this outpouring of bipartisan support of Steve Scalise when a liberal Democrat attempted to murder him and other GOP'ers on that ball field. The tone of Democrats who post on this forum supports the frame of mind of the shooter. Democrats hate conservatives and it pours out of their mouth. Yesterday the House democrats hatred was in full force. Who do they think they are fooling?
I fail to remember this outpouring of bipartisan support of Steve Scalise when a liberal Democrat attempted to murder him and other GOP'ers on that ball field. The tone of Democrats who post on this forum supports the frame of mind of the shooter. Democrats hate conservatives and it pours out of their mouth. Yesterday the House democrats hatred was in full force. Who do they think they are fooling?
Other democrats.
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I admit it, I was wrong.

I did not think the Democrats would hold the vote on impeachment as I believed the did not want it to go to the Senate and put the Republicans in control of the rules.

I thought they would hold the hearings and then try to say something along the lines of "We will not get a fair shake in the Senate, so there is no need to vote on impeachment, we have made our case for impeachment."

I was wrong. However, I had no clue voting, and then not sending it to the Senate was even a thing or a remote possibility.

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned to a friend the only way they send it to the Senate is if this is really about Justice Ginsburg's seat on the Supreme Court.

The Democrats already know that the Senate is going to move forward with a nomination should Ginsburg no longer be on the court even if it is in the election year.

From a strategy perspective only, if they do not send the articles to the Senate, could they be trying to make a case that not only are we in an election year, the President has been impeached and not cleared; therefore President Trump cannot "legitimately" nominate a Supreme Court Justice."?

It could be that Ginsburg's seat is far more critical in the long run than the losses they are facing in the House and possibly the Senate. They could be ceding 2020 to try and make a case against President Trump nominating another Justice if one should arise.

As I always make clear, I am probably wrong — just a possibility from a strategy standpoint.
I really hope the other outcome of impeachment, aside from maybe one more Republican Congress and President before demographics make that impossible, is that Trump just goes scorched Earth. When Breyer and Ginsburg, umm, retire he should just find the most pro-life judges he can find and nominate them. IDGAF if they are family court judges in Duluth Minnesota. Tell Mitch to do his thing or he'll cut off his supply lines from Bolivia or whatever needs to be done.
The Dems have been screaming “Impeach 45” since his inauguration. They have changed the reason for impeachment no less than half a dozen times over the last 3 years. Just a couple of weeks ago they were screaming “HIGH CRIMES!!!” “BRIBERY!!!” Then they wheel out “abuse of power” as the actual charge...with no real evidence to back it up. And now Nancy is going to double down by withholding the articles from the senate? What a freaking shittt show.

It’s political theatre. Nothing more...nothing less. Get as much “Orange Man Bad” stuff in the MSM as you can for as long as you try to distract from the rolling economy, from Trump keeping America great, and from the fact that the Dem candidates are a clown show.

It’s the Dems’ attempt at a nuclear version of Harry Reid accusing Mitt Romney of not paying taxes for 10 years. It ain’t gonna work. But it’s all they got. It’s pretty pathetic actually.
Hillary's impeachment tweet is hilarious

Yes it is a most precious right for the American people to decide their president. That's why we had an election. Trump won!

How tone deaf can one be?

I keep seeing the lefties saying impeachment must be eating Trump up, and it really doesn’t matter if he’s actually impeached because this will hurt him mentally.

I really don’t see it. It’d be like some fat ass basement dwelling lefty ANTIFA loser criticizing someone who is successful in life. If you’re being criticized by the lefties, you’re generally doing something right.

All that to say, I LOVE the fact this eats at Hilary Clinton nonstop. I love the fact that she wakes up everyday and hopes the Democrats will overturn the 2016 election and she will still have a shot at being President. I love that everyone, beside Hilary Clinton, knows she will never be president yet she continues to embarrass herself on Twitter.
Both of you were correct, clearly. And although Trump will win this fight, the Dems will win a place in the record books.

And make no mistake about it. Trump is winning this fight, not the Republican party. I hate pointing this out (even admitting it), but the Republicans are paying dearly for Paul Ryan politics. And it is wise that we not forget what that was. Even going back to before the Republican convention, sentiments from ranking party members, and then how they refused to attend the convention as a show of non-support for our President, and then those nasty overtones that lasted through the election, of how ranking Republicans may rather support HRC, and then how Electorals might "buck their constituencies" and vote differently, and then those meetings after the inauguration, when ranking Republicans led by Paul Ryan sat down with Trump for the first time in formal settings, with faces full of fear and disgust . . . this did not end quickly. Only after Paul Ryan's candle began to burn out did things change, and why did that even happen? Likely, undoubtedly because Republicans realized the harm they were doing to their own party by not supporting President Trump.

There is no way to know, had Republicans been more supportive of Donald Trump, if the 2018 election results been different. Would they not have lost the House? Would they not have lost it so badly?

But with a new election cycle upon us, another convention a little more than 1/2 a year from now, will some of that old doubt resurface? It may be the opinion of a few (a small few few perhaps), but my very modest and meaningless opinion is that Republicans will have the best chance of winning back the House only by showing full support of Trump through the entire election cycle, key leaders from both Houses speaking in 100% support of his first 4 years, possibly to include expressing regret for not getting on board with his leadership abilities from square 1.
Topnotch. Thanks.
You can’t complain that all the testimony is from 2nd, 3rd hand informants when those with 1st hand info are kept from testifying by those doing the complaining.

Trump said “no quid pro quo” AFTER the whistleblower complaint was made public. You damn well know that Trump didn’t even know that term prior to it being brought up. The man speaks with a 3rd grade vocabulary. His hands were caught in the cookie jar.
How’s that Steele dossier looking? Still credible and verified? Dumbass.
I really hope the other outcome of impeachment, aside from maybe one more Republican Congress and President before demographics make that impossible,
I don't believe racial demographics will determine the future of US politics. I think Blacks, Asians, & Jews are all seeing the problems with Dims views/plans for the future. There's condescension towards blacks, affirmative action against high-scoring Asians, & anti-semitism Let's see if there's a minority swing to Trump/Pubs come next Nov. I think there will be, just a matter of degree.