How will they rule ??!

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Let's see if there's a minority swing to Trump/Pubs come next Nov. I think there will be, just a matter of degree.
I mean I pray that's true, but I just don't see it. I mean, 90% of blacks vote Dem even after all that that party has done to destroy the black community. And I actually think Trump might swing ~5-10% of the black vote away (which would be huge), but what after that? I don't see the GOP long term adopting any of Trump's nationalist or economic ideas. If they trot Dan Crenshaw or some other neocon out there in 2024 it's back to square one and then it's too late.
I keep seeing the lefties saying impeachment must be eating Trump up, and it really doesn’t matter if he’s actually impeached because this will hurt him mentally.

I really don’t see it. It’d be like some fat ass basement dwelling lefty ANTIFA loser criticizing someone who is successful in life. If you’re being criticized by the lefties, you’re generally doing something right.

All that to say, I LOVE the fact this eats at Hilary Clinton nonstop. I love the fact that she wakes up everyday and hopes the Democrats will overturn the 2016 election and she will still have a shot at being President. I love that everyone, beside Hilary Clinton, knows she will never be president yet she continues to embarrass herself on Twitter.
Lol. Since (before) his election they have been claiming he is a Russian puppet, started a biased investigation based on fake Russian intelligence paid for by his opponent, illegally spied on him, threatened to indict his family, and have undermined his every move.

Yeah, like an impeachment that has literally ZERO chance of being upheld is eating at him. If anything, he’s loving it. And they know that..... which is eating AT THEM.
I don't believe racial demographics will determine the future of US politics. I think Blacks, Asians, & Jews are all seeing the problems with Dims views/plans for the future. There's condescension towards blacks, affirmative action against high-scoring Asians, & anti-semitism Let's see if there's a minority swing to Trump/Pubs come next Nov. I think there will be, just a matter of degree.

I think the Dems sense this changing tide as well. ‘Tis why they are full blown retard on open borders, sanctuary cities, amnesty, ID’s for illegals, letting felons vote and lowering the voting age.

Pretty obvious...if you aren’t a complete partisan dumbass.
I just listened to Mitch McConnell's speech on the Senate floor. Nobody in the history of the U.S. Senate has made a better one. I have not been a Mitch McConnell fan but I have to admit he is the most important political figure, other than our President, in America today. McConnell exposed this "impeachment" issue for what it is and broke it down so even a liberal could understand if they are honest.

What the House is doing will be the down fall of our Constitutional government, if they get away with it. It is that serious. If this is allowed to stand future Presidents can be impeached at will. One of the Congressmen wanted to impeach Trump because of what he said about a pro football athlete. You know the one that kneeled instead of stand with reverence when the National Anthem was played. If one can impeach a President over his reaction to a person disrespecting our nation or the fact you don't like his personality we are finished as a nation. But if you are honest maybe that is what Democrats really want. The end of our country and it's traditions. Dangerous territory people.
If one can impeach a President over his reaction to a person disrespecting our nation or the fact you don't like his personality we are finished as a nation. But if you are honest maybe that is what Democrats really want. The end of our country and it's traditions. Dangerous territory people.
Good post. And I think what you say here is true - the Dims want an entirely new country, socialist to its core & if they don't ever get exactly t what they want, a dictatorship is necessary. There's no other way to interpret their actions.

BTW, I think it's slowly coming to Pelosi's & Schumer's realizations that they've screwed the pooch with this.
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I fail to remember this outpouring of bipartisan support of Steve Scalise when a liberal Democrat attempted to murder him and other GOP'ers on that ball field. The tone of Democrats who post on this forum supports the frame of mind of the shooter. Democrats hate conservatives and it pours out of their mouth. Yesterday the House democrats hatred was in full force. Who do they think they are fooling?

I actually agree with your last three sentences, but unfortunately I can also just as easily plug in the words Republicans and liberals: "Republicans hate liberals and it pours out of their mouth." This is in full effect on this board on a daily basis. Another board I frequent is the exact opposite (Dems hate conservatives).

American politics is severely broken IMO. It has turned into such hyper-partisan politics that the two parties are too busy trying to stick it to one another and spend way too much time bashing away at one another that they aren't really governing much anymore. It's been this way for awhile now and I think this is one of the reasons many Americans are so uninterested or disillusioned about politics today . Not sure what will fix it: maybe term limits or the rise of a third party?
I actually agree with your last three sentences, but unfortunately I can also just as easily plug in the words Republicans and liberals: "Republicans hate liberals and it pours out of their mouth." This is in full effect on this board on a daily basis. Another board I frequent is the exact opposite (Dems hate conservatives).

American politics is severely broken IMO. It has turned into such hyper-partisan politics that the two parties are too busy trying to stick it to one another and spend way too much time bashing away at one another that they aren't really governing much anymore. It's been this way for awhile now and I think this is one of the reasons many Americans are so uninterested or disillusioned about politics today . Not sure what will fix it: maybe term limits or the rise of a third party?
Trump IS the third party.
American politics is severely broken IMO. It has turned into such hyper-partisan politics that the two parties are too busy trying to stick it to one another and spend way too much time bashing away at one another that they aren't really governing much anymore. It's been this way for awhile now and I think this is one of the reasons many Americans are so uninterested or disillusioned about politics today . Not sure what will fix it: maybe term limits or the rise of a third party?
The ultimate US political bashing is impeachment. Which side has promised it for years & did it? Had Dims just governed, that might have had a 2020 future. Also, if you think Pubs are anywhere close to being as emotion-driven - the biggest cause of bashing - as Dims you're blind.
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For the record, I don’t support impeachment. Nor do I support any democratic candidate currently running for president. I just love to see how erect the good ol’ Bible Belt folk get for their Daddy Trump, who since elected, has increased the national deficit, banned bump-stocks, and came out in support of red flag laws, proving not to be a fiscal conservative, nor protector of the 2nd amendment. But keep on bending over for your Orange Daddy. It’s not infringement if a Republican does it amirite?
For the record, I don’t support impeachment. Nor do I support any democratic candidate currently running for president. I just love to see how erect the good ol’ Bible Belt folk get for their Daddy Trump, who since elected, has increased the national deficit, banned bump-stocks, and came out in support of red flag laws, proving not to be a fiscal conservative, nor protector of the 2nd amendment. But keep on bending over for your Orange Daddy. It’s not infringement if a Republican does it amirite?

As has been said a thousand times. Trump is a big spending New York liberal. If you looked at his policies in a vacuum, he’d be your daddies Democrat. Most republicans are willing to compromise and support Trump.

Doesn’t make anyone here a hypocrite. Makes them reasonable people. If the unhinge lunatics on the left would take their foot off the gas for one second they’d realize Trump is giving them most of what they want, but they’re to childish to accept it because Orange man hurts their feelings.
As has been said a thousand times. Trump is a big spending New York liberal. If you looked at his policies in a vacuum, he’d be your daddies Democrat. Most republicans are willing to compromise and support Trump.

Doesn’t make anyone here a hypocrite. Makes them reasonable people. If the unhinge lunatics on the left would take their foot off the gas for one second they’d realize Trump is giving them most of what they want, but they’re to childish to accept it because Orange man hurts their feelings.
He has a lot of problems and is not a conservative on a lot of things. However, He is way to the right of most mainstream media and democrat politicians though. The best thing about him is that he ain’t Hillary or Obama or Bernie.
The reason I defend him is because is has been under attack from the left since he became the nominee.
I really hope the other outcome of impeachment, aside from maybe one more Republican Congress and President before demographics make that impossible, is that Trump just goes scorched Earth. When Breyer and Ginsburg, umm, retire he should just find the most pro-life judges he can find and nominate them. IDGAF if they are family court judges in Duluth Minnesota. Tell Mitch to do his thing or he'll cut off his supply lines from Bolivia or whatever needs to be done.
Withdrawal Mitch would not be a good look.
The ultimate US political bashing is impeachment. Which side has promised it for years & did it? Had Dims just governed, that might have had a 2020 future. Also, if you think Pubs are anywhere close to being as emotion-driven - the biggest cause of bashing - as Dims you're blind.
I think you are forgetting about the Clinton impeachment. It didn't start over a blow job or perjury. It started over a made up real estate scandal that Starr investigated for FOUR years and was completely forgotten about once sex got involved. Republicans had hoped they could pivot Benghazi to impeachment but those 4 years of hearings and investigations turned up nothing. If you think this is something new the Dems have started you are dreaming.
Most people including myself knew exactly what we were getting with Trump. He is no way shape or form a true conservative. He simply had to run as a Republican to have any shot at winning because everyone including the dead knew Hillary was getting the Dem nomination. Most Republicans now understand he is their only shot at getting anything close to their agenda done and in spite of his antics have hitched onto his wagon for the ride. I can't stand his spending but everyone in Congress except a few are 100% responsible for the spending. Social views wise, could care less and never did. Main reason I was more of an Independent (some would say Libertarian) but the Dems have gone so far left I feel I have become a Republican. I simply do not identify with much of anything the Dems support these days.
I think you are forgetting about the Clinton impeachment. It didn't start over a blow job or perjury. It started over a made up real estate scandal that Starr investigated for FOUR years and was completely forgotten about once sex got involved. Republicans had hoped they could pivot Benghazi to impeachment but those 4 years of hearings and investigations turned up nothing. If you think this is something new the Dems have started you are dreaming.

Now that you mention that, I do recall the republicans talking about some contract with America. That was a contract based on ignoring their duties to actually pass meaningful legislation, and focus all efforts on impeaching a sitting president because he was in the wrong party, correct?
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I think you are forgetting about the Clinton impeachment. It didn't start over a blow job or perjury. It started over a made up real estate scandal that Starr investigated for FOUR years and was completely forgotten about once sex got involved. Republicans had hoped they could pivot Benghazi to impeachment but those 4 years of hearings and investigations turned up nothing. If you think this is something new the Dems have started you are dreaming.
Is Bill Clinton impeached if he does not lie under oath? Was Obama impeached for Benghazi?

This whole impeachment is pathetic and childish If this is the standard for impeachment no President will serve a term without being impeached. Hopefully the Democrats pay a heavy price in 2020.
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If there was a "Common Sense" party, Trump would be the leader. Think of the things he has really pushed for - lower taxes, put a stop to illegal immigration, enact policies that provide better jobs for more Americans. That's pretty much it. Can anyone point out a single thing he has done that has negatively affected the rights of citizens and LEGAL residents of this country? And no, "he's a dick on Twitter" doesn't count.
If there was a "Common Sense" party, Trump would be the leader. Think of the things he has really pushed for - lower taxes, put a stop to illegal immigration, enact policies that provide better jobs for more Americans. That's pretty much it. Can anyone point out a single thing he has done that has negatively affected the rights of citizens and LEGAL residents of this country? And no, "he's a dick on Twitter" doesn't count.

The Democrats have the right to the black vote and he’s taken some of that from them.
I really wish there was a way to just split the country in half. Those who support America go one way. Those who want to live under the rule of Democrats go the other way.
It already is in a way, city versus everything else. Hillary Clinton won Lexington and Louisville in 2016, Trump won the other 118 counties.
I think you are forgetting about the Clinton impeachment. It didn't start over a blow job or perjury. It started over a made up real estate scandal that Starr investigated for FOUR years and was completely forgotten about once sex got involved.

A "made up real estate scandal" that saw 15 people go to jail including a sitting governor. Bubba Clinton pardoned several for keeping their mouths shut.
  • Jim Guy Tucker: Governor of Arkansas at the time, resigned (fraud, 3 counts)
  • John Haley: attorney for Jim Guy Tucker (tax evasion)
  • William J. Marks, Sr.: Jim Guy Tucker's business partner (conspiracy)
  • Stephen Smith: former Governor Clinton aide (conspiracy to misapply funds). Bill Clinton pardoned.
  • Webster Hubbell: Clinton political supporter; U.S. Associate Attorney General; Rose Law Firm partner (embezzlement, fraud)
  • Jim McDougal: banker, Clinton political supporter: (18 felonies, varied)
  • Susan McDougal: Clinton political supporter (multiple frauds). Bill Clinton pardoned.
  • David Hale: banker, self-proclaimed Clinton political supporter: (conspiracy, fraud)
  • Neal Ainley: Perry County Bank president (embezzled bank funds for Clinton campaign)
  • Chris Wade: Whitewater real estate broker (multiple loan fraud). Bill Clinton pardoned.
  • Larry Kuca: Madison real estate agent (multiple loan fraud)
  • Robert W. Palmer: Madison appraiser (conspiracy). Bill Clinton pardoned.
  • John Latham: Madison Bank CEO (bank fraud)
  • Eugene Fitzhugh: Whitewater defendant (multiple bribery)
  • Charles Matthews: Whitewater defendant (bribery)
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For the record, I don’t support impeachment. Nor do I support any democratic candidate currently running for president. I just love to see how erect the good ol’ Bible Belt folk get for their Daddy Trump, who since elected, has increased the national deficit, banned bump-stocks, and came out in support of red flag laws, proving not to be a fiscal conservative, nor protector of the 2nd amendment. But keep on bending over for your Orange Daddy. It’s not infringement if a Republican does it amirite?
