How will they rule ??!

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Right, and this moron claimed he was either losing money or treading water for the entirety of Obama’s presidency. Even the most novice investor killed it during that period. He’s clearly lying, because he can’t possibly be that stupid.
Obama’s problem was that the recovery was too slow, the stock market did ok, but the rest of the economy was slow to recover.
Idgaf about Trump's spending. What is he spending it on? Most likely tons of crap that's been neglected for decades while our Leaders pandered to THE WORLD and not our own country. Guarantee that's the case. And while he's doing he's slashing government programs/red tape bs like nobody's business, so I really dgaf what Trump is spending. Trade Warz!!! The dude is crushing it. Kiss his ass.

4 billion dollars to the Afghan Security Forces.
25 million for Gun Violence research, good luck on that being a non biased research.
Money set aside for a pathway to citizenship for Liberians.

More pointless spending.
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I actually agree with your last three sentences, but unfortunately I can also just as easily plug in the words Republicans and liberals: "Republicans hate liberals and it pours out of their mouth." This is in full effect on this board on a daily basis. Another board I frequent is the exact opposite (Dems hate conservatives).

American politics is severely broken IMO. It has turned into such hyper-partisan politics that the two parties are too busy trying to stick it to one another and spend way too much time bashing away at one another that they aren't really governing much anymore. It's been this way for awhile now and I think this is one of the reasons many Americans are so uninterested or disillusioned about politics today . Not sure what will fix it: maybe term limits or the rise of a third party?
Ranked choice voting. Let people vote for a candidate they actually want without the spoiler effect a third party has on the current system. Maine already uses it.
After languishing in neutral (and going backward at times) under Obama, my 401k is up $300,000 in just the last two years. How's yours? Now what were you talking about? Oh yeah, bump-stocks
if your 401k was not way way up under Obama than you or your financial adviser is a ****ing moron. Considering stocks and commodities more than doubled over his terms. If you panicked and sold off long term investments after Bush crashed the economy than sucks for you.
I think you are forgetting about the Clinton impeachment. ..

Lots of quarters during the Obama years when it made nothing and some when it lost. That's just a fact. That tends to happen when the economic growth is so anemic. I guess I should have turned it all over to you who claims to be an expert at everything. I don't know you, but I think I've read where you are not American, but maybe Canadian. Are most Canadians arrogant pricks, or are you the exception?

I'm the exception. Most Canadians are nice to a fault.
*edit for comments that weren't very nice. Should probably take a break

You really are doubling down on stupid. The Dow went from 9000 to almost 22,000 in 8 years. I guess that is anemic in your world. Of course there are going to be quarters when the market doesn't grow or even goes down, but that is in the short term. It happens during every presidency (Trump's 4th quarter of 2018). Should we go off on Trump because he had one poor quarter of economic growth? Stock market was around 20,000 when he entered office. KRJ was correct. You are either a liar or an idiot
John is a rude Canuck, but he is mostly right about the stock market during Barry’s years.

Maybe I was too aggressive with my reply. I think there are plenty of great things that can be said about Trump and plenty of negative things that can be said about Obama.

"I lost money under O and am getting rich under Trump" as it relates to investments is not one of them.
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Like the other half of her statement too?

"I could not in good conscience vote against impeachment because I believe President Trump is guilty of wrongdoing."
Is she still in the running for the Dem Presidential Nomination? If so then she damn good and well should have recused herself from any vote.
It was 18500ish on election night

How high did it get before it tanked in 2009? I think if nobody did anything, they basically spent most of Obama's Presidency recouping what they lost with some gains towards the end. Again, that's assuming they left things alone and didn't take the opportunity to buy.
How high did it get before it tanked in 2009? I think if nobody did anything, they basically spent most of Obama's Presidency recouping what they lost with some gains towards the end. Again, that's assuming they left things alone and didn't take the opportunity to buy.

It peaked around 17100 right before it tanked.
How high did it get before it tanked in 2009? I think if nobody did anything, they basically spent most of Obama's Presidency recouping what they lost with some gains towards the end. Again, that's assuming they left things alone and didn't take the opportunity to buy.

14500 was the high in 2008, so in Obama’s 8 years, there was roughly 4000 points of new growth. That’s also includes an interest rate of zero for about 7 of those years.
Just came to see how much Trump nut sucking had to be going on over on the Paddock. Did not disappoint. #MAGA #RaiseHellPraiseDale
You still have Barry's and Harry's (Michael) coming out both ends of you a good little boy and don't tell Hillary.
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For the record, I don’t support impeachment. Nor do I support any democratic candidate currently running for president. I just love to see how erect the good ol’ Bible Belt folk get for their Daddy Trump, who since elected, has increased the national deficit, banned bump-stocks, and came out in support of red flag laws, proving not to be a fiscal conservative, nor protector of the 2nd amendment. But keep on bending over for your Orange Daddy. It’s not infringement if a Republican does it amirite?
False, your just being the coward like many leftist who want to feel woke and are too afraid to take a stand on anything because it might offend some one. Buh Bye.
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I think you are forgetting about the Clinton impeachment. It didn't start over a blow job or perjury. It started over a made up real estate scandal that Starr investigated for FOUR years and was completely forgotten about once sex got involved. Republicans had hoped they could pivot Benghazi to impeachment but those 4 years of hearings and investigations turned up nothing. If you think this is something new the Dems have started you are dreaming.
Your last line is laughable. Look at what Trump tweets and says at his rallies on a daily basis. Some of this board are so predictable.... just by rushing in and blaming one side for being more partisan proves the original point: hyper-partisan politics is bag for the country and both sides are responsible for it.
Says the hypocrite that regurgitates the hate spewed by his masters on the left. How stupid can you be? When you can get out of your petty attacks and see the good Trump is doing vs the fake outrage because he says things you snowflakes don't like, we could give you credit but, you have bought all of the bogus and unproven lies your leaders have pushed.
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The thing I like best about Warrior is that he is 100% committed to his schtick. No waffling.
More times than not, it turns out to be so. So, I just throw it out there knowing how bad Plat, Joerules, James, Levi, and ed are. They are motivated by hate and don't research anything past what they want to hear.
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