How will they rule ??!

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IDC if voting for Johnson allows Hillary to win. I hate both candidates and she is gonna win anyway. I'd rather vote with my conscience then vote for the lesser of two evils.
So your conscience says to vote for the lesser of three evils and not two? Wow, what a talented conscience you've got there skippy.
So your conscience says to vote for the lesser of three evils and not two? Wow, what a talented conscience you've got there skippy.
Pretty sure the implication (damn near explication) was he doesn't believe Johnson to be "evil" at all.
Why don't you put your giant ego aside and vote for Johnson? If every Trump voter decided to vote for Johnson, this thing would be sewn up already. So again, sir, why won't you put petty differences aside and vote for Johnson
B/c I'm not fool enough to chance the opportunity to stop Hill with a sure thing. And that's all that matters b/c that is the best thing I can do for my country this election. I'd love a libertarian candidate with a real shot. However, I live in the real world. The R party has more of a chance to redefine its own platform under reform to reflect more libertarian views with the power of the R brand behind it than the Tea Party has a shot at being taken seriously by the lion's share of the electorate.

But, by all means, continue to finger point and turn your nose up at realistic candidates while you do nothing to contribute but complain about what YOU want in a candidate, b/c that seems productive.
Melania is a talented painter:


She also dabbles in sculpture:

As predicted, media is pulling out all the stops to slow down Trump. Scared shi!less right now because they now realize he can win. Funny as hell to watch.
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Rudy's Archie Bunker with a law degree. And his speech was totally disingenuous. I lived in NYC when he was mayor, and he was the most racially divisive public figure imaginable. This isn't really debatable.

Do you know how many black lives his policies have saved?

Save the BS and the hurt feelings, there are thousands of blacks living today that can only say thst because of Giuliani.
B/c I'm not fool enough to chance the opportunity to stop Hill with a sure thing. And that's all that matters b/c that is the best thing I can do for my country this election. I'd love a libertarian candidate with a real shot. However, I live in the real world. The R party has more of a chance to redefine its own platform under reform to reflect more libertarian views with the power of the R brand behind it than the Tea Party has a shot at being taken seriously by the lion's share of the electorate.

But, by all means, continue to finger point and turn your nose up at realistic candidates while you do nothing to contribute but complain about what YOU want in a candidate, b/c that seems productive.
The Republican party led by Trump has zero chance of reflecting libertarian views.

Again, why is the onus on people not voting for Trump to change their mind and vote for him? If every Trump voter turned toward Johnson, then he would be a viable candidate. Before you start, I know that isn't going to happen. This is a thought experiment. If making sure Hillary doesn't become President is the main goal, there is nothing keeping everyone feeling that way from voting for Johnson. They just don't want to; which is fine, but you then have no moral high ground to tell Johnson voters they are petulant for not joining the Trumpalos
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Melania is opening up her own brand of "Melania" hamburgers:

I know it's for laughs, but do you honestly think that she knew it was taken from Michelle's speech? She seems like a sweet lady who apparently was screwed over by whoever wrote the speech for her. Wouldn't doubt it coming to light that the speech writer actually is a Hillary supporter lol.
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The Republican party lead by Trump has zero chance of reflecting libertarian views.

Again, why is the onus on people not voting for Trump to change their mind and vote for him? If every Trump voter turned toward Johnson, then he would be a viable candidate. Before you start, I know that isn't going to happen. This is a thought experiment. If making sure Hillary doesn't become President is the main goal, there is nothing keeping everyone feeling that way from voting for Johnson. They just don't want to; which is fine, but you then have no moral high ground to tell Johnson voters they are petulant for not joining the Trumpalos

The "controversy" over Melania Trump's speech is lame ass bullshit. I guess those people have nothing better to piss and moan about.
The "controversy" over Melania Trump's speech is lame ass bullshit. I guess those people have nothing better to piss and moan about.

I don't care what she said. She sounded like a goddamn KGB spy. I shudder at the idea of voting in Stalin's daughter. She'll lay her head in the same home of actual 1st ladies and that makes me sick

That was cringe worthy.
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I know it's for laughs, but do you honestly think that she knew it was taken from Michelle's speech? She seems like a sweet lady who apparently was screwed over by whoever wrote the speech for her. Wouldn't doubt it coming to light that the speech writer actually is a Hillary supporter lol.

I like the fact that people want to act like Michelle wrote her own speech. That any of these people write their own speech.
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You went to law school and don't know the difference between a strict liability citation and crime that requires a culpable state of mind? Or you're making a ham-handed point that every ignoramus on Facebook made weeks ago?

(btw, do NOT Google ham fisted with safe search off... I might be getting a call from my employer)

Interesting choice of words.

It's not racial but she looks like a linebacker tranny. Is that more suitable? Did I step outside the speech codes allowed by the left?

Do I need to start a thread to apologize and atone for my whiteness? Let's usher in Shaprton on here so I can officially apologize to the head of the hurt feelings club.
It's not racial but she looks like a linebacker tranny. Is that more suitable? Did I step outside the speech codes allowed by the left?

Do I need to start a thread to apologize and atone for my whiteness? Let's usher in Shaprton on here so I can officially apologize to the head of the hurt feelings club.
[eyeroll] yeah, referring to a black person as a gorilla has JUST NOW been considered racist. BLM, Al Sharpton, etc invented the tortured logic of calling people of African descent sub-human primates indigenous to the same continent. I mean, who in their right mind could have thought of that connection until just now. Certainly not a poster who constantly talks about race and ethnicity, no sir
Our media plays us like a fiddle.

Hillary Clinton email scandal
- Create a national outrage over two guys killed by cops.

Your anti-cop rhetoric and narrative leads to multiple attacks and deaths on cops
- Focus on three lines of a speech of a person that isn't running for the presidency
You can make it about race if you want. You'll gain no PC points here.

She's a very unpleasant looking and broad shouldered woman. I'm sorry it hurts your feeings. I don't give a damn about what you think I'm allowed to say.

I obviously wouldn't use that description for someone like Beyoncé so you can GFY playing the race card.
You can say anything you want, it's just blatantly racist. You're allowed to say racists things, just don't play the stupid victim card like you don't know exactly what you said
You went to law school and don't know the difference between a strict liability citation and crime that requires a culpable state of mind? Or you're making a ham-handed point that every ignoramus on Facebook made weeks ago?

I was not big into crim law. But I always thought ignorance of the law wasn't a defense to breaking the law. I thought you needed intent to commit the action that is criminal, not intent to break a specific law.

Still don't understand how Clinton could explicitly intend to do a certain action, an action which happened to be criminal, but "no reasonable prosecutor" would take the case since she didn't intend to break the law (even though she intended to do the action which broke the law and there was no intent requirement in the statute).

So yes, it seems to me if Clinton was driving a car 85 in a 35, and James Comey pulled her over, if she were to say "uh well I know I was driving 85, but I wasn't driving 85 because I wanted to break the speed limit, I was driving 85 to try and avoid anyone else catching up to me", James Comey would go ahead and say, "well since you didn't intend to break the law, have a nice day."

So yes, in short, I have no idea what the difference between a strict liability crime and one that requires a culpable state of mind would be in the case of Clinton. Furthermore, I have no idea what level of intent would be read into a statute covering Clinton's conduct.
Libertarians are more American than the Republicans in office, Libertarians are trustworthy, Republicans not so much. That's a ridiculous statement to compare dems to Libertarians. Absolutely wrong. Considering that Libertarians are waaaay more economically conservative than Republicans without letting Jesus Christ rule on social policy.

The election has taught just how awful both parties are. Awful. Piss poor awful.
So says the atheist...
Heisman, I don't care if a black person, a Tranny, or a Hermaphrodite is in the White House. What I do care is, letting some broad that is a KGB spy in the White House. I love America, Trump's wife is another AnnaChapman

But I agree with Qwes. Big Russian fat fitties are a plus even if they are serving against America's best interests.

Melania: "Vlad, I valmost I have dem vere I vant dem. Get the Gulag veddy, honey, Vomma is coming vome"
Damn right. You Evangelicals have ruined conservative politics and small gov't.

We Libertarians don't give two drops of rat's piss what your religious affiliation is, just don't use Big Gov't to fit your religion's insane belief systems to trample the rights under the Constitution.
So says the atheist.
Libertarians are more American than the Republicans in office, Libertarians are trustworthy, Republicans not so much. That's a ridiculous statement to compare dems to Libertarians. Absolutely wrong. Considering that Libertarians are waaaay more economically conservative than Republicans without letting Jesus Christ rule on social policy.

The election has taught just how awful both parties are. Awful. Piss poor awful.

I have few problems with libertarians. I have many libertarian views. I have a problem with 2004 bush bashers that blamed him for nearly everything wrong in the world, including cancer, then when the liberals come into play it's suddenly ALL politicians that are the problem. Conservatives get bashed in a stand alone way. Liberals get bashed collectively in a group of all politicians. I know many "libertarians" that only started to claim it during Obama, and it's ridiculous as most of them have no clue what they're even talking about.

As for real libertarians, my issue has mostly always been American safety. Their leftist isolation mentality is extremely dangerous as we are seeing from Americas withdrawal now. These people won't leave us alone no matter what we do. Isolating ourselves from military interaction will only make problems worse today. What's done is done. Isolating won't fix it now.

Id take Johnson over Hillary of that we're the choice. I'm hoping since its trump vs. Hillary my libertarian half brothers will do the same for us.
As for real libertarians, my issue has mostly always been American safety. Their leftist isolation mentality is extremely dangerous as we are seeing from Americas withdrawal now. These people won't leave us alone no matter what we do. Isolating ourselves from military interaction will only make problems worse..

At least you bring something to the table, unlike some on here who are just cheerleading sunshine pumpers who do nothing but blame. At some point the Republican has to hold its self accountable. That sure is shit isn't happening ow.

Getting out of these global squabbles is pertinent to our economy. Our foreign affairs policies have been shit. And we aren't the saints that we think we are. The military industrial complex is alive and well.
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Big Russian fat fitties are a plus even if they are serving against America's best interests.

Better than [I'll let you insert whatever colorful adjectives you have to describe Clinton and her body parts] being in the White House serving against America's best interest.